Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 29 I have seen this technique before!

Wang Qi was ready to take a good look at the murals on the wall. "Tianyan Illustrated" can evolve and will not conflict with any skills. As a concurrent training method, it will probably be used even if you practice it.

I have been exposed to the theory of evolution since I was a child. I cannot say that I have a thorough understanding of evolution, but at least I have a scientific concept.

Zhen Shanzi seemed to be aware of Wang Qi's thoughts and said: "This technique is not easy to practice. I advise you to think about it more."

"Do you think there's something wrong with this technique?"

Zhen Shanzi pondered for a moment: "If a disciple had come to me for advice ten thousand years ago with this exercise, I would have scolded him directly."

Wang Qi asked curiously: "Why?"

"This is not a Kung Fu at all, at least not a complete Kung Fu. Let's put it this way, in my eyes, this is a incomplete Kung Fu composed of a dozen sentences randomly picked out of a hundred sentences of Kung Fu. "

Wang Qi was startled: "Isn't it so tricky? You can't practice magic at all. Even if you practice it forcefully, you will probably go crazy."

"However, this technique relies on only twenty or so formulas to guide the mana to circulate in the body." Zhen Shanzi said: "Then, the remaining seventy or eighty formulas can be deduced by oneself. If each exercise will form a framework, and the frameworks of other exercises are all fixed, and the things in the framework are almost ready, then this exercise, even the framework is barely maintained, but the degree of freedom is extremely high, and it can Let practitioners add as they wish.”

Wang Qi smiled happily: "It's interesting!"

"It's not a question of whether it's interesting or not. If you choose this technique, it means you have to spend a lot of energy on making the Heavenly Eye, otherwise I'm afraid it won't even be able to compare with the second-rate technique!"

Wang Qi shook his head. I am not a biologist. In this world where at least a college degree is required to qualify for immortality, my understanding of the theory of evolution is not enough.

More importantly, Haisenbao's manuscript contains spells with a weighted value of more than 30. If you can master them in the early stage of Qi training, it is not impossible to be as good as the soul-turner template in terms of combat effectiveness - of course this is just a beautiful thing. imagination, but this also shows that Wang Qi's potential capital is quite strong. This aspect corresponds to my major in the previous life, so I should focus on the Piaomiao Palace and Wanfamen mental methods.

Wang Qi took a breath and stood up from the futon. He skipped over Tianlingling's "Huan Mo Seal" and "Shuangxuan Jing", Fenjin Valley's "Tianwu Dian" and "Tianhua Jue", and his eyes fell on Guiyi League's "Tiange Xing".

""Tiange Xing", Mai Siwei's fundamental method of uniting all phenomena into one, is known as the 'Holy Poetry'...'God's Poetry' Maxwell's Equations? The masterpiece of classical physics. Electricity, light and force are integrated, magic It’s full of variety, hand-to-hand combat, and fighting is also top-notch. It’s rare that it has such a literary quality.”

Wang Qi looked at the introduction and felt a little moved in his heart.

In the 19th century of the earth, people once believed that physics was coming to an end. A physics building built on the top foundation of Newton and Maxwell was proudly erected in the world. From the planets in the sky to the stones on the ground, everything must follow it respectfully. Move according to the rules it sets.

Maxwell's equations are so mathematically perfect that every scientist is intoxicated by their depth, symmetry, and beauty. Until the 21st century, Maxwell's equations are still recognized as a model of scientific beauty. In the macroscopic realm that humans are in daily contact with, classical mechanics still rules everything.

Wang Qi's eyes stayed on "Tiange Xing" for a long time, and finally shook his head regretfully: "What a pity, I was responsible for those two little dark clouds. I believe that 'philosophy and God are dead, and the laws and order of the universe are intact. none'."

"Two dark clouds", British scientist Kelvin mentioned in his address to the Royal Society, "two dark clouds hanging over physics." Of the two dark clouds, one led to the theory of relativity, shattering the classical view of time and space, and the other led to quantum mechanics, denying classical determinism. In the 21st century, scientist Stephen Hawking even shouted, "Philosophy and God are dead, and the laws and order of the universe are gone."

In the end, there were still three techniques for Wang Qi to choose from.

"Yao Ding Suan Jing", "Geometry Book", "Great Dispersion Cantong Deed". The first two are the mental methods of Wan Dharma Gate, and the latter one comes from Piao Miao Palace.

"The Great Dispersion and Integration" is the fundamental mental method of Piao Miao Palace. Different from all the mainstream mental methods in the world, the magic power produced by this method is not continuous, but discontinuous. The magic power of the "Great Dispersion Syndrome Contract" is divided into parts and runs in the body of the practitioner, and countless Piao Miao Palace secrets, including the Piao Miao Wudingyun Sword and the Incompatible Electric Sword, strictly stipulate that they must be in this form. mana can be activated.

In the "Yao Ding Sutra", the practitioner will produce a "Yin and Yang Yao" in every acupoint of the body, which can greatly improve the practitioner's calculation ability.

"The Book of Geometry" puts more emphasis on the mental ability of abstraction. Practitioners can learn fists, feet and weapons, draw talismans and form formations, and refine alchemy and weapons faster than others.

"The "Great Dispersion Concordance" is the foundation of all Piaomiao Palace mental methods. After the foundation period, you can also study the "Wuding Cloud Sutra"." Wang Qi thought: "But in theoretical physics, computing power is equally important."

Theoretical physics was also called "mathematical physics" before the 20th century.

In the end, Wang Qi decided to take a look first before talking.

After making a decision in his heart, Wang Qi first walked to the side room where the Yaoding Sutra was located. Unexpectedly, a translucent blue light film blocked him.

"What's going on?" Wang Qi was confused. Now that the exercises are on display, is there anything else that people shouldn’t see?

But soon, he realized that this was not the case.

There were a few lines of small characters on the light film, which seemed to be a question.

It turned out that the skills in these side rooms all required a certain amount of knowledge to understand. Without understanding the essence of the skills, forcing them to practice would only lead to obsession and collapse. Therefore, the Immortal Alliance set up a barrier on the door of the side room, and only those who could answer the question could pass.

Zhen Chanzi quickly recognized the question: "Counting with ten fingers on both hands?"

After replacing the unique terms in the question with earth terms, Wang Qi also got the answer: "Well, the conversion problem between decimal and binary."

Zhen Chanzi said solemnly: "This math problem is not easy. It's just a test for entry?"

This problem was considered a difficult problem in mathematics ten thousand years ago, and even he who didn't care about miscellaneous studies had heard of it.

Wang Qi nodded and complained in his heart: In terms of elementary school mathematics, it is not easy.

This thing can be solved by junior high school students.

Before the emergence of the current method, the land of Shenzhou only valued cultivation and despised everything. The calculation ability of Zhen Chanzi in the Mahayana period is indeed terrifying, but in fact, this old man's mathematical level only stays at the four arithmetic operations.

Because the question is too simple, Wang Qi did not answer it immediately. He tried to walk to other side rooms. Sure enough, there was a light film in front of each side room.

The test questions of "Geometry Book" are simple proofs of the first four axioms of Euclid - mathematicians like Gauss can do it at the age of ten, and it is probably at the junior high school level in the exam-oriented education.

The questions of "Da San San San Tong Qi" are a bit more difficult. Two empirical formulas are interpolated into one - it is indeed the black body radiation formula. Should it be said that it is worthy of being a super sect with a spell weight value of more than eight? Compared with the first two questions, this is the difference between calculus and four arithmetic operations!

Wang Qi complained about this question in his heart. But this question is not difficult for him. Planck spent an afternoon to spell out the correct formula. He knew the answer himself and his calculation ability was better than most people on Earth. Even if this light film is to calculate the process points, it only takes half an hour.


Wang Qi looked at the sky outside. He had spent several hours reading the exercises without realizing it. Although he had slept for a whole day before and was not sleepy now, it was important to maintain a regular schedule.

Let's read the "Yao Ding Suan Jing" first, and then go back.

After Wang Qi made this decision, he returned to the side room of the "Yao Ding Suan Jing".

Zhen Chanzi said solemnly: "This question is not easy."

Wang Qi raised his hand and tapped the light film, and the place he tapped immediately turned red.

Oh, it's still a touch screen.

Wang Qi was a little surprised, and then started to solve the problem. After he wrote down a few numbers, the light film broke like a soap bubble that was poked.

"Wait a minute!" Zhen Chanzi screamed in Wang Qi's mind: "How can it be so fast?"

"Because of intelligence."

Is it interesting for a mathematics graduate student to use mathematics to bully elementary school students or semi-illiterate people? Is it interesting?

From the evil smile on Wang Qi's lips, it is not difficult to see his answer.

Zhen Chanzi lost face again and was unhappy.

There was a technique engraved on the wall opposite the door of the side room. More than ten cushions were arranged on the ground. Wang Qi sat down and spent another half an hour memorizing this technique.

After confirming the mark, Wang Qi stood up and prepared to leave. At this time, Zhen Chanzi, who had not spoken since just now, suddenly said to Wang Qi: "This technique, I seem to have seen it somewhere."

Wang Qi frowned: "Old man, have you been hit insane by me?"

To create this technique, you need to know binary. In this world, the inventor of binary is Lai Buli, the score master of Wanfamen, and this free and easy monk is from the same era as Yuanli Shangren. As far as Wang Qi knows, Zhen Chanzi was still lying in the back mountain of Dabai Village at that time.

Zhen Chanzi said: "I have indeed never seen this technique. But its route of qi circulation and the method of using strength are somewhat familiar to me."

Wang Qi thought: "There are also techniques to increase calculation ability in ancient techniques, right?"

Zhen Chanzi said: "I have thought about it, but it doesn't look like it?"

"Wanfamen has also been passed down from ancient times to the present day. Maybe you have seen it?"

"Impossible. Ten thousand years ago, Wanfamen was simply a small sect that was about to be extinct. I have almost no impression of it, not to mention that I have any old relationship with the founder of Wanfamen."

Wang Qi scratched his head: "Then think about it slowly, and we will talk after you think it over."

The old man is also a pitiful person. After being lonely for ten thousand years, he found that the things he had fought for all his life were a joke, and he was hit by his current achievements every now and then. Now he can only rely on a little illusion to refresh his sense of existence.

It is said that there are many residual souls of ancient cultivators sealed in magic tools. Should I find him a ring old woman? Wang Qi began to think about this problem seriously.

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