Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 28 Five unique skills, Tianyan Atlas

Wang Qi was shocked the moment he opened the food box.

The food served in the dining room is four dishes, one soup, and a bowl of rice. The dishes are just a combination of meat and vegetables, and the cooking techniques are slightly higher than those of farmers, but they can't be called brilliant. The only thing worthy of praise is that the food contains spiritual energy, but this is not because of the special ingredients, but because the monks pour it into it while cooking.

What really surprised Wang Qi was the seal inscription on the food box.

"This food is actually packed in this kind of food box. Tsk tsk, it's integrated with heat preservation and freshness. One box sold out is enough to buy a full banquet of Manchus and Han... Oh, there is no full banquet of Manchus, Han, and Shemales in this world?"

Zhen Chanzi said: "This shows that the Immortal Alliance is very concerned about cultivating disciples."

Since he was hungry all day, Wang Qi finished his dinner quickly. After handing back the food box and dishes, he wiped his mouth and walked out of the dining room.

"It's surprisingly delicious." Wang Qi burped and commented, "It looks just like that. After eating, he actually felt comfortable lifting the tube. His whole body felt like he was soaked in hot water."

"The spiritual energy in the food seeps into your body from your stomach and intestines, and affects your body." Zhen Chanzi said: "As for the taste, hey, use magic power to control the changes in the ingredients. It's weird if it doesn't taste good. Jinfaxiandao actually has a special dish A cultivator of good food?”

"Is there such a painful sect in ancient law cultivation?" Wang Qi asked.

"We can't talk about the sect, but I do know that it has been passed down all the way. It specializes in using spiritual beasts and elixirs in food. Eating it will increase your cultivation level. In fact, it is just a change in alchemy. It's just that they believe that the more delicious the food, the more effective it will be."

The evening breeze blew, and Wang Qi was in a good mood. He walked casually in the immortal courtyard, just in time to eat after eating, and unknowingly, he walked to the front of the Chuan Gong Hall.

Wang Qi's eyes suddenly lit up: "I didn't plan to learn the mental method now. However, it's better to choose a different day. Let's go in and take a look now!"

There is a hall right at the entrance of Chuan Gong Hall. Several light balls were suspended in mid-air, illuminating the hall brightly. The hall is not too big. There is a wall directly opposite the door. There are more than a hundred futons neatly placed on the floor of the hall. There are talismans around the futons to ensure that the disciples on the futons are not affected by noise. The basic mental techniques of various sects are engraved on the walls.

Wang Qi found a futon and sat down, observing the thoughts on the wall.

The one from the far left is the "Yancheng Xuandi Jing" from Shanhe City. The mana gained from this technique is strong and powerful. After completing the first level, it can draw a trace of earth fire into the body and raise the fire in the Dantian, adding agility to the thick true energy.

Wang Qi nodded: "Yes, the theory of continental drift. The foundation of Shanhe City is indeed geology, geography and other earth sciences - maybe this should be called 'Chinese Science'?"

It's a pity that I didn't have much interest in earth science in my previous life.

"Liu Yun Sect's "Yunlan Covering the Sun Technique". Does fluid mechanics also have meteorology? Light body and flying escape." Wang Qi imagined the image of Liu Yun monk. The white clothes are fluttering, the body is as light as a swallow, and the demeanor is graceful. The fighting skills are definitely good at flying a kite. Bah, bah, it’s better to be good at wind and moon. This style of painting is great!

Unfortunately, my understanding of fluid mechanics in my previous life was only at an entry-level level. It was not difficult to defeat middle school students in the Immortal Academy, but once I officially entered the sect, I was afraid that I would be easily left behind by other disciples.

Thinking of this, Wang Qi simply skipped the techniques of Qianji Pavilion, Tianling Ridge and other sects, and jumped directly to the introductory mental techniques of Guiyi League's branches and Wanfa sect.

"Fengtian Mansion, you can tell from the name that it should be thermodynamics." Wang Qi continued to read: "'Jiyan Shenfa', Shenfa? Is there anything wrong? Isn't this the place where you learn the mind method?"

In shock, Wang Qi carefully read the introductory techniques of Fentian Mansion. After reading it, he slapped his thigh: "How can this be done?"

"Ji Yan Shen Technique" is not for fighting, nor can it run thousands of miles. This set of exercises just uses "moving" instead of meditating. The core of this set of exercises is to directly convert the power of body movements into the heat that the mind needs to absorb!

At first glance, there is nothing special about this set of exercises except that the exercises are a bit novel. In game terms, that's a few points of increased searing damage. However, this set of techniques is the basis for all Fentian Mansion's spells. It can be transferred to any peerless technique in Fentian Mansion, so it has a bright future.

"Wanfamen's "Yi Bi Suan Jing" is a bit interesting. Increase calculation power? It doesn't sound very strong. 'The method of number comes from the circle, the circle comes from the square, the square comes from the moment, and the moment comes from the ninety-nine Eighty-one '...' The rectangular shape is used to measure the height, the rectangular shape is used to measure the depth, and the rectangular shape is used to measure the distance. , use the square to make the circle. '...'The sky is blue and black, the earth is yellow and red, the sky is the number of the hat, and the green and black are the inside, which represents the position of the heaven and the earth.'..."

While reciting the Wan Dharma Gate's inner teachings, Wang Qi had a glimmer of enlightenment.

This exercise contains geometric principles, which Wang Qi learned since he was a child in his previous life. He looked at the mental method and instinctively started to perform the exercises!

"Wait a minute!" Wang Qi suddenly woke up and said, "I haven't read the other techniques yet, so I can't choose rashly!"

Zhen Shanzi interrupted: "You kid! You know, you almost realized it just now!"

Zhen Shanzi's tone sounded like he hated iron for not being able to become steel. The mind is not on regulating the magic power, but the body starts to perform the exercises on its own. This is obviously an explosion accumulated in the heart, which is of great benefit to the cultivator in understanding the exercises. Ancient Dharma practitioners call it "enlightenment". And this state is rare. But this kid actually consciously exited this state!

Wang Qi ignored Zhen Chanzi, touched his chin, and thought to himself: "This is based on geometry and supplemented with many algorithms, but I can't feel too many conceptual things. The algorithms are still very simple, and I guess they are not very advanced algorithms. Next article."

The middle one is the skills of the three major sects in the Guiyi League.

"The "Tianyuan Zhenjie" of the Yuanli Sect, the skills of the Yuanli Master. Let me see... Oh, it is indeed a derivative skill of the three laws of mechanics. There is no magical power, but the attribute growth is very comprehensive! And the body is flexible and good at using force to fight force."

"The "Yuanci Da.Fa" and "Thunder Art" of the Benlei Pavilion. The former is not outstanding in both offense and defense, but it is good at controlling magic tools and is good at sticking to the opponent; the latter can practice many highly offensive spells."

The thunder attribute is one of the common attributes of the protagonist Long Aotian. It is domineering and classy, ​​and the fashionable value is also enough. If you only consider the style of painting, "Thunder Art" is an excellent choice. However, Wang Qi has another concern.

"I don't know if Faraday cages are useful in this world. According to the known knowledge of electromagnetism, the principle of this thing is very likely to be valid!"

Faraday cages are a commonly used device on Earth that can isolate the electromagnetic environment inside and outside. Simply put, if you stay in a Faraday cage, even if you are struck by 100,000 volts from outside, it won't kill you.

More importantly, this thing is extremely simple to build - a shell of a good conductor is enough! Even with Wang Qi's shallow knowledge of refining, he can find several ways to build a Faraday cage in a robe. If Faraday cages are popular enough in this world, it is very likely that you will read the bar and hold back a thunder and lightning move, but the result will at most make people's hair stand up!

Wang Qi shook his head and drove this terrible thought out of his mind.

"Guanghua Palace...Optics? There are two more sets of skills. "Liyang Wave Qi" and "Tianguang Huawu Jue", it seems that one explains optics from the perspective of waves and the other from the perspective of particles."

Liyang Wave Qi, one of the entry-level mental methods of Guanghua Palace. Its momentum is like the sun, like a raging fire, and the magic power cultivated is invisible but substantial, and the power of the scorching sun can be brought out with every move.

Tianguang Huawu Jue, one of the entry-level mental methods of Guanghua Palace. Practicing the virtual into the real, a ray of light can be refined into substance, turned into a weapon, or it can hurt the enemy invisibly.

After reading it, Wang Qi shook his head. The wave theory and the particle theory are both one-sided. It is difficult to reach the top by practicing these two methods.

After reading the Guanghua Palace method, Wang Qi looked around again, and then frowned: "No Piaomiao Palace method? And these methods don't seem to be very advanced." After thinking about it, he asked Zhen Chanzi: "By the way, old man, what do you think of these methods?"

Zhen Chanzi said: "I don't understand the artistic conception contained in these methods, but from my perspective. From experience, they are all extraordinary methods."

Wang Qi saw that there was a small door on each side of the wall full of methods, and then vaguely remembered that Su Junyu mentioned this. The techniques in front of the Transmission Hall are easy to learn and will not hinder the practice of other magical techniques, while the ones behind the Transmission Hall are the real peerless mental techniques.

Wang Qi walked through the small door and came to the back of the Transmission Hall. Both doors lead to a hall much smaller than the front hall. ** There are several doors on each side, leading to different stone chambers, and on the wall opposite the small door, a technique is engraved. There are also many cushions on the floor of the back hall.

Wang Qi sat down and looked at the techniques on the wall of the back hall. However, this time, as soon as he saw the techniques, he felt an ancient, vast and vibrant atmosphere.

This technique does not have many words, but mostly mysterious images. And on the top of the image, the four words "Heavenly Evolution Atlas" are written.

"Heavenly Evolution Atlas", the peerless technique of Tianlingling! "Heavenly Evolution Atlas" is very easy to get started, and the threshold is lower than that of ordinary techniques. Relatively speaking, the combat power increased by "Heavenly Evolution Atlas" in the early stage can also be ignored, and there is no bonus.

However, despite such a big flaw, "The Record of Evolution" is the only mental method with a weight of six in Lu Renjia's weighted algorithm.

You should know that the weight of internal mental methods in fighting is not large. Even the weight of the mental methods of the Five Absolute Sects is generally below three, and the weight of the mental methods of ancient cultivation is mostly negative.

The reason why this mental method has such a high evaluation is that it can evolve.

The system of the "Record of Evolution" is extremely open, and anyone can interpret it by themselves. And the methods interpreted by different people are not exactly the same. And there is no upper limit to this evolution. If you have great perseverance and wisdom, you can even not practice magic or use magic tools, and you can be invincible in the world. The reason why it is only rated six is ​​because the Tianze God who created this method has only deduced it to this extent.

Moreover, since the method can be modified at will, "The Record of Evolution" can be practiced with any method!

"Of course, the mental method deduced from the theory of evolution can evolve." Wang Qi was overjoyed. This technique combines fashion, style and wisdom, and can meet all needs!

If there is no better choice, this is it!

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