Yueluo Liuli and Gongsun Dang have been watching everyone.

Gongsun Dang was suspended in the air, and said excitedly: "They found it... They are indeed a race of natural intelligence! It's only been ten days!"

"That's because the girl who is good at bloodline didn't pay attention to the knotted rope record. I totally think they could have found it earlier." Yueluo Liuli was sitting on a tree just below Gongsun Dang. She pulled her scarf to cover the lower half of her face and turned a page of the book in her hand.

"However, the human race is now on a completely different path from us. After they knew the truth about the shapeshifting method, the first thing they thought of was not fighting, but producing... medicine?"

Thinking of this, Gongsun Dang was a little amused.

"This is what the Holy Emperor wants." Yueluo Liuli didn't seem to read fast.

The dragon race proclaimed itself a civilization, just to let the successors "explore the way" and cross the river for them by feeling the stones. The human race has taken a completely different path from the dragon race, and the dragon race is even happier.

"Now that they have found the way, it is only a matter of time before they can solve the final puzzle."

"It's hard to say. This is just a direction... It's not that simple." Yueluo Liuli stopped flipping through the book: "They still lack a few key cognitions. On their own?"

"Yes, the method of transformation was not just an attempt by two civilizations to break through at first... Although it failed." Gongsun Dang also sighed, but his eyes drifted towards Yueluo Liuli.

Yueluo Liuli closed the book and said helplessly: "I know what you think. In fact, I have a good relationship with the human race, but I can't say it."

"If we don't say it, can they really find the secret within half a year..." Gongsun Dang sighed.

The modern practitioners didn't know that they were facing an antique porcelain with a missing piece of fragment.

Yueluo Liuli also shook her head. Obviously, they were not optimistic.

Gongsun Dang changed the subject: "Liuli, what are you reading? A book about the human race?"

"Ah, written by a friend of mine." Yueluo Liuli showed the cover of the book.

"The Great Sound of the Rare Voice".

"After staying with the human race for a while, I have learned some things about the human race. In terms of the way of material nature and the way of life, our dragon race can completely crush them with the accumulation of time. As for the way of heavenly circulation, in fact, most of the true immortals have some understanding, but those immortals cannot express it, and can only classify it into the forty-nine innate great ways." Yueluo Liuli patted the book in his hand: "Only mathematics, I don't understand it very well..."

The dragon race also has mathematics, but it seems that it is not on the same level as the human race.

Gongsun Dang took the book and turned two pages, just finishing the question "Why one plus one equals two" written by Wang Qi. He exclaimed: "The human race actually has such a saint... Amazing, too amazing. If there is a chance, I must pay homage to such... Such a great power!"

"I think there will be a chance, right?"


Bosuo is a relatively short Nan tribe member - perhaps "thin" is more appropriate, because Chen Feng really doesn't understand how they calculate height. In front of those "children of the gods", he was a little timid, and his movements were slow and cautious. Ai Qinglan thought he was a cub at first - in fact, he was indeed underage - so she tried to bribe him with snacks. The thin Nan tribe member accepted Ai Qinglan's gift. It can be seen that he is actually very calm in his bones.

However, the seeds of tragedy were planted at this step. Just like the Shenzhou human race cannot decompose the polysaccharides in the Tianshen plant, the Nan tribe members also lack the enzymes to decompose the Shenzhou polysaccharides. The tragedy that happened to Zhu Jiamei and Ye Moli happened again to this person. This frightened Bosuo. Fortunately, Ai Qinglan knew the spell making methods of many kinds of glycosidases, and quickly resolved the misunderstanding.

Bosuo shrank back and said, "You want me to... teach you how to tie knotted poems?"

Ai Qinglan nodded and said excitedly, "Yes!"

"But... the Great Medicine Witch is better at this, right?"

"Well, I have a lot of work here, and the Great Medicine Witch is also very busy..."

Bosuo pondered for a while, then seemed a little annoyed: "But, poetry is not just about hard practice..."

Chen Feng also advised: "There is an old saying in my tribe, reading the three thousand best poems, even if you can't write poems, you can recite them..."

Ai Qinglan's inference just now has also spread in a small range, and several other Tianlingling disciples with related majors and Wanfamen disciple Tong Xu have also come.

Tong Xu whispered, "Is this idea reliable?"

"Maybe? But compared to the huge leap it may bring, a little risk is nothing." Xue Bufan replied.

"The focus now is probably the knot theory..." Tong Xu whispered.

On the first day of arriving in Tianran, the disciples of Wanfamen realized the importance of knot theory. However, the Nan language seems to involve other things, so there has been little progress. They haven't even completely analyzed the Nan knots.

"Your father seems to be the host of this operation. See if he can help?" Xue Bufan suggested.

Tong Xu shook his head: "No, my father... is actually in the direction of number theory, and has not done deep research on kink theory. But I will try to ask him."

Xue Bufan was shocked: "Number theory? Isn't your father from Lian Zong?"

Number theory is a deviant field.

"If you study number theory using Lian Zong's ideas, you can actually see a lot of things." He smiled and said, "Li Zong also studies geometry and topology, right?"

Xue Bufan was surprised: "That guy Chen Feng said he knew Wang Qi and could contact him. Does that mean..."

"Wang Qi, maybe..." Tong Xu's mouth twitched, as if he didn't want to mention this name: "The person in Li Zong who has studied algebraic topology more deeply is the 'Huan Sheng' Fairy Ruo Che of the Geting Sect. Wang Qi He has a close relationship with the Geting Faction—at least he used to have a close relationship. He might have hope..."

Xue Bufan thought: "If there is a chance to communicate with China, I can ask Wang Qi to help..."

Tong Xu wanted to say something else, but in the end he just smiled and said nothing.

——Wang Qi, that guy is not in Tianchen, and ANBU discipline prohibits you from revealing anything about Tianchen. He doesn't even know the language of the Chen tribe. He can only touch a kink table that China has. What can he do?

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………

In the end, Bosuo agreed to Ai Qinglan's request and began to teach Ai Qinglan the grammar and poetry of the Yan tribe.

However, Ai Qinglan didn't really want to learn grammar. She has another purpose.

Soon, she was trying to ask Bosso to fold the long virtual molecule chain.

However, there seems to be something wrong with this step. Bosuo's cultivation level is equivalent to the foundation-building stage, he has not established a mana hub, and his soul is still ordinary. The soul gap between the human race and the Chen race made him somewhat "incompatible" with the human race's calculator illusion system. In desperation, Ai Qinglan had to ask Xue Bufan to borrow a few input calculator accessories for capturing images, and then asked Tong Xu to temporarily build a three-phase modeling Huan Qiang Zhen [reality augmented] interactive interface.

Ai Qinglan wanted to record the process of his Boso weaving, abstract his movements, deduce his decisions, systematize his attempts, and compile it all into an algorithm - just like the mathematicians of Wanfamen in those days based their calculations on the sky. Just like the introduction of evolutionary algorithms, she wants to try to find the inner mechanism of the creativity of the Chen people.

In other words, she is not going to break the "black box" of the Chen language, but will install the entire black box on her new system.

Tong Xu was quite critical of this step. Disciples of Wan Dharma School are naturally disgusted with this way of thinking. However, he still followed Ai Qinglan's request and built the system she wanted.

During this process, Ai Qinglan's speculation also spread. Many people have expressed interest and contributed a lot in the process.

At this point, Bosso was in trouble.

The virtual long chain was different from any rope woven from cellulose actually used by the Chen people, and there was no way he could complete this step.

——Furthermore, he didn’t understand what the relationship between these strange ropes and poetry was.

On the other hand.

Chen Feng and Xue Bufan once again saw a strange data.

"The radius of this planet... is 16,455 miles." Xue Bufan looked at Chen Feng, then at Zhu Jiamei and Ye Moli.

Chenfeng jumped twice subconsciously. Light and airy.

Gravity is the curvature of space-time caused by massive celestial bodies. The heavier the celestial body, the greater the gravity, and vice versa, without exception.

"The diameter of China, I remember - fourteen thousand one hundred and sixty-three miles?" Chen Feng said: "Is there something wrong with this?"

"After confirming the calendar, the error based on the sun's shadow is no more than half a percent."

As early as 40,000 years ago, monks used this method to simply measure the radius of the back soil of China. This method also involves simple geometric knowledge.

Chen Feng stepped on the ground and was stunned: "Hollow?"

Xue Bufan shook his head: "No, maybe not..."

He showed measurements from other groups.

"Fifteen thousand six hundred and seventy-seven miles...Fifteen thousand four hundred and forty-four miles...Fourteen thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight miles...Sixteen thousand nine hundred and eighty-two miles...one Fifteen thousand eight hundred miles..."

This planet is not a regular sphere at all?

No, this is impossible... As long as the mass of a celestial body exceeds a certain number, angular momentum and gravity will definitely turn it into a sphere. And this minimum number is far smaller than Tianchan's presumed mass.

Everyone suddenly felt that the surroundings were eerie.

This world is indeed weird. (To be continued ~^~)

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