At the microscopic level, it is not only the bloodline that affects the macroscopic life.

Bloodline expression is equally important in this matter.

Why are there epidermal cells, muscle cells, and neurons in the cells of the human body, even though they all originate from fertilized eggs and stem cells? Why do these cells have the same genetic information, but show such different traits?

Why does the life essence come from the cell nucleus? It is closely related to the bloodline, but a cell nucleus can still produce many different life essences?

Because of "expression", there is the possibility of different forms in the same organism.

And the so-called expression is "folding". The bloodline root [deoxyribonucleic acid DNA] transcribes the spirit to the messenger root [messenger RNA mRNA], and then the base sequence in the messenger root [mRNA] molecule is converted into the amino acid sequence in the protein or polypeptide chain. This process requires multiple foldings of multiple organelles.

Yes, folding.

Folding gives the life essence different properties and functions. From the keratin source material that acts as the cytoskeleton to the digestive enzyme source material, they are all different differentiations due to different folding shapes.

In other words, the practice of the Nan tribe is actually a door to another world.

The core of the new practice of the dragon tribe, "transformation", is very likely an extension of the practice of the Nan tribe. If the history of modern dragons began with the Nan tribe, this is the best explanation.

Xue Bufan and Chen Feng looked at each other: "Really?"

"Nine out of ten." Ai Qinglan breathed a sigh of relief: "I didn't pay attention to their practice before, I just collected Tianran specimens. If I knew about this... I wouldn't care about those species! This is the most important method!"

"Some truth..." Xue Bufan pondered: "The main project of the monks in Jiyin Valley is now to draw the blood map of the Nan tribe...

Chen Feng scratched his head: "Some truth... But this is too jumpy, right?"

"No, I think the Nan tribe's rope knotting method is like the folding process of long amino acid chains, and I should be more than one. However, I only understood it after watching the Nan tribe's practice..." Ai Qinglan looked at Xue Bufan: "Brother Xue, the elder just now...or something, talked about the practice, right? Did you write down this practice?"

Xue Bufan nodded blankly: "Yeah, yes, yes..."

"Give it to me." Ai Qinglan held one hand.

Xue Bufan handed a complex knot to Ai Qinglan. Ai Qinglan carefully sensed it with her spiritual sense. The Nan tribe's language knowledge and knotting techniques given by the dragon tribe were very comprehensive, and she actually knew the knotting techniques very well. Soon, she opened her eyes and said: "Like our human practice, the Nan tribe's practice also starts with visualization, strengthening the soul, and using the soul to cooperate with the body to create the first ray of mana. But the difference is that they will also use the soul to guide the first ray of mana, and then use the vibration of the innate meridians to solidify the mana..."

"Isn't this process the generation of the source of life?"

Chen Feng didn't understand: "How is it similar? "

Ai Qinglan grabbed Chen Feng's face impatiently: "Think about it! Don't be bound by the specific form, think about the role of the meridians in this process!"

Xue Bufan's reaction was faster: "Cell organelles?"

"Rough endoplasmic reticulum, and others." Ai Qinglan said: "In this process, the human body can be regarded as a large cell, the soul is the cell nucleus with blood and spirit, the natural meridians are the cell organelles, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth can be regarded as a polypeptide. "

"The role played by the Nan tribe's practice in this process is the messenger root [messenger RNA], which transcribes the origin of the soul, or the 'personal characteristics' into the magic power, and then folds it by the natural meridians. The new 'life source' constitutes a new 'cell organelle', that is, the 'acquired rope'. "

"In other words..." Chen Feng also realized the essence of the Nan tribe's practice.

"If I hadn't come here today to listen to their introduction, I really couldn't be sure of this. But now, I understand..." Ai Qinglan said excitedly: "Considering that the Nan tribe's skills are to transcribe the spiritual resonance in the soul into magic power from the beginning, it may be of great benefit to the practice of splitting the spirit and transforming the mind, and the practice of "my method is the same as one" - no, I suspect this is a shortcut. " "My method is the same as one..." Chen Feng and Xue Bufan once again found something strange. The highest level of the Nan tribe is only the Jindan stage. The Jindan stage is just in the "low-level" category. Splitting the spirit and transforming the mind? My method is the same as one? I'm afraid that the current Nan tribe has no concept of this at all! Their skills hide a shortcut to a high level, but they themselves cannot break through the low level... "It seems that what you said to me before... their ancestors were also rich, is true. " "No, that's what you said..." Chen Feng rubbed the corners of his eyes and felt a little sore. "Of course, this statement is just my guess. Their ancestors may also be worthless. "Ai Qinglan didn't really care about this question. She stretched out a white and tender hand in front of her and laughed, "Now, I feel that the last piece of the puzzle of my soul road is in place..." Her fingers glowed slightly, as if she wanted to open the soul domain. Chen Feng hurriedly grabbed her hand, while Xue Bufan lowered his body, ready to take action at any time to control him.

"Sister Lan, calm down. There is no need to verify it on yourself." Chen Feng said seriously: "Besides, this is not allowed by the rules."

"What are you thinking about? I'm just recalling the Dragon Clan's transformation method..."

Xue Bufan breathed a sigh of relief: "But are you a little too excited?"

Chen Feng and Xue Bufan didn't feel the way Ai Qinglan did.

"You guys know nothing!" Ai Qinglan slapped Chen Feng on the head hard: "Do you know the value of this method?"

"Transformation?" Xue Bufan thought: "But our human race itself has the strongest spiritual intelligence talent, and the lack of fighting skills can be made up for by relying on the methods developed by spiritual intelligence. In addition, our physical body is in the direction of 'convenient use of tools' Evolution. The so-called 'gentleman is born with no differences, and is good at things', just like the dragon clan..."

"Stupid!" Ai Qinglan was furious: "What kind of life essence you want, you can get whatever life essence you want. Do you know what this means to the human race?"

This time, Chen Feng reacted faster.

"Whatever reagents you want, there are reagents...whatever materials you want, there are materials, whatever drugs you want, there are drugs..." Chen Feng swallowed: "Although this is not the fundamental way, but this The method can provide the resources needed for verification with higher efficiency, or cure more diseases at a lower cost - no, that's not right. "Chen Feng suddenly said: "There is another problem, the immortal alliance synthesizes the source of life. The means are not weak, what is weak is the design.”

Design a sequence of amino acids to fold into a specific shape of living things. If you use brute force to exhaustively simulate all the repulsive forces acting on atoms, and then search the entire free energy surface diagram, then even a short stretch of amino acids is enough. Defeat the most powerful calculator. The essence of life is usually composed of hundreds, thousands or even tens of thousands of amino acids.

This is just a design.

Ai Qinglan's eyes looked like she was looking at an idiot: "Do I still need to ask for the folding method? Hasn't the Dragon Clan already demonstrated it?"

The Chen Clan’s cultivation method and the Dragon Clan’s form-transformation method are the same thing...

Chen Feng was also speechless.

The great development of Tianling Ridge.

Humans can rely on tools to supplement their abilities, so they don't have much desire to transform. However, this can promote the realization of the way of life.

Just like when Guanghua Palace invented the high-power microscopic mirror [microscope]. This is not the fundamental way, but it is an observation method that allows high-level monks to throw many things to low-level monks for study.

Xue Bufan, who rarely sat in the laboratory, also reacted and was equally excited.

"This news is really important." He paced back and forth: "I have to report... No, no, Junior Sister Ai, you write a report... No, no, no, no, there is no need for a report, just report it directly - yes "Junior Sister Ai, you are sure..." After saying this, he suddenly realized: "What kind of certainty do you need? As long as there is a one in ten thousand chance of this great idea, it is worth reporting..."

"You make the decision." Ai Qinglan seemed impatient. She rushed directly to her house: "In the next few days, I will design some empirical evidence to verify my conjecture."

After only a few seconds, she rushed back.

"Can you help me find a Chan tribe member who is familiar with knotting? It would be best if he understands various languages ​​and is good at describing abstract concepts."

Chen Feng said: "Actually, I can..."

"No, I have no interest in the process you complete with magic power." Ai Qinglan refused: "Find me a real Chen tribe, the kind with twenty-eight fingers."

Chen Feng was in trouble: "The two people who are most proficient in knots are undoubtedly the big leader and the big medicine wizard. However, neither the knot nor the chin is free..."

"Abstract concepts..." Xue Bufan thought for a while: "Actually, the rope-tying techniques of the Great Medicine Witch are all... well, they are all relatively concrete things. If you want to say... By the way, Bosuo!"

Chen Feng wondered: "Who is that?"

He has been traveling with Xue Bufan these days, but he has never seen a young man named Bosuo.

"Do you still remember the Chan poem I showed you on the first day?" Xue Bufan said: "Bosuo is that poet! In addition to the big medicine witch and the big leader, he is the best knotting method I have ever seen. The best person. Besides, since he is a poet, he is definitely interested in abstract concepts..."

Ai Qinglan asked eagerly: "Is it difficult to invite him?"

"No, on the contrary, he is easy to ask for." (To be continued ~^~)

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