Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 15: Line of Defense

For a young civilization, the Immortal Road is just an unsolvable maze with stars as the background.

It leads to the entire observable universe, and the high-dimensional projection of the entire observable universe is its built-in maze.

But for the current Immortal Alliance, they can only explore the way, then mark it, and then use the Immortal Road to go back and forth. Apart from that, they can't do anything.

Even a detailed star map can't be drawn.

When the distance is measured in "light years", vision becomes unreliable, because people can only see light. The real celestial body has always been far away, and only the light many years ago can be seen. And the subsequent changes of the star have nothing to do with the light that has been emitted.

Triangulation? Period-light relationship? Redshift?

If the human race had honestly built magic tools or flew here by flying light, these primitive methods might still have some effect and could draw a star map for them. But now, the human race has only obtained one piece after another of puzzle pieces that they don't know if they can be put together.

Perhaps the human race has already mastered several adjacent puzzle pieces, but they don't know that they can be put together.

It is precisely because this job is not very meaningful, so in the dark department, it is usually thrown to newcomers to practice.

To put it more absurdly, the Immortal Alliance can even suspect that the function of the Immortal Road is not to connect different planets billions of light years away, but to connect the universe with the same physical rules.

——Of course, this is just a joke.

But for a weak and immature civilization like the human race, this joke is really heavy.

"No matter how I think about it, I don't understand the meaning of the existence of the Immortal Road." Tong Guanliu cast his eyes on the two satellites of Tianrui. The center of gravity of the three celestial bodies is the location of the "Immortal Gate".

At the beginning, the Immortal Alliance was worried whether the Immortal Gate would lead to the side of mortal bodies such as white dwarfs, neutron stars, or even Guixu [black holes]. But later facts proved that this was completely over-concerned. The Immortal Gate has always been opened only on planets with life, at least on planets that had life a billion years ago - no matter what form of life it was. It doesn’t matter whether it is a mineral that produces wisdom and changes shape, or a carbon-based life like Shenzhou Tianshen; whether it is a simple prokaryotic organism, or an intelligent creature like the human race.

It seems that in the eyes of the builders of the immortal road, all creatures are equal.

"The Immortal Road is not necessarily a good thing for ordinary species like us."

"At least I think it shows us a wider archive of living creatures." Standing with him was a woman from Tianling Ridge: "You don't know how popular the two branches of Lingshou Mountain and Wanmu Valley, which were supposed to be declining, are now..."

"But it also brought immortals." Tong Guanliu shook his head: "If there were no Immortal Road, everyone might still be nestling in Shenzhou, sitting comfortably with a cup of tea and talking."

"It may not be very comfortable. If there were no pressure from immortals, the Immortal Alliance today might not be so united." The woman shook her head and said: "Don't think too much, Brother Tong. Maybe this Immortal Road was not originally for us to use."

"What about the mechanism of ascension?" Tong Guanliu asked back: "Why is there a mechanism of ascension where there is an Immortal Road?"

A spiritual message interrupted the argument between the two people. They left the side of the ship and quickly walked to the core part of this starship.

Tianze Shenjun was waiting for others here. After everyone had gathered, he said, "Now the general plan has been worked out. We plan to build a defense line along the asteroid belt of this planetary system."

Someone asked, "Build a defense line in the asteroid belt? Does it make sense?"

This is the universe, the vast universe! What's the point of building a wall wider than a planet? The other party only needs to make a slight detour.

At the other party's current speed, this doesn't take much effort.

"According to the existing intelligence, the so-called 'Destroyer's Nest' does not show much intelligence, perhaps because the Destroyers are all asleep." Tianze Shenjun said solemnly, "Perhaps they want to save some energy, so they are still relying on gravity to accelerate. In this case, it will inevitably enter the coplanarity of the planetary orbit, and then... the asteroid belt will become our line of defense to snipe the Destroyer."

Everyone looked at each other, feeling a little uneasy.

Tianze Divine Lord summoned an illusion: "This is the result of the calculation. Those destroyers will probably be in this section..." He pointed to the section marked in red on the asteroid belt, "Passing through the asteroid belt. We will transform this section... the section marked in green into a protective formation."

Tong Guanliu calculated silently: "Three hundred thousand miles? This is not a small project."

Three hundred thousand miles is half a light second.

The equator of Houtu, Shenzhou, is only 80,000 miles.

That is to say, they have to build a huge formation equivalent to more than three and a half circles around Shenzhou in four months.

But surprisingly, no one objected.

For the cultivators who still live in Houtu, Shenzhou, the hidden strength of the dark department is unfathomable. Although there are only three free cultivators and thousands of Lianxu cultivators here, the cultivation methods, magical powers, and magic tools of the cultivators here are all beyond the imagination of the Shenzhou human race.

"This time, most of the Yuanshen stage cultivators are in Tianrui. Except for the Yuanshen stage cultivators who are required to operate the starship magic tools, the rest are all Lianxu stage cultivators." Tianze God said: "Lianxu stage cultivators can also survive in the chaotic spiritual environment of outer space, and most of you are holding the Heavenly Sword. This lineup may not be comparable to the lineup we used to kill the foreign immortal 'Hongyuan Sect Leader' for the first time. Add to that the spiritual environment created by the formation, and you can form combat effectiveness."

"If you find that you are defeated, it doesn't matter if you run away, just leave it to the dragon clan. The accumulation of the dragon clan is not comparable to us." Tianze God added at the end: "Even if we lose this time, it's not shameful."

Since it is "training", these high-level cultivators must also go to the battlefield with the dragon clan.

However, in the heart of this Xiaoyao stage cultivator, the significance of these cultivators is probably far greater than simply showing off their military power.

"In addition, the starship 'Wuxiang' will also enter the Immortal Gate after sixty hours to serve as a transit point, so this time the construction can only be completed by relying on the two starships 'Tai Ling' and 'Hong Lian'."

This news was expected, so it did not attract everyone's attention.

The Immortal Road leads to the entire observable universe. If it is a diffuse signal, the information will only be distributed to the entire observable universe and countless planets where life may exist.

If you use directional signals, such as lasers, you will face a problem-you don't know which direction to send.

At this time, you can only use a local method-an immortal who can move in the "Xuanpin Gate" brings two special magic tools with sensing power into the Xuanpin Gate. Among these two sensing magic tools, one of the paired components is in Shenzhou, and the other is in Tianrui. In this way, Xiaoyao can send out directional signals based on the sensing of the magic tool.

In this way, if Tianrui wants to let Shenzhou know something, he only needs to simply transmit an ordinary signal to the Immortal Gate. Inside the Xuanpin Gate, the usual concepts of "distance" and "space" are different, so the signal is as if it has never spread. Only after leaving the Xuanpin Gate does the conventional "space" have meaning. The immortal who stays in the Xuanpin Gate can sense the signal and then transmit a directional signal to Shenzhou.

Conversely, Shenzhou does the same to Tianrui.

This method means that you must pay a Xiaoyao-level combat power to communicate with Shenzhou in real time.

However, in many cases, Xiaoyao manpower is precious, and this method cannot be used to ensure communication.

Therefore, it is difficult for the Tianshi and the Yishi to contact the Xianmeng.

And this time, it is also because of the intervention of the Dragon Clan that the Xianmeng attaches great importance to it, so there is such a specification.

Everyone looked at each other and nodded: "I understand."

"Time is running out. In the next few days, Wuxiang will stay here and survey the various conditions of the asteroid belt with our two starships, and then with the help of the resources of the Immortal Alliance and the help of the Ten Thousand Immortals Illusion, come up with a plan within ten days." Tianze God Lord said seriously: "All personnel, all get to their posts. We are about to do it!"

Everyone nodded immediately and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Tianze God Lord opened his arms and transformed himself into one with the spiritual power flow of the starship.

The next second, the starship "Tai Ling" vibrated for a while, and then re-entered the cave heaven with the immortal gate.

Here, four dragons were swallowing organic matter in the cave heaven.

"Do you really want them to take the lead?" Ling Liebi swallowed a land turtle the size of an elephant with extremely long limbs. The well-tempered shell is meaningless in front of the dragon's sharp teeth.

"We still have the gas giant planet of Naiwaiyi to deploy defenses." Yueluo Lanxi chewed a big tree.

"If we prepare now, it will be much easier." Ling Lie Ao simply sucked the microorganisms in the soil.

It's not that they are all hungry, or because of some welcome banquet. In fact, this is also a kind of pre-war preparation.

For the dragon clan, the essence and demonic energy are almost infinite, but the quality is not good.

And they have a trick, which is to sprinkle their own blood, and then through the transformation magic, let all their blood cells transform into microorganisms, and change the cosmic environment in a short time.

If they are asked to go to the asteroid belt to set up the formation, they only need to sprinkle a drop of blood on each asteroid, and then transform it into a super bacteria that can survive on sunlight and minerals, and then use these bacteria to set up the formation.

But... As you can imagine, it takes a lot of blood. (To be continued ~^~)

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