In China, the blood roots, amino acids, and life essences of all living things are left-handed, while the sugars produced by all living things are right-handed.

The essence of life constitutes all tissues of the human body and forms the framework of cells. Therefore, it can be said that every living macromolecule in the human body has left-handed properties.

And such a physical body can just absorb the dextral sugar and use it as a source of energy.

This can actually be an inappropriate metaphor using screws and nuts.

However, there is a very strange phenomenon.

All glucose produced by plant photosynthesis is right-handed; all amino acids synthesized by plants are left-handed. However, when artificially prepared, left-handed and right-handed macromolecules are usually close to half and half - because carbon in natural conditions is half left-handed and half right-handed, and many physical property changes [chemical reactions] do not occur. Involves changing spins.

The chirality of each substance from natural creatures is fixed. Amino acids must be left-handed, and sugars must be right-handed.

This mysterious phenomenon remains a mystery to this day.

After hearing that the Dragon Clan also knew something about this aspect, Ai Qinglan immediately became excited.

"Ah, you should be very familiar with the study of chirality, right? Why can living beings produce this kind of chirality?"

Yueluo Liuli looked away: "Ahem, cough, cough, this is also a secret."

Chen Feng shook his head: "I can see..."

"It's probably a problem from the very beginning of evolution." Ai Qinglan shook her head: "Absorbing two sugars at the same time is far less efficient than absorbing only one kind, so having two chiral isomers at the same time The living beings have been eliminated?”

"According to this idea, China should be divided into two countries: the left-hand clan and the right-handed clan." Chen Feng reminded.

"Perhaps it can only be a coincidence? Or, when the first plants absorbed sunlight, the power of the true sun had a certain bias, making the plants with levorotatory and dextrose dominant, and then able to digest and absorb the dextrose. Are levorotatory animals dominant?" Ai Qinglan looked at the two moons in the sky and said, "This is no longer my domain..."

"Not only wisdom has such huge possibilities, but also evolution..." Chen Feng sighed: "On the back soil of China, how many civilization choices and how many evolutionary routes were 'accidentally eliminated' because of 'probability' ? It’s really amazing that these possibilities can be reproduced in other worlds. ”

——This is indeed not China anymore.

——This is the alien planet.

Ai Qinglan turned to Yueluo Liuli again: "Speaking of which, Liuli, the whole world is full of right-rotating source matter creatures. What is the situation?"

Yueluo Liuli turned her head in embarrassment: "Actually... I have never actually seen it. I just heard from the seniors of the Dragon Clan that there is such a world, and all the creatures there are poisonous to us creatures. , you can’t eat it can’t be said to be poisonous, right?”

Levulose and dextrose amino acids cannot be said to be toxic to Chinese creatures. It will neither suffocate living beings nor destroy a specific source of life. From the perspective of physical properties [chemical properties], levulose and dextrose are almost identical, and it is difficult to detect them with general toxicity testing. This substance can even be absorbed and metabolized normally.

However, for creatures that possess L-origin, L-glutose cannot be metabolized normally to produce energy. Instead, it will produce side-metabolic effects and disrupt normal metabolism.

No organism will produce antibodies against sugars with different chirality, because the physical properties of levulose and dextrose are basically the same. Living systems themselves do not have the sophistication to distinguish this.

Yueluo Liuli opened the chatterbox and continued: "You don't know, our dragon clan has a special trial, that is, within three days, relying on the 'levulose' mixed in the mouth of your human clan, "Spin Sugar', make your original body double in size. Only by completing this can you be qualified to live forever."

Ai Qinglan was stunned: "How did you do it?"

The art of transformation only interferes with the expression of blood, and does not have the ability to forcibly twist the chirality of atoms... and even if it is forcibly twisted, the double and triple bonds of the molecule must be broken.

In an instant, he changes the chirality of all the macromolecules in his body...

Are all dragons who have not become immortals monsters?

"Oh, this is actually not that difficult. It mainly tests three contents. One is to use spiritual sense to distinguish levulose and dextrose, one is the magical power of time and space, and the other is to produce the corresponding digestive enzymes. "Yueluo Liuli gestured.

Ai Qinglan was surprised: "Time and space?"

"Do you know this shape?" Purple light burst out from Yueluo Liuli's hand, transforming into an abnormal ring. Part of it is twisted 180 degrees, making this two-dimensional figure only have one side.

"Infinite Ring?" Ai Qinglan was not that familiar with topology, but she still recognized this famous topological structure.

On Earth, this strange shape is called the "Mobius strip."

Most people only know that this ring is a special two-dimensional concept with only one side. In fact, it also has a very special function, which is to reverse chirality.

If a two-dimensional insect crawls along the endless loop [Moebius strip], when it returns to the origin, its left tentacles will become right, and its right tentacles will become left.

It's like it has become a mirror image of itself.

In other words, the chirality has changed.

"I actually don't quite understand this. But... it seems to be saying that using the Deep Space Dao, you can create... No, how should I say it... In human language, it is to construct a structure with the help of the four-phase Taiyu. This kind of three-phase form of endless rings, and then you can change your overall...chirality?" Yueluo Liuli said: "That's probably it."

"The arithmetic of the Dragon Clan is also extremely advanced." Chen Feng sighed blankly.

More than ten years ago, he heard another girl say a similar question.

However, Chen Youjia was still more rebellious at the beginning and just wanted to favor Lian Zong. He did not study these topological contents very deeply. Chen Feng's understanding of this aspect largely stayed at that time.

However, if you think about it further...why did the Dragon Clan specifically develop this ability?

This is truly "able to reproduce under all natural conditions"! .

Even if the Dragon Clan arrives in a world where there are only Levulose and Dextrose sources, the Dragon Clan can change the chirality of its own bloodline and quickly adapt to the place. Because they have completely changed the chirality of every molecule in their body, the next generation of dragons they give birth to will also be dextral and absorb levulose.

No matter how you look at it, this is a skill of "quickly colonizing the entire universe".

And for the Immortal Dragon Clan, this is actually... a required course?

Fortunately, Chenfeng was not a man with evil intentions like Wang Qi, so he did not delve into this issue.

Ai Qinglan still exchanged all kinds of strange knowledge with Yueluo Liuli. The knowledge they exchange will not involve the core of the Dragon Clan and the Immortal Alliance, but it can already bring various considerable benefits to both parties.

Chen Feng gradually couldn't keep up with the topic of one person and one dragon. Dragon Clan cultivation is all based on the expression of blood. Every dragon clan has a deep understanding of bloodline and evolution. Ai Qinglan's research direction happens to be the function and inheritance of the bloodline group.

He looked at the night sky quietly.

The night sky in Tianchan is very bright, and the two satellites reflect more of the brilliance of stars, so most of the stars in the sky are difficult to detect with the naked eye.

Even a first-class bright star can easily be submerged in this moonlight.

"I wonder if there is our sun among the stars in the sky?" Chen Feng suddenly sighed.

Yueluo Liuli and Ai Qinglan both stopped talking. Ai Qinglan also looked up at the starry sky and said: "Yes... this is really another world - when I see the green plants around me, I don't feel it is real. The Chen tribe seems to be just a special kind of monster."

"Indigestible polysaccharides, as well as many other things, are enough for you to understand this world." Yueluo Liuli shook her head coldly at first, and then said: "Although I have heard many elders say that it is difficult to live far away from home. The feeling of going to the sea of ​​​​stars is amazing, but this is really the first time I feel it..."

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………

At a distance of more than three astronomical units, on the starship "Tailing", there were two Void Refining Stage monks asking the same question.

"Can you see our sun from here?"

Tong Guanliu stood on the port side, looking at the stars in trance.

Compared to other ANBU monks, his qualifications are very few. Apart from being promoted at Suanjun's whim, he didn't even have any experience with the Immortal Path.

"You can't see it." Another monk shook his head: "Even if you see it, you may not recognize it, right?"

I don’t know how far away from the human sun it is. Maybe, billions of light years?

In other words, even if you can see it, you can only see the sun as it was a few years ago.

Humanity has only been observing the sun for 80,000 years, so even if we see it, we may not recognize it.

"It would be great if there could be a three-dimensional star map." Tong Guanliu sighed.

With the help of the Immortal Road, civilizations or lone intelligent creatures in this universe can easily travel between the stars, but they have no way of knowing where in the universe they are.

This universe is really terrifyingly big. The starry sky seen on one planet is completely different from the starry sky seen on another planet. And the distances between planets are different, so you can't tell whether a certain star is the same star you see on another planet.

Because, depending on the distance, someone may see what this planet looked like 100 million years ago, while someone on another planet may see what it looked like a billion years ago.

There are also a series of complex things such as gravitational lensing, interstellar aura environment, etc. to consider.

The Immortal Alliance has limited use of the Immortal Road and has no magic weapon to guide them. They don't know where in the universe they will appear.

For immature civilizations, the fairy road is just an unsolvable maze with the stars as the background. (To be continued ~^~)

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