Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 238 The Successor

"Do you know? If you were willing to join the singing court just now, in a hundred years, that study will be yours."

"That study" refers to Getingzhai.

These words rang in Wang Qi's ears. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Did you... say something?"

This sentence is equivalent to saying "The Geting School has decided that you will be the next generation leader of our school" - it has a very official feeling.

He Weier shook his head: "You are the best choice..."

Wang Qi pointed at He Weier: "You are...Lian Zong, and I am Li Zong..."

"Didn't you just say that leaving the sect and joining the sect are just two routes and two ideas?" He Weier shook his head: "Actually, for me, the teacher is always the teacher, and the singing court is always the singing court. Although I I have some differences with my colleagues in terms of ideas, but in my heart, I have always been a disciple of the Geting Sect.”

Different from Feng Luoyi who joined the Geting Sect later. Feng Luoyi joined the Geting Sect purely because of the closeness of his ideas. When there were differences in his ideas, he naturally drifted away from the Geting Sect. However, He Weier is the direct disciple of Lord Suan. He first sought enlightenment in the Geting sect and grew up in the Geting sect.

He never left the Songting sect. Even if he was Lian Zong, the master finally chose him instead of Ai Ruoche to inherit his position.

"You know? When I was young, I loved reading and talking about mysteries... There is nothing to be ashamed of. Because at that time, I read all the ancient calculation scriptures that could be collected in the world, and then solved them one by one. "At that time, I thought that I had exhausted all my arithmetic studies," He Weier said in a low voice, "until I happened to meet the teacher of Yuxi Hongchen... Senior Ke Lanyin was still there at that time. He had just taken charge of the song court and was studying geometry. … He revolutionized my view of geometry.”

"Due to a close relationship, he gave me a copy of "The Essence of Samkhya" - that was the first time I read Jinfa's Sutra. In fact, the teacher didn't expect me to understand it at the time, because it was usually a book about alchemy. If you want to finish reading the fields that only monks in the early stage can learn, you have to be at the level of the Yuan Shen stage. But back then, I was just a mortal scholar, so how could I understand it? "

"However, I happened to understand it. I entered the path of immortality and reached the heavens. At that time, people from the Wanfa Sect were astonished by me and gathered me in front of the teacher who was the master of the sect at the time. It was because of that side Because of this, I became the teacher’s disciple.”

"And then……"

When he said "and then", he sighed deeply.

"Teacher is a very special person. There were peerless geniuses in the Geting Sect before, such as Wang Gaosi and the Curved Demon Riemann. However, these two seniors lacked the ability to serve as role models and did not really make the Geting Sect stronger. . But the teacher is different. He is enthusiastic by nature and longs for communication with other mathematicians, and his favorite thing is to sit and talk.”

"Because he was too powerful, people's thoughts were moving closer to him, and the teacher unknowingly eliminated many concepts that were different from his own. However, there was nothing wrong with this at the time."

He Weier sighed deeply: "After living for hundreds of years, those few decades can be called the 'happiest'. For me, the Song Garden is such a place."

"But now..." He pointed to the western sky. The curvature of the earth has been greater than the refraction angle of visible light, and no trace of sunset can be seen: "The era of the Geting Sect has passed."

"It's been almost two years. In the past two years, I have always thought about the Geting Sect being able to regain its former glory. Maybe I can't achieve the level of glory that Master has, which occupies half of the Wanfa Sect, but... I can try to keep it from falling further. ”

"But... you are here."

——You are here.

What a heavy sentence.

Wang Qi nodded. He felt the same pressure.

Pang Jialai is the genius who can crush geniuses like this.

"I am no longer the diligent and courageous me I used to be. The barriers to knowledge and vision should have gradually appeared. But for me, who has barriers to knowledge and vision, the barriers to knowledge and vision are unknowable." He Weier shook his head: "I It can’t be compared to being a king.”

"Senior, there's no need to be so pessimistic. If you're not a genius of the same level, you generally can't win," Wang Qi said.

"There is no need to say these words of comfort - and you can also consider it as compensation for comfort." He Weier said, dumbfounded, "I know some things very clearly. Although the teacher is a peer of Mr. Feng, and I am the teacher's student, But...Wang Qi, can you see? I am more than a hundred years older than your teacher, and I started earlier...Maybe I have passed the age of talent."

Wang Qi was speechless.

He knows how this period of history plays out on Earth.

Hermann Weyl was the last leader of the Göttingen School. After Hitler began to exclude Jews, he still stayed in Göttingen, Germany, and took over the position of director of the Göttingen Institute of Mathematics. He went to work every day, made reports, and even launched a campaign to collect signatures, imploring the authorities to tolerate some scholars of Jewish descent. . He hoped to preserve the glory of Göttingen.

According to the character of Hermann Weyl, perhaps this great mathematician would also follow the path of Heisenberg. However, there was one difference between him and Heisenberg - his wife was half Jewish. Finally, during a vacation in Sweden, Hermann Weyl chose to go to the United States.

In the United States, he worked with Albert Einstein, Kurt Gödel, and von Neumann. and others worked together at Princeton University. Hermann Weyl also spent his later years at Princeton. However, in the days that followed, he kept thinking about his days in Göttingen, Hilbert, and his deceased classmates.

In this period of history, it is not difficult to guess what Ho Weier longed for.

After a moment, He Weier stood up and said: "That's ridiculous. But Wang Qi, the invitation I just made is still valid. As long as you want, you can become a member of the Geting Sect at any time. The door of Getingzhai will always be open to you." After thinking about it, he patted Wang Qi on the shoulder again: "I really like your idea."

——This guy is indeed a disciple of the Master...

Wang Qi thought in his mind.

Ho Weier still follows the Goten school's way of thinking in which "structure" replaces "operation". Although he is already a monk of Lian Zong, he still cannot change this.

Therefore, he has a very good impression of Wang Qi, who also adopts this line of thinking.

Wang Qi thought for a while and then had an idea: "Senior, are you interested in coming to our side often... to communicate?"

He Weier shook his head slightly: "Actually, the fields I am most interested in right now are algebraic number theory and invariants... Since you have proven that some of the teacher's ideas are wrong, I have to sort out some of the teacher's theories from back then - And this field is really interesting, and I plan to continue doing it.”

Perhaps he would feel "frustrated" because he felt panic and pressure from facing Suan Junzai. But... he is, after all, a modern cultivator, an orthodox cultivator of all sects.

The pursuit of truth will never stop.

He Weier rejected Wang Qi's idea of ​​"cooperation".

The Bourbaki School is the successor of the Göttingen School. Therefore, the monks of the Goting School can also adapt to the ideas of the Bourbaki School. In the early stages of Wang Qi's promotion of the Bourbaki school of thought, it would have been much smoother if he could have received the support of the Goting School.

Therefore, when He Weier refused, he was indeed a little disappointed.

Seeing Wang Qi's somewhat disappointed expression, He Weier changed the topic and said, "However, I can convey something on your behalf - you wouldn't mind if some young people come to study, right?"

Wang Qi shook his head: "I don't mind, I don't mind, I don't mind at all."

This is an opportunity to promote your own ideas!

"Also, do you want to design a new mathematical device to solve some problem? I read such signs in your thinking."

Wang Qi was shocked: "Did you see it?"

"Sure enough, you also have this kind of idea, tell me about it..."

"It's about describing a type of mapping in topological space..." Wang Qi roughly explained the concept of sheath theory that he had sorted out. He didn't have many papers forced into his mind by some powerful person, and he didn't even have a college textbook. Many things had to be reconstructed from scratch by himself, so the concept was very vague.

However, He Weier still felt frightened.

After a brief exchange, He Weier said: "If there is a paper, you might as well let me take a look. I think Ai Ruoche will also be interested. In addition, you can contact Mr. Feng more... …”

Wang Qi shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Teacher Feng? The Immortal Alliance is in troubled times now, how can I have the nerve to find him?"

——Especially when it is not proven that this academic system has a future.

"It's not easy for you either." He Weier shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Mr. Feng... he is indeed not suitable to teach disciples."

Afterwards, the two people roughly discussed some things and exchanged contact information. When the moonlight loomed in the east, He Weier left this unknown mountain with three parts of joy and three parts of melancholy.

I'm happy because the teacher's ideas have been inherited, and the successor's ideas can also be accepted by him, a monk from the Lianzong. The Geting Sect finally found a way to move forward.

Worry is many times more complicated.

There are worries about Wang Qi's personal fate, and confusion about the future.

After He Weier left, Wang Qi also escaped and returned to his mansion. Not only Su Junyu and Chen Youjia, but also more than ten monks including Zhao Qingtan are waiting.

Seeing Wang Qi appear, everyone gathered around and asked, "What did Senior He Weier tell you?"

"Well, he just invited me to join the Songting Palace, and then he said he would give me the key to the Songting Studio in a hundred years..."

Chen Youjia was so angry that he kicked Wang Qi and said with a smile: "That's nonsense."

However, she was familiar with Wang Qi and knew that as long as Wang Qi was still joking, it meant that things were still under control.

Wang Qi curled his lips. It's so hard to tell the truth. He suppressed everyone's voices and announced: "Everyone, let's pause tomorrow's communication. I need to write a paper."

"Then, after I finish writing the thesis, I will start working hard!" (To be continued ~^~)

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