Enter the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 237 Rejection and Leader

"Do you want to join the Geting Sect?" He Weier looked at Wang Qi and said sincerely: "What I'm talking about is joining. The very formal kind."

Wang Qi knew what He Weier was referring to. According to the official definition, "schools" are voluntary civil organizations. Generally speaking, there are no strict rules and regulations. You only need to claim to be a scholar of a certain school, and most scholars of that school have not expressed clear opposition.

However, there is also something more formal here.

To put it bluntly, a "school" is a small circle of scholars with similar ideas, a network of people. If a leading figure of a school brings someone into the circle, this can be called "formal".

Feng Luoyi, who was not yet known as the "National Player of the People" at the beginning, was introduced to the Geting Sect by the calculation master.

And what He Weier said to Wang Qi was the same.

Wang Qi grinned, but didn't make a sound at all. After a moment, he whispered: "I thought the seniors of the Songting Sect didn't like me very much."

At the end, the master of calculation Xi Baiche still held the idea of ​​​​"just in case", hoping that the incompletely revealed truth was biased or only valid within a certain range, hoping that his original plan would still have a chance. He understood Gödel's incompleteness theorem, but did not fully agree with it.

Even Feng Luoyi gradually became separated from the Geting School because of his support and promotion of the incompleteness theorem.

Wang Qi didn't think that any theory he had recently made would make the Songting Sect feel compelled to absorb him.

"What you want to do is very difficult." He Weier said seriously: "Lian Zong is destined not to like your methods and ideas - no matter what you do. On the other hand, Li Zong's People will not like you, they will only think that you are too arrogant, but you have only been in the training for ten years, and you are still in the Dan-formation stage, and you still want to do things that the teacher has not been able to accomplish... Especially, the teacher is still because of you. Because of this, I had to leave Wan Dharma Sect.”

"But joining the Songting Faction is different."

"You are Mr. Feng's disciple, and your position is similar to ours. Moreover, as long as you enter the singing court, some people will naturally regard you as the inheritor of the teacher's spirit, and no more people will be hostile to you. Moreover, the singing court The faction can also suppress the reaction of those who are connected to the clan."

To be honest, Wang Qi was a little tempted.

Joining the Songting Sect is itself an "honor" for a mathematician.

Moreover, joining the Geting Sect would indeed save him a lot of effort. A leader is a charismatic leader who can gather many people around him. It would undoubtedly be much easier for Wang Qi to do things if he had the connections left by this powerful man with many talents all over the world.

At least, he doesn't have to do what he does now, where he can randomly find a few people who can do research together, mobilize public opinion, stir up trouble in the city, and then filter out the people he agrees with through lengthy sermons over and over again.

If it was the Songting Sect, it would only take a few high-level monks to say a word, and many people would naturally come to the door.

But Wang Qi finally shook his head: "I'm sorry, senior. I appreciate your kindness, but I'm afraid I can't agree to this invitation."

"Why?" He Weier didn't look surprised. He just wanted to know Wang Qi's thoughts.

"I just feel that the Songting sect is not suitable for me?"

"If you are worried that no one will communicate with you about algebraic topology, you don't have to. Although problems such as geometry and topology are considered to be the category of Lian Zong, in fact, our Geting School has also done a good job. My fellow disciple Ai Ruoche is an authority in this field, and his teacher's "Fundamentals of Geometry" is also an important work in this field. Going back further, Master Yunzhong Ke Lanyin is also an outstanding person..."

Among the stereotypes of monks from other sects, it is common knowledge that Lian Zong favors geometric topology and Li Zong favors number theory and logic. But in fact, no matter how extreme Lian Zong is, he doesn't understand set theory at all - in fact, Suanjun Pang Jialai is even a master of this method. He also feels that set theory is a very useful tool under normal circumstances. Lien Tsung simply refused to regard set theory as the basis of arithmetic, nothing more.

And it is naturally impossible for Li Zong to completely understand geometry and topology. The "Xianyu Calculation", a very important tool in Pantianbian Zhifa [Functional Analysis], is Li Zong's masterpiece, and the master of the calculation has studied geometry intensively.

However, many of Suan Zhu's concepts in geometry were scorned by Lian Zong.

Wang Qi still shook his head: "No, it's not because of this - I just think that if you join the Geting Sect, you may be restricted everywhere."

"Constraint..." He Weier laughed: "With your talent, who can restrain you now?"

"If during the discussion, there are voices everywhere that are not in line with my ideas, how can it not be a constraint?" Wang Qi shook his head: "You should also feel that I have borrowed the thinking of the Suan Zhu, but I have not been with the Suan Zhu for a long time. It can no longer be regarded as one path. As for the Geting School, almost all of them are students of the Master."

When Suzhu was compiling "Fundamentals of Geometry", he came up with the ideal goals of "axiomatic" and "formalized" concepts and "completeness", "compatibility" and "decidability".

What Wang Qi is doing now is very similar to the original calculation master, so He Weier can also see the difference between the two.

Wang Qi simply ignored the original goal of the calculator. In other words, he no longer believed that proving any special proposition would lead to the general law of the entire mathematical system. He was using a slow method to reveal the overall structure of mathematics bit by bit.

After all, it is different.

On Earth, a scientist once lamented that a new scientific truth did not win by convincing its opponents and seeing the light of truth, but by the death of these opponents and the growth of a new generation familiar with it.

In this world where "opponents" will not die, this seems difficult.

Only truly irrefutable facts can make those former "opponents" change their views.

However, in the field of mathematics, which focuses on speculation, "irrefutable" facts may be easily obtained, or they may be obtained with great difficulties.

He Wail did not say anything else, he already understood Wang Qi's idea.

"You are quite bold." He laughed, then sat down, sat on a rock, and looked to the west. The sunset had already set, and only a little red light crossed the horizon due to the refraction of the atmosphere. They struggled and crashed into the clouds, dyeing a small area of ​​the sky in the west red.

This is the last afterglow.

"Do you feel pressure facing Suanjun?"

Wang Qi drew his sword and drew a circle on the ground: "This is a circle."

"In the absence of a definition, it doesn't matter if you call it a 'square'." He Wail's expression has relaxed and he said casually.

"Even if a monk from the Yangshen Pavilion went crazy and changed everyone's cognition overnight, asking all the human beings in Shenzhou to call it a 'square', it would not change its properties. It has an infinite number of symmetry operations, and its symmetry group is a cyclic group. It is impossible for the monks of the Yangshen Pavilion to break its symmetry simply by consciousness operation. In the language of the human race, it just happens to be called a 'circle' - considering the dialect, perhaps there is also a name like 'pill'? That's all."

"The human race calls it a circle, and there are equivalent concepts in the thoughts of the dragon race, the demon race, and the sea gods. These concepts point to the same definition - a set of points in the same plane whose distance to a fixed point is equal to a fixed length. This is its essence. It doesn't matter whether it is called a 'circle', a 'square', a 'wine glass' or a 'wooooooah'."

Wang Qi looked at He Wail sincerely: "I always think so. Mathematics is a system that has its own freedom. As for the 'essence of mathematics', we humans The thinking of the clan is not enough to define it. Not now, and not in the foreseeable future. So, 'how we view mathematics' is not important. In my opinion, Li Zong and Lian Zong are just two different routes and two ways of thinking. If I really do something, as long as it is not logically wrong and as long as it is correct, the Lord of Calculation will not be able to defeat it. "

"Self-existence..." He Wail laughed: "Isn't this concept very close to Lian Zong?" He showed a look of reminiscence on his face, "I told my teacher and other fellow students at the beginning that although you look down on Lian Zong's "feeling", don't you still rely on feelings in the process of exploring the great way? In fact, you are also the beneficiaries of that idea. At that time, the teacher scolded me. That was the first time I was scolded by the teacher. It was also at that time that I began to stay away from my fellow students and joined the camp of Lian Zong. "

Lian Zong believed that mathematics is an objective whole. And people's "feeling" is a kind of grasp of mathematics itself beyond intuitive feelings.

"Maybe you may not be happy with what I said. In fact, I don't believe in 'feelings' that much. I don't even believe in my own feelings." Wang Qi said, "Even if I often follow my feelings, it's still like this."


"Because even the master's feelings are wrong." Wang Qi sighed, "Senior Xi believes too much in 'feelings'. He really believes in the existence of 'perfection', but he doesn't know that mathematics is actually incomplete. I don't think I can be better than Senior Xi in terms of talent and talent."

"I heard from Feng Luoyi that you have a problem, that is, you still like to use some methods that are still in speculation. I think you are the kind of person who prefers 'feelings'." He Wail shook his head: "Interesting."

Wang Qi was ashamed.

In fact, how could he be confident in his feelings?

He just knew the "history".

This performance seemed very contradictory to others.

However, there have never been a shortage of weirdos in Wanfamen, and He Wail didn't care. He looked at the red color disappearing in the west and said, "Actually, I came to you for selfish reasons."

"After all, I am no longer at my peak. When the teacher said that the Goting Sect would be handed over to me, I was very nervous. I felt that the Goting Sect should not be ruined in my hands. Then, I heard about your sermon, so I came here to learn more. Then I found that you are the spiritual successor of the teacher."

"Do you know? If you are willing to join Goting just now, after a hundred years, that study will be yours." (To be continued ~^~)

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