Enjoy the world

Chapter 91 Prepare for war and famine for the people

Lei Yunjin didn't mind if the other party poached someone in person. It was also a way of complimenting someone, just a joke to liven up the atmosphere. Everyone laughed except Manman who didn't understand, and Hua Zhenxing translated the meaning to Manman in a low voice.

Lei Yunjin said with a smile: "Let's talk about poaching people during dinner. Let's talk about the plan now. I think Xiao Su can consider revising his suggestions and adding a few personal suggestions.

For example, on the roof of the building, I suggest adding several large water tanks. Pay attention to the structural load-bearing when designing. Its location should be higher than all the buildings in the manor. It is equivalent to a self-weighted water tower. Water can be supplied to the entire manor through it. The external tap water system is connected here first.

Fiso Port often has water outages. I don’t know what the situation is like on the southern coast, but there are many people living there, so some emergency facilities must be designed. For example, emergency diesel generator sets can be placed on the outside of two dormitory buildings, and two independent small houses can be built.

Is there a water cellar on the estate? I think there should be one. The dry season here is too long. Although there is the Feso River, the tap water system is really unreliable..."

Li Xiaoyang replied: "There used to be a dungeon under the rockery in the manor. After reinforcement and renovation, it can be used as a water storage cellar."

Lei Yunjin: "How big is the space?"

Li Xiaoyang: "About fifteen by twelve in area and nearly four meters in height."

Lei Yunjin: "It can store 700 tons of temporary water, and a simple purification system can be added."

Li Xiaoyang: "Mr. Lei, are these suggestions to prepare for war and famine?"

Lei Yunjin sighed: "Prepare for war, prepare for famine, and serve the people. When I first started working, all the construction sites had such slogans... I now feel that it won't be long before we really have to prepare for war and famine."

The reason why Huazhenxing is so anxious to launch the plan of Huanxiang Industrial and Kelin New District is because according to the judgment of Old Man Yang and others, by the end of this year at the latest, famine is likely to occur in the Fiso Port area and lead to riots. If the order is out of control, according to the The worst-case scenario is that the scene from fifteen years ago may be repeated.

It seems that Lei Yunjin also had a premonition about the deterioration of the situation in Fiso Port, but it was just a vague judgment, not as clear and certain as what Old Man Yang had deduced.

If this is the case, it is safe to say that all construction aid workers here should be withdrawn into the country. But these are just Lei Yunjin's guesses, and he can't provide any evidence. Of course, the leaders of the project company cannot make such a decision because of this, and even Lei Gong himself cannot propose it.

Now the heavy oil power plant project has come to a standstill, but it has not completely stopped, nor has it been clearly stated that it will be cancelled. On the surface, the construction period has only been affected by the global epidemic. How can the construction team as the contractor just leave?

Moreover, it is difficult for them to leave even if they want to. At this time, it is impossible to buy a plane ticket back to Dongguo. There is no local airport in Fiso Port, and only the capital city of Kilili Kingdom, Mowang, has an international airport. There is only one flight from one airline to Dongguo every week. It is not a direct flight, but a transfer shared flight.

A while ago, I heard that many people who couldn't buy air tickets to Dongguo planned to take this flight back to Jiliguo. The fares had been very high, and they were all booked for several months.

Even if you can buy a plane ticket, it is not a wise choice to fly to Mowang City, because you have to pass through several cities in the south from Fiso Port, so it is better to stay in the living area.

When they met today, Hua Zhenxing felt Lei Yunjin's haggardness and worry, and now he understood the reason. He took the opportunity to bring the large square plate to the conference table, and Li Xiaoyang also gave the information on the "Barbed Wire Fence Project" to the people opposite. This is the big project they want to focus on today, and the information also includes an introduction to the agricultural reclamation plan.

They must explain the background of the project clearly. If it were not Huanxiang Industrial's own land, who would dare to take over the project and pull the barbed wire fence? They must also explain the function and requirements of the barbed wire so that the other party can make a detailed design.

While the other party was reading the information, Hua Zhenxing poked his head and said: "Mr. Lei, are you worried that the situation in Fiso Port is deteriorating, and the engineering team is trapped here, unable to leave and with nothing to do? So what about this project? You should take a closer look. It is a large-scale agricultural reclamation project. If it goes smoothly, the food supply will be stable after this autumn..."

Lei Yunjin asked while reading the information: "Are we mainly growing cassava, a high-yielding crop? But this thing is not storage-resistant and processing is very troublesome."

Li Xiaoyang: "Huanxiang Industrial has a supporting food processing plant, which is not mentioned in this document. It can be completed before the harvest season, ensuring processing and storage capabilities."

Huazhenxing added: "This project can be completed by you independently, with dedicated personnel and dedicated funds. There is no need to come into contact with other personnel, and safety is absolutely guaranteed."

Lei Yunjin put down the information and looked up: "What is this box for?"

Hua Zhenxing: "High-tech laser holographic sandbox, is there a power supply here?"

Lei Yunjin: "Of course! Xiao Su, connect them to a power strip and pull them over."

After the power was turned on, the entire picture of the "Beisuo River Basin Renovation and Agricultural Reclamation Project" was displayed on the sand table. Li Xiaoyang explained it based on the sand table.

Lei Yunjin became more and more interested as he listened. He stood up with his hands on the table, lowered his head and observed carefully: "This is more than one project! The first step is a three-layer stepped shallow dam in the middle and lower reaches to block flow, store water, and create wetlands.

The second step is to take straight turns in these three sections and change the route to slow down the flow. The most important project is the third step, building the upstream reservoir... I understand why you are putting up the barbed wire now. "

Li Xiaoyang: "Yes, we must take protective measures in advance. There are nine small circles on the sand table and an overall large circle on the outside. Within the small circles are modern farms, and there are many places in the large circle that are spreading areas after the heavy rainy season. . We not only have to guard against wild beasts, but we also have to guard against local people, otherwise we can destroy a large area of ​​crops overnight."

Lei Yunjin: "I can see it too. The information requires a Y-shaped razor mesh fence. This is usually used at airports and is also the specification of border wire fence. It is not necessary to use this kind of fence to prevent elephants. Wild animals are fine. The main purpose of clinging to such an obstacle is to protect yourself from others, right?"

Hua Zhenxing interjected: "You are right. Can you estimate the total budget of the project?"

Lei Yunjin frowned and said: "This has to be combined with the on-site inspection situation to design a plan, and then let the budget staff specially make a quotation. But I can give you a rough reference. This kind of razor grille cannot be used in Fesuo Port. The CIF price for the production and shipment from Dongguo, excluding tariffs, is probably 200 yuan per long meter. I have done similar projects two years ago."

Hua Zhenxing did some mental calculations and surprised himself: "Two hundred yuan per linear meter, the total project length is 310 kilometers, wouldn't the cost be 62 million?"

Lei Yunjin said with a smile but not a smile: "You are right, but this is only the cost of materials, and there are also engineering fees. Our engineering team cannot work in vain."

Li Xiaoyang: "So how much does the project cost?"

Lei Yunjin: "Usually the quotation is based on the difficulty of construction. It's okay on the plains, but there is a large mountainous area on your sand table. Now there are no construction roads."

Li Xiaoyang: "Have you not done the same project before? You always have a rough idea in mind, right?"

Lei Yunjin shook his head: "The situation is different. For example, building an airport is a general contracting project. I can give away work like barbed wire for free without charging separate engineering fees. But for your project, it is to repair the barbed wire. , I can’t give you the exact figure right now, but the total price is probably around 100 million.”

Hua Zhenxing: "Mi Jin?"

Lei Yunjin laughed out loud: "It's not that exaggerated. What I just mentioned were Dongguo coins."

Even one hundred million Dong national currency is too exaggerated, far beyond Hua Zhenxing's inner expectations. The purchase of these three million square kilometers of land, plus the upfront costs of establishing Huanxiang Industrial and the Fesuogang Supply and Marketing Cooperative, only cost a total of 10 million rice, which is approximately equivalent to 70 million Dongguo currency.

Engineer Ye Yuhong stood up and said, "You think the cost is too high? I think so too. Why does your design seem like it was thought up by a child?"

Li Xiaoyang was embarrassed to continue, because this plan was really just a child's imagination, similar to "adding railings to the Yellow River", it was not just whimsical! But the kid who slapped his forehead was sitting next to him. The three old men didn't say anything at first, so he couldn't say much.

Hua Zhenxing opened his eyes wide and said innocently: "Ye Gong, do you have any good suggestions?"

Ye Yuhong pointed to the sand table and said: "I have also worked on such a project. Many power facilities have such grilles or gill nets around them to prevent people from accidentally entering and causing danger. Different requirements have different specifications.

The main reason why such a high-standard razor-striped border fence is used is to prevent people from climbing over it on a large scale. Then let’s first look at where the people who need to be guarded are located. Are there any in the north or in the west? No one lives in the north, and the west is in the mountains.

So you only need to build a border razor fence along the red line of the land in the south, from the eastern beach to the foot of the western mountain. According to the markings on the sand table, it is almost 40 kilometers.

If you take a closer look, the residents of Fiso Port mainly live in this area. Even the closest one, if you want to bypass the barbed wire fence and enter this area, you have to walk more than 20 kilometers, and then walk another 15 kilometers to reach the area. With the farm area, the round trip is 70 kilometers.

Who would travel 70 kilometers to steal a few cassava sticks, and have to walk over mountains and ridges in the middle? Even if someone did this, the food would not be edible unless it was taken back and processed. I'm afraid it would spoil halfway? "

Hua Zhenxing pointed out: "You're right! The material cost of these forty kilometers of razor grille is only eight million. We focus on repairing this section first. But there are still two hundred and seventy million for the rest. Kilometers, what suggestions do you have?”

Ye Yuhong: "If you really want to repair it, just use a two-meter-high ordinary grille for the rest of the area. You can tie a barbed wire to the top grid. The project is very simple. If you only count the material cost, every extended meter It’s only about fifty bucks.”

Hua Zhenxing calculated: "If you save 150 yuan per meter, 270 kilometers can save 40.5 million."

Lei Yunjin laughed again, pointing to the planned reservoir area in the upper reaches of the sand table and said: "You can calculate quite quickly! But you can also save more cost. This grille is in the mountain, even if the material cost is not expensive, But it is the most expensive part of the project.

Now that the reservoir has not been repaired, there is no need to erect a separate grille in the mountain. These 60 kilometers will not be needed for the time being. If a reservoir really needs to be built in the future, and we undertake the construction, this handy little job can be given away for free. "

Hua Zhenxing nodded and said, "You are right. We can skip repairing these sixty kilometers. Calculated at fifty yuan per meter, we have saved another three million."

Lei Yunjin: "This saves not only the material cost, but also the biggest construction cost. The remaining grilles only need to be repaired on plain wasteland, which saves a lot of trouble."

Ye Yuhong took out his mobile phone as a calculator and said: "I checked it. According to Mr. Lei's suggestion and the previous plan, the material cost is 18.5 million. Adding the construction cost, the total project cost is almost 3,000. Ten thousand is enough, and it can fully meet your requirements."

Hua Zhenxing: "Thank you so much. I really learned a lot today! I saved 70 million Dongguo coins at once, which is equivalent to 10 million rice gold!"

Ye Yuhong amused him: "Thank you for what we are doing. This is a matter of common sense. This is how the project should be designed."

For Ye Yuhong, this is indeed the simplest common sense. But for Hua Zhenxing, who has been studious since childhood, Zhenxing is something he doesn't understand yet.

Hua Zhenxing didn't understand until this moment why the old men assigned him the task of coming here to discuss the project. The purpose was to let him learn in practice and not just think about things at home.

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