Enjoy the world

Chapter 90 Simple Xiaohua

Hua Zhenxing had too many things going on recently. He hadn't seen Lei Yunjin for more than three months. When he met again, although he was wearing a mask to cover his mouth and nose, it was obvious that the chief engineer was quite haggard. There was a look in his eyes. With a hint of worry.

The meeting took place in the small conference room of the engineering headquarters. The headquarters is a two-story permanent building, unlike the work sheds at many construction sites in Dongguo, which are simple light steel color plate houses.

Because according to the existing project plan, several projects here are being carried out one after another, and the total construction period is relatively long. Although the workers will be rotated, the station will be used for at least five or six years. If the construction assistance goes smoothly, it will be used for even longer. Here again There was no shortage of workers, materials or manpower, so we simply built one two-story building and eight three-story buildings.

The climate in Fiso Port is hot, and it either never rains or rains all the time. Living in a simple house is very uncomfortable, so it is better to repair the house. There are also outdoor basketball courts, badminton courts and table tennis tables.

There is no shortage of land on the wasteland on the outskirts of the city. The soil is quite fertile. In a larger area, you can order a variety of vegetables and raise some chickens. When the workers were bored, they even built a corner to build a chicken coop. Now the scale is almost as big as that of a small chicken farm.

Walking into the living area is like entering a park. The green plants around are actually vegetables. Some are blooming and some are bearing fruit. The colorful and vibrant colors are so beautiful that one can’t help but suspect that this is a vegetable base disguised as a residence.

Manman carried six pieces of soft Donghua in his left hand and six pieces of Zhuta Mountain in his right hand, which were brought by Hua Zhenxing. Hua Zhenxing carried four bottles of Wuliangye in his left hand and four bottles of high-quality Erguotou in his right hand. Of course, the cigarettes and wine were all given to Mr. Lei and the others.

He never came empty-handed every time. This time it was because he hadn't been here for a long time and he had something to ask for, so he brought as many gifts as possible.

Seeing Xiaohua's simple style, you know why he never leaves empty-handed every time. He can pick vegetables and eggs as long as he can carry them, but he is always embarrassed to take too much.

Many people here are already very familiar with Xiaohua. Even if he is wearing a mask, he can be recognized at a glance. He is gardening in the fields while the rain stops. They all stand up and say hello loudly: "Xiaohua, long time no see." La!."

"Yes, it was very busy some time ago. There were many big events in the North Bay area."

"With so many people here today, is there something going on?"

"Yes, let's talk to the headquarters about project cooperation. There is a newly established group here in Fiso Port with several projects."

"Okay, you came just in time! We've been busy lately, and we can't go back."

You can roughly get some information through a few chats on the road. It may be affected by many factors, and the project here is not progressing smoothly. The Fesuo River Bridge has been completed, but the heavy oil power plant project has fallen into a state of semi-stasis after the foundation stone was laid. Most of the workers have been off work for almost a month and spend all day browsing their mobile phones and tending to the vegetable garden.

This living area is currently fully enclosed, with only one entrance and exit left, and a security team standing guard. People from outside can't come in, and people inside can't get out easily. Of course, no one would come here normally.

They made an appointment in advance, and the gatekeeper knew Hua Zhenxing, so they were let in smoothly. After getting off the bus, Li Xiaoyang and the other four people consciously took out masks and put them on. The construction site security guards did not wear masks. When they saw them doing this, they quickly took out masks from their pockets and put them on.

After reaching the second level of cultivation, they are actually no longer infected with common diseases. Hua Zhenxing himself, including Manman, is not afraid of any epidemics at all, while ordinary local residents have no such awareness at all. But when they get here, they still have to be conscious, mainly to make the other party feel at ease.

The workers I met along the way were actually not wearing masks, but they all talked from a distance. Li Xiaoyang walked at the front, Xiaohua and Manman followed side by side carrying things, and the bodyguard walked at the end carrying a large square plate.

When they arrived at the small conference room, Lei Yunjin had been waiting here for a long time. He politely asked everyone to sit down. There was a long conference table between the two sides.

In addition to Chief Engineer Lei, three engineers also came to the project department. Su Moyu, who was engaged in civil engineering, Ye Yuhong, who was engaged in electric power, and Jiang Huaigu, who was engaged in bridge water conservancy, all of whom Huazhenxing knew.

The project engineering headquarters is not a business department. It is only responsible for on-site construction and has no authority to solicit external projects and negotiate cooperation.

But when Li Xiaoyang contacted Huanxiang Industrial on behalf of Huanxiang Industrial, Chief Engineer Lei still agreed to meet and discuss it. On the one hand, it was to save face for the middleman Xiaohua, and on the other hand, staying here recently was too boring.

This project department is affiliated to the First Construction Company, a subsidiary of Dongguo Water Conservancy and Hydropower Construction Investment Co., Ltd., referred to as Dongguo Hydropower Company No. 1. There used to be an administrative leader here, but he returned to Dongguo half a year ago, and now the entire project department is in charge of General Lei Yunjin.

As for the guests, the nominal leader is of course Li Xiaoyang, because he is the vice president of Huanxiang Industrial Group. As for Hua Zhenxing, he was just a boy at the grocery store. He helped connect the two parties and came to join in the fun, while Manman was just watching the fun.

Xiaohua put all the things he brought on the chair next to Lei Yunjin. The engineers across from him were so moved that they all said, "Come here if you want. Why bring so many things!"

Hua Zhenxing: "Long time no see, I miss you all."

"It's rained a lot recently, the vegetables are growing well, there's a lot of feed, and there are a lot of eggs. You drove here. I'll pack a few boxes of eggs later. You can take as many as you can put in the refrigerator over there, and pick two more baskets of vegetables. Grab a few nests of old hens and take them back, don't be polite! These cigarettes and alcohol of yours are too valuable, you didn't take them without permission, did Boss Yang know?"

Hua Zhenxing: "What Mr. Yang knows is that he asked me to get more. Mr. Yang also said that this time I am helping Huan Huanxiang Industrial to discuss the project. I can ask Mr. Li and others to reimburse these things."

Li Xiaoyang nodded and said: "It should, it should!"

After chatting for a while and finally getting down to business, Lei Yunjin said: "I don't know what specific project you want to do. Although we can't take over the project on behalf of TEPCO No. 1, we can help you analyze it. If possible, we can Report to leadership.”

Li Xiaoyang: "Thank you so much! We are just looking for professional consultation..."

The information Li Xiaoyang brought was very detailed. Lei Yunjin and others first looked at the first small project, which was the two dormitory buildings in the Palm Manor. For Lei Yunjin, who has been engaged in engineering all his life, there is nothing interesting about such a simple thing. It is clear at a glance.

But he still read it carefully and handed the information to Su Gong next to him. Su Moyu said: "If the apartment building you built doesn't have an elevator, then it doesn't have an elevator. Anyway, there are frequent power outages here.

I have a suggestion. Since it has been designed with five floors, simply add two more floors. The cost will not be much higher, and the functions can be increased a lot. First, you can add a semi-basement. The roof is more than one meter higher than the ground, and high windows can be opened for lighting and ventilation.

The semi-basements of the two buildings can also be connected to form a large open indoor space. I read the introduction of Palm Manor. Although it has a large area and many buildings, it lacks such a large indoor space.

The apartment building is used as a dormitory, and the dormitory area is also a living and entertainment area, so a lot of living facilities can be added. You can move the headquarters canteen to the semi-basement level, or even set up a small food court, which does not occupy the office area of ​​the main building and the annex building.

The design of the first to fifth floors can also be changed. I saw your original drawing. Each floor has an area equivalent to two apartments and is intended to be used as a leisure activity area, such as a canteen or something. This is no longer necessary now.

These functions are either placed in the semi-basement space or on the sixth floor. There is also a layer above, which is the sixth floor. Books and reading rooms, chess and card rooms, Internet cafes, water bars, billiards rooms, etc. can all be arranged on this floor.

You have two buildings. You can even build a dance hall, tea restaurant, and gym. Even if you don't need them now, you can build them in the future if you want.

The offices of the logistics department, including the management office of Palm Estate, can be placed on the sixth floor. If the staff does not want to climb such a high building, they can also put it on the semi-basement level.

I see that there were originally sixteen single rooms and two suites on each floor, and the suites were placed at the ends. This design was not very good. Because the building is oriented east-west, the single rooms face either east or west, so the lighting conditions are not too different, but one suite faces south and the other faces north.

After the modification, there is no need for activity rooms on each floor, and there is no need for suites on the north end. Two more suites will be added on the east and west sides of the south. The two buildings will have a total of 160 single rooms and 30 suites, and the number of single rooms will remain unchanged. , but there are ten more suites than before. "

Hua Zhenxing nodded repeatedly after hearing this, and Li Xiaoyang's eyes also shone. Lei Yunjin smiled bitterly and said, "Xiao Su, you designed everything for others that you want in your living area?"

Su Moyu also smiled: "Yes, I also want our residence to have such conditions. I just want a studio apartment. The usable area is 49 square meters, with a separate bathroom and a simple kitchen stove. The room can be separated The small living room and bedroom can also be arranged into a large bay. There are various leisure and entertainment venues upstairs and downstairs..."

Hua Zhenxing interjected: "After the apartment building is completed, Engineer Su is welcome to work in Huanxiang Industrial! Mr. Li, what do you say?"

Li Xiaoyang: "I'm very grateful for this. Warmly welcome! We also have many Timorese employees in Huanxiang Industrial."

Su Moyu waved his hand: "I'm just on assignment here. My home is still in Dongguo, and I prefer the environment in Dongguo."

Li Xiaoyang: “Even if you don’t settle here, you can work in Huanxiang Industrial for a few years if you are interested in the future. It will be similar to your current assignment, and you can also add overseas employment experience in a large multinational group to your resume.

If you bring your family members with you, as long as they have academic qualifications, Huanxiang Industrial can arrange positions, so they can just go abroad for a trip. "

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