Enjoy the world

Chapter 75 The so-called variables

After hanging up the phone, Hua Zhenxing went out to find Yang Tehong. As a result, Old Yang was not in the room, and neither Uncle Mo nor Mr. Ke was on the third floor. He had no choice but to make a phone call: "Mr. Yang, where are you always? I have an unexpected situation here."

Yang Tehong: "Old Mo Xiaoke and I have something to do outside. You can just tell us."

"You guys are together, that's just right..." Hua Zhenxing introduced in detail the news he heard from Manman, mainly about the return of the Gunslinger. As for the "Alchemy Factory", there is no need to go into details. In fact, it was all Hua Zhenxing's news. It's really a special arrangement here.

Because it was on the phone, Hua Zhenxing spoke in a measured manner and did not mention any secrets that should not be revealed. For example, the alchemy factory was a bait and trap. Because Uncle Mo reminded him that his opponent should not have the means to monitor mobile phone communications, but he should be just in case.

Yang Tehong was silent for a long time after listening. After a while, he said: "I just said this morning, you can't predict all the changes in advance. The so-called variables may be opponents or one's own people. Now we need to It's time for you to adapt to circumstances. It's better to follow your own wishes. If you feel that you can't handle it, come to me."

According to Hua Zhenxing's own wishes, everything is left to Hua Zhenxing to make the decision. Hua Zhenxing could ask them for advice at any time, but if he didn't ask, the three old men wouldn't take the initiative to do anything.

Hua Zhenxing thought for a while: "I will take care of it. Do you have as much detailed information as possible about the major gangs in Fesoport and the gunman?"

Yang Tehong pondered: "There are some at Lao Mo's place, and I also have some here. I can provide them to you, but I can't guarantee whether the information inside is comprehensive and up-to-date. You still need to make your own judgment after getting it. You wait in the room. , I will send someone to deliver it to you, and there is something else I want to give you..."

Hua Zhenxing did not leave the manor that day. He did not even leave his room except for eating. He waited until after dinner when he heard someone knocking on the door.

He was a little surprised. Although he didn't deliberately activate his consciousness, his perception was already very sharp, and he didn't realize that someone had come outside the door beforehand. When I opened the door, I saw a stranger who was in his twenties and over 1.7 meters tall. He asked with a smile: "Xiaohua, do you know me? Mr. Yang asked me to come to you!" "

The tone of the caller seemed to be familiar to him. Hua Zhenxing said doubtfully: "Come in quickly, I really didn't recognize you... Oh, you are Brother Fengshou!"

The visitor rubbed his face and turned into another face. It was Wang Fengshou, one of the twelve first-level department heads of Huanxiang Industrial and the head of the second project engineering department. He smiled and asked: "How did you do it?" Recognized?"

Hua Zhenxing: "If you just stand there and don't speak, it's not easy to recognize. But as soon as you start walking, you can tell by your voice and body shape."

Wang Fengshou walked into the room and sat down on the sofa, and asked: "Standing there and not talking, it's just that it's not easy to recognize, not that you can't recognize it?"

Hua Zhenxing: "Physical characteristics include not only dynamic but also static ones. What you have changed is just your appearance. In fact, you can still tell if you look carefully... It must have been the shaping technique that Ke Fuzi taught you just now, right? Divine consciousness can check the properties of objects. Characteristics, and people also have breath characteristics, so they can also be distinguished.”

What Wang Fengshou just used was obviously the Shaping Technique. Being able to master the Shaping Technique means that he has at least cultivated in the three realms, so Hua Zhenxing did not avoid the topic of cultivation. Hua Zhenxing didn't know that Wang Fengshou was also a "monk" at first, but when he thought about it, it wasn't surprising. It was impossible for the three old men to teach only one person for so many years.

Wang Fengshou is twenty-seven years old this year and is from Dongguo. He was born, raised, and studied in Dongguo. He recently received a doctorate from Chunhua University. Chunhua University is the top prestigious university in the East, and Wang Fengshou is considered a proud son of heaven.

In Hua Zhenxing's dream of the future world, his classmate Zhu Meng went to Dongguo Chunhua University as an exchange student for a year. Why he had an idea of ​​that school and why he dreamed about it was because someone he knew studied there.

Wang Fengshou's nationality is of course Dongguo, but he also has a passport from Jiliguo. This passport cannot be said to be genuine, because Dongguo currently does not recognize dual nationality, but it cannot be said to be fake. He also obtained it through Dong Zegang's lawyer. At least it was officially issued by the official in Jiliguo, mainly for It's convenient to do things here.

His parents are said to be high-ranking intellectuals from the Eastern Kingdom, and for some reason they gave him a name that seems very rustic today. But if you look carefully, the name Fengsheng is actually quite elegant in the ancient dialect of the Eastern Kingdom.

His mother is an official. His father taught at a university and was a doctoral supervisor, not Chunhua University where Wang Fengshou studied. He later registered his own company and focused mainly on business operations. He gradually became a wealthy businessman in the Black Wasteland. There are also projects here.

Wang Fengshou met Yang Tehong and Ke Fuzi when he was a teenager, and then he often came to Fesuo Port and joined the Straw Shoes Gang. Hua Zhenxing had often seen Wang Fengshou since he was a child, so he called him Fengshou brother.

Hearing Hua Zhenxing's words, Wang Fengshou nodded and said, "You also need to be familiar with the other party. Static characteristics can be concealed through clothing and other props. As for the characteristics of a person's aura, if the cultivation level is high enough, there are ways to hide it.

Let’s not talk about this for now! Junior brother, you have caused quite a stir recently. I can tell that the three old men are a little uneasy, so I am sent to assist you. If you need any help, just tell your senior brother. "

Junior brother? This was the first time Hua Zhenxing heard such a title. The three old men all have students, especially Mo Shangtong, who has many students here, but everyone including Wang Fengshou himself calls him Xiaohua. Now that Wang Fengshou came to change his words, the cry of "little junior brother" was very natural, and it felt like the relationship between the two was instantly brought closer.

In fact, Hua Zhenxing and Wang Fengshou were not very close. Although they met often, the time was concentrated in winter and summer, when Dongguo School was on winter and summer vacation. There is a big age difference between the two. Wang Feng went to the grocery store not to visit Huazhenxing, but mainly to ask Yang Tehong for advice.

Since the other party called him that, Hua Zhenxing also changed his title: "Senior brother, Mr. Yang asked you to bring me something."

Wang Fengshou threw him a USB flash drive: "The information on the Golden Gang and the Gunslinger is all here, but it is not very comprehensive. You still need to master some situations yourself - these are Mr. Yang's exact words.

There are some situations that only I have control over, so let me tell you face to face. When I came in just now, did you see my disguise? That was actually an identity I assumed, that is, the person in charge of the Sharpshooter Gang's D-product processing factory. His name was Rui Ningxuan. He was a traitor to the Straw Shoe Gang. "

Hua Zhenxing said in surprise: "What's going on?"

Wang Fengshou's smile was slightly proud, and his expression was a bit like that of Old Yang at certain times: "This is my plan, and I need to explain it carefully."

There are big trees but also dead branches. Of course there will be a few scum among so many people in the Straw Shoes Gang, and Rui Ningxuan is one of them. He is also a Chinese of Dongguo origin. He left the Straw Shoes Gang and joined the Sharpshooter Gang three years ago. Because he understands technology, he is mainly responsible for the drug processing factory of the Sharpshooter Gang, and even became the third person in the gang.

The new alliance eradicated the surrounding small gangs. It did not mean to kill them all. It just expelled all the lawless elements and set new rules in the territory.

Wang Fengshou and Rui Ningxuan were very close in stature and had similar facial features. This was a rare coincidence, so they took the opportunity to assume his identity and used plastic surgery to adjust their faces to look like the other's when necessary. As for where Rui Ningxuan himself went, Wang Fengshou did not say, and Hua Zhenxing did not ask, so it must have been dealt with properly.

"Rui Ningxuan" is a remnant of the Sharpshooter Gang who was driven out of their territory. He is also a technical talent, so he defected to another gang. To do this business, you must deal with the upstream supply group, and this group of forces also wants to deal with the new alliance.

The F Drug Group, which is responsible for supplying the Fiso Port, wants to deal with the New Alliance, mainly because the New Alliance's prohibition of drugs in its own territory will seriously affect their income.

Regardless of whether the new alliance really wants to suppress drugs or take control of the business on its own, the original D-trafficking group will not allow it. There is a better opportunity to take action now, which is to steal that batch of gold.

From "Rui Ningxun", they obtained the most detailed topographic and architectural distribution map of the "Alchemy Factory" area. "Rui Ningxuan" also confirmed for them that the address of the new alliance's alchemy factory is the former D-product processing factory of the Sharpshooter Gang. There are many facilities there that can be used.

Therefore, the three F drug groups in Port Feso are preparing to join forces. At the same time, they have gathered a group of drug business gangs and plan to organize a team to raid the alchemy factory. Who will send how many people, how many guns, how to divide the spoils afterwards, who will make plans and direct actions, the results can be discussed within a few days.

It is not surprising that the local drug trafficking group had such a reaction, but it was inevitable that Wang Feng was able to organize it so quickly, overtly and covertly.

Wang Fengshou planned more than that. He disclosed relevant information to his associates of the original Gunsling Gang, who in turn provided the information to another criminal group in Fesoport, which was mainly engaged in arms trading. .

There are a large number of guns scattered among the people in Fiso Port, but the locals basically do not know how to maintain and repair them, and new weapons are always needed. What is more important than weapons is ammunition, which cannot be produced by oneself and is a consumable, so it is also a very stable underground business.

The New Alliance banned guns in its territory, which of course offended this group of people. After getting the information, they also had the same idea and planned to organize a team to raid the alchemy factory, which would not only attack the New Alliance but also make a lot of money.

These are the latest intelligence brought by Wang Fengshou, and they are also the situations he personally planned.

After hearing this, Hua Zhenxing waited for a long time before saying: "Brother, you are so powerful! I did hear some news, but I didn't expect you to do so many things inside. Originally, the new alliance only needed to deal with one person first The Golden Gang, and now you have gathered the entire criminal elite of Port Feso?"

Wang Fengshou said with a smile: "Solving the big problem at once will save a lot of trouble in the future. After this battle, there will be no forces in Fesuo Port that can hinder the development of the new alliance, at least in the short term. Junior brother, you have already After creating such a good opportunity, didn’t you think of doing this?”

Hua Zhenxing: "I thought about it, but I didn't dare. I also felt that the time was not yet ripe. I originally planned to clean up the Golden Gang first and consolidate the Kelin District so that I could smoothly implement Huanxiang Industrial's next plan. To deal with famine and avoid riots , to create a demonstration area to tell everyone that hope can also be seen in the entire Fiso Port."

Wang Fengshou: "The opportunity is fleeting, why don't you dare to think about it?"

Hua Zhenxing: "My original thought was that I was still confident of dealing with one Golden Gang, but if we deal with so many people at the same time, even if we succeed, we will inevitably suffer various losses, and there may even be heavy casualties. This is something I never want to see. Moreover, wasting our strength on this aspect will delay the serious things we have to do, which will make the gain outweigh the loss."

Wang Fengshou: "This is a bit taken for granted! In the current situation, even if the New Alliance does not take the initiative to deal with them, will they let the New Alliance go?"

Hua Zhenxing pondered: "Of course those people will not become friends of the new alliance, but with their work efficiency and habits, originally they would not move quickly and there would not be a very united unified organization.

The new alliance has time to consolidate its results and strengthen its strength. Mr. Li can also train more manpower to deal with those who want to cause trouble in stages and batches, which can avoid a lot of trouble and reduce losses.

This is my plan, but now that senior brother has done so many things and gathered all the enemies, we have to take action even if we don't want to. Senior brother should have a more stable follow-up plan, right? "

Wang Fengshou nodded and said: "You guessed it right, otherwise Mr. Yang wouldn't have asked me to come to you! Everything should be won by strategy, but these people don't understand the real strategy at all, I'm afraid they have never even seen it!

I planned the first step, but of course there is a second step. In fact, we don’t need to take action, we can let them kill each other. If the two groups raid the alchemy factory at the same time and encounter a melee, the new alliance can reap the benefits. "

Hua Zhenxing frowned and said: "Senior brother, your plan is very good, but there are several difficulties that must be solved. How to ensure that they will launch a surprise attack at the same time, sneak in from different directions, and there will be a melee after the encounter?"

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