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Chapter 74 Hook

The location of the "alchemy factory" selected by Huazhenxing, Charles and others was not within the territory of the original Big Head Gang. It was located in an area recently "annexed" by the new alliance and was originally controlled by the Sharpshooter Gang.

The Sharpshooter Gang is also a gang. A few years ago, it was more powerful than the Big Head Gang. Although it later declined, it is still the fourth largest gang in the North Bay District after the Golden Gang, the Poseidon Gang, and the Big Head Gang. It was only recently eradicated by the new alliance.

Don’t think that the names of these gangs are too tacky and the similarities are too high. They are always like Sharpshooter or Poseidon, because the locals are at this level, and the name Straw Shoe Gang is even more tacky.

The Sharpshooter Gang has only existed for about ten years, and the leader who founded it is said to be a sharpshooter, which is rare in Port Feso. Most of the gangsters Hua Zhenxing has seen, the so-called marksmanship is just to pull the trigger. As for whether they can hit the target, as long as the distance is a little longer, they probably have to rely on faith.

The territory occupied by the Gunslinger Gang was no smaller than that of the Big Head Gang, and the leader called himself the Gunslinger. Hua Zhenxing had heard of this name before and thought it was funny. Being known as the master of guns among the gangsters in Port Fiso is like being known as the top student in the local public school. Does that mean anything?

In Hua Zhenxing's heart, he himself is the second sharpshooter in Fesuo Port. The number one is of course Old Man Yang. Uncle Mo and Ke Fuzi should also be very powerful, but Hua Zhenxing has never seen their marksmanship.

But others would not think so. At that time, all the gangs recognized that the gunman's marksmanship was the best, and people like Jin Datou never dared to provoke him.

The Sharpshooter Gang's territory is located in the southwest of the North Bay District, close to the International Hospital area. They were not very interested in expanding their territory at that time. They mainly focused on doing business and owned the main drug processing plant in Feso Port.

The so-called processing factory is actually a packaging factory. For example, the leaves packed in large bundles are disassembled and chopped, rolled into cigarettes and put into small boxes, or the large bags of white F are packed into small bags, and then diluted and adulterated. .

The supply channels for these D products are monopolized by several upstream drug groups, and terminal sales are within the territory of each gang. The Gunslinger Gang was once the most important middleman, distributor and wholesaler in this business. It is not easy to control this link. It also shows that the Gunslinger is a very capable person.

People who are capable often have ambitions, or have greater ideals and ambitions. Most of these people cannot stay in a place like Fisoport. Three years ago, the Gunslinger flew away. Some said he went to Luobazhou, some said he went to the United States, and some said he went to Mowang City, the capital of Kilili Country, to establish a larger gang organization.

After the Gunslinger left, the Gunslinger Gang gradually declined. Finally, it still had some foundation. Although it lost a lot of territory and the business of the processing factory was divided a lot, it did not disappear...until the heavy rainy season came this year. Finally it was completely eradicated.

But the address of the Sharpshooter Gang's processing plant is still there. The buildings around it are dilapidated and messy like a maze, but many places are quite solid and suitable for security and defense. It is an excellent location for an alchemy factory, which is both hidden and safe.

The New Alliance did not take the initiative to reveal the location of the "alchemy factory", but so much mineral gold was collected in the grocery store that it had to be transported to the processing location, which left clues for snoops. In the past few nights, there are always people sneaking out of the grocery store, carrying something with them. After passing it around several times, someone will eventually enter the D-product processing factory of the former Sharpshooter Gang.

Especially last night, the New Alliance sent out a lot of people, taking advantage of the dark rainy night to quietly set off from the grocery store, going around and around on the way, and a group of them finally arrived at that place. There are no lights in many neighborhoods, and the New Alliance has also sent people to pay attention to cover behind the scenes. It is impossible to detect them using ordinary tracking methods.

The Golden Gang used drones and high-tech infrared cameras to take off when the rain was light, and finally determined the location of the alchemy factory. In fact, not only the Gold Gang, but also several other forces in Fiso Port are also investigating the address of the alchemy factory, and their purpose may also be for that batch of gold.

Where the alchemy factory is located, smoke can be seen during the day, and there is a faint glow of fire from the sky at night. Of course it will be difficult for the new alliance to keep secrets for a long time, but once they have refined all the mined gold into pure gold and transferred or sold it, there will be little point in doing anything again.

The new alliance has been making a lot of noise in the past few days, attracting the attention of almost all the gangs in Fesoport. Even the Poseidon Gang learned that many people are looking for their alchemy factory, so Manman came to remind Hua Zhenxing.

Hua Zhenxing himself knew that the batch of ore gold had not been moved and was in the cellar of the grocery store. In the future, a modern alchemy factory might be needed, but for now, his "humanoid alchemy furnace" was enough. To complete the system tasks, he had to refine almost two tons of gold by himself, and he had just acquired half of it.

The Golden Gang was surprised how could the grocery store have so much acquisition funds? In fact, Huazhenhang was prepared based on the scale of acquiring two tons, and reserved 40 million meters of gold on its books. This is already the limit of liquidity that Huanxiang Industrial can draw out. Any more will affect the company's current operations.

The annual output of mining gold in the entire Fiso Port is less than one ton, and it is not known whether the private inventory can collect two tons.

From a cautious point of view, grocery stores may also be targeted, but Hua Zhenxing is not too worried, and Old Man Yang doesn't seem to mind at all. As far as Huazhenxing knew, his own grocery store was probably the safest place in this area.

The grocery store has no windows to the outside on the first floor. The exterior of the house and the courtyard wall look like they are covered with a thick layer of clay, but you can’t pick it up with your fingers. Even if it is hit by a bullet, it can only be left temporarily. A little white mark. Hua Zhenxing actually heard it from Charles at first, and Charles heard it from his aunt.

It is said that during the riot fifteen years ago, a portable rocket hit the courtyard wall. It was the most powerful weapon used by all parties in the conflict at that time. The blast of fire from the boss could knock people in the distance to the ground with its sound, but the courtyard wall remained intact.

Later, when Charles's aunt passed by, she only saw a shallow pit the size of a washbasin on the wall. She stretched out her fingers and found that it was actually less than a centimeter deep, which was equivalent to scratching a piece of skin.

Later, Charles mentioned this to Hua Zhenxing in a casual chat. It was several years later, and Hua Zhenxing could already walk and talk. The traces that Hua Zhenxing could see at that time were only the size of the mouth of a bowl, and there were only traces and no dents, just like the cracks he made on the glass more than ten years later.

Hua Zhenxing thought that Charles's aunt had remembered it wrongly, but later he accidentally discovered that the mark on the courtyard wall became smaller and smaller until it completely disappeared!

Others may not notice this detail, and even if they do, they will think it has been repaired. Hua Zhenxing paid attention to the whole process, and he knew that the courtyard wall was definitely not repaired by Old Man Yang, but was repaired slowly by himself. As a child, he didn’t think it was too strange at the time. He just thought his courtyard wall was amazing!

The grocery store is difficult to break into. In fact, even if someone breaks in, it doesn't matter. Outsiders can't find the entrance to the cellar. Of course, the New Alliance will never let this happen, and the grocery store has been tightly protected by patrols.

This kind of protection does not mean sending people to guard the courtyard, but all suspicious elements entering this area will be intercepted and interrogated by patrols. Guns are prohibited in the New Alliance's territory.

The situation in the former Sharpshooter Gang's territory, especially where the "Alchemy Factory" is located, is much more complicated. If you want to attack areas that do not need to be controlled by the new alliance, you can just launch a surprise attack directly from the periphery. Moreover, the buildings in that area are messy, making it easy for a large number of people to sneak in secretly.

But Manman called Hua Zhenxing for the first time today, and the main thing he was talking about was not this matter. The Poseidon Gang doesn't know where the New Alliance's alchemy factory is now. They only know that several forces want to take advantage of it, and Almost all the local gangs are paying attention. Manman just got the news that the "Gun God" is back.

At noon today, someone saw Gunslinger getting off the boat at the International Pier, and someone picked him up and left in a hurry. Although he wore sunglasses and was only seen for a very short time, he was recognized by a worker on the dock.

The Gunslinger suddenly returned to Port Feso at this time, probably for the new alliance! The reason why Manman made this judgment was that some people recognized that the person who greeted him was a close associate of Boris, the leader of the Gold Gang.

The Gunslinger has been gone for several years. The world outside is not good, why would he come back? For him, the Sharpshooter Gang has long been history. In recent years, a lot of the Sharpshooter Gang's territory and business have been taken away, and there is no news about him.

Most likely, he was invited back by Boris with a huge profit. The new alliance spent at least 13 million meters of gold to acquire mining gold of huge value, and almost no one would be unmoved. It would be difficult for a so-called sharpshooter to earn such a huge amount of wealth no matter where he was in the world.

Hua Zhenxing had heard of the Gunslinger when he was a child, but he didn't take it seriously. It was just the so-called marksmanship! Later, the Gunslinger left Port Feso, where new things happened every day, and Hua Zhenxing had long forgotten about this person.

But Manman's memory is different. As far as she knows, the Gunslinger is too powerful and dangerous! He is also ruthless and kills without blinking an eye. If Port Feso had a "force ranking" and a "danger ranking" like those in martial arts novels, the Gunslinger would be ranked number one on both lists, and Manman wouldn't dare to mess with him.

Manman also told Hua Zhenxing some legends about the Gun God, which may not be considered legends because some people claimed to have seen them with their own eyes. It is said that the gun master doesn't need to aim at all when he shoots. He can hit wherever he wants and his bullets will be perfect. That's all. What's even more amazing is that no one can hit him. Even if the aim is accurate, the bullet will deflect for no reason.

In addition, some people say that when facing the gun god, the opponent's gun often misfires or misfires, and he should have mastered powerful witchcraft. Although Hua Zhenxing is already a powerful witch in Manman's eyes, he still feels that the gunslinger is more powerful.

It was convenient to make a phone call. The two of them chatted for a long time and exchanged so much information without spending any energy or energy. Hua Zhenxing did not take it lightly. He planned to tell Li Jingzhi about the situation so as not to let the patrol team suffer secretly. At the same time, he also wanted to remind and consult the three old men.

He finally said on the phone: "Manman, why don't we meet and discuss in detail how to deal with the Gunslinger. There should be a way for the two of us to work together. Don't worry, I will never let you take risks..."

Manman thought for a while: "Okay, when and where will we meet?"

Hua Zhenxing: "Tomorrow, you can come anytime, just at the old man's grocery store, I'll wait for you!"

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