Enjoy the world

Chapter 58 Too dark【Please subscribe】

The citizens of Kilili Country are very free and can do whatever they want in many places. Even if it is illegal activities, the officials do not pay much attention to them. They can theoretically go anywhere, but many cannot leave their own neighborhoods. For example, the place where Charles grew up was only a few kilometers away from the relatively prosperous trading area, but he rarely came here.

It's like there is a barrier, invisible but extremely tough, that isolates people on isolated islands. Therefore, the local neighborhood culture also has semi-tribal characteristics. As smart and capable as Charles, it seemed that he could only join the gangs when his elders were in the gang. His once ideal was just to replace Jin Datou and become the gang leader in the neighborhood.

Perhaps a developed industrial civilization can break down many invisible barriers because it requires a large number of qualified and freely mobile labor force. In a relatively stable and safe social environment, receiving education and employment opportunities represents more and different choices. The so-called destiny is the range of choices a person can make.

However, the current situation here itself excludes the modern industrial civilization system and makes it lack a foundation. This seems to have become an unsolvable knot. To open this knot, there must be radical changes from the bottom up, which is what the new alliance needs to do. Ciel, the nominal leader of the new alliance, is still confused at this time.

Society not only progresses but also declines, and this decline is sometimes visible to the naked eye. The most typical feature is that many parts of the once prosperous country have been reduced to invisible islands like the Shire.

People on an isolated island may be vicious and polite, but they lack empathy. It seems that another neighborhood is another world and has nothing to do with one's own life. This indifference is often engraved in cultural genes. For example, people living in the trading area have neither understanding nor interest in what happens on the Big Head Gang's territory. That is not their responsibility.

Sometimes they will also show concern, often out of curiosity or novelty, or subconsciously to reflect a sense of moral superiority. Such a sense of moral superiority is sometimes objectionable, but it is not useless. At least it gives birth to charity, but this usefulness cannot solve the root cause.

If someone is lucky enough to break through the barrier of the island and achieve a class jump, it would be like moving from a neighborhood in the Shire to a trading district and becoming a member here, but the social reality has not changed at all.

Sober people are often miserable, such as Hua Zhenxing. The older he grows up and learns more, the more unhappy he becomes. The three old men gave him extremely wise teachings, and the advanced network information allowed him to understand the past and present events in the world, but they made him feel out of place here.

At least Shire still has his own neighborhood, and although Hua Zhenxing has learned a lot, has special skills, and can walk hundreds of miles alone in the wilderness, the world that truly belongs to him actually only has a small grocery store.

Hua Zhenxing was very smart and tried not to reveal his youthful troubles in front of the three old men, but how could the three old men not see it? His world is small, but his ideals are big, so he has such a dream. That dream was childish, but it made him feel the joy of a child. Only children would think they could build such a paradise, and the three old men actually admired this childishness.

Hua Zhenxing’s ideal is not to paint on graffiti, but to trace on white paper and then show people that the world can be like that. But in reality, he still had to start from Fiso Port to create a forest area and use it as a base.

Therefore, in the eyes of Charles, the prosperous and prosperous trade area is the biggest obstacle to the creation of the Klin District in the eyes of Hua Zhenxing. When Hua Zhenxing stood outside the door of Jindianxing and waited for Charles, he looked at the street scene around him and had these thoughts in his mind.

There are two banks on this street. There are neatly reserved parking spaces on both sides of the road. There are cafes and fast food restaurants with bright windows. Diagonally across from Jindian Bank is the Dongguo Bank, with the sign of the business department of the Feiso Port Branch of the Kiriguo Branch. Not far ahead is the branch of Yinguo Huifeng Bank.

There are police on duty at both ends of the street, and police cars patrolling the street from time to time. The policeman glanced at Huazhenxing on the roadside from the car window and did not pay special attention. He was dressed neatly and neatly, with a typical Dongguo Chinese face. He didn't look dangerous at first glance, and he didn't look like he had weapons on him.

Why didn't Hua Zhenxing get in? Because he had to be searched when he went in, and he was really armed. Not only the gun, but also the paratrooper knife and finger tiger were brought, but they were hidden very cleverly and were not easy to see. He leaned against a streetlight pole and used his mobile phone as a cover, extending his consciousness to sense the situation in Jin Dianxing.

The counter of Jindianxing is separated by bulletproof glass. There are many products with price tags on display inside. Most of them are overdue mortgages that have not been redeemed. However, more good goods will not be left outside because many of the things here are stolen goods. , the owner might see it. The Golden Gang also runs a gray business, which is to help people find valuable lost items and collect commissions.

The place where gold sand is purchased is next to the pawn shop. The counter is open. Apart from the gold sand brought by the customers themselves, there are no other valuable items in the room. There are only some inspection equipment placed in the room. There are three men at the counter, responsible for receiving and inspecting the goods. They are not local aborigines but Westerners, much whiter than Shire.

Small batches of loose ore gold are not accepted here, usually starting from ten ounces.

Charles brought no more than ten ounces of gold, which was actually prepared by Mo Shangtong for Hua Zhenxing and had not yet been refined. He came to the counter and sat down. There were two security guards not far behind him. On the way here, he acted very nervous in front of Hua Zhenxing, but now he completely returned to his normal self. He put down the small bag in his hand and waved proudly: "Take a look, how much is it? I want rice gold!"

The first person at the counter poured the broken gold in the bag into a tray, weighed it on an electronic scale, and then handed it to the second person. The second person used pliers to crush a few larger gold particles, then lit a small spray gun to burn the broken gold in the tray until it was red, and then brought it to the third person to see.

The whole process was very simple. According to the rules, the plate of broken gold never left Ciel's sight, and no other equipment in the room was used for inspection. The third person sat there and just glanced at it, then closed his eyes. When he opened his eyes again, he said expressionlessly something that seemed to be an internal code word, but Charles didn't understand it anyway.

Hua Zhenxing outside didn't understand either, but he was surprised because his consciousness seemed to sense a weak disturbance. He didn't know what the situation was, so he immediately withdrew his consciousness and stopped sensing the gold particles.

Hua Zhenxing just used his spiritual consciousness to sense the situation, and did not really explore the inside of those gold particles. It was equivalent to just watching without moving. But those gold particles "moved". This kind of movement was not real movement, but the physical properties were disturbed. Hua Zhenxing had refined the gold particles many times before he could be so sensitive to detect this change.

Could it be that the person sitting there was using his spiritual consciousness to detect the gold particles? Hua Zhenxing was familiar with this kind of physical disturbance, just like his "in-depth observation" every time he made gold, but he had not really started refining gold yet. Hua Zhenxing knows that he is not the only person in the world who has mastered spiritual consciousness, and he is not yet a master in this regard.

The stranger should also have mastered spiritual consciousness. I didn't expect that there was such a "special talent" in the Golden Gang. Hua Zhenxing's first feeling was surprise, but also a little excited.

His Yuan Yuan Technique was taught by Old Man Yang, and apart from teaching Yuan Yuan Technique, Old Yang never wanted to talk too much about this aspect. He just let Hua Zhenxing practice and summarize it by himself. The plastic surgery taught by Ke Fuzi and the alchemy taught by Uncle Mo are all application skills after reaching the realm.

That person has also mastered spiritual consciousness, so what kind of kung fu he practices, how it is different from Yangyuan Technique, and what other abilities and techniques he has are all of Hua Zhenxing's interest. On the other hand, with such people around, the Golden Gang seems to be more difficult to deal with than originally expected.

Hua Zhenxing withdrew his consciousness very cautiously, not because he was afraid, but because he didn't want to alarm the other party, but the movement in the room was still clear. The first person wrote a check and put it in front of Charles and said: "Three thousand meters of gold. Go to the Huifeng Bank next door to withdraw the money. You can also deposit it into your account."

Ciel protested loudly: "So few?"

The man replied: "Your gold is not pure, and we will still charge for inspection, processing, and refining."

Hua Zhenxing outside was surprised again. He knew very well that the purity of these gold grains was about 70%. Not to mention the high accuracy of the inspection, the stranger with spiritual consciousness should also know it.

Huazhenxing can find that the current price of gold is about US$2,000 per ounce, which is similar in various places in the world. Those ten ounces of mined gold yield seven ounces of pure gold, worth fourteen thousand dollars.

Even if you take into account the costs of inspection, processing, refining, etc., no matter how harsh the charge is, it is estimated to be at least 10,000 US dollars, right? Because gold itself is a kind of hard currency, and its value is stronger than the local currency of Kiribati. Gold trading is different from ordinary commodity sales. There is not much room for price difference, and it is almost equivalent to a currency exchange.

It's like going to the black market to exchange U.S. dollars for Dongguo currency. According to the real-time exchange rate, two thousand meters of gold can be exchanged for 14,000 Dongguo currency. However, the exchanger charges a handling fee, so it can only give 3,000 Dongguo currency. Is there such an exchange? No matter how dark the black market is, it's not that dark, right? This is many times higher than the cost of money laundering, but it is actually a legitimate business open to the public!

After thinking about it for a while, Hua Zhenxing realized the reason and sympathized with the local natives who were panning for gold during the rainy season. They had no means of inspection at all and harvested some small gold particles scattered and piecemeal. They neither knew its purity nor even the price of gold, let alone independently purified and processed it. They just knew that this stuff could be exchanged for money.

Those who can go to Jindian Bank to do business are no longer ordinary people in the area. Usually it is the leader of a certain tribe, the organizer of gold mining, or the gang that controls the territory. They collect the gold nuggets that the locals mine and often give them a very low price. Some people purchase these mines through channels and then get them from Jindianxing to cash out.

Only places like Jindianxing have enough financial resources and power to purchase mineral gold in large quantities, and they also monopolize the channels for processing and trading. Even if ordinary people find gold, they have no other choice, and they are not even qualified to do transactions at Jindian Bank.

Not to mention what Hua Zhenxing thought, Charles inside didn't care too much. Anyway, according to the pre-discussed plan, no matter what price Jindianxing offered, he didn't plan to sell it. He stood up and said: "It's too low, I won't sell it! "

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