Enjoy the world

Chapter 57 There are people all over the world who want to kill you [Please order first]

Hua Zhenxing lowered his head and said with some dissatisfaction: "I am Feng Zibin, why can't I entrust it to myself?"

Old Man Yang took out a cane from somewhere and slapped it on the stone table: "Can you save me some peace of mind! Who cares about that broken company now? Why don't you know what's good? Why don't you show up directly? , I’ve been studying for so many years and still haven’t gotten the hang of it!

Some things are inappropriate in your current capacity. There are still some things that we are not suitable to do directly. We can only let local people like Charles do it. You have taken so much pains to make so many arrangements, but you ruined it yourself.

Whatever you want to do, you will definitely encounter opponents in the future. The greater the interests involved, the stronger the opponents will be. It is not impossible that one day there will be people all over the world who want to kill you. If you sign such a power of attorney, why would you change your identity? "

Hua Zhenxing had been beaten frequently since he was a child. Old Yang's cane made him appear and disappear, leaving countless deep impressions on Hua Zhenxing. Looking back, I haven't been whipped for more than a year, but when I saw Old Man Yang's attitude today, Hua Zhenxing was still a little frightened.

He quietly took half a step back, still lowering his head and said: "I understand, I was wrong! Please don't be angry, this power of attorney has not been seen by others... Actually, I just want to try, I'm talking Does it work well?"

Yang Tehong pointed at him with a cane and said, "Let me ask you first, is it okay for me to speak?"

Hua Zhenxing nodded quickly: "It works, of course it works!"

Old Man Yang: "Then let me ask you again, why are you seeking death? It's just a small sense of power and you don't know how to control yourself. What else can you do? You know you shouldn't but can't control yourself, you are seeking death. This is the same as smoking a scorpion or smoking a scorpion. What’s the difference between leaves?”

Hua Zhenxing: "I was wrong. I already admitted my mistake just now."

Only then did Old Man Yang put away the cane and said: "It is better to take it orally. You are a boy in a grocery store. If someone wants to deal with you, they will use the same method as a boy, so it will not be difficult for you to deal with it. If you are If you are Feng Zibin, then others will use different methods to deal with you, and it will not be convenient for you to do things.

Look at me, with such great ability, I am also a grocery store owner! Do you think I have a fever? This is how I live comfortably. Many people don’t know the true meaning of frugality and kindness. Lao Mo also talked about frugality, and Xiao Meng also talked about kindness. But in my case, frugality is not obvious, and kindness comes before self-esteem. "

Hua Zhenxing: "Yes, you teach me well."

At this point, Old Yang's anger was almost gone, and then he sat down and said: "I didn't put you in that position, you are that kind of person. Now you need to read more, learn more, come up with ideas, and then read again , study again, and propose ideas again, no one will let you have the final say.”

Hua Zhenxing smiled and said, "Then what do you need me to do?"

Yang Tehong: "Didn't I assign you a task today? You have three things to do. The first is to go to Lei Gong to discuss the project. You can think of how to discuss it yourself. The second is to help Charles deal with the Poseidon Gang and the Golden Gang. No need. Go find him in a hurry, and he will come to you on his own initiative. Thirdly, don't you still have system tasks?"

Hua Zhenxing: "I understand, and I will definitely try my best to do a good job. But as for Chief Engineer Lei, in addition to the two apartment buildings, can I also have full control over the barbed wire project?"

Yang Tehong: "As long as you can handle things, you can make the decision. If you can't handle things yet, don't show off. If you want to know how capable you are, do something first."

Hua Zhenxing: "Then this power of attorney will be invalidated. I will write another one and entrust you to convey Feng Zibin's opinions. You don't need to take it out. Use it when necessary."

Yang Tehong: "Why don't you write it quickly!"

Hua Zhenxing hurried upstairs, quickly wrote a new power of attorney, and ran down to hand it to Yang Tehong. Yang Tehong shook his hand, but there was no light from the fire, and the original piece of paper turned into ashes. He folded the power of attorney and put it away with satisfaction: "By the way, there is one more thing. Lao Mo plans to raise chickens in the manor, what do you think?"

Hua Zhenxing: "As long as they are not raised too much or too densely and they are kept clean and tidy, I don't see any problem."

Yang Tehong: "You don't need to tell me this. Lao Mo and his gang are much more experienced than you. I'm just asking you what you think?"

Hua Zhenxing: "Idea? In the future, there will be chickens to eat, and there will be eggs!"

Yang Tehong smiled: "This is a good idea. There are fresh vegetables all year round."

Hua Zhenxing: "What if these chickens wander around the manor and don't return to their nests to lay eggs?"

Yang Tehong's smile became a little weird: "Are you worried that the chicken has laid eggs and you can't find them? With your uncle Mo's ability, collecting eggs is nothing!"

Hua Zhenxing also realized that this worry was a bit unnecessary. Uncle Mo was very capable. For example, old man Yang had used the skill of catching noodles in the air, and he would definitely be able to do it.

Uncle Mo held a bag and stood there. His consciousness swept over it and he could clearly see which chicken laid the eggs where. With another wave of his hand, eggs flew into his pocket from every corner of the manor... The picture was so beautiful that it was almost impossible to look at it.

After sincerely admitting his mistake, he finally dealt with the angry old man Yang. When Hua Zhenxing went upstairs to rest, there was a sudden thunder from the sky, followed by rolling thunder, and the heavy rainy season finally arrived.

The heavy rainy season in this area usually lasts from late May to early August, which is nearly three months. The desert quickly became verdant, and many places gradually turned into a swamp. The water flow gathered to form seasonal rivers, including the Beisuo River and the Zhenxing River marked on the sand table.

When the heavy rainy season comes to an end every year, herds of bison, zebras and other wild animals will migrate north from the national parks in the south, crossing the Fiso Port and entering the northern desert that is already lush with water and grass. They will breed there and wait until the end of the year after the light rainy season before migrating south again.

During the rainy season, it doesn’t rain heavily every day, nor does it rain 24 hours a day. It does occasionally clear up. Some neighborhoods are the cleanest of the year, as rain washes away stains, while others appear extraordinarily dirty as water flows along the terrain, collecting filth.

After the rain that day, Hua Zhenxing and Charles walked on the clean streets. Charles wore the same clothes he wore for the ceremony that day, but changed into a pair of comfortable and breathable shoes. He even held a long-handled umbrella in his hand. He lowered his voice and said, "Why do I feel so unsure? I am now the leader of the new alliance. , would it be dangerous to run into the territory of the Golden Gang? What if they want to take the opportunity to kill me?"

Hua Zhenxing: "The New Alliance has no intention of dealing with the Golden Gang. Even the insiders don't know our plan. The people in the Golden Gang don't pay attention to the New Alliance at all. They probably don't even know you. Jin Dianxing Open for business, everyone can come, and they usually won’t do anything to you in their territory, at least not on the surface.”

Charles: "But we are fishing. Don't catch a big shark and eat me! How about calling a few more people and escorting us in a car?"

Hua Zhenxing: "What's the point of catching fish like that? No matter how slow people are, they will still keep an eye on you. I'm afraid they think that the new alliance is coming to grab the territory, and maybe they just start fighting! There is an idiom in the Eastern Kingdom that is to alert the snake to the grass. We can't scare the snake to the grass... …Don’t worry, I will protect you, you just come in and ask for a price.”

Ciel: "I know you are capable, but I am taking a risk this time."

Hua Zhenxing: "This is one of the neighborhoods with the best security in Fesoport. What are you afraid of? Didn't we agree that I will deal with the Poseidon of the Poseidon Gang for you? You can help me ask for a price."

Charles looked around again and said, "This place is so clean and impressive. Will the entire Klin District be like this in the future?"

Hua Zhenxing sneered: "What is this place? It can't be compared with the forest area we planned!"

The environment varies greatly between different neighborhoods in Porto Fiso. The most beautiful and peaceful place is of course the southern coast, where the headquarters of Huanxiang Industrial is located. There are several places in the main urban area where security is good, including special areas such as Fesoport International Hospital and Fesoport International Terminal.

The security situation in the central block where the city government, city council and other power agencies are located is relatively good, and many high-level people live in that area. There are also a few high-end shopping malls, supermarkets, hotels and leisure and entertainment venues in Fiso Port.

Another relatively "noble" neighborhood is the territory of the Golden Gang, which is a local business center and financial center. The locals call it the trading area, and in the administrative division, it belongs to the North Bay District. In fact, many local residents do not know the name of Beiwan District at all. Most of the time, it only exists on administrative division maps. The Kelin District planned to be established by the new alliance roughly overlaps with the North Bay District in the Feso Port municipal area.

The Port District occupies about a quarter of the area of ​​the North Bay District and has the only police station in the North Bay District. The police station is funded by taxes paid by local residents and businesses, and also includes a portion of donations. Of course, they must provide protection to the local area. There are police patrols here on weekdays, and police are on duty at some important locations.

It is necessary to introduce the administrative divisions of Kilili Country. Port Fiso is actually not only a city, but one of the nine states of Kilili Country, which is equivalent to the concept of a state or province. Fiso Port is the northernmost and largest state in the Kingdom of Kili. It has only one city under its jurisdiction.

The city is divided into five districts. Beiwan District is one of them. It is the third-level and lowest-level administrative unit in the country. The administrative governance structure of Kilili Kingdom only has three levels: country, state (city), and district, unlike Dongguo which has five levels: country, province, city, county, and township.

If you look at it from the perspective of an Eastern countryman, even though it is in the post-colonial era, Kiri Country still retains the social characteristics of a semi-tribal and semi-colonial society. The major states are controlled by relatively independent separatist forces, and local governments have little control over the grassroots. The so-called grassroots are actually neighborhoods, which basically focus on autonomy within the neighborhoods.

Fisoport City is divided into five districts, and under the Police Headquarters, there are five police stations. Theoretically, the North Bay District Police Department is responsible for the security of the entire North Bay District, but they generally only patrol in the so-called business areas and rarely enter the neighborhoods where the Big Head Gang and the Poseidon Gang are located.

Those chaotic neighborhoods, or low-income neighborhoods, are both dangerous and have little to gain. The forces that control those neighborhoods, such as the former Big Head Gang, do not want the police to interfere in matters within their territory, and often give bribes regularly to try to stay out of their own business.

There are almost no taxes collected from the lower-class neighborhoods. In some places, the government even outsources tax collection to the gangs that control the neighborhoods, which is equivalent to decentralization and a disguised cut of the protection fees.

The trade zone is very close to the international terminal. There are many foreign trade companies here and it is also the foothold of many overseas institutions in Fiso Port, so it is relatively prosperous. Five banks have established branches in Fiso Port, three of which are in the trade zone.

During the riots fifteen years ago, the residents in this area ran faster when they saw the situation was bad, but the neighborhood suffered the least damage, and the recovery and reconstruction in recent years has been the best.

To say that the security here is not bad is only compared to other local neighborhoods. Wandering around in secluded alleys in the middle of the night is also a very risky act to seek death. There is still a lot of illegal trade here, it's just not done as blatantly as elsewhere, but the amounts and scale are greater.

It is said that several of the largest underground criminal gangs in Fiso Port have their headquarters in the trade zone. They are not gangsters on the surface, and they also hope to stay in a relatively safe place.

The trade area is the territory of the Golden Gang. The Golden Gang never pays attention to other gangs around it. They call themselves "civilized thugs" - Hua Zhenxing really can't find a more accurate word to translate it. There are other forces behind the Golden Gang, and their main role is to prevent other gangs from causing trouble in the trading area.

It is said that the Golden Gang does not charge protection fees. They are only responsible for handling underground illegal transactions in the trading area. They also have their own industries, the most important of which are a casino and Golden Bank. The first destination of Huazhenxing and Xiaer's trip was Jindianxing.

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