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Chapter 52 Ciel’s homework

Ciel brought ten people with him when he came, and more than fourteen people when he returned. There were people meeting up along the way, and they were all key members of the new alliance. Mo Shangtong ordered and Li Jingzhi was responsible for convening. The first batch mobilized a total of 200 people, half of them Chinese from Dongguo and local indigenous residents.

Although there are more than 11,000 members in the New Alliance, not all of them are full-time. These 200 people are the standing staff of the New Alliance to perform daily tasks. Together with the original more than 100 members of the Big Head Gang, it is enough. Controlling the existing territory gave them an overwhelming advantage over the surrounding small gangs in terms of numbers alone.

The night after he returned, Charles summoned all the backbone members of the gang and announced that the Big Head Gang had officially changed its name to the New Alliance. No one is surprised that Jin Datou is dead. Of course, the Datou Gang can no longer be called the Datou Gang. Charles also announced that 200 new gang members had joined. They were all originally members of the Straw Shoes Gang and were introduced to the new alliance by his good brother "Hua".

The first thought of many old gang members is actually - won't the new alliance be able to dominate Port Feso in the future? Their ideas may be good, but there are some situations they didn't expect.

As for the news that "the Straw Shoes Gang has disbanded and all members have joined the new alliance," Ciel has not announced it. It is not as simple as saying something, and it is currently only known to a few senior executives, with Lei Dajin and others responsible for the specific operations.

Charles showed extremely high efficiency that is rare among local natives. He was so resolute that he cleared out all the shops on the first floor of the headquarters early the next morning. Except for those few original grass shoe upper shops that were moved out on their own initiative, the rest were thrown out with people and their belongings. Those who did it were all the original members of the Big Head Gang, especially the guys under Charles who worked the hardest. .

What to do after throwing it out? They don't bother to care, this is what they call a gang!

Ciel was so domineering, no one thought it was abnormal. The Big Head Gang changed its name and head, and became more powerful. Charles changed the original rules set by Jin Big Head and did everything according to his own wishes. Many people thought that Charles wanted benefits and came to him, hoping to run the vacant shops, and all their future contributions would be given to Charles.

But Ciel was unmoved and only said that the new alliance in this place would be used for business. Everyone thought they had it figured out. No wonder they wanted to drive everyone else away.

This kind of thing is logical for Xia Erqian, but it might not work for people like Hua Zhenxing or Old Man Yang, because they are not local indigenous people, and it can easily lead to the expansion of the conflict. Working in the name of the New Alliance, in the eyes of local people, the New Alliance is the original Big Head Gang, but there is nothing wrong with it.

Many new gang leaders often do this when they first take office, not only to express their joy of becoming the boss, but also to vent their suppressed emotions, and more importantly, to prove to others that they are not easy to mess with. I don't know where they learned a concept: when you are the boss, you have to be fierce and ruthless, so that others will not dare to be cruel or harsh to you.

From the simplest perspective of establishing authority, even a wild dog can think like this, but many people here believe it to be the truth. Only by suffering will you understand that something is wrong, but suffering often means losing your life.

There are so many gangs, large and small, that have emerged in Fiso Port. The destruction of old gangs is often concentrated when the boss is changed. Of course, if a new boss is replaced who is brave and resourceful, it will be the turn of other gangs to be unlucky. . Regardless of whether Charles is brave or not, the four King Kongs sent by Huanxiang Industrial and so many backbone gang members are not vegetarians.

Before the surrounding small gangs could react, the new alliance took over their territory with a crushing force. This is not surprising. One hundred and fifty of the 200 newly joined cadres were assigned to the patrol team in charge of Li Jingzhi. Based on the establishment of a Dongguo field company, these people had also received specialized military training. train.

They are equipped with uniform standard weapons, including non-lethal anti-riot weapons. Their quality may not be as good as the regular troops of Dongguo, but here they are simply bullying people. They clean up the gangsters in a few blocks just for fun. It took one day to eliminate eight surrounding small gangs.

Within the planned Kelin District, the Straw Shoes Gang controls more than one-third of the area, and the only remaining gang forces are the Poseidon Gang and the Golden Gang. At the suggestion of several assistants, Charles suspended his proactive steps and instead consolidated his existing territory. He issued several new rules on behalf of the new alliance.

The first step is to clear away the guns and weapons in the territory. The weapons owned by the small gangs that were wiped out are the first to bear the brunt. It is stipulated that as long as in the territory of the new alliance, no one is allowed to hold guns in violation of regulations, and any one found will be killed. In fact, the gun management system of Kilili Country is generally based on that of Lanxi Country. In name, strict control is implemented, but in fact the legal provisions here are a dead letter.

Guns and ammunition are considered a kind of luxury here. Only various gangs have a lot of them. People also have sporadic private collections, but they usually don't show them around. This rule of the new alliance has not caused much controversy. Confiscating firearms after occupying new territory is also something that many gangs do, but this time it seems to be particularly strict.

Even within the new alliance, ordinary members are not allowed to go out with guns at will. All firearms and weapons are uniformly managed by the patrol team commanded by Li Jingzhi, and there are strict acquisition, maintenance, registration systems and operating regulations.

The more than 100 broken guns confiscated were mainly pistols, and they were of various types. Li Jingzhi didn't like them at all, so he put them into storage after some maintenance. In his opinion, the messy equipment cannot exert its combat effectiveness at all. The firearms have different structures and ammunition types, and the logistics and maintenance cannot be guaranteed.

Even if you are a sharpshooter, you will not be able to shoot accurately if you suddenly switch to an unfamiliar gun. The ballistics are different... Of course, it is too difficult for the gangsters here to understand the ballistic curve, and they will only shoot blindly.

The second rule established by Ciel is the prohibition of drugs. No one is allowed to buy or sell drugs in the territory of the new alliance, and production and processing are certainly not allowed. This does not have much impact on other gangs outside the new alliance's territory, because the drug trade is the most important business controlled by each gang, and it is even the basis for dividing the territory.

In the territory of the new alliance, the drug trade is of course controlled by them, and other gangs cannot interfere. However, Charles's new rules cut off his own financial resources. He did not allow others to buy or sell, and he did not engage in such business himself. So what should people in the new alliance's territory do if they want to buy goods? They can go to other gangs' territories to buy. Charles can't control all the business in Fiso Port. If you want to buy goods, please go outside.

No matter who wants to stay in the new alliance's territory, please quit. If you are unwilling to quit or can no longer quit, then please leave. Ciel felt that this decision was merciful enough, at least leaving a way for those people. Lei Dajin shook his head and sighed: "That is not a way of survival, but a way of death, a death path chosen by themselves."

Tang Senzhi: "People like that will do a lot of harm but no good if they stay here. It would be best if all of them are gone."

Li Xiaoyang said solemnly: "If it's just a bag bitten by a mosquito, just rub some cooling oil on it. But if the bag has been infected and turned into a malignant sore, then surgery will be required to cut off the rotten flesh."

Xiaer was slightly worried and said, "But if we do this, we will offend a lot of people."

Lei Dajin shook his head and said: "If you don't offend them, what's the difference between you and Jin Datou? Don't complain here. Xiaohua asked me to pass on the message yesterday, so just go ahead and do it. Don't be afraid."

Who did Charles really offend by doing this? Of course, it is those D-trafficking groups, they are the higher-level rentiers, and the so-called gangsters are nothing more than distributors in various territories.

In such a large area, if the drug trade is completely banned, other gangsters will only feel pity, and may also think that Charles is a fool who has money but does not make money. But those F drug groups will definitely regard Ciel as a thorn in their side and a thorn in their flesh. They may not have reacted yet, but they will definitely try to get rid of Ciel in the future.

The power and methods of those people are much more powerful than ordinary gangsters. Charles is not stupid. The purpose of expressing his concern is to hope that the power of the Original Grass Upper can protect him.

The third rule promulgated by Ciel is that casinos are not allowed to be opened in the territory of the new alliance. Opening casinos is also an important source of income for many gangs, but the New Alliance does not do this kind of business, and does not allow others to open casinos in its territory.

In fact, private gambling is difficult to ban, and even difficult to define. For example, who can play mahjong at home? The new alliance only does not allow the establishment of casinos, gambling houses, and gambling stalls that gather people to operate. It's hard to dissuade real gamblers, so just go somewhere else to gamble. That's all the new league can do at the moment.

According to Hua Zhenxing's plan, guns, drugs, gambling, and pornography were banned in order of importance within the Kelin District. During the actual implementation process, the New Alliance Executive Committee temporarily banned the first three items. As for yellow food, it’s not that you shouldn’t sweep it away, but you shouldn’t be too impatient. You should eat it one bite at a time, taking into account the local conditions.

In fact, the new alliance's actions were as fast as lightning. It only took three days to complete all the above things, before other forces could react. But in the eyes of Li Jingzhi and others, this is not much of an achievement, just a dozen broken blocks.

What Hua Zhenxing has been doing these three days mainly includes three things: playing with the sand table, doing homework, and refining gold.

The sand table not only contains the one given to him by Mo Shangtong, but also the one used by Huanxiang Industrial for meetings, which will be placed in the president's office of Palm Manor in the future. The office was large enough to serve as a small conference room, with a dedicated break room. With the expansion of the new alliance, the markings on the sandbox are also changing these days.

Hua Zhenxing told the three elderly people that in fact he no longer needed to carry the sand table with him. In his soul, he could naturally display all the changes shown on the sand table in his mind.

Yang Tehong shook his head with a smile and said: "You are only changing this sand table in the soul now, but where does this sand table come from? It is Fesuo Port, this wasteland continent! In theory, you can practice the art of nourishing the soul to the third level. Level, when you unfold the soul image, you can show the entire Fesuo Port, the entire wasteland continent, and even the sun, moon, mountains and rivers..."

At this point, Old Man Yang was spreading his hands in a lyrical gesture, and Master Ke interjected: "Is this something that can be done by the third-level Yang Yuan Technique?"

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