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Chapter 51 The Four King Kong

The General Supply and Marketing Cooperative integrates various industries currently operated by Straw Shoe Gang members through centralized purchasing and marketing, purchasing and sales on behalf of others, and mainly sells various daily necessities and production equipment. As long as you go there, you can basically buy all the things you need on weekdays without having to travel around. There is also bulk wholesale business.

Everyone in the local area can go there to buy things, and the supply and marketing cooperative can also purchase designated supplies. The core area it serves is of course the planned Kelin District. With the advancement of the Kelin District plan, the supply and marketing cooperative plans to set up two more business outlets within the twelve square kilometers, basically ensuring that residents of the Kelin District can reach it on foot.

The supply and marketing cooperative is invested by Huanxiang Industrial. In the early stage, Huanxiang Industrial planned to hold 65% of the shares, and the other 20% of the shares belonged to Yang Tehong. Yang Tehong invested in real estate, and the remaining 15% shares were given to the new alliance. The shares of the new alliance are not free. It must maintain order, ensure fair transactions, and deal with all troublemakers.

Staff of the General Supply and Marketing Cooperative will also be selected from new alliance members and must receive relevant training.

The first step now is to clean and renovate the headquarters building. It's easier to say that the original grass shoe uppers have their own people. But there are still many merchants who occupy the place. They can do business there, and they are inextricably related to Jin Datou's direct descendants. Now they have to be thrown out with thunderous means. Who can do such dirty work? Woolen cloth?

The new leader of the Big Head Gang and the reformed new alliance president Charles did his part and led his former direct subordinates who were best suited to complete such a task. In order to "help" the leader of Charles, Ke Mengchao also sent four senior executives to the new alliance, namely the four vice presidents present here. They are all members of the new alliance now, and their abilities and qualifications are certainly sufficient for the job.

Li Xiaoyang no longer needs to take care of the shoe factory himself. He has become the vice president of Huanxiang Industrial and works tirelessly to help Shire manage the business production of the new alliance. Tang Senzhi manages the finance and auditing. Lei Dajin is fully responsible for the administrative organization. Li Jing Nao is responsible for security.

After introducing the nature and development plan of the supply and marketing cooperative, Ke Mengchao looked at Charles and said earnestly: "Today, you are assigned the most powerful 'Four Diamonds' of the group as assistants. You must study hard and transform yourself."

These "Four King Kongs" not only helped Charles manage the new alliance, but Ke Mengchao also assigned them "teaching and training" tasks. For example, Li Xiaoyang wants to try to train Charles in English and Dongguan, and teach him to read, write and speak.

The other three people each have corresponding tasks. The most interesting one is Li Jingzhi. In addition to his own business, he also has to teach Charles to master an instrument, and Li Jingzhi decided to teach him to play the suona.

Of course, these four people are not mere commanders, and specific matters must be left to a group of professionals. In short, the new alliance will be a social organization, and Huanxiang Industry will be the economic organization behind it. It all started with the reorganization of the Big Head Gang and the establishment of a supply and marketing cooperative. It didn't matter that Charles didn't know how to do it. The Four King Kongs would bring people to teach him and help him.

After finishing speaking, Ke Mengchao asked: "Director Xia, what else do you want to say?"

Everything had been arranged so carefully. After blinking for a long time, Charles found that there was nothing to say.

Ke Mengchao spoke again: "Then it's my turn to ask. Charles, I know very well that in fact, you have always wanted to kill Jin Datou and become the leader of the Datou Gang yourself, but you finally found an opportunity to use Xiaohua to succeed. Then I want to Let me ask you, why do gangs exist? Whether it is positive or negative, what is its role?"

Charles: "Actually, I have occasionally thought about it. There are many things that the official can't control or don't want to control, but someone has to manage a piece of land and set the rules."

Ke Mengchao nodded slightly: "Well, you have such knowledge than most people here. Fortunately, you didn't answer because you wanted to control the business, grab the territory, and collect protection fees. These are just phenomena. The gangsters appeared because of Order is missing, and its role is to fill the missing order.

Some people think that gangs create chaos, but they are wrong. In fact, chaos creates gangs! As long as civilized society still exists, absolute chaos will not exist, otherwise civilization will collapse... Well, I have seen the collapse of society and the extinction of civilization. In fact, Xiaohua has seen it too, but you definitely don't want to see it here.

The absence of order must be filled by another kind of order. The order that arises spontaneously from chaos is often an organization like the Big Head Gang. No matter how bad the order is, it is stronger than complete chaos. This is the only role of gangsters in my eyes. But the order it establishes is consumptive, predatory, and self-destructive. What exactly does it rely on to maintain?

I thought a long time ago that it consumed virtue, but I didn’t understand what real virtuous behavior was. Where does the virtue I admire have value? It also took me a long time to understand that it consumes intelligent labor, which some great virtues call production. If this wisdom has a more reasonable and fair goal, this kind of production and creation is virtue.

You are not Xiaohua and have not read any books, so you may not understand it well. You grew up in the neighborhood here, and you were a gangster since you were a kid, so I'll talk about the things you're most familiar with. The gangs here control the drug business in their territory, which is the main source of income. Everyone thinks that they are making money from those who talk about drugs, but where do those people's money come from?

It might have been stolen or robbed, but where did the money come from for those who were stolen or robbed? In the end, there is only one source. Money is just a monetary measure, representing valuable labor exchange and originating from real production. So it is consuming valuable production, and it can still be maintained because, after all, someone is still engaged in production.

The reason why poison P is called D product is that its use cannot bring any positive promotion to valuable production. If a neighborhood is compared to a person, production means supplying nutrients to make it strong, while selling means bleeding and self-mutilation. The F drug may make some people rich, but it will never bring prosperity to any place, and the same goes for other gang businesses.

People here regard those wealthy and safe places overseas as paradise, but if the entire Port of Fiso is moved there, will everyone be considered paradise? Of course not, it just moved hell. The new alliance is different from the Big Head Gang. It starts with the establishment of the Klin District. This is your place. You can make this place rich and safe. How to do it, I have told you today. "

These words were spoken in Dongguo. Ke Mengchao claimed that he might not understand them well, but Charles actually understood them! Ke Mengchao's voice seemed to contain a magical power, and he seemed to be able to understand it when it entered his mind from his ears. For different people, it is exactly what their own IQ and knowledge level can understand.

Charles was stunned for a long time, as if he was digesting the information in his mind. When he came back to his senses, he asked: "I know what to do. If we really establish a forest area, Fiso Port officials will not stop it." ?"

Ke Mengchao smiled slightly: "Very good, you didn't disappoint me if you asked this question! When you go back, think about it carefully, why did you stop it and how did you stop it? Let me ask you again, if you have successfully created a counterattack Lin District, haven’t you been able to become the mayor of Porto Feso? Can’t the new alliance still control the city council? Don’t be so hopeless!”

Charles's eyes lit up: "Can I still be the mayor of Fiso Port?"

Ke Mengchao: "What you should be more concerned about is, what kind of African port is it? The last question today is, if you are a child with nothing and suddenly appear in a strange place, what kind of place do you want it to be?" "

When the ten gangsters waiting at the street became a little panicked and decided to send one person to the grocery store to buy things and ask about the situation "by the way", Charles finally came out. He strutted as high as possible to make himself look more like a boss, and deliberately controlled his body not to sway, just like an elite member of the upper class.

But at first glance, he looked a bit like a tour guide responsible for receiving distinguished guests, followed by four leaders.

The twelve guests who came at noon were the directors of the twelve first-level departments of the Huanxiang Group. Except for Lawyer Dong, who was sitting there with a bit of social elite air, the others, regardless of age or gender, behaved in front of the three old men. They are all like obedient primary school students. But the four vice presidents stood up and followed Charles to the door, their auras immediately brightening.

Lei Dajin, director of the general office, has a subtle smile and an approachable temperament. This idiom should not be used indiscriminately. If you are just a gangster, no matter how down-to-earth you are, who will say that you are approachable? Only those in high positions can give people this feeling. Lei Dajin didn't deliberately put on airs, but he looked like a big leader who came to inspect the grassroots.

Lei Dajin had been an official before coming to Feisuo Port. In fact, his official position was not very big. He was once the top leader of a county in the Eastern Kingdom. It was a poor county with a population of 800,000. Lei Dajin performed well in poverty alleviation work and was promoted step by step from the grassroots townships to the position of senior county official. He was only in his early thirties at the time, quite young and promising, and probably had a strong background.

Hua Zhenxing heard about this by chance. As for why Lei Dajin later came to Fesuo Port, Hua Zhenxing did not know the details, and he himself seemed unwilling to mention it more.

Director of the Security Department Li Jingzhi is closest to Charles. He is not as tall as Charles, but he has an aura of calmness and authority in his movements. Even his steps are full of power, and his energy from the inside out seems to be is a commander.

He was once an officer, graduating from Dongguk National Defense University with a major in command. Hua Zhenxing's specific experience is not clear, but he has heard others call him regiment leader. Among the Dongguo people who were struggling to make a living in Fesoport, some of them were once his soldiers.

Li Xiaoyang, director of the project engineering department, also has a friendly expression, but there is a subtle difference between his temperament and the "approachable" Lei Dajin. It felt like he was visiting a scenic spot, rather than walking in the streets of Fiso Port. He seemed to know everything he saw and was walking steadily.

Li Xiaoyang opened a shoe store and shoe factory here. Hua Zhenxing vaguely heard that he once managed a large enterprise group in Dongguo. Later, the enterprise was restructured as a joint venture. Li Xiaoyang worked for another two years and then left, moving to Feiso. port.

Tang Senzhi, director of the Finance Department, walked at the end with slightly squinted eyes. His eyes were not big but his gaze was very sharp. His expression at the moment was not very serious, but when you looked at him, you always felt as if you had done something wrong.

I heard that Tang Senzhi was once the chief accountant of the Finance Bureau of a prefecture-level city in Dongguo. He was later transferred to the foreign trade department to support the trade work in the Black Waste Continent, so he was promoted from the deputy department to the director level. Tang Sen's first counterpart was the country of Kilili. Later, he simply went to sea to start his own company and engage in business. Now he has settled in Fiso Port.

There should be many more stories about how they met Mo Shangtong and others, and how they joined the Straw Shoes Gang. At least at this moment, at a glance, I feel that these people are not simple, even Hua Zhenxing, let alone the former members of the Big Head Gang.

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