Enjoy the world

Chapter 459 It’s not easy

It turned out that the man was Mei Yeshi, the leader of the Kunlun Alliance, a middle-aged man with ordinary clothes but extraordinary appearance. Just when Fu Lingke turned the Wulingzhan into a strange hand and grabbed Hua Zhenxing, Mei Yeshi was already ready to stop him.

According to Mei Yeshi's judgment at the time, Hua Zhenxing might not be able to withstand Fulingke's full blow. He wanted to stop Fulingke from hurting others, but Old Man Yang stopped him.

What happened next was unexpected. Hua Zhenxing, who was in a weak position, actually successfully counterattacked!

Mei Yeshi sighed: "The person I want to stop is Fu Lingke. If that's the case, Fu Lingke will die if he is not guilty."

Yang Tehong: "Xiaohua is a kind-hearted kid with no shortcomings. He just encountered too many bad people since he was a child and feels a little insecure. Please understand, Leader Mei."

It was Fu Lingke who took action today. Hua Zhenxing didn't want to talk nonsense with him and chose to turn around and leave, but Fu Lingke had already laid a fog and launched a soul attack.

Hua Zhenxing missed the plot. At this time, he could choose to answer questions and have a so-called discussion among monks, but Hua Zhenxing did not. Instead, he directly took out a machine gun and opened fire.

Because the questioning between monks is very particular, either the elders ask the successors to test their Taoist heart, or the two sides ask each other in public Dharma meetings to show their spiritual insights.

Fu Lingke was at the wrong time, in the wrong place, and in the wrong way. Of course Hua Zhenxing would not accept it.

There are also prerequisites for the battle of skills between monks, or like You Fang and Hua Zhenxing, they must have an agreement with each other and have absolute trust.

Because every move they make may kill the other party. If one party cannot catch it, they know that the other party will stop in time, and the winner will be determined by then.

When competing with fellow students, mistakes and accidental injuries occasionally occur. Most of them are due to insufficient cultivation and difficulty in controlling the techniques. Whether it is intentional or unintentional is difficult to say. .

For Dacheng monks like You Fang and Hua Zhenxing, there is basically no such mistake. If it is a performance competition between ordinary monks, in order to avoid accidental injuries, it is usually necessary to ask seniors with high level of cultivation to sit in and protect the Dharma.

There is no agreement between Hua Zhenxing and Fu Lingke. If he doesn't want the situation to get out of hand, Fu Lingke can stop first.

Fu Lingke has a chance, that is, Hua Zhenxing is still on the defensive after firing the high-explosive grenade. Fu Lingke can withdraw the fog spirit lamp to protect him, instead of continuing to use the ultimate killing move, and then use a spiritual thought to inform the opponent that he wants to stop the fight.

Whether Hua Zhenxing wants to stop is one thing, but if Fu Lingke wants to stop, he only has that chance, but unfortunately he doesn't. Mei Yeshi saw clearly, and when he saw that Fu Lingke was not going to stop, he was ready to stop him.

Old Man Yang has told Hua Zhenxing since he was a child, if someone has drawn a gun and pointed it at you, you can't bet on whether the other person really wants to shoot, let alone what the other person's shooting skills are and whether there are bullets in the gun.

This kind of education is very necessary in the environment where Hua Zhenxing lives, regardless of whether the other person is an ordinary person or a monk. Hua Zhenxing had neither the responsibility nor the leisure time to discern what Fu Lingke was trying to do.

Hua Zhenxing didn't understand Fu Lingke, and Fu Lingke didn't understand Hua Zhenxing either.

Mei Yeshi did not continue to dwell on this topic, but frowned and said: "How can he use the Shenxiao Thunder Sword?"

Yang Tehong asked back: "That's not the Shenxiao Heavenly Thunder Sword Technique of the Zhengyi Sect, but the Shenxiao Heavenly Thunder Sword Intention. Don't you, Leader Mei, know neither?"

Mei Yeshi smiled bitterly and said: "I definitely didn't teach him, Shi Shuangcheng doesn't know it either, and it's even more impossible that Guang Ren taught him."

Yang Tehong: "Then where did you learn it?"

Ume Yeshi: "My master taught me."

Yang Tehong: "Is your master a disciple of the first sect?"

Mei Yeshi: "Although my master is not good at refining weapons, and he is not very good at refining elixirs and making talismans, I am not surprised that he can do anything. But I also know very well that he will give Xiaohua advice on many things, and even give him nine turns. Purple Golden Pill, but I will never teach him the Divine Sky Thunder Technique directly."

Yang Tehong: "Shenxiao Tianlei has asked you to tell me two inheritances. In addition to the exclusive and secret Shenxiao Tianlei Sword Technique, there is also the Shenxiao Tianlei Sword Technique of your Sanmeng Sect. But you Don’t forget, there is a third lineage in this world.”

Mei Yeshi was a little surprised and said: "Mei Jiayuan?"

Yang Tehong: "You Fang's grandmother's surname is Mei. She also grew up in Meijiayuan, and she has a close relationship with your ancestors thousands of years ago. I was not sure whether the Shenxiao Thunder Technique was passed down to this day in Meijiayuan. Now it’s certain.”

Mei Yeshi: "You Fang obtained this inheritance and then taught Hua Zhenxing?"

Yang Tehong: "This is the only solution."

Ume Yeshi: "I see! But Shenxiao Heavenly Thunder Technique is not easy to learn, and it requires very high qualifications and understanding."

Yang Tehong: "Are you bragging, or are you looking down on our children? You could learn it back then, why can't Xiaohua learn it?"

Ume Yeshi: "Hua Zhenxing has known Yu Fang for less than a month, right? If there is any interaction between the two, it has been in the past week. But he has been able to condense a trace of thunder from the sky in the Spring Rain Sword, or The Spring Rain Sword used with the Shenyin Spear?"

The information content of this sentence is a bit beyond the scope, and only monks can fully understand it. The Shenyin Spear is not the Spring Rain Sword. Using the transformation of this artifact to perform the Spring Rain Sword Technique shows that Hua Zhenxing has put enough effort into understanding and integrating it.

I won’t go into details about this. In short, I have been given guidance by experts like Old Man Yang since I was a child. But he and You Fang had only known each other for a few days, and yet they were able to gather a trace of thunder from the sky in Chunyu Sword Intent?

Yang Tehong chuckled and said: "Leader Mei was called a divine king at a young age. He was often praised as a genius since he was a child, right?"

Ume Yeshi: "That's not true. Master always calls me stupid."

Yang Tehong said with some sympathy: "Compared with your master, you are really too stupid. It is indeed not easy for you to meet such a master."

Ume Yeshi started his conversation by saying, "Senior Yang taught me well."

Yang Tehong's beard curled up slightly: "Actually, I didn't teach him much. I gave Xiaohua a divine hidden gun. He taught himself many skills."

At this time, Mei Yeshi looked at the center of the valley again, and said in a daze: "What are these two boys doing?"

Yang Tehong: "It's obvious, why bother asking me?"

Ume Yeshi hesitated: "Don't they know..."

Yang Tehong: "They know, they know I am there, they know you are there, and they know there are others."

Ume Yeshi: "Know that I am here? How is this possible, even myself..."

Yang Tehong: "They didn't know that Alliance Leader Mei would come in person, but they knew that someone else would come, including people like you and people like Fu Lingke. Otherwise, wouldn't today's drama be in vain?"

Ume Yeishi: "What a big heart!"

Yang Tehong: "This is not called big-hearted, but open-minded!"

What is Huazhenxing doing? At this moment, You Fang has returned to the valley, and the two of them studied the fog that had been suspended for a long time, which was the invisible weapon Fu Lingke left behind.

The magical effects of a magic weapon usually need to be taught by a master, otherwise you have to practice it after you acquire it, and it is difficult to master the key in a short period of time.

But Fu Lingke had just given a good demonstration of the weapon, and Old Man Yang also secretly taught Hua Zhenxing how to use the weapon, and Hua Zhenxing was able to put it away after studying it for a while.

Hua Zhenxing picked up another almond-shaped object at Fulingke's burial place and frowned: "This is a space artifact. Unfortunately, I can't open it. Is there anything you can do about it, Brother You?"

You Fang shook his head and said: "I didn't do anything either. After all, my cultivation level is still a little low. This is not the kind of space artifact that can be used as soon as you get it. What do you want to do with it, Brother Hua?"

Hua Zhenxing: "I know a few elders who can open this thing. But we don't kill people to get treasures, and we don't know where the Fulingke came from. This space artifact and the invisible weapon, I I will ask Shi Shuang to make the deal and let the Kunlun League deal with it."

All artifacts are inherited with a divine soul brand, and the divine soul imprint is left by the creator of the artifact. So if someone gets an artifact without inheriting it, can they use it? This is divided into several situations.

If one has a high level of cultivation and is quite proficient in the art of controlling weapons, one can realize the magical functions of this magical weapon by oneself, which is equivalent to understanding the thinking of the creator of the magical weapon. It is like cracking a code, and can also partially exert the magical functions of the magical weapon.

The second is to use this foundation to wash away the soul imprint left by the creator and re-refine it, leaving your own soul imprint. This is water-milling kung fu. To do this, you must have at least nine realms of cultivation.

For space artifacts, if you want to open the existing artifact space and take out the contents inside, you must use the second method. Although Hua Zhenxing and You Fang are both very capable, after all, they do not have the cultivation of the Nine Realms.

You Fang said with envy: "I heard that there is a kind of artifact, for example, it is the most common space artifact. It does not have a divine soul brand inheritance. You can use it after you get it and refine it yourself."

Hua Zhenxing: "Brother You, do you need a space artifact?"

You Fang smiled bitterly and said: "No one is in need of this kind of thing. My master doesn't have it, and of course he can't pass it on to me. Do I still expect others to give it to me? Even if I have a chance or can get it, my disciples, relatives and friends are always in need." of."

Hua Zhenxing was speechless for a moment. He actually did not have a space artifact, but he had two extremely rare cave artifacts. One was the Fufeng Pan and the other was the Demon Refining Gourd. It seemed that they were both delivered to his door by others.

The Fufeng Plate cannot be moved now, and has become the core of the cave in Yangyuan Valley. However, he carries the Demon Refining Pot with him. It is not only a basis for him to practice Yangyuan Technique, but it can also be used as a space artifact.

Hua Zhenxing: "I'll think of a way later and find an opportunity to give you one."

You Fang: "Brother Hua doesn't act in an ordinary manner! If it were someone else who couldn't learn from me, I wouldn't even be able to pretend."

Hua Zhenxing: "I'm not saying this politely. Brother You is very angry! We'll talk about this later. Let's take care of that bird first."

The fat remains of the alien animals that sank into the lake were fished out, all the blood drained, and then washed and peeled in the lake. Then Hua Zhenxing set up a large pot by the lake like a magic trick, and then set up a large pot next to it. grill.

You Fang: "How many bits and pieces are you carrying with you? Forget about machine guns, what's going on with such a big pot? It even has smokeless charcoal!"

Hua Zhenxing said shyly: "It's not too much, just stuff from a grocery store. I'll stew it and you'll bake it. What seasonings do you need?"

You Fang: "Do you have any seasonings?"

Hua Zhenxing: "As long as it has everything I've seen on the menu, it's definitely better than the kitchen in an average restaurant."

The two of them talked without delaying their actions. Hua Zhenxing set up another operating table and began to disassemble the big bird. The fat beast looks as tall as a man, but actually weighs just over fifty kilograms with its hair removed, and it still weighs as much as the skin and bones.

The material of the pair of long beaks is very special. It should be a natural and earthly treasure that can be used to make magical weapons. There is no need to give these things to the Kunlun Alliance. You Fang conveniently put them away.

The two of them studied for a while, which parts can be stewed and which parts are more suitable for barbecue? The opinions were surprisingly unanimous, and they seemed to be foodies who were proficient in cooking.

After the fire is lit, the big pot is steaming, the grill is squeaking, and the aroma wafts far away. Of course, the barbecue is made of smokeless charcoal brought by Huazhen Store, and the stew pot is made from local branches.

After working for a long time, the two looked at each other and said, "It seems like I'm not familiar with it."

Hua Zhenxing: "It seems different from stewing a goose in an iron pot."

You Fang: "This is the fat remnant of a strange beast. Let's not just use ordinary fire, but add the real fire of monks."

After a while, the fragrance in the valley suddenly changed. It was just the normal smell of meat a moment ago, and now it was an indescribably alluring smell that made people feel hungry as soon as they smelled it.

Huazhenxing set up another long dining table, which can accommodate ten people. There are five chairs and five sets of tableware. He and Youfang sat down across from each other to enjoy the late-night snack, while the stew continued in the pot and roasted on the rack.

You Fang: "Is there anyone else coming?"

Hua Zhenxing: "Of course you and I are not the only ones here. Didn't Fu Lingke come just now?"

You Fang: "Why did you set out five sets of bowls and chopsticks?"

Hua Zhenxing: "I know there are three more people. If there are more guests, just add more bowls and chopsticks. Brother You, I have something to ask you. You helped me before because I taught you the art of nourishing energy, but …”

You Fang said without raising his head: "But why should I accompany you through this muddy water?"

Hua Zhenxing: "That's roughly what I mean."

You Fang smiled: "Because I discovered it!"

Hua Zhenxing: "Have you discovered Fu Lingke?"

You Fang: "What I found was not Fu Lingke, I just found someone who dislikes you. Because like you, I am not a serious practitioner in the eyes of people like Fu Lingke!"

Hua Zhenxing: "How do you say this?"

You Fang: "You are new here, and you are not involved in the Kunlun cultivation world. The changes in Kunlun did not end with the establishment of the Kunlun League. The establishment of the Kunlun League was only the beginning of a major change that has not been seen in thousands of years.

There are a lot of people who don’t adapt…”

Hua Zhenxing didn’t quite understand the situation introduced by You Fang. The background was a bit complicated and he needed to start from the beginning.

Twelve hundred years ago, Patriarch Zhengyi gathered all the sects in the world at Zhengyi Sanshan, and drove the monks who were unwilling to abide by the Sanxing Precepts to the Kunlun Wonderland, telling them not to cause trouble in the world. From then on, East and West Kunlun were isolated.

One thousand two hundred years later, under the leadership of Mei Yeshi, the east and west Kunlun re-opened the barriers to communication and jointly respected the Sanxing Precepts in the world. This is today's Kunlun Alliance.

What has happened so far can also be regarded as the return and revival of tradition. Even the Three Dreams Sect established by Mei Yeshi is a very orthodox practice and inheritance sect, while the backbone of the Kunlun Alliance is the thirteen major sects that have been passed down for thousands of years.

What happened next was very mysterious, and the new changes became more and more drastic.

Shortly after the establishment of the Kunlun League, a conflict occurred between it and Gambisting. During this period, Bai Shaoliu and Zuohuai Villa rose to prominence.

Bai Shaoliu had cultivated in the Nine Realms at a young age, and he played a key role in quelling this conflict. According to the common understanding of monks, this is a person who is born in accordance with the way of heaven and has great luck.

Although Bai Shaoliu had the qualities of a divine magician in some aspects, Zuohuai Villa was basically an orthodox sect. Then a more unusual monk appeared, the Earth Master You Fang.

The inheritance of Earth Qi masters has existed since ancient times, but in the eyes of orthodox monks, these Feng Shui practitioners are just heretics in the world. Many monks are also good at Feng Shui Kanyu, but this is just a technique, and almost no one uses it as the foundation of their practice.

The title of Earth Qi Master sounds awesome, but it is more like the self-entertainment of ordinary people in the world, and the orthodox monks do not take it seriously.

Many of the earth masters in the past generations have not achieved great success. They are just supervisors of the eight gates of the Jianghu Gate. They represent a mixed force of Jianghu forces. Who would have expected that such an anomaly as You Fang would pop up.

Jianghu Fengmen also has many sects, but they have never been regarded as a true cultivation and inheritance sect since ancient times.

But You Fang cannot be ignored. Don't think that he is a leader among the younger generation in Kunlun despite his low level of cultivation in the Eighth Realm.

You Fang represents another type of secret law inheritance. Because of his appearance, the "cultivation schools" of Jianghu Fengmen and even the Eight Gates of Jianghu have officially joined the Kunlun Alliance.

You Fang also has two special points. One is that his ancestors have a close relationship with Zhengyi Patriarch, and the other is that he has a close relationship with Bai Shaoliu, Cheng Tianle, and Ding Qi, all the "new era masters". Well, in short, the background and relationship are very tough.

Bai Shaoliu, Cheng Tianle, and Ding Qi all have a common characteristic. They all entered the path of spiritual practice after the establishment of the Kunlun League. They were from ordinary backgrounds and had no background in major sects. They did not even have a clear mentorship. He had broken through the nine realms of cultivation before he was thirty years old.

If you break through the Six Realms before the age of thirty, you will be regarded as a genius. What is the concept of the Nine Realms? That is no longer a mortal!

Cheng Tianle is the leader of the Wanbian Sect in Gusu. Hua Zhenxing received the Lu Wu Talisman that he personally refined. Not long ago, he met Bi Mingjun, the protector of the Wanbian Sect, at the Spring Festival Banquet.

Cheng Tianle is also an alternative monk who founded a sect that specifically guides monsters in their cultivation.

Demon cultivators have not been uncommon since ancient times. Many major sects have subdued or raised monsters, and they often have demon cultivators as disciples. For example, Ume Yeshi has two disciples, namely the snake demon and the flower spirit.

However, the entire sect was created specifically for demon cultivators, and the secret method was passed down to enlighten demon cultivators. This was the first of its kind.

As for Teacher Ding Qi, he is already very familiar with Hua Zhenxing. The wonder of Ding Qi lies in the fact that he has created a brand new secret method, which is completely different from traditional practice. What's even more incredible is that Ding Qi can be said to be a self-taught master, and he actually broke through the Nine Realms.

To say that he is self-taught does not mean that he has no previous experience to draw lessons from. Ding Qi learned from the secret arts of the eight gates of Jianghu and found a new way to create the secret method of Fangwai. He found and opened a number of Fangwai small worlds and established a Fangwai secret method. Outer Alliance.

Therefore, the relationship between Fangwai Sect and the Eight Gates of Jianghu is naturally very close, and many of its elders came from the Eight Gates of Jianghu.

Bai Shaoliu and Cheng Tianle aside, what is the difference between You Fang and Ding Qi?

Traditional monks, or orthodox monks, practice meditation, enlightenment, and alchemy. What they pursue is freedom, detachment, and carefreeness. Even if there is a theory of transcending the world and entering the world, the world is just the river and sea they cross in a boat.

But You Fang is not that kind of person. He represents a charlatan, just like a fish in the sea. This type of people have been despised by serious monks since ancient times, and they rarely have such a high level of cultivation as You Fang.

Although they have some magic techniques, most of them are not in the mainstream, and they do not have the consciousness of monks. The purpose of learning various techniques is to make a living in the world and defend themselves. It is inevitable that there will be many deceptions and deceptions.

For these charlatan sorcerers, if they don't use magical powers and are just showing off, the Kunlun Alliance has nothing to do with them. If they use magical powers to commit evil, each faction in Kunlun will be responsible for punishing them.

But there are still some people who don't seem to be doing anything bad. For example, they just perform tricks and perform feng shui for people. They can still be considered legitimate to make a living. So what do we care about this? Just turn a blind eye as long as it doesn't go too far.

From the perspective of orthodox monks, the official inclusion of Jianghu magic schools into the Kunlun League has positive meanings such as correcting righteousness and discouraging evil, promoting self-discipline, and facilitating supervision. But the emergence of the Fangwai Alliance is another situation.

Although the secret art of Fang Wai Men draws lessons from the eight secret arts of Jianghu, Ding Qi is not a quack magician. Fang Wai Sect is like a professional academic researcher. The pursuit of practice is to study and explore the secret realms of various prescriptions in the world.

After all, the Fang Wai Secret Technique is also a cultivation secret method, so the Wai Sect Alliance joined the Kunlun League as a whole, like an alliance within an alliance, forming its own faction.

In short, the Kunlun Alliance has undergone changes in recent years. It can be said that it is becoming more and more inclusive, and it can also be said that it is becoming more and more like a grocery store, and everyone is a person with extraordinary means. It is really not easy for Ume Yeshi, the leader of the alliance!

Now, another bison calf broke into the grocery store...

When You Fang introduced these situations, he did not use his spiritual thoughts and just spoke normally. Although the sound is not loud, if an expert in this area wants to listen from a distance, he should be able to hear it.

For example, Mei Yeshi and Yang Tehong, who did not show up, could hear clearly.

Having said this, You Fang asked again: "When it comes to secret practice, monks like you are extremely orthodox and orthodox. I can never compare with you.

But the things you did were so surprising.

To say that I am not serious, I am at most a muddying the waters, while Teacher Ding is like a performer of performance art. And you are the one who just flips the table when you come up, almost destroying the sense of superiority that so many people had. "

Hua Zhenxing said seriously and sincerely: "Here, I am either a table lifter or a table setter. For example, right now, haven't I already laid out a fat feast?"

You Fang nodded thoughtfully and said: "That's not bad! Otherwise I wouldn't be able to help you, and you and I wouldn't be able to sit here peacefully at this moment.

But I still have to ask, what is the purpose of the things you do? In fact, I am as curious as Fu Lingke. "

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