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Chapter 458 Ambush

Hua Zhenxing was stunned for a moment, then turned around and left. Since Old Man Yang never clarified what the "system" was about, Hua Zhenxing was happy to pretend to be confused. Although he already had a task, he still acted in his own style.

When he turned around, Hua Zhenxing knew that he couldn't leave. The sudden announcement of the mission by Old Man Yang was also reminding him of what he should pay attention to, because the first reward for the mission was an introduction to a magical weapon.

Wulingzhan, the name is related to the Wuling Mountain where we are today. It is an invisible weapon. If Hua Zhenxing is not aware of the situation, it can easily be plotted.

Hua Zhenxing is not an "orthodox" monk. It is even difficult to describe what kind of monk or magician he is. He has not even been seen since ancient times.

In terms of achievements, although his cultivation is far from the pinnacle of the world, he can still be called the great master who founded the sect. But on the other hand, he has too many things that he has not yet learned.

For example, in terms of alchemy, if he can play the Nine-turn Purple Gold Furnace Formation, he is definitely at the level of a master of external alchemy, and he can also refine a rare medicine like Chunrong Pill. However, he has not refined it himself until now. How many kinds of spiritual elixirs have been prepared?

Another example is the weapon technique. Hua Zhenxing is a more practical player, and several elderly people did not even teach him deliberately from the beginning.

It was he who learned the Paper Plane Technique from Locke, and Uncle Mo taught him the Wooden Magpie Technique. Then he tinkered with the Luminous Beads, which were intended to be used in the fourth- and fifth-level Yangyuan Master examinations. He really couldn’t think of anything better than This is a simpler magic weapon.

But the starting point for the magic weapon he used was too high. He just cut a tree stick and turned it into a divine hidden gun in the blink of an eye. To him, the main value of the sect's hidden weapons in Dingfengtan was only Research reference.

If a person's starting point is too high, then some aspects of the underlying cognition may be missing some links.

Among the relics of Dingfeng Pond, the two magic weapons, Spring Rain Sword and Pool of Spring Water, are between tangible and intangible, but they are not purely intangible weapons, so he does not understand this type of magic weapon thoroughly enough.

A pure invisible weapon is very rare. The material is not an ordinary treasure of heaven and earth, and the opportunity for refining is also very particular. It can be completely transformed into intangible. The fog spirit lamp in Fu Lingke's hand is a treasure passed down from ancient times. It is a piece of fog floating in the mountains.

The fog can be thick or light, or even invisible. How wide the coverage can be depends on the cultivation level of the wielder.

Divine weapons can change according to their form and spirit, and the characteristics of invisible weapons are ever-changing. Although the Mist Spirit Lamp is not a sacred weapon, it is more bizarre and difficult to defend against than many sacred weapons.

The so-called lamp means lamp. To light the lamp, a wick is needed, and the wick is the target that the imperial weapon targets when attacking.

For example, if Fu Lingke wants to attack Hua Zhenxing, the diffuse fog bank is lamp oil, and the object being lit is Hua Zhenxing's form and spirit. No matter how good his body skills are, he cannot dodge because he is already in the fog.

If Old Man Yang didn't secretly remind him, Hua Zhenxing would definitely suffer a loss, but already understanding the other party's methods, it would not be difficult to find traces. When he turned around, he noticed that the mist was floating in the valley, like a dark net, some of which were obviously not ordinary. Natural fog.

If he accidentally inhales the mist, he will be secretly controlled by others. At that time, whether he will live or die will only be determined by Fu Lingke's thoughts... It's just a little bit different!

The God of Movement and Form Protection kept the mist away. As soon as I took two steps, I heard Fu Lingke's voice coming from the front again: "I have a question, what does Master Hua want to do? This is not a question for me alone, but for everyone." Question from fellow Taoist."

Looking up again, Fu Lingke was still standing where he was.

How is this going? Hua Zhenxing obviously turned around, but the scene in front of him was still exactly the same as before, as if he didn't turn around at all just now, or the entire valley had turned 180 degrees along with his figure.

Hua Zhenxing is already in the mist formation. The mist has the magical effect of sealing off the trapped people, and it can also reverse the direction of perception and sound and light.

Fu Lingke's question came with spiritual thoughts and at the same time with mana that attacked his soul. It was equivalent to a lamp being lit, attacking his soul, allowing Hua Zhenxing to answer his question, and at the same time, Hua Zhenxing also asked Hua Zhenxing to answer his question. Analyzing the Tao mind on your own is equivalent to asking questions or questioning demons.

If Hua Zhenxing's cultivation is insufficient or his soul is unprepared, he may be caught in the inner question at this moment. He must either give a reasonable answer or Fu Lingke takes the initiative to withdraw the spell, otherwise it may lead to the collapse of his soul.

Divine Shock is not just a text, it contains complex imagery. Fu Lingke mainly asked Hua Zhenxing, what was his purpose in doing all this? At the same time, he is also telling Hua Zhenxing, which is contrary to the true meaning of practice.

If you look at what Hua Zhenxing did from the perspective of a bystander, you might also think that he is suspicious. He came from a ferocious foreign country thousands of miles away, created his own technique that could lead to great success, and then taught it to monks of various sects one by one.

Has anyone done this since ancient times? It has long been a consensus among the spiritual practice community that the Dharma should not be taught lightly, let alone in vain. Anyone who does this is almost always someone with ulterior motives, and they are even more likely to bring disaster to the world.

In fact, Niu Yiping had similar questions about Hua Zhenxing at the beginning. Hua Zhenxing answered directly with his spiritual thoughts. Director Niu also understood. Facts have proved that Hua Zhenxing did not violate the Sanxing precept, at least not yet.

Is Hua Zhenxing here to win people's hearts, or is he encouraging everyone to make mistakes, hoping to use this to sway the atmosphere of the entire Kunlun spiritual world? Fu Lingke must ask clearly today.

Hua Zhenxing grew up in the Kingdom of Jili and had little contact with the Kunlun cultivation world. He actually did not know that his behavior was quite deviant and even shocking.

Especially through the exchanges at the Chunguang Banquet during this period, the Kunlun monks basically understood what Huazhenxing or Yangyuangu had done in the Kingdom of Jili. They organize training courses on Yangyuan skills in society, select Yangyuan masters according to levels, and issue qualification certificates.

What's more, Huazhenxing actually plans to promote the training of Yangyuan Skills into the civic education of the whole society and include it in the compulsory education courses of middle schools.

If he did this quietly in a small country thousands of miles away, where rabbits don't poop, the impact would probably not be big. But what is the purpose of spreading the Yangyuan Technique and his own ideas in the city of Pingjing?

Fu Lingke is from West Kunlun, but he is not necessarily a monk who represents Kunlun Wonderland, but a certain type of person in the entire Kunlun practice world. There is a conflict of ideas between them and Hua Zhenxing.

The main disagreement is no longer whether one can abide by the Sanxing Precepts, but whether boundaries should be maintained between monks and ordinary people? Should the veil of mystery that has been looming since ancient times be completely lifted?

Regarding this issue, Hua Zhenxing cannot explain it with words, such as saying that I am training and cultivating successors, but the scale of training is a bit larger.

Hua Zhenxing chose to reveal it completely, which no one has done since ancient times.

Even if most people fail to become monks in the end, they all practiced the art of cultivating the essence when they were in school. There must be cultivators among their relatives and friends, and there are public certificate assessments in society.

Then the so-called spiritual practice and monks will no longer be mysterious to them, but is this really the right thing to do?

Cultivation is destined to be a path that only a few people can embark on. Even if the art of nourishing energy is promoted according to Hua Zhenxing's method, under the most ideal situation, only one in a thousand will eventually become a monk.

Regardless of how much resources are wasted in this process, how much impact will it have on people's hearts by pointing out a path that most people are destined to fail in this life? How do ordinary people feel about those lucky and successful people?

There are many things that are difficult to understand without cultivation, so since ancient times, maintaining an invisible boundary has long been the consensus of all monks.

Fu Lingke's spiritual question has many levels. For example, one can draw a focus question: Should monks disclose their status as monks in society?

Many people are actually unwilling to make it public, and in many cases it is not necessary or even inconvenient to do so.

So according to Hua Zhenxing's approach, the identity of the Yangyuan Master is public. At least most of the Yangyuan Masters have difficulty hiding this special identity from the beginning. What will happen then?

This kind of battle between souls and souls seems silent to outsiders, but it is actually extremely dangerous.

How does Hua Zhenxing answer? He didn't get caught, and he didn't answer at all. He shook his hand and inserted a large lotus leaf umbrella at his side. In an instant, green light fell down, protecting his body and soul in the mist.

Then he turned around and brought out a big thing. As the flames roared, the explosion was deafening!

It was not the six-barreled Gatling in the movie. That thing was not a hand-held weapon at all. What Hua Zhenxing took out was a general-purpose machine gun with a caliber of 7.62 mm.

Without the assistant machine gunner, it was difficult to hang a 200-round magazine, so a 75-round magazine was hung.

The so-called general-purpose machine gun can be used as a heavy machine gun with a tripod, as a light machine gun with a bipod, and as a portable machine gun when mounted on an armored vehicle. It is not a weapon that can be fired by an individual soldier.

There is a handle on the top of the gun body to make it easier to carry when moving positions, but Hua Zhenxing was able to control the gun. He held the gun with his left hand and pulled the trigger with his right hand, and all seventy-five bullets were fired in less than ten seconds.

This was so sudden, Fu Lingke probably never imagined that this would happen!

Hua Zhenxing was not aiming at the Fulingke he saw later, but at the position where he was standing just now. Although the mist could reverse the sound and light, Hua Zhenxing knew where he was.

The fog in the sky suddenly tightened, and in an instant it became so thick that it could not be dispersed. It strangled Hua Zhenxing like a net, but was blocked by the big lotus leaf umbrella. With a cultivation level below the ninth level, it is impossible to control two magic weapons at the same time. Hua Zhenxing is activating the Shenyin Gun, but the machine gun is not a magic weapon.

This distance is only a few dozen meters, and the power of the general-purpose machine gun can tear people into pieces. But the fog is like an abyss, and the bullet disappears without knowing where it is fired. Even the trace traced by the tracer bullet is swallowed up by the fog.

Hua Zhenxing secretly said that Fu Lingke's cultivation level was definitely not inferior to his own, and he didn't expect the machine gun to be effective.

Usually on the battlefield, machine guns are not used like this, and it is impossible to fire all the 75 bullets at once. The barrel of the gun was already red, so Hua Zhenxing threw it away and took out another rifle.

Fu Lingke also broke out in a cold sweat. If Hua Zhenxing hadn't been in the fog, his every move would not have escaped his perception. He almost didn't react just now. Fortunately, he activated the fog spirit lamp in time to deflect all the projectiles. .

At this time, he saw that Hua Zhenxing had changed his gun. If the machine gun was useless, would the rifle be useful? Something was wrong. The gun was not loaded with a magazine, but there was a thick tube under the barrel, which was a mounted 40mm grenade launcher. , Fu Lingke doesn’t recognize this thing.

Whether he recognized it or not, Hua Zhenxing had already fired a high-explosive grenade. There was an explosion right in front, the fog dispersed, and Hua Zhenxing finally caught a glimpse of Fu Lingke himself leaping back.

Fu Lingke was not injured, but was knocked off the ground by the shock wave of the explosion. He also cast a spell to block all the shrapnel. The mist no longer attacked Hua Zhenxing, but turned into a thick air barrier to protect him.

Fu Lingke's bun was also loosened, and he looked a little embarrassed. He was stunned by Hua Zhenxing, and he shouted angrily: "Seeking death!"

Hua Zhenxing only fired one grenade and then threw the gun away. In fact, at such a close distance, it is very risky to use thermal weapons to deal with such an expert, and it may be self-defeating, so you must not let the other party react.

If the opponent is also familiar with thermal weapons, and before you launch a rocket launcher, the opponent may cast a spell to hit the fuse and blow up the barrel for you.

Hua Zhenxing used thermal weapons to ambush monks and magicians before. Later, as his cultivation level increased, he realized that he was somewhat risky at the beginning, but useful methods still have to be used, it just depends on how to use them.

Throwing away the rifle, he easily pulled up the big lotus leaf umbrella, while Fu Lingke roared angrily and launched an attack.

Wu Lingzhan turned into a huge strange hand and grabbed Hua Zhenxing. He tried his best this time, but Hua Zhenxing did not dodge. The big lotus leaf umbrella turned into a green tassel spear and stabbed straight at him. out.

At this time, he seemed to hear the shouts of two people in his soul——



I don’t know who made the first sound, but the second sound should be from Old Man Yang. But the arrow is already in the string, and neither of the two people in the fight can stop. If one party stops and the other stops, the one who stops will die.

Hua Zhenxing's shot made the same move as You Fang's just now, like thousands of troops galloping into battle. When it hit the strange hand, the green tassel on the gun suddenly exploded, turning into thousands of raindrops and penetrating the fog.

Fu Lingke was originally full of confidence. He had just watched the entire battle between Hua Zhenxing and You Fang. Although Hua Zhenxing was not weak in cultivation, he was not his opponent. This attack could naturally restrain him.

At first, Hua Zhenxing protected himself with artifacts, and counterattacked with machine guns and rifle grenades. In Fu Lingke's view, even though he was quick to respond, it was still a sign of weakness, because in a real fight, Hua Zhenxing was still a little short of the mark.

At this moment, Fu Lingke suddenly realized that he might have let those two boys act. The power of Hua Zhenxing's shot was much greater than what he had just seen!

Fu Lingke is not invincible, but Hua Zhenxing is not something he can easily win. If Hua Zhenxing made up his mind and wanted to run away, he might not be able to keep him. With such means, why did this kid use a machine gun just now?

Fu Lingke was still calm when he was stunned. The hand of the monster transformed by Wu Lingzhan had wrapped around the Shenyin Spear, making it difficult to change. The rain in the sky turned into mist, and the Spring Rain Sword's offensive was all resolved. But at this moment, he was horrified. , and also heard the warning birds chirping.

The valley is filled with rain and fog. The broken ice on the lake, the ice hanging on the surrounding rock walls, the real water mist in the air, and the clouds above all seem to have been inspired by something. A sharp force gathered together and turned into a Silent thunder.

The Shenxiao Heavenly Thunder Sword is an exclusive secret technique that is not taught to outsiders. Only the most accomplished disciples of the sect can receive the technique. How could it be used by Hua Zhenxing?

It was too late for Fu Lingke to discern the truth, and he was not familiar with the Shenxiao Thunder Sword.

Hua Zhenxing still used the Spring Rain Sword, but although the artistic conception of the Spring Rain Sword was wonderful, the power was still a little inferior. What would be the effect if there were thunder and thunder in the Spring Rain? It can awaken dormant vitality, or it can destroy vitality.

Hua Zhenxing just condensed the Divine Sky Thunder Sword Intent in the Spring Rain Sword. It's just a trace of sword intent, not the Shenxiao Tianlei Sword Technique of Zhengyi Sect, but the sneak attack effect is fully achieved.

Fu Lingke didn't block it and couldn't dodge. He could only separate a piece of mist and condense it into a canopy to catch it.

Can fog catch thunder? Fu Lingke flew backwards and froze... At the same time, the strange bird on the high branch by the lake had swept its wings and fluttered down, its long pointed beak emitting a frightening red light.

Mount Savior, this strange beast rushed directly towards Hua Zhenxing. As long as he restrained Hua Zhenxing for a moment, Fulingke could slow down his attack. This was the only correct choice.

Suddenly, a ray of white light flew up from the trees. It turned out to be the dagger, or dagger, left by You Fang. The little thorn that was thrown away without much brilliance or anything special was named Qin Yu.

Qin Yu is not only the name of this sword, but also the name of the sword spirit.

Hua Zhenxing gained a lot of experience today. Not only did he see a purely invisible weapon for the first time, but he also saw a spiritual weapon for the first time. The dagger flew out, and what he saw with his spiritual consciousness was a woman wearing a moon-white dress swiping her sword upwards.

The strange bird flew through the air with a shrill scream. The shriek also brought with it the power to attack the soul. However, it was disemboweled by the white light that flew up. It stopped screaming and fell into the lake, where it was shattered again. A piece of ice.

Hua Zhenxing saw this scene, but his attack was not affected at all. Shenxiao Tianlei's sword intention did not really hit Fulingke. Fulingke saw that the situation was not good and quickly swept back, but his body and mind were stiff for a moment.

This little time was enough. Before he could hit the ground, the Divine Hidden Spear had already pierced his chest. The tip of the spear did not pass through his body, but instead shattered him into a bloody mist in mid-air, leaving him with no chance to fight back.

Qin Yu turned into white light and flew out of the mountain. He must have been recalled by the traveler. The strange bird smashed the ice and sank into the lake. Fulingke had disappeared on the spot. Only a piece of solid mist was still floating in the air. Only his spiritual consciousness could be detected in the night.

Hua Zhenxing put away the Shenyin Spear and walked towards the place where Fu Lingke was beheaded.

High in the sky outside the valley, a person was stunned and said: "Senior Yang, why did you stop me from saving people?"

Yang Tehong stood not far from him in the air and said with a stern face: "Leader Mei, how do I know who you will attack?"

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