Enjoy the world

Chapter 372 Another style

Outside the mountain peak where the formation hub is located, there are nine formation eyes with a combination of light and dark in the Blue Sky Washing Formation.

The dark eyes are the nine valleys dug by the students and instructors, and they will all be located under a hundred meters of water in the future. The bright eye is the nine surrounding peaks, and in the future there will also be a small island above the water.

In the eyes of these nine formations, Hua Zhenxing placed nine spring rain branches into the formation. Its magical effect can moisturize the climate and activate the spirit on weekdays. In special circumstances, it can also unfold the Spring Rain Sword Formation.

The Jingchen Luo Array in the middle and lower reaches of the Beiluo River is not so magical. Hua Zhenxing spent a lot of money on setting up this blue sky washing array. Even the Spring Rain Sword Array was built into it, and he did not hesitate to use up nine of the Yangyuan Valley's treasury. A spring rain branch.

Chunyuzhi, formerly known as Fengzhan, is the iconic magical weapon of Dingfengtan. The total number of ninety-nine branches handed down from generation to generation has reached one hundred and one in existence now, because Hua Zhenxing personally sacrificed two more.

It is impossible to mass-produce this magic weapon, but one can be made every year. It is made from the first branch that sprouts on the spiritual willow tree in Yangyuan Valley, and is made through the interaction between heaven and earth and the movement of the spiritual axis.

If you use nine spring rain branches today, you can make up for it by saving them for another nine years. The Blue Sky Washing Formation may not necessarily need to add such magical functions, but this place is too important, and it is Hua Zhenxing's first attempt, so be cautious.

This place will also be the production base for refining Chun Rong Dan in the future. It is not absolutely safe like a grocery store. What if someone suddenly sneaks in and causes sabotage at the critical moment of refining the elixir?

Hua Zhenxing originally planned to use three months to set up the large formation, but it actually only took two and a half months because the size of the team he assembled was really astonishing.

There are more than 500 people in total, and those with the lowest cultivation level have also reached the third level. Although the third-level Yuan Yuan masters are not even whiteboard monks, they at least have mastered the method of extracting spiritual consciousness and can participate in many auxiliary tasks.

Outside the nine formations, each has nine nodes. When building each formation, a sixth-level instructor must be in charge, and nine fourth-level instructors must cooperate at each node, while many third-level students must assist.

When the formation is finally completed, Hua Zhenxing will install and operate the Blue Sky Wash at the center. Each of the other nine formation eyes will have a sixth-level instructor to cooperate and cooperate, and they will be connected with each other's consciousness to jointly activate it.

In the past two and a half months, the instructors have held many group training classes on the spot. While building the magic circle, they also trained and guided the students. These students are equivalent to part-time work-study in the secular world. They study while working and practice in batches.

Practice has proven that this kind of training method is more effective than classes held in Yangyuan Valley. Of the 401 third-level students participating in the project, 56 actually broke through the fourth level before the project was completed.

There are so many instructors here, and the assessment has been organized on site. Then you can go to Yangyuan Valley to issue the certificate later.

At the fourth level, he is still considered a student in Yangyuan Valley, but he is already considered a mentor outside Yangyuan Valley. He can teach others how to practice Yangyuan Technique in various Yangyuan Technique centers and schools.

There were originally 68 registered fourth-level Yangyuan Technique instructors in Yangyuan Valley, but now the number has increased to 124. Coupled with the dozens of fifth-level and sixth-level instructors, Yangyuan Valley can be considered a super sect compared to the size of traditional cultivation sects.

Even if the fourth-level cultivation master is a blank slate monk, he still has the cultivation of the fourth realm. As far as Hua Zhenxing knows, none of the major cultivation and inheritance sects in Kunlun seems to have so many formal monks.

There is no other reason. Various sects of cultivation and inheritance, including Gambis Ting, all follow the elite route in inheritance. The teacher travels all over the country to select good seedlings with good qualifications, temperament, and understanding. They must be pleasing to the eye, and then focus on cultivating them.

But Yangyuan Valley is different. Hua Zhenxing adheres to Ke Fuzi's principle of "education without discrimination" and integrates the resources of the entire country to promote Yangyuan Technique as a "explicit tradition" throughout the society, and even makes it a kind of social activities.

This approach requires huge investments and requires extremely high levels of social organization, but as long as it is on the right track, the per capita training cost will become lower and lower, and people will even gradually become accustomed to it.

In order to save money, the Yangyuan Shu Center usually organizes students at all levels to participate in various internships during the training period. Third-level students have the task of refining pure gold and participating in the collection of materials for Chunrong Dan. Now they are called to participate in the construction of the magic circle.

Although the number of Yangyuan Technique instructors registered in Yangyuan Valley is not inferior to that of any traditional practice sect, the quality is still incomparable for the time being.

The Zhengyi Sect alone has more than thirty Dacheng monks, but Yangyuan Valley currently only has one Pan Cai, who was not trained by himself.

Although fifty-six level three students have broken through level four this time, it is a pity that there are no level four instructors who have broken through level five on site. It seems that many people's accumulation is not enough.

After the Blue Sky Washing Formation was completed, Hua Zhenxing named the peak where the formation pivot was located as Blue Sky Island, carved a stone on the cliff to remember it, and organized a celebration party.

In the future, the island after the reservoir is filled with water will be named Bikong Island, and the pavilion housing the array hub will also be named Bikong Pavilion.

Surrounding the Blue Sky Pavilion in the center of the island, a garden-style courtyard was also planned, encircling the surrounding undulating commanding heights. The total area is more than 200 acres, named Blue Sky Courtyard.

Bikongyuan is the place where the resident monks live, work and relax, and is separated from the open area for future activities of tourists. At present, only the gate, courtyard wall and a supporting cave have been built, and more facilities need to be gradually improved.

As for the entire reservoir outside Bi Kong Island, it will also be named Bi Kong Lake. I heard that the Qingyi River Reservoir in Wucheng, Dongguo, was named Taiping Lake, and the Xin'an River Reservoir in Zhijiang Province was called Qiandao Lake. Huazhenxing also followed this idea.

The names of these places have been determined. From large to small, from outside to inside, they are Blue Sky Lake, Blue Sky Island, Blue Sky Courtyard, and Blue Sky Pavilion. In the center of the Blue Sky Pavilion, the center of the Blue Sky Pavilion is placed.

After the construction of the Blue Sky Washing Formation was completed, everyone left the Blue Sky Island in batches. It is almost the end of the year, and all departments are very busy with work, and they must return to work as soon as possible.

Fifty-six newly promoted fourth-level students, led by the instructors, first went to Yangyuan Valley, where a ceremony was held and they received the fourth-level Yangyuan Technique instructor certificates. The person who issued the certificates to them was Mo Shangtong. .

Why did Hua Zhenxing, the chief instructor, not issue certificates to everyone, but asked Uncle Mo to come out to support the scene? Because he did not go to Yangyuan Valley, but stayed in Bikong Courtyard.

The formation has been completed, but it will take some time for the formation to fully unfold. This process takes about ten days, and someone must control the formation hub and fine-tune it at any time until the formation is fully deployed and enters a state of self-operation.

When the formation enters a state of self-operation, although someone still needs to guard it, it will only be maintained regularly and the situation is understood. When necessary, the formation pivot will be controlled to make fine adjustments.

In the ten days from the formation of the formation to its full deployment, the person who controls the center of the formation is of course Hua Zhenxing himself. He also needs to understand the process of the formation's operation and understand how to use the Blue Sky Cleansing Formation to refine the Spring Powder. To this end, He even brought the ingredients for making medicine.

To confirm whether the previous idea can be successful, we have to wait until the moment the formation is fully deployed. Of course, the Blue Sky Cleansing Formation has been successfully deployed. Hua Zhenxing still needs to confirm whether and how it can be used to refine the Spring Beauty Pill?

There is no one who can handle this matter right now. Apart from the three old people, he seems to be the only one in the world who knows how to refine Chunrong Dan.

Xiao Guang originally wanted to send a few more people to stay on Bikong Island, but Manman took the initiative to stay with Xiaohua. Xiao Guang simply evacuated the others, leaving only the two of them on Bikong Island.

Half a month later, in January of the new year, Mo Qi and Mu Qingyu will be on duty. By then, the work of the stationed monks will be much easier. As long as the formation operates naturally, there is no need for anyone to keep an eye on it at all times. However, there must be at least one sixth-level instructor on Bikong Island.

Mo Qi was transferred to Wage Mining a year ago, and was transferred back some time ago to participate in the construction of the Blue Sky Washing Formation.

At present, the situation of Wage Mining has stabilized. The reserve cadres who have been trained for more than a year are now able to take over. There is no need to put so many sixth-level instructors there. One Sima value is enough.

Mo Qi and Mu Qingyu were a couple, and they hadn't met much in the past year or so, so Xiao Guang simply gave them the first batch of tasks to garrison the Blue Sky Washing Formation.

According to the arrangements of Yangyuan Valley, the rotation period for each sixth-level tutor to be on duty here is one month.

Xiao Guang very considerately made a flexible decision. Mo Qi and Mu Qingyu were on duty together for two months. During this period, whoever had something to do could take time to deal with it. In short, just leave one person on the island.

The shift duty system arranged by Yangyuan Valley will be implemented from January next year, and the last half of this year is the end of the formation. Xiao Guang was bold enough. Seeing that Manman stayed with Hua Zhenxing, he actually evacuated everyone else on Bikong Island.

Although there are still a group of third- and fourth-level students left in the formation to continue to improve some auxiliary work, Xiao Guang arranged them all to the peaks where the other nine formation eyes are located outside the Blue Sky Island, and assigned some other tasks. Hua Zhenxing cannot be disturbed.

If Hua Zhenxing has any orders, they can be conveyed directly through the Blue Sky Washing Formation. As long as he controls the center of the formation within the scope of the formation, Hua Zhenxing can speak directly in everyone's ears.

Xiao Guang also knew that Hua Zhenxing alone could not withstand these ten days. At the appropriate time, he would definitely let Manman take over the Blue Sky Washing Formation.

This is also a rare opportunity for Manman to practice. With Hua Zhenxing present to protect the Dharma, I believe there will be no accidents.

Manman is still a monk in the fourth realm and has not yet broken through the fifth realm, but this kind of thing cannot be rushed. Breaking through cultivation requires opportunity, and now the opportunity has arrived.

Hua Zhenxing seemed very relaxed when controlling the center of the formation. Even though he couldn't live without the Blue Sky Pavilion, he could also chat and communicate with Manman, have a meal, drink tea and so on together, as if walking, sitting and lying were all practices.

But when Manman took over the Blue Sky Cleansing Formation, she had to be so focused that she had no time to think about anything else and devoted herself wholeheartedly to the state of enlightenment, as if she had become one with the formation.

Xiao Guang can rest assured about this arrangement because he has enough trust in Hua Zhenxing. Who in this world is most familiar with the Blue Sky Cleansing Formation, probably Hua Zhenxing is the first. Although the formation diagram was given by Old Man Yang, the actual construction work was completed by Hua Zhenxing.

If we follow the secular view of engineering, Old Yang's role is equivalent to that of a design institute, while Hua Zhenxing is the chief engineer. Therefore, Hua Zhenxing was confident enough to allow Manman to take over the formation, while he was on the side to control the situation at any time.

The bamboo motto given by Old Man Yang was theoretically only available for sixth-level instructors to comprehend, but there were always exceptions, so Hua Zhenxing gave it to Manman to comprehend.

The days of sitting on Blue Sky Island were not boring, but rather very interesting.

When you sit in the Blue Sky Pavilion and control the formation, you can see more than just the spring pool in front of you. Your spiritual consciousness can extend to the entire formation. In just one thought, within a radius of a hundred miles, it seems that you have transformed into this world.

If one's cultivation has not broken through the five realms, this feeling can easily lead to disorientation and even cause what is called "personality dissociation" in psychology, where one's self-awareness and emotions seem to fade away.

Therefore, although such a large formation can assist practice and allow people to realize in advance the realm of the unity of the outer scene and the inner scene of the Yuan Shen, it requires an elder to give guidance and protect the Dharma at any time to prevent disciples from getting lost during practice.

The formation has been completed. Control the formation hub to fully unfold the formation. In theory, it is enough to cultivate the four realms. But who would actually dare to let a Four Realm monk control the formation at this time? But Huazhenxing did just that!

In the first seven days, Hua Zhenxing personally took charge of the formation for ten hours every day, but left the two hours of Ziwu to Manman. Seven days later, the Blue Sky Cleansing Formation was fully deployed and entering its natural operating state, and Manman also broke through the fifth level of cultivation.

Excluding the twenty-two disciples originally from Fengtan, among Hua Zhenxing’s old team, only Wang Fengshou and Lian Na had broken through the fifth realm before.

Shen Sishu, Li Jingzhi, Van Dyke, Locke, Tang Senzhi... Such a large group of people are still in the Four Realms. It seems to be a bit delayed, but in fact it is a normal situation.

Think about Shi Shuangcheng who came to Yangyuan Valley last year. She only had the opportunity to break through the five realms after arriving at Yangyuan Valley.

Hua Zhenxing had some idea in his mind that among the current group of Fourth Realm monks in Yangyuan Valley, there was hope that they could continue to break through to the Fifth Realm in a short period of time. Apart from Manman, there were probably only three other monks, including Locke, Shen Sishu, and Li Jingzhi.

Their mental experience is sufficient, and their cultivation accumulation is not bad. It may be that they were too busy with work some time ago and lacked a chance to break through.

Manman broke through the fifth realm, and the Blue Sky Washing Formation was fully deployed and entered its natural operating state. There was no need for someone to manage the formation 24 hours a day. The two of them had sufficient free time on Blue Sky Island.

Hua Zhenxing struck again while the iron was hot and personally gave Manman the fifth-level Yuan Yang Master's assessment, and then taught her how to refine the Five Qi Pills.

After Manman broke through the fifth realm, he could easily pass the fifth-level Yuan Yuan Technique instructor assessment without any difficulty. Then it only took her three days to refine the first Five Qi Pill and pass the assessment of the sixth-level Yuan Yuan Technique instructor.

It's a pity that there are no outsiders on Bi Kong Island at the moment, but for Manman, Hua Zhenxing's praise is enough.

Hua Zhenxing was not surprised that Manman was promoted from a fifth-level tutor to a sixth-level tutor in just three days. Manman is not a monk with a blank slate. She has accumulated enough and learned enough.

Manman has already been researching the formula of Five Qi Pills for a long time. She also organized many students under the Yangyuan Technique Center to participate in the processing and refining of various raw materials.

Manman's portable magic weapon, Youshuixiang, is a five-qi pill wrapped in a special sacred stone, the quiet blue water core. Many of the tips on how to use the five-qi pill as a magic weapon are what Manman told Hua Zhen.

The more important reason is that Manman took a trick and used the Blue Sky Washing Formation. One of the wonderful uses of the Blue Sky Cleansing Formation is to assist in refining the Spring Rong Dan. Of course, it can also be used to assist in refining the Five Qi Pills, because the Five Qi Pills are the main material for processing the Spring Rong Dan.

The four-legged round tripod in the Blue Sky Pavilion has a very special shape. It is actually an alchemy furnace that all the teachers have worked hard to refine. When the Five Qi Pills are refined, the colorful light fills the air, and Manman is equivalent to consecrating this pill furnace.

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