Enjoy the world

Chapter 345 The last persistence

The Straw Shoes Gang all "joined" the Big Head Gang, then reorganized into a new alliance and created the Klin District, which happened in the first half of 2020. President Berkeley didn't hear any news at all at that time, and even if he occasionally learned relevant information, he wouldn't pay much attention to it.

From the end of 2020 to the beginning of 2021, the most important news in the northern part of the country was that Princess Kedia, on behalf of the Belij royal family, awarded three respectable philanthropists.

After hearing this, Berkeley lamented over and over again, why didn't such a person appear in Morwang City? Since the King's family has done this, he also intends to give separate awards and commendations to these three lords in the name of the central government of the Kingdom of Gilly, and confer the highest honorary title in the Kingdom of Gilly.

The matter was arranged, but the official in charge replied that he had not been able to contact several lords. It is true that Feng Zibin and Mr. Forgen were not contacted, but the phone number in Rozchild's office was still connected. Rozchild himself did not answer, but asked his staff to politely and tactfully refuse.

Later, when many things were busy, Berkeley could no longer take care of it.

In the first half of 2021, the new alliance liberated Banda City and completely eliminated the defending front. Berkeley heard about this situation, but didn't pay too much attention. The Guarding Front was originally an armed force that was farthest from the areas controlled by the central government and had the weakest control. It seemed that there had been an internal change of power, and it had just changed its leader and name.

Why did Berkeley judge that this was an internal change of power? Because the intelligence he saw showed that this change did not cause large-scale riots, the time was very short, and the casualties were negligible.

It was not until August 2021 that the New Alliance Army suddenly crossed the Banwei River and the Wage Desert and liberated the Wage City controlled by the Lion Organization. This attracted Berkeley's attention and vigilance. He mobilized military and police forces to set up defenses on the northern border, and made a special trip to collect various intelligence on the new alliance for analysis.

But he never expected that just three months after the New Alliance captured Wage City, they would move south again. The defense troops he organized almost collapsed at the first touch, and the opponent actually entered the capital directly during the light rain season.

At that time, the main force of the Hope Front could no longer be contacted. It is unknown whether most of them were captured or fled in all directions. Even if they fled and broke through, they would not be able to regroup in the short term. Seeing that the situation was over, many high-level officials in the government persuaded Berkeley to quickly retreat to Tiga City, where they started and their traditional sphere of influence, and to withdraw first in order to make a comeback.

They all came to the wrong judgment that the new alliance wanted to launch a military coup, seize the central government, and then hold an election to allow its leader Charles to ascend to the presidential throne.

They thought they could still keep their territory in Tiga City, as long as they were willing to submit to the jurisdiction of the central government in name. This is what the Hope Front did in the past. This is how everyone has been here since the founding of the Kingdom of Kilili.

Berkeley was unwilling to leave. His self-esteem and pride did not allow him to leave as a loser. He is the most outstanding president in the history of the country, and he also wants to organize the most elite and loyal guards to fight a battle to defend the capital.

But many of my father's old subordinates retreated and fled to Tiga City in panic. In fact, the new alliance has two armies from the east and west going south at the same time. It is easier to liberate Diga City than Mowang City. That group of people were captured before they could escape and are undergoing screening and review by the new alliance.

The capital defense battle organized by Berkeley was also very unsuccessful. The New Alliance Army advanced block by block, and political management cadres immediately followed up to reorganize the grassroots order. There were hardly many decent battles.

Berkeley knew that the situation was over, and people around him advised him to rush to the airport that had not yet been captured, and temporarily go overseas, such as Yinguo. But Berkeley also refused. He decided to stay here and talk to Charles face to face.

In fact, if he really wants to run away, whether he can run away depends on the thoughts of the new alliance's decision-makers.

The Kiribati military had several fighter jets, but they had no chance to take off after the war began. The reason was similar to the batch of wheeled armored vehicles organized by the Lion. At that time, the New Alliance forces had not captured the airport, but the special service team had already sneaked into the airport, but it did not prevent the passenger planes carrying the evacuees or escapees from taking off and landing.

At the last moment, Becker's military general adviser, specially hired from England with a high salary, gave him an idea for a comeback or revenge.

At that time, Berkeley had hundreds of presidential guards left, which were his most elite and most loyal troops. The reason why these troops are still there is because they have not gone to the front line, but are guarding the core neighborhoods of Mowang City to deal with emergencies. They don't even know the specific situation on the front line.

The military adviser made two suggestions. He first advised Bekele to leave the country of Kyili as soon as possible on the evacuation flight, and then he could return to Tiga City from overseas. At that time, they did not know that the city of Tiga was not saved either.

The second suggestion is very vicious, which is to have the Presidential Guard disguise themselves as the New Alliance Army and attack the embassies of various countries in the country, preferably causing heavy casualties.

In this way, an internal coup incident can evolve into a terrorist attack or even a massacre that shocks the world, involving external forces, leading to the intervention of the international community, and thus destroying the new alliance by the hands of others.

Because if the Hope Front wants to make a comeback, even if it has its old territory in Tiga City, it will be difficult to confront the new alliance militarily. Only this move can restore the situation.

Berkeley broke into a cold sweat in the presidential palace. Not only did he reject the suggestion, he also ordered the arrest of the military adviser for interrogation on the spot. He learned that some of the presidential guards had already gone to "perform" this "mission." This was the "suggestion" given privately by the military general adviser, and several officers were willing to personally lead the team to do so.

Only then did Berkeley realize that not only was the country under his governance completely out of control, but he could not fully control even the most trusted presidential guard.

His last urgent order was to order the last guard that could be mobilized around the Presidential Palace to rush to the embassy area to stop this incident and protect the safety of each embassy until the New Alliance Army came to take over, at which time they could choose to surrender.

Berkeley cannot accept such a suggestion, and must try his best to prevent this kind of thing from happening. Such a vicious plot is too appalling and has exceeded his conscience and bottom line. Even if his regime is overthrown, he still has to protect his own reputation and that of the country.

Berkeley ordered the last remaining guards to go to protect the embassy area. In fact, it was not late, but the embassies of various countries were not captured by the rebels. Another group of armed men with superb marksmanship appeared out of nowhere, defeated and cleaned up the rebel army, and then the vanguard of the New Alliance Army also arrived.

It was the various special service infiltration teams sent by the New Alliance to protect the embassy area in a timely manner. They had sneaked into Mowang City long ago, and then gathered in the embassy area and acted in a unified manner, gathering about two hundred people. This was Wang Fengshou's order in advance.

There are more than 100 countries that recognize Kilili Country internationally and have nominally established diplomatic relations with it. However, due to frequent coups and wars, more than fifty embassies have been established in Mowang City and diplomatic personnel are stationed there for a long time.

When the New Alliance Army launched its southward operation, many countries evacuated their diplomats and organized emergency evacuation of overseas Chinese. There were not many serious expatriates here anyway, and agents of the New Alliance Army did not hinder the takeoff and landing of passenger planes at Mowang Airport.

By the time the New Alliance Army captured the main urban area of ​​Mowang City, there were only a dozen embassies with diplomats stationed there. The remaining embassy diplomats had evacuated, leaving only local staff to guard them.

The military adviser privately gave the advice, "Why would there be an officer in the Guard leading his men to actually do it? Chaos will unleash the evil of human nature. More importantly, it is profitable to attack and rob those embassies. There should be a lot of value in them." What a good thing! You can avoid taking responsibility afterwards and blame the new alliance.

Wang Fengshou did not expect this to happen, but he was just instinctively worried that as the New Alliance Army advanced block by block, the chaos in the unliberated blocks would spread to the embassy district.

Therefore, when formulating a military plan, he suggested sending a vanguard force directly into the embassy area, and at the same time sending a special service infiltration team to gather in the embassy area in advance to maintain order and protect each embassy, ​​especially those with diplomatic envoys remaining, as the top priority. It's the Eastern Kingdom's embassy, ​​we can't let anyone take the opportunity to cause chaos.

The last place the New Alliance Army captured was the Presidential Palace. It could not be considered a capture, but a direct takeover. Berkeley became a prisoner of war while sitting in his office. He never left, trying his best to maintain his dignity, and made a request to the staff of the New Alliance that he wanted to meet with Ciel to discuss state affairs.

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