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Chapter 344 The Best President

Berkeley is thirty-nine years old and is of the same age as Wallis. He was born in Diga City in the Kingdom of Gilly. He came to the Kingdom of Yin at the age of three. He received an aristocratic education since he was a child and studied at the famous Beef Tendon University in the Kingdom of Yin. Has degrees in law, economics and sociology. Judging from this resume alone, it can be said that he is shining. He himself is also very diligent and studious.

He has dual nationality of Yin Kingdom and Kilili Kingdom. He could have stayed in Luoba Continent and lived a comfortable and prosperous life. However, after seeing the advanced development and prosperity of the Western Luo Kingdoms, he remembered how poor and backward his hometown was. and chaos, with lofty ambitions and determination to use what he has learned in his life to change the current situation of the country.

These ideals and aspirations of his were written down in an autobiography published three years ago. Four years ago, Berkeley returned to Kiri Country. Half a year later, he became the 25th president of Kiri Country. He has now stayed in this position for three and a half years.

How did he become the president of the country? This starts with his father, Berkeley Sr.

Lao Bei is the largest manor owner in Tiga City. He almost monopolizes local agricultural and animal husbandry resources. He has also accepted many industries left over from the colonial era and set up a number of primary processing plants. He is also the leader of the Hope Front.

The armed force of the Hope Front first developed from the security team of the plantation. Lao Bei has money and connections, and can equip the plantation security team with better weapons and allow them to receive better training...

Over time, this developed into an armed force, whose function was not only to protect the plantation, but also to obtain greater benefits for Lao Bei, and then controlled the entire Tiga City, just like the Lions organization once controlled Wage City.

After Xiaobei returned to China, he reorganized the army of the Hope Front and hired military consultants from the United Kingdom. The Hope Front invaded Mowang City from Tiga City and launched a quick and successful military coup. The previous president of the country ran away, and Berkeley served as the interim president and held a new election. After a few months, he became the official president.

Why wasn't Old Pei the president? Xiaobei returned to China because Lao Bei was seriously ill. He had to come back to inherit the family business and take charge of the overall situation. Shortly after he officially became president, Lao Bei died of illness in England.

Lao Bei has other children, but they all stay in Western developed countries and are unwilling to come back. They did not expect that Xiaobei would make such a big fuss after returning to the Kingdom of Miles. Later, he also got a lot of foreign trade business from Xiaobei, making their life more comfortable, and at the same time, it promoted the business of the Kingdom of Miles. Prosperity.

No president wants to be mediocre, and no president doesn't want the country he leads to be strong, and the same is certainly true for Berkeley.

It is not that the Kingdom of Kilili does not have a perfect system. From the day it emerged, it has borrowed from the systems of several previous suzerain countries. However, the country's executive agencies are almost completely out of control, and Berkeley can only start working hard to restore the governance order.

The reason why he became the leader of the Hope Front is not only because he is Lao Bei's son, but also because he represents the interests of all aspects of this armed force. Therefore, while appeasing the leaders of the armed forces at all levels, he also tried his best to reorganize the armed forces and expanded a military and police force of more than 10,000 people on the original basis.

It is called a military and police force because it is difficult to define whether it is an army or a police force. Its main task is not national defense, but the maintenance of order internally.

His governance is still very effective. At least in the main urban area of ​​Mowang City, order has basically returned to normal, and management can be realistic and effective. Various types of security cases still occur frequently, but they are only security cases, rather than various riots. This is already good. Where in the world is this not the case?

Economically, Berkeley also has great ideas, but the results are not great, mainly because this place is too backward. Berkeley encourages the development of commerce and does everything possible to open up the market, hoping to stimulate the development of local specialty industries through market prosperity.

The demand here is always strong, but the output is really limited. He also hopes to stimulate domestic production units to increase investment, but the main difficulty is the lack of funds.

In fact, he himself is the largest manor owner in Diga and Mowang. Agriculture and animal husbandry have always been the pillar industry of Kilili Country and an important means of obtaining foreign exchange.

Berkeley has an open mind. He has tried every means to introduce foreign investment and assistance and provided various preferential conditions, but the gains have not been great.

Because there is really not much oil and water to squeeze out of this country, and the frequent turmoil in the past is also a lingering fear. The country's most important mineral resources and tourism resources are not in the hands of the central government.

But Berkeley's efforts were not without progress. At least he integrated the country's financial system. Regardless of the fact that other states and regions are actually in a semi-independent state, whether it is a domestic bank or a foreign-funded bank, business within the country must go through the financial institutions of the central government.

For example, in the original Fiso Port, both the Hui Feng Bank of Yinguo and the Dongguo Bank of Dongguo had business outlets. However, their branch headquarters in Kilili Country are all located in Mowang City, and their cross-border business is subject to the supervision of the central government of Kilili Country, including obtaining various legal business authorizations and official document approvals.

This is the benefit of controlling the nominal central government. The Berkeley government also controls the tax revenue of the two states of Mowang City and Tiga City, as well as the customs revenue of Kilili Country.

Although various smuggling activities are still very serious, nominally formal import and export still require customs declaration procedures. Controlling the financial system is equivalent to controlling customs revenue.

The creditworthiness of the local currency of Kilili Country is very low. Many private transactions between big figures use foreign currency or gold. It is also difficult to issue government bonds or obtain financing from overseas financial institutions. However, it at least ensures that ordinary people in the seven states across the country can The currency used by people is still several kilograms generated by the central bank of the country.

This is a remarkable achievement. At least in the area of ​​central finance, Berkeley has done a good job, otherwise he would not be able to appease his father's old subordinates, stabilize the various military leaders in the Hope Front, and at the same time form a new Military and police forces.

Under Berkeley's rule, order in the main urban area of ​​the capital city of Mowang was restored best. At least many important blocks were lively during the day, and in several key blocks it was even lively at night.

In Berkeley's long-term plan, Mowang City is to be built into a star city, business center and even economic center on the east coast of the Black Continent. No matter how ugly the reality is, people still have to have ideals!

He placed the focus of governance on Mowang City, which also aroused dissatisfaction among a group of old subordinates who had followed from Diga City. However, on the one hand, Bekele gave them good treatment, and on the other hand, Bekele established a new military police force. The army has promoted a group of new leaders, and the situation can be controlled under mutual checks and balances.

Berkeley also often sighed, feeling a sense of loneliness, as too many people around him could not understand his grand plan. He hopes to build a good Mowang City and attract more talents and funds, so that more resources can be used to bring the country out of trouble.

After taking control of the central government, Bekele did not have large-scale conflicts with the armed forces that controlled other states. They were basically in a state of peace and harmony. They could even negotiate and cooperate on many things, as long as they nominally accepted the jurisdiction of the central government. That’s it.

The Hope Front has controlled more than half of the population, resources and economic output of Kilili Country, and can gradually reintegrate the country through development penetration, especially economic and industrial radiation.

From Berkeley's own perspective, he believes that his work in this area is quite good. The once fragmented Kingdom has gradually consolidated in his hands. Various states and regions have formed relatively stable spheres of influence and governance systems, and at least no large-scale armed conflicts occurred during his term.

His eyes are not blindly focused on the main urban area of ​​the capital, or the two states of Tiga City and Mowang City controlled by the Hope Front. Instead, he looks at the whole country and is also concerned about the construction and development of other states and areas.

For example, the Fiso Port has an aid project from Donggang. Although it is a demand of the state and district local governments, the relevant official diplomatic procedures are still handled through the central government, and the Bekele government has not created any obstacles to this.

From a personal point of view, Berkeley did not really welcome Dongguo's aid project. However, he was able to overcome his personal likes and dislikes, and based on the overall development of Kilili Country, he did not prevent such a project from being implemented, and he also accepted Dongguo's proposal. olive branch.

This is because the country is so short of funds, technology, and talents, and its infrastructure construction is so backward. Most of the current infrastructure is left over from the 1970s and 1980s.

On the other hand, Berkeley is also afraid that vetoing these projects will trigger conflicts between local states and the central government. More importantly, Berkeley also has his own ideas. The introduction of Dongguo-aided construction projects is also a bargaining chip in diplomacy.

In the impoverished country of Kilili, the introduction of aid construction projects is not just as simple as a road or a power station. It also represents what kind of production system, what kind of industrial standards and technical specifications are introduced, and even what kind of cultural influence is actively accepted.

For example, in telecommunications projects, as long as there are aid projects, he can use these projects to argue and go to Western Roman countries such as England or even the United States to request assistance. There is such a set of standard words: "Now Dongguo has expressed that it can assist in the construction of telecommunications projects. If you do not provide assistance, the future telecommunications system of Guiliguo will adopt Dongguo's 5G standard."

This is a common trick in diplomacy. Berkeley learned it when he was in England. Deep down in his heart, he still recognized the Western production system and various technical standards, and hoped to introduce investment and technology from England, America and other countries for construction. this country.

Unfortunately, such rhetoric is not always successful, but it cannot be said that it is completely unsuccessful. The answers he gets are often divided into two parts. One part is an official reply, telling him that these projects are full of hazards and unexpected risks, and they should be decisively rejected or canceled.

The other part comes from various non-governmental agencies. There are always people coming to tell him that if he vetoes these projects, he will get some benefits, such as receiving some international recognition, receiving charity or environmental assistance, and his family business will receive some attention, etc. As for the construction gap left by the rejection of the project... let's talk about it later.

These promises are frivolous, but they are very effective. For example, when building a power station, the total investment scale is hundreds of millions of dollars, and a lot of the funds are transferred directly in the form of export credits. It is difficult for the relevant managers to get much benefit.

But if you privately give someone tens of thousands of dollars in benefits and ask him to try his best to veto the project, in this country, that would be a real huge fortune! This is a typical example of spending a small amount of money to do big things. The cost of doing big things is high, but spending a small amount of money can mess up big things.

Berkeley himself may not care about these petty profits, and even tens of thousands of dollars cannot buy him off. Even if the other party offers him a higher amount due to his status, or even adds one or two zeros, he may still be able to bear it.

However, when doing anything, there are specific competent departments and handling officials. They form a management and decision-making group, and many of them are willing to charge tens of thousands of dollars.

In addition to giving money directly, "dissuaders" have more and more reasonable ways, such as inviting relevant officials to go abroad for inspections and participate in various academic seminars, which is equivalent to going overseas for vacation and consumption, and can also receive various Subsidies such as travel expenses, lecture fees, consulting fees, etc.

The Kingdom of Gila introduced a certain aspect of Dongguan's aid projects in the hope of receiving assistance from Western countries. Instead, it became an opportunity to create benefits for the officials in charge of the relevant departments under its rule.

Fortunately, in places like Aiso Port, the central government cannot interfere in many things at all. Otherwise, it is unknown whether the original aid construction projects in Aiso Port can be successfully completed.

Berkeley himself also has a strong sense of contract. He will not easily break the contract for the construction aid project that has been signed and implemented. More importantly, without those Dongguo-aided construction projects, he would not even have a chance to attract the attention of Western developed countries. He knew this very well, and it was also the foresight of a politician.

Therefore, there are some strange phenomena. There are Dongguo-aided construction projects in remote areas like Fiso Port, but there are no Dongguan-aided construction projects in the cities of Mowang and Tiga controlled by the central government. Even if there was an intention, later because of Various factors were mixed up.

The most outrageous "aid alternative plan" that Berkeley has come into contact with is that a non-governmental organization expressed its willingness to provide seeds and refining technology of product D, and to be responsible for the sales in the northern Middle East region, so that the Front of Hope controlled by the Guilin government could organize production. , in exchange for funds, weapons and various supplies.

Of course, Berkeley would not agree to such a thing. Although the proposal was a non-governmental organization, he also vaguely knew that the organization was behind an intelligence agency of a major Western country.

Although Berkeley did not agree and would not admit that he had heard this proposal, he also knew that many of his father's old subordinates also secretly did this in the Tiga City area. But at the central government level, this kind of behavior is strictly prohibited, and if discovered, it will be severely punished.

If the leader of a certain force in the Hope Front becomes ambitious and shows signs of losing control, investigation and severe punishment of such matters will also become a means to eliminate them. Berkeley mastered this balancing act well.

Berkeley officially became president at the end of 2018. By the beginning of 2020, an epidemic swept the world, and the economies and foreign exchanges of various countries were severely affected. Berkeley also often lamented that he had not encountered a good time, otherwise his national implementation plan could be implemented more smoothly.

Even under such difficult circumstances, Berkeley increased central financial investment and continued to support and build the best university in Mowang City-Kiliguo Public University.

Not only is this university free of charge for tuition and accommodation, but students with excellent grades can also receive incentives and subsidies. Its conditions in all aspects have indeed been greatly improved during Berkeley's tenure. Even the majors and courses are set up as closely as possible. The National Beef Tendon University model recruits students from all over the country and neighboring countries. There are currently 6,000 students enrolled.

It is a piece of pure land in this chaotic country, known as calf tendon.

This title of calf tendon was shouted out by reporters at the instruction of Berkeley himself. In his eyes, the public university of Kilili Kingdom is the best university on the east coast of the Black Wasteland. This can be seen from the extremely high study abroad and immigration rates of its graduates.

Berkeley is well aware of the importance of talents. If you want to engage in construction, you must have talents. He himself is an example. However, the education system of the country is full of holes and has too many shortcomings. Berkeley can only start from key projects. First, it must cultivate enough high-end elite talents to lead the people forward, and then use talents to cultivate talents. .

As for the high study abroad and immigration rates, many outstanding graduates have gone overseas and never come back. This is something that can’t be helped. Everyone knows the current situation of the country. Berkeley only hopes that in the future, the country will develop well, and the talents of many people will be put to use, and they can be attracted to come back. And not all the elite talents are gone, after all, there are still many left.

Berkeley increased the central government's financial investment to build a public university in Guilin. In fact, the financial investment did not increase much. In the later period, it actually reduced the funding pressure. Because this university is the project for which Berkeley has attracted the most overseas donations, it can even be said to be the only major project, and many institutions are willing to donate to it.

During his term of office, the Alumni Association of Kirigoku Public University was also established and contacted many overseas alumni who had graduated over the years. Many of them are already elites in various industries and have established several overseas branches.

Through the alumni association, not only can they better help each other and introduce various opportunities for studying abroad, working, and business cooperation, but it can also call on them to make more contributions to the construction of their hometown. A lot of assistance to public universities in Kiriland is liaised with these alumni.

Although Berkeley himself did not graduate from the public university of Kyri, this university is the pride of the president.

If he were asked to make a comprehensive self-evaluation, Berkeley believed that he was the best president in the history of the country.

Under his rule, although the improvement of people's livelihood was not the fastest progress due to special historical reasons, great achievements were made. The national power was the most consolidated and the entire social order was the most stable. The government's economic, military and The local forces also have the strongest control.

It is said that Berkeley has many fans at home and even overseas, and many people who admire him are also called "Beike fans", which makes him both gratified and proud.

But President Berkeley's confidence was shattered in just a few months.

There is another update in the evening

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