Enjoy the world

Chapter 25 This guy cheated

When Hua Zhenxing was sent out again the next day, both my physical and mental state felt the same as yesterday, and my eyes even became brighter and calmer. He felt comfortable walking like this, as long as he didn't exceed a certain limit, but after walking for more than two hours, he had to break this state because he was stared at by a group of hyenas.

Hyenas are agile in movement and have ferocious habits. They can weigh up to 150 or 60 kilograms. When traveling in groups, they sometimes even dare to snatch prey from lions. They eat not only fresh prey but also carrion. Hua Zhenxing actually spotted this group of hyenas from a distance. Not counting the cubs, there were 21 larger adult hyenas in total.

He deliberately bypassed this section of the road, not wanting to cause trouble, but three hyenas still came from the right front to outflank him. Hua Zhenxing deliberately lifted the long stick in his hand and swung it gently, so that he would appear particularly tall in the hyena's field of vision, and he would not take the initiative to attack. However, a hyena rushed up.

The wooden stick in Hua Zhenxing's hand was used as a spear, and he used his skill to lift the hyena and fly it diagonally, leaving a wound on its abdomen. This wooden stick was processed the day before yesterday, and one end was specially sharpened and baked hard.

After picking off a hyena, Hua Zhenxing quickly moved forward to the left, with the tip of the stick always facing another hyena that was about to attack. When dealing with such animals that are good at hunting in groups, be sure not to be surrounded by them. The first hyena rushed up just now as a test attack. The other two were already preparing to outflank them, but Hua Zhenxing rushed out of the encirclement.

As a result, another hyena still rushed towards the stick. Hua Zhenxing's hand shook, and the tip of the stick stabbed its forelimb under the armpit. The hyena let out a howl, retracted one leg and rolled up, unable to run any longer.

It was said that Hua Zhenxing should have gotten rid of the hyenas, but then he heard a strange cry again, and the group of hyenas actually swarmed towards him from a distance. It is definitely not a wise choice to compete with a group of hyenas on the grassland. Hua Zhenxing ran a few steps quickly, turned around and threw something, and then quickly fell down behind a small dirt bag.

This is a tactical grenade, prepared by Uncle Mo. He didn't have time to take off his backpack, but there was a zipper on the side and back of the backpack, which could be opened by reaching to your waist. He ran these few steps to buy time to take out the grenade and pull out the safety pin.

The grenade was thrown more than 40 meters away, and the time was calculated just right. It landed in the middle of the chasing hyena group. The nearest hyenas were startled, and then heard a loud bang. The group of hyenas was knocked down and screamed repeatedly. Only the furthest ones jumped away and they seemed to be injured to some extent.

Hua Zhenxing got up from the ground, holding a stick in his left hand and taking out a small pistol in his right hand. But no hyenas attacked him anymore. Hua Zhenxing put the gun in his pocket and sighed, patted his clothes and looked around with some confusion, then turned around and continued on his way.

The behavior of this group of hyenas was a bit abnormal. They didn't know if they had taken the wrong medicine and they insisted on attacking him. After the previous two attempts failed, they actually rushed over in a swarm. There were only seven bullets in Hua Zhenxing's small pistol. In this case, there was no time to change the magazine. Unless it hit a vital part, a single shot would not be able to kill a hyena, so he did not take out the gun first.

The stick in his hand was as thick as an egg, but Hua Zhenxing was worried that it wasn't strong enough. After all, it was made from locally selected materials and processed temporarily. He had seen Old Man Yang knocking over a group of lions with a long stick, but he thought he didn't have the ability yet, and he didn't want to take the risk. Why not use a grenade?

Yang Tehong in the distance looked a little stiff, and hummed as if he was very dissatisfied: "This kid cheated!"

But Mo Shangtong smiled happily: "This is the normal choice. There are obviously grenades, why do you still have to use a gun to pick off the dogs? That would have wasted the development of civilization for so many years!"

Yang Tehong: "I used a stick to challenge a group of lions in front of him. He worshiped me so much that he pestered me to learn and promised me that I would work hard to practice. Then I I reluctantly taught him a few tricks. But look, what he did today, he actually feinted twice and threw a grenade and it was all over!"

Mo Shangtong turned to look at Yang Tehong and said, "But he passed the test, right? According to your cultivation technique, he passed the second-level tutorial assessment."

Yang Tehong was stunned for a moment, and then nodded in frustration: "Yes, I just don't know when I can get started at the third level."

Mo Shangtong: "Now that we have passed this level, it will be a matter of course."

In the eyes of these two old men, if Hua Zhenxing had thought about this, he would either pick up a group of dogs with a stick like Yang Tehong did, and not only would he be unharmed, but he would also be able to control the group of hyenas obediently; Just like now, don't force or show off, run when you need to, throw grenades when you need to, and then escape safely.

In a word: when the matter is over, you take off your clothes and hide yourself and your name. The key point lies in the three words "whisk away", which expresses a kind of calmness with just the right heat. As for the body, of course you have to hide it well, as well as the name, but you don’t have to be too deliberate about your attitude. The so-called hiding it deep does not mean that it is not there, leaving it for others to admire.

People who have some ability tend to be unable to hold it back. Perhaps it is out of curiosity and they want to test their abilities when encountering problems. Or perhaps it is out of showing off and wanting to show off their abilities. From the perspective of alchemy cultivation, this means that the intention is too heavy, the mind is unstable and the spirit moves, the spirit is unstable and the energy floats, and the true meaning of nature is lost, which is likely to cause problems.

Just like opening a furnace to make an elixir, it doesn't work if the fire is too big or too small. You can neither be lazy nor impatient. Wrong heat can also lead to behavioral deviations. Hua Zhenxing has mastered the Level 2 Nourishment Technique, and both his perception and physical condition have reached a state that is perfect for normal people. What needs to be tested at this time is daily behavior.

With Hua Zhenxing's ability, it would be no problem to pick off seven or eight hyenas. Under normal circumstances, it would be enough to deter the group of hyenas from attacking again. If he had moved more cleverly, so that he would not be surrounded at all times, it would not be impossible to overturn this group of hyenas with the long stick in his hand.

But Hua Zhenxing didn't take the risk at all. He felt that these hyenas were not normal, and his ability was obviously not comparable to that of Old Man Yang, so he decisively threw a grenade to solve the problem.

As Mo Shangtong said, although Hua Zhenxing's ability is extraordinary, this is the wise behavior of a normal person. Hua Zhenxing not only fully demonstrated his ability, but also did not show off his strength blindly, and did not even bother with it. Hyena's teeth are very dirty and poisonous. If you are bitten by one in this wilderness, even a minor injury will be very dangerous.

He is not a primitive man, he comes from modern society. Sticks are tools, and grenades are also tools.

Hua Zhenxing kept walking at a steady pace and was only interrupted for a short time by this episode. Then he continued walking and soon saw two abandoned cars in the distance. They were an overturned pickup truck and a bombed-out armed jeep, the remains of the battle when he fled with Rocher.

Obviously someone has been here, and there aren't many useful things left at the scene, but there are still a lot of bones scattered around. The chasing gangsters were blown up by rifle grenades in the car. The remaining body parts later attracted scavengers on the grassland and were chewed until only the bones were left.

Hua Zhenxing increased his vigilance, but did not find anyone continuing to ambush and squat in this area. It is estimated that the people from the Big Head Gang left when they couldn't find Luochaide, and they may continue to search elsewhere. The boarding information of Miri Airport in Tema Country was not shared with the Datou Gang in Fiso Port in Kilili Country. Jin Datou probably didn't know that Rozchild had flown out of the Black Wasteland.

After taking a break for lunch, we walked forward. We were not far from Fiso Port, and gradually we could see villages and livestock grazed by people. In fact, there are no villages in the strict sense on the outskirts of Fiso Port. It is completely different from the concept of "rural area" in the East. People living in the countryside build some shacks and use natural pastures to raise some livestock.

Some of these people moved from other places, and some came to the suburbs on their own because they couldn't find a living in the city, as if they were living on the edge of the world. According to estimates by some international agencies, animal husbandry and semi-animal husbandry are the country's pillar industries, accounting for 30 to 40 percent of its GDP, which is about the same as the HIV infection rate among its population.

Why is it an estimate from a foreign agency? Because there is a lack of accurate statistics in Jili, and the data held by the local government may not be as good as Mo Shangtong's.

Livestock raised locally include goats, sheep, cattle, camels, etc., which are not only processed for personal use but also exported. It can be said that most livestock are exported, including whole live animals and roughly processed fur, etc. Only a small amount of meat is sold in the local market. For sale on. In such a poor place, most of the livestock raised are exported. The reason is simple: many locals cannot afford it.

Mo Shangtong once made a simple calculation for Hua Zhenxing. One square kilometer of grassland used to raise livestock can support five to ten people. If there are more livestock, it may cause the degradation of the grassland. Modern large-scale planting industry must provide feed to further protect the environment and increase production, and modern large-scale planting industry needs the support of industrial base.

There are some signs of degradation in the grasslands around Fiso Port, but they are not yet obvious. There are three main reasons for this. First, the land is vast and sparsely populated, so the breeding density is not too high. If there are more livestock, you can put them in an extra space. Second, the local people basically don’t care about their grazing habits. Some livestock will starve to death when there is little food in the dry season. , it doesn’t matter, just pick the old, weak, sick and disabled to eat by yourself, and then reproduce when the water and grass are plentiful in the rainy season.

The third reason is related to the climate. Those engaged in the livestock industry are settlers, not nomads, and objective conditions do not allow them to nomadic, so they must have water sources to raise livestock. Here there is a heavy rainy season and a light rainy season every year, and the rest of the time is the dry season. There is also a lack of water conservancy projects, so natural conditions limit the scale of stocking.

There are about 500,000 residents in Fisoport, and more than 20,000 people are engaged in animal husbandry in the suburbs surrounding the city. In places with abundant water resources and fertile land, there are also some large-scale farms and plantations that can provide feed for livestock industry, while small-scale individual owners also engage in some simple agricultural planting, raising a total of nearly one million livestock.

Although animal husbandry is an important pillar of the local economy, the income of practitioners is not high, and most of the profits are taken away by farmers, planters, and intermediate processors, importers and exporters.

When Hua Zhenxing saw these cattle, sheep and camels, he couldn't help but think of the various situations that Uncle Mo had analyzed when he took him "for a walk in the countryside". Pieces of smoke could already be seen in the distance, and it was almost time for dinner. A recognizable road appeared under his feet, and the Port of Feso was not far away. At this moment, Hua Zhenxing suddenly heard sounds of beatings and begging for mercy coming from the distance.

Someone should be teaching someone a lesson. This is a very common thing in the local area. Hua Zhenxing was not very nosy at first. But when he heard the words "You deserve to wear straw sandals!" he couldn't help but frowned, turned around and walked over with his long stick.

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