Enjoy the world

Chapter 24 New Mission

Hua Zhenxing returned to the place where he dug the hole and took out all the buried things. There was an airplane passing overhead, circling into the distance, and counting the time, Dr. Luo should be on it. Looking at the sunset in the west, Hua Zhenxing felt at a loss for an inexplicable moment. The task had been completed and he didn't know what to do next.

According to common sense, he should be very excited. After all, he just got 50,000 meters of gold and a manor. It feels good, but he is not as excited as he imagined.

The next step, of course, is to rush back to Port Feso, explain the situation to Old Man Yang and Uncle Mo, and then consider how to deal with the manor. He was at a loss for just a moment. Perhaps the plane overhead and the sunset in the distance gave him a certain feeling. After all, the gap between his lofty dreams and the reality at his feet was too far.

At this moment, there was actually movement in the system. Looking inside, two new tasks were added——

Task 3: Walk back the same way within two days, and continue to practice the art of nourishing energy along the way.

Reward: You will have a deeper understanding of the art of nourishing energy, which may be an opportunity to break through to the next level, or there may be another secret realm.

Task 4: Eradicate Jin Datou, control and transform the Datou Gang.

Reward: You will make your situation safer, maybe your future ideas will be easier to implement, or another 100 million meters in gold.

Hua Zhenxing stood firm with a wooden stick in hand and let out a sigh of relief. His mental endurance was already quite strong, but the system always seemed to be unexpected.

Task three should be a test. Hua Zhenxing has traveled through the wilderness many times, but this is the first time he has traveled alone. In the past, there was either Old Man Yang or Uncle Mo leading him. There was Doctor Luo at least two days ago, but now he is really the only one left.

As for the reward, it should also be a reminder, telling him that this is an opportunity to further improve his level of nourishment. Sometimes the positive result of a positive behavior is the reward for the behavior itself. For example, having a good body is the reward for persisting in exercise, and the autumn harvest is the reward for spring plowing... But "there is another secret place". What the hell?

The concept of secret realm should be a hidden place unknown to people, such as the legendary outer world, cave heaven and paradise, different dimensional space, treasure cave, etc. Hua Zhenxing can imagine many kinds. Now that the "system" has appeared, it is not unusual to have another "secret realm", but he doesn't understand what this has to do with completing the mission?

Based on existing experience, the so-called rewards of the system should come from the task itself. Finally, he had a guess that this "secret realm" might be on the way to experience, but he would only be able to discover it if his level of nourishment was further advanced.

Mission 4 is more like a reminder that it would be unsafe for Hua Zhenxing to return to Fiso Port now. Although he put on a disguise when he took Rocher away, many people saw him on the way out of the city, so they might not be able to recognize him, and even if they couldn't recognize him, they might not be suspicious of him. The Big Head Gang doesn't pay much attention to evidence when doing things, let alone someone who knows the inside story, such as Ciel.

This time Hua Zhenxing and Jin Datou had a deadly feud. As a result, the system issued a new task and simply asked him to eradicate Jin Datou. In fact, based on what Jin Datou did, no matter which country's law it is, it is enough to execute him many times. Even in countries that claim to have abolished the death penalty, he must be sentenced to at least hundreds of years in prison.

Hua Zhenxing did have some skills, at least he was good at shooting and he might be able to secretly kill Jin Datou, but controlling and transforming the Datou Gang was not something that a fifteen-year-old like him had any clue about.

Seeing this task, a bunch of information popped up in Hua Zhenxing's head. It was not mainly the history of local gang fights, and no one deliberately recorded such things, but various historical and social knowledge from ancient and modern times. After thinking about it for a long time, I seem to have a lot of ideas, but none of them are clear and feasible. Forget it, let's go back and ask some old people for advice.

There was also the reward of 100 million meters of gold, which somewhat frightened Hua Zhenxing. The 50,000 meters of gold just received was a huge sum of money in the eyes of Huazhenxing. As for the 100 million meters of gold, it seemed to be a purely numerical concept because it was too exaggerated.

Since the system will not directly give him anything, and the so-called rewards are the result of completing the task itself, where will the money come from? Could it be that he found it in the secret vault of the Big Head Gang when he killed Jin Datou? Hua Zhenxing then realized that if Jin Datou could get 100 million meters of gold, why would he still be a gang leader in Fesoport?

It was better to try to complete the task first and see the results then. It was getting dark and he needed to find a place to camp. There was no one left to take turns keeping watch today, so he had to ensure safety first.

Hua Zhenxing found a tree with a straight trunk and a high crown, making it impossible for beasts like leopards to jump directly onto it. He used a dagger to cut out many wedges evenly on the tree trunk, and wedged the sharpened short sticks firmly in one by one, as if a circle of sharp thorns had grown out about a person's height, and then A ring of foul-smelling ointment was applied to the base of the short wooden stick.

He spent the night in a tree. The crown of the tree was very large, so he could find a reasonably spacious place. He took out a rope and tied up the twigs around the widest horizontal branch. It was like a small tent. Sleeping in it would also prevent accidentally fell.

With Hua Zhenxing's physical strength and energy, he can survive without sleeping for a day or two, but that is not a normal state. When traveling long distances, you must first pay attention to getting a good rest. If you have physical or mental problems, it will be very dangerous. As usual, he sat upright on the tree crown to practice the art of nourishing his energy, and then got into the branch "tent" and had a good sleep.

When the sun first rose, Hua Zhenxing got down from the tree, first did the exercises he taught Rozchild, then ate breakfast slowly, then put on his backpack and carried the wooden stick and set off.

"Task 3" asked him to return the same route within two days, but it was not specific enough. If based on the actual walking distance, he and Rozchild walked about 90 kilometers, but if the road he drove the pickup truck earlier was Counting that in, it’s nearly 150 kilometers. Hua Zhenxing doesn't know how to calculate the task, so he should try to complete it in the best way possible.

One hundred and fifty kilometers, two days, seventy-five kilometers per day, which is equivalent to a very intense forced march, but it is not too difficult for Hua Zhenxing.

Hua Zhenxing walked south with a bag and a wooden stick more than three meters long. If you observe carefully, you will find that his stride is very stable, and almost every part of his body maintains a stable rhythm of movement. Although he is always looking ahead, he seems to be able to clearly perceive the movement around him, and there is no trace of confusion in his expression or footsteps. hesitate.

He once told Rothchild that for a complete Yang Yuan Shu exercise, three sets of movements should be performed each time, but he only did one set this morning. This is not laziness, because the walking at this moment is also practicing Qigong. This is something he has not taught Rozchild yet. Entering the country while walking, consciously or unconsciously maintaining a keen and clear perception.

Hua Zhenxing told Rothchild that he had opened his ears, which was of course true. For example, he could "hear" his surroundings at this moment.

Through proper training, consciousness can be used to transform perception. For example, when a person who has studied mechanical drawing sees a three-phase plane projection, he can automatically process a three-dimensional object in his consciousness. Although he does not really see it, it is as if he sees it in his mind. In Hua Zhenxing's mind, he can naturally picture the surrounding topography and various situations.

The so-called "closing eyes and listening to shapes" roughly refers to this state. Hua Zhenxing's state does not stop there. He can also feel the changes in wind speed, temperature, humidity, brightness and various breaths, forming a comprehensive induction to understand the environment around him, but what he mainly perceives while walking is himself.

If someone is sick, they may feel uncomfortable, but this information is vague, and they need to go to the hospital for a detailed examination to determine what is wrong with them. Even people who are not sick may sometimes be in a bad state, but they often cannot figure out what is going on.

For example, the feeling of being tired may be caused by low blood oxygen concentration, excessive accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles, and fatigue of nerve cells... For Hua Zhenxing, he may or may not know these concepts, but he can detect where he is. a state.

Being healthy often does not equate to being strong. It is often seen that competitive athletes with good results suffer from injuries after retirement, or fitness enthusiasts with particularly beautiful and well-developed muscles actually have great hidden dangers in their bodies. Health is a holistic concept, which means whether the body is in a normal state, including every part.

At this moment, Hua Zhenxing could feel the contraction and relaxation of every muscle, the operation of every organ, and the flow of qi and blood throughout the body... It was like hearing and seeing but not hearing and seeing, but similar to the integration of all the senses. What he wants to pursue is smooth and normal operation of the meridians, without any stagnation or slippage anywhere.

According to Old Man Yang's explanation, this is the "Zhoutian Form Refining" based on "inner vision". But Old Man Yang doesn’t recommend Hua Zhenxing to teach others this way, because it sounds too mysterious and many people may not understand it.

The so-called Yuan in Yangyuan Technique is vitality. After you get started with Concentrating Soul and Baoyuan, you will feel vitality. As various desires become stronger, various emotions will be amplified. If you can guide it well, your perception will also change. Extremely sharp and clear.

But people's perception is attached to the body, and even some hidden dangers will be exposed. The purpose of cultivating vitality well and not overindulging is to eliminate these hidden dangers and bring the body into a state of normal operation, so that you can continue to practice the art of nourishing vitality at the next level.

If a imaginary animated short film is made to reflect Hua Zhenxing's current practice, it can be vividly expressed as the vitality running along the meridians with the clear induction of oneself, washing away the "filth" in the body, as if a stream of black energy is coming. Being kicked out like this... Of course that's not the actual situation, it's just an imagination.

The two old men following from a distance were paying close attention to Hua Zhenxing's condition. Mo Shangtong nodded slightly and said, "Well, that's right! It's not a deliberate attempt to be strong, it's just natural."

Yang Tehong: "Of course, I have been taught well since childhood!"

Mo Shangtong: "Let's take a look again."

Huazhenxing did not just wait until dark. After almost five hours, they stopped for lunch, rested for an hour and a half, and then set off again. They walked for another five hours before finding a place to camp. He walked almost exactly seventy-five kilometers that day, almost at a constant speed.

After nightfall, Hua Zhenxing climbed the tree again. Yang Tehong praised: "Old Mo, have you noticed that the route Xiaohua took is almost exactly the same as when he came here."

The mission requirement was to "return to the original path", and Hua Zhen walked the "original path", which was executed perfectly. He walked according to the direction when he came. He probably didn't deliberately write down all the paths, and there was no need for that. At this moment, he can accurately find the path back. No matter how he does it, even if he relies on intuition, it shows that this test is not difficult for him.

Mo Shangtong frowned slightly and said, "How about making it more difficult for him and causing some accidents?"

Yang Tehong: "Stop playing big."

Mo Shangtong: "It's okay, we have the support. It's okay to let this kid suffer some setbacks. If he really can't handle it, wouldn't you just jump out and teach him a lesson?"

Yang Tehong: "Then give it a try."

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