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Chapter 226 Devastated

What Dafengshou took Da Gangzi to see was the car that Farah and others were riding in when they arrived. There was a luxury off-road vehicle and two armed jeeps. These were nothing, but the important thing was that there were ten yellow buses.

Li Jingzhi wondered: "What kind of car is this? Is it a tour bus?"

Wang Fengshou: "That's old-fashioned! You have been staying in Fesoport these years and have never seen this kind of car, but you should have seen it in a movie?"

Li Jingzhi: "Where can I find a movie theater in Fesoport? I like to watch old movies online."

Wang Fengshou: "This is a school bus. It is said to be very sturdy and safe."

Li Jing patted the car directly and patted the car window: "Is it bulletproof?"

Wang Fengshou: "That's not true. It is used to transport children to and from school. This kind of car is popular abroad and is now available in many places in China.

This car can sell for millions of units abroad. Now Dongguo also produces it, and the price is much cheaper, ranging from hundreds of thousands to hundreds of thousands. "

Li Jingzhi: "What about this one?"

Wang Fengshou: "This is an American school bus. It is very expensive! This model has twenty double seats side by side. It is a little crowded for adults, but it can also seat forty. If it is a fully armed soldier, carrying a full set of field equipment Equipped, a car can also seat twenty people.

I think this car looks very new. It must have just arrived in Banda City not long ago. It must have been donated by a charity organization, and Farah actually used it as a troop carrier. "

Li Jingzhi: "Hurry up and call Da Kezi and ask him to bring the technical team to check the condition of the vehicles. We are short of motorized transportation. Someone will send pillows as soon as we fall asleep. These ten vehicles can really solve the big problem."

Wang Fengshou: "So it's a treasure."

Da Kezi, who had just ended the meeting, was called to the military camp. He led an auto repair team to check the condition of the ten school buses. They were refurbished old cars, but they were well maintained and did not hinder their use.

These ten school buses were indeed donated by charitable organizations. They were originally old school buses that were eliminated overseas. They were maintained and refurbished and then transported to Banda City.

The education situation in Banda City is similar to that in Fiso Port. According to the laws of the country, primary and secondary schools implement free and compulsory education for all. There are almost 500 children registered in each class, but you never have to worry about not having enough seats in the classroom. It is already good to have 20 children going to school every day.

The biggest problem here is not what kind of transportation to go to school. Everyone walks to school nearby, and most children don't even wear shoes.

There are thirty public schools in Banda, the kind that Shire attended. There is only one private school, which has a full boarding system starting from the first grade of elementary school. In a town on the outskirts of the country, these ten school buses were donated to that school.

The school was already on winter vacation, and these vehicles had just arrived in Banda City, so they were recruited by the Guard Front as transportation for the troops.

If you want to solve the armed forces guarding the front in one fell swoop, you must first tactically get the troops into position quickly. The prerequisite is to solve the battlefield projection problem.

Although the New Alliance Army has also practiced on foot, this time it is clear that they need to maneuver quickly, which shows that their financial resources are not too strong. Li Jingzhi has mobilized all the vehicles that can be mobilized, but not all vehicles are suitable for carrying people for long distances, and the road conditions are not good.

How many troops does the new alliance have now? It is almost a regiment, including a main field battalion and two local reserve battalions. There is also an information battalion currently under preparation. This is not prepared to fight opponents like the Guarding Front. Everything must be done first.

The company and platoon-level commanders in the new alliance army were basically trained by the original patrol team. They participated in various study classes and underwent many special trainings, and then were promoted to the new expanded unit to take charge of grassroots command.

The senior leaders of the guarding front have been captured in one fell swoop and have cut off external contact. The news has not been leaked yet. The New Alliance Army's plan was to disarm the Banda City garrison in batches before they could react.

The most ideal combat plan is to leave two companies to guard the Port of Feso, while the rest of the troops are dispatched. The leading force is at least one battalion, which must be delivered to a distance of 500 kilometers as quickly as possible.

These 500 kilometers are not a straight-line distance, but the distance traveled from Feso Port to the main garrison of the defensive front. The main force of the guarding front is not deployed on the southern border of Banda City, mainly to prevent the armed forces occupying Wage City, which is the farthest away.

To achieve this kind of rapid maneuver, the existing transportation tools can only guarantee the delivery of two companies. Now the problem is solved. Major General Farah also came to help in times of need. Although he did not understand this idiom, it had never snowed in Port Feso.

In early February 2021 in the spiritual star calendar, a battalion of the New Alliance Army's leading troops bypassed the urban area and penetrated directly into the southern border of Banda City, with other forces following behind.

The largest garrison of the guard front on the southern border of Banda City also has a battalion of troops. It is considered an important border defense town in Banda City. Li Jingzhi personally led the team and was ready for a tough battle, but the process went smoothly beyond imagination.

Major General Farah led the guards outside the barracks and ordered the garrison to march out of the barracks and line up to assemble. Major General Farah is real, and so are the adjutants beside him, but the guards have all been replaced by people from the New Alliance Army.

In the end, there was no need to even disarm, because the soldiers did not bring weapons at all when they lined up. Then the sentry was controlled, the military camp was successfully occupied, and the soldiers who lined up became prisoners.

Many people did not react before being captured, thinking that Major General Farah had brought other troops to change the defense. Why not resist? Is there any need to resist? The generals have been captured and have no guns in their hands. Who are they resisting for?

How to deal with this group of prisoners has become a headache. We can't transport them back to the special prisoner of war camp in Fiso Port now, can we? The car has other uses!

Fortunately, there was a plan to set up a special area in the military camp. The captured soldiers were not allowed to leave this area, and they had to eat two meals a day.

This meal is not free. I have to attend study classes, and it is said that I will have to take exams in the future. The so-called exam is not a written test. Most people here cannot write at all. It is mainly in the form of individual questions and answers.

The learning content included the policies of the new alliance and Charles's speech. There were discussions every day in the prisoner-of-war camp. Everyone had to speak one by one... In short, a company of troops was left to cooperate with the propaganda team to guard and train the prisoners of war here. The rest The troops continued to move out, and the vacated vehicles were responsible for subsequent transportation tasks.

All in all, within forty-eight hours, all the troops guarding the front line in Banda City had been disarmed, a process that stunned many people who participated in the operation. On the other hand, the "former enemy commander-in-chief" Li Jingzhi looked calm, as if he had expected this result.

A company is stationed in the military camp closest to the main urban area of ​​Banda City on the guard front, and its main task on weekdays is to "mediate" gang conflicts. They found that the heavily armed New Alliance Army had set up bunkers and fortifications in the distance and surrounded the barracks. Before the captured commander could shout, they took the initiative to lay down their weapons and surrender.

Li Jingzhi originally wanted to have at least one head-on actual battle, and deployed four times the troops and artillery positions through rapid maneuvers, but the result was still unsuccessful. This was the last garrison position to be solved in the defensive line.

This was a completely asymmetric sneak attack, with asymmetric information, complete asymmetry in combat capabilities, command capabilities, and organizational capabilities. The garrison guarding the front had no awareness and willingness to fight when they lost command and were surrounded by heavy troops.

The military operation was commanded by Li Jingzhi, but the overall plan was formulated by Charles, and it was Charles's turn to do the next work.

According to Charles's order, the New Alliance Army immediately released a group of prisoners of war. This group of prisoners of war was carefully selected, not because of how good their "study performance" was, but because they happened to come from various districts in Banda City, were familiar with local gang members, and were articulate and well-spoken.

It's not good if the operation goes too smoothly, and it's not good if these prisoners of war are not released. Until now, many forces in Banda City still don't know what happened!

After these prisoners were dispersed, the news spread, and all the major forces in Banda City were shocked. But their reaction was only shock, not panic!

They don't really understand the New Alliance. The most important news for them is that the New Alliance has seized the territory of the defensive front and Banda City has changed its owner. Others have a simpler understanding, which is that the guard line has changed its head, from Farah to a guy named Charles.

As for the military organization that controls this place, whether it is called the Guarding Front or the New Alliance is just a different name. Is there any difference? There should still be differences. The sphere of influence and business revenue of each gang may need to be renegotiated.

Armed coups often occur in the Kingdom of Kyri, which may succeed or fail. Well, it is common for such changes to occur in various places. It is nothing more than another force replacing the guarding front, or the guarding front changing the speaker.

To be honest, the Guard Front has controlled the northern territory of Kilili Country for a long time, for more than ten years. It is an armed separatist force that developed after the nationwide riot fifteen years ago.

In fact, many similar incidents have occurred in the past ten years, most of which were manifested in the struggle for leadership within the defense front. The instigators either failed or succeeded. For example, the big boss guarding the front died in mysterious circumstances five years ago. It is said that he died accidentally while hunting, and then Major General Farah was able to take over. Now I heard that Major General Farah was also arrested.

More than a hundred gangs in Banda City have received a notice from the New Alliance, asking them to go to Airport Town for a meeting at the specified time. The New Alliance must set new rules! Only the speakers from each gang can enter the main venue, and they will be searched and not allowed to carry weapons.

But the new alliance also said that the bosses can take their subordinates outside the venue. These subordinates who cannot enter the venue can be equipped with whatever equipment they want. Everyone can hold a gun. There is enough space in the airport town, but no conflicts are allowed there!

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