Enjoy the world

Chapter 225: Fight without bloodshed

During the meeting, it was forbidden to use mobile phones. Everyone consciously put away their mobile phones, with the exception of Shen Sishu. Shen Sishu kept his phone on the table, covering it with his right hand and tapping the screen from time to time. As a monk in the Four Realms, he did not participate when everyone was speaking. He kept his head down as if he was chatting with someone.

It's not that he doesn't abide by the meeting rules, but he has other tasks. On the day when Abbot Hua Zhenxing convened the "Level 4 Standard Assessment Seminar on Yangyuan Shu", it was also the day when Major General Farah came to the Fiso Port military camp to inspect and review. Fourth Book of Shen was responsible for keeping abreast of the situation at the military camp.

There are two other Four Realm monks in the new alliance, Wang Fengshou and Li Jingzhi, who are not at the meeting at the moment. They were cooperating with Ciel's actions at the military camp. This operation was completely independently commanded by Ciel.

When Hua Zhenxing planned an attack on the Xingsheng Gang, the three old men did not interfere. Hua Zhenxing also completely delegated the power to Ciel to decide how to deal with the high-level officials guarding the front this time.

This not only cultivates Ciel's leadership qualities and decision-making ability, but also cultivates his self-confidence. The new alliance does not regard Ciel as a puppet. Sooner or later, there are many things that require him to make his own decisions and take action, so today is an assessment for him.

There are also different opinions within the new alliance on when to eliminate the guard front and liberate Banda City. In short, they have to wait for the time to mature, but when the time is mature, everyone's opinions have always been divided.

In fact, with the current military strength of the New Alliance, it is not difficult to defeat the armed forces guarding the front. The real test is how to successfully control and govern Banda City, and how to avoid trouble in the process.

Banda City has a total population of more than 1.2 million and is divided into 18 districts. There are also 11 towns on the outskirts of the main city. The situation is much more complicated than that of Fiso Port.

The new alliance has not encountered many difficulties or challenges in its development so far. Everything seems to be going too smoothly. If there are setbacks at work, it is difficult to ensure that the current group of cadres can handle them well.

But no matter what differences there are, adequate preparations must be made. During the process of liberating the entire Fiso port, especially the neighborhoods occupied by the former Grand Alliance, the new alliance trained a large number of cadres and established special training classes for reserve cadres.

For example, an experienced cadre will lead three to five reserve cadres and let them accumulate experience through practice. This configuration ratio actually takes into account the needs of liberating Banda City in the future.

During the day, we engage in specific work, and in the evening we hold study seminars to explain various methods and methods at work, summarize experiences and lessons, and point out various mistakes in order to correct and do better, and then conduct a period of special study.

The reserve cadres have made rapid progress and are already eager to try. However, the perspective of high-level officials considering the problem is different. Banda City does not have an "old base" like Kelin District to serve as a model, and the public's attitude towards the new alliance is still unknown.

What is the attitude of the three elderly people towards this? Their opinion was to let Hua Zhenxing make the decision, while Hua Zhenxing's opinion was to let Charles decide.

But the three old men did not do nothing. Ke Mengchao also delivered a speech at a specially convened high-level meeting with the theme of "Conquest, Occupation and Liberation", focusing on the differences between the three.

The so-called conquest is very simple, which is to defeat the opponent's resistance; but occupation in the true sense is to establish order so that society can maintain the most basic operation.

The meaning of liberation is completely different, which is to let the people there see the real light and hope, and actively devote themselves to the cause of light and hope. The strategic goal that the new alliance wants to achieve in Banda City is undoubtedly liberation.

Ke Mengchao didn't say anything else, let alone assign any specific tasks or orders. He just explained the strategic goals clearly, and the rest was Ciel's business.

The internal debate within the new alliance stopped three days ago, because Major General Farah suddenly decided to conduct a spring inspection and review in advance. This was partly caused by Hua Zhenxing's raid on the Xingsheng Gang.

No one denies that this is a rare opportunity to deal with all the senior leaders of the defensive front on their own territory at once. There is no need to discuss it anymore, and if you don't want to take action, you have to take action.

In the eyes of Hua Zhenxing and others, Farah took the initiative to send him to the door so recklessly. But Farah’s own perspective is different. He is cautious enough and is here to demonstrate this time.

Farah brought an accompanying team of one company, which was also the most elite combat force on the defensive front.

The guarding front is just a group of rabble, and they are the elite among the rabble. They at least have the most basic training and occasionally conduct field exercises. This is quite remarkable. You should know that training also costs money. At the very least, it consumes ammunition, right?

The guard front has about a regiment in Banda City. It cannot afford to train like this, and the officers are reluctant to part with it, so they focus on building such an elite company.

The garrison under the command of Colonel Konu in Fiso Port has a nominal size of 500 people. In fact, many of them are servants serving the officers. Moreover, this army has no formal training, and the maintenance of guns is problematic.

If they really want to carry out a combat mission, the elite company brought by Farah can crush the garrison in Fiso Port into slag. This is the posture of the regular army to fight gangs, and it is even easier than fighting gangs.

In addition, Farah also brought his own guards, including adjutants and bodyguards. These are also well-trained combat and command elites, with a total number of almost a platoon.

Almost all the other senior and decorated officers of the Guarding Front came, so the total number of people in the inspection team was close to two hundred.

Unfortunately, the information Farah had was out of date. The actual situation of the garrison at Fiso Port was worse than he knew. Most of the soldiers had already fled, and the remaining troops were less than one company. These people only stayed after being persuaded by the New Alliance, and they participated in the daily training of the New Alliance Army and enforced the military discipline of the New Alliance Army.

In response to the inspection, the New Alliance organized two more companies and stationed in the military camp wearing the uniforms of the defensive line. They all had the faces of local indigenous people. Apart from their completely different mental outlooks, there was no difference in other aspects.

No one objected to the decision to take action, but there were differences on the specific action plan. Wang Fengshou believes that the review can be carried out first, and then the action can be taken at the celebration banquet after the review. By then, Farah and others will definitely be most relaxed and paralyzed, and can avoid accidents to the greatest extent.

But Charles firmly disagreed. He said: "What qualifications do people like Farah have to review the New Alliance Liberation Army?" Well, Charles had the final say, so he implemented the plan he made.

Farah's motorcade was on the road for ten hours, because it stopped for a meal along the way, and arrived at Fiso Port just in time for dinner.

Colonel Konu had been notified a long time ago and had prepared meals for them. The food was so sumptuous that except for a few senior executives from the Guarding Front who had been to Sanhu Restaurant, no one else had ever seen it, let alone eaten it.

There were not only dishes but also wine. The high-ranking officers were provided with a popular version of Klin's Daqu, and the ordinary soldiers were provided with an improved version of banana wine. The wine manager is enough to drink freely. If you drink too much, the barracks have been prepared here and you can rest at any time.

The New Alliance Army has strict military discipline. Drinking is absolutely not allowed in the military camp on weekdays. If there are no combat missions, you can go out for a drink or two on weekends. But when entertaining the "guests" defending the front, there is no such thing.

Farah and the officers ate separately from the ordinary soldiers, and only brought their guards with them. He also issued an order asking the soldiers not to drink too much.

This order is equivalent to not being given. How much you drink is not considered too much? The military discipline of the guarding front is that there has never been any military discipline. The so-called elites only have a few more trainings.

Farah's adjutant issued another order, requiring the soldiers to carry guns while eating. In short, the weapons should not be left behind. They should either carry them on their backs or put them in a place that is easily accessible. Check the safety to prevent misfire. Don't load it either.

After the guests were seated, the soldiers of the New Alliance Army lined up into the canteen. It seemed that they were going to eat at another table, but after going around each table, the soldiers were holding their guns against the soldiers who were eating and drinking. Two people were fighting each other, one holding the gun and controlling the other to disarm.

This also shows the level of organization and training. The New Alliance Army's movements were uniform, and the elite companies guarding the front were all disarmed before they could react at all. No one had drunk too much at this time. Everyone was sober and did not dare to move or scream even when the gun was held against them.

One person may have been too panicked and tried to stand up despite orders. The soldier who was staring at him didn't even shoot, but knocked him unconscious to the ground with the butt of his rifle from behind.

The New Alliance Army was very polite and allowed these captured soldiers to finish their meal first. Those who wanted to drink could also drink two drinks, but they must not drink too much. In the end, no one dared to drink too much! After eating, all the prisoners were taken away in formation, almost without making a sound.

As for the officers, they ate Xiaozao and drank good wine. Since there was no movement, let's continue drinking. In the end, they were almost drunk and were taken away by the "orderly soldiers" sent by Colonel Konu. Many of them were unconscious. to what happened.

At around eight o'clock in the evening, while the meeting at the Yangyuan Shu Center was still going on, Li Jingzhi stood in the open space of the camp room with his hands behind his back, looking up to the sky and sighing, as if his ambition was unfulfilled.

Wang Fengshou asked from the side: "Dagangzi, what's wrong with you? You look like you're constipated!"

Li Jingzhi: "You're just constipated! I just feel a little out of sorts. I'm full of strength but only punched out. After so many preparations, not to mention fighting, not even a fight, is it all solved?"

Wang Fengshou: "Isn't it best to kill without losing any blood? The next step is the main event. The commanders have been arrested, so the soldiers must be quick to deal with the garrison in Banda City."

Li Jingzhi: "Are you still afraid that they will reorganize?"

Wang Fengshou: "I'm afraid that they will disperse without a commander. That would not only be difficult to catch, but would also cause harm everywhere."

Li Jingzhi: "Then we have to hurry up! Let the chief officers of their respective armies lead the way and set off tomorrow. The New Alliance Army has already been prepared."

Wang Fengshou: "The day after tomorrow, I have to wait until those officers have sobered up, and then we can interrogate them clearly."

Li Jingzhi: "I'll listen to Charles tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. He didn't drink too much."

Wang Fengshou: "As expected of a winery owner, he has a good capacity for drinking. He drank Farah unconscious forcibly. At that time, I wanted to persuade him to drink less. I would have to interrogate him later... Let's not talk about this anymore. Let’s go see a batch of treasures first, which Farah and the others brought, and they can be used in this operation.”

Take a day off tomorrow and liberate Banda City the day after tomorrow.

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