Enjoy the world

Chapter 209 Call him over to deal with it

Lei Yunjin has always been a very respected elder in Huazhenxing. In the past three years, apart from the three elders, it is Chief Engineer Lei who has taken the most care of him.

Many of the various fresh vegetables, meat, eggs, and poultry ingredients that used to be in the refrigerator in the kitchen of the grocery store were brought back from the Dongguo Aid Worker Station by Huazhenxing. They were available all year round, and no one ever asked him for money. Money is still a small thing. In a place like Fiso Port, these things cannot be bought with money elsewhere.

In the beginning, every time Huazhenxing went to the living area of ​​the aid project, whenever Lei Yunjin was free, he would always stay with him to eat together, and in a separate small kitchen. Cooking two dishes and a bottle of wine, Mr. Lei chatted while drinking, Hua Zhenxing accompanied him and talked, and he always took back a lot of things before leaving.

Chief Engineer Lei and other people on the construction site also gave Hua Zhenxing many books, including not only recreational reading materials they brought to Fisoport, but also reference books on engineering technology. Hua Zhenxing even liked to read these books. Chief Engineer Lei was also surprised. He had a lot on hand and gave all he could.

There is not even a serious bookstore in Fisoport, let alone where to buy Dongguo publications.

Hua Zhenxing has always read recipes as comic strips since he was a child. Reading reference books can sometimes give him the pleasure of clearing the game. If he really doesn't understand the parts, he will leave them alone and go back to catch up on the basic knowledge. Without these experiences as a foundation, Huazhenxing might not be able to understand the context, such as this complete set of design materials for a hydropower station.

Lei Yunjin cared so much about Hua Zhenxing, partly because seeing him reminded him of his grandson who was studying in the East Kingdom. Moreover, Hua Zhenxing himself was very well-behaved and lovable.

Lei Yunjin turned 60 the year before last and reached the statutory retirement age in Dongguo. However, the project had not yet been completed, so he continued to stay here as the chief engineer and general commander of the construction project. He was unable to go back last year due to special reasons, and the new project started immediately, so he still stayed until now and is still the head of the Dongguk Aid Project Headquarters.

The main reason why Lei Yunjin still goes overseas to work at this age is not for his son!

His son Lei Qixin and his daughter-in-law work in the capital of the Eastern Kingdom. His grandson is still in elementary school, and his wife specially comes to his son's house to take care of his grandson and help with housework.

The income of the son and daughter-in-law is relatively low, but their expenses are higher. Monthly mortgage payments and raising children are a large fixed expense. Lei Yunjin's income in Fiso Port is not bad. He can not only save some pension money for himself, but also support his son's family.

Hua Zhenxing understands these situations, and he also understands Lei Yunjin's mentality.

Everyone in this conference room today can see Mo Shangtong's cultivation and support of Hua Zhenxing. And Lei Yunjin is also cultivating and supporting his son. Otherwise, how could he introduce engineering design to his son's company and let his son serve as the chief designer? Isn't this all for his son's future?

But Lei Qixin accidentally poked the hole in this trap, and his future may be ruined and he may even bear serious legal responsibility. If that's the case, what is the purpose of Lei Yunjin's hard work over the years?

Thinking of this, Hua Zhenxing suddenly realized that his tone just now was too much like a leader, and moreover like a big leader. He is the actual controller of Huanxiang Industrial. It is normal to have such awareness subconsciously, but other people may not know it clearly.

Mo Shangtong just asked Hua Zhenxing to read the information and find out the problems. In the eyes of onlookers, the old man was very angry, but he could not reprimand Consultant Lei directly, so he issued the accusation through Hua Zhenxing.

But how to deal with this matter? At least on the surface, Hua Zhenxing shouldn't be the one to make the decision, and everyone else present didn't say anything. Hua Zhenxing turned to look at Uncle Mo. In fact, everyone was also looking at Mo Shangtong, especially Lei Yunjin's eyes, which were ashamed, anxious, and indescribably complicated.

Just as Hua Zhenxing was about to say something, Mo Shangtong took the initiative and asked: "Xiaohua, now that you have seen the problem, how should we deal with it? What are your suggestions?"

At first glance, this sounds like a very ordinary question. It is normal for the leader to first listen to the opinions of other people present on how to solve a problem. But the old man wanted to ask a child. Even if the child was very smart and insightful, it seemed that he really valued and favored him, and used various opportunities to make suggestions.

No wonder there have long been rumors in the outside world that Xiaohua is the illegitimate son of Chairman Mo.

This matter apparently has nothing to do with Huazhenxing. Huazhenxing's current identity is a part-time inspector of Beiwan Mining, a subsidiary of Huanxiang Industrial, and recently served as the assistant director of Chunrongdan Center. For the design of hydropower stations, the responsible departments are the Project Engineering Department and the Technology Research and Development Department.

The heads and key members of these two departments are all from Yuancao Gang, and almost all are disciples and students of Mo Shangtong. Moreover, the nature of this matter is special, so he will personally intervene today.

But in Hua Zhenxing's ears, Mo Shangtong's words had another meaning, which was to ask - do you care about this matter or do I care about it?

If Hua Zhenxing doesn't want to be embarrassed, just say and listen to the leaders. He also knew Uncle Mo's attitude very well in his heart. If he stepped forward to provide advice, it would mean that he had made the decision and assumed the responsibility, and Mo Shangtong would not interfere.

Mo Shangtong and Lei Yunjin did not have any friendship. Among everyone present, Hua Zhenxing was the one who received the most care and favor from Lei Yunjin. If Hua Zhenxing doesn't want to take care of it, kicks the ball out and lets Mo Shangtong handle it publicly on this occasion, there will be no room for change and the matter can only be handled in the simplest and most direct way.

Hua Zhenxing sighed secretly and decided to catch the ball kicked by Uncle Mo, not for anything else but for Lei Yunjin, so that Advisor Lei would not suffer a major blow in his life at this age.

He had to say: "I thought about it carefully, but I have a suggestion that is not very mature. I wonder if Consultant Lei can accept it?"

Lei Yunjin spoke eagerly: "Xiaohua, just say whatever you have to say! The problems I can solve will be solved, and they are all the fault of that bastard!"

Hua Zhenxing picked up the information and started to look through it and think about it. When he opened his mouth just now, he just wanted to get things done first. He hadn't figured out what to do specifically yet, so he had to think about it again.

The simplest and most direct way is to send the design information, including the comparative evidence found, directly back to Wangjing Design Institute. It should be held accountable, prosecuted, and claimed. The target of the prosecution is of course Wangjing Design Institute, which will also involve the entire design team and the leaders in charge of drawing review, but the main person in charge is Lei Qixin.

What specific responsibilities will Lei Qixin bear? This depends on many factors. If there is a problem with the design of a hydropower station, the consequences may be catastrophic, but fortunately, the design may not have major problems, and they will be discovered in time before construction begins.

The total budget estimate for the Lofogen Hydropower Station is a "forty plus ten model", which means that the basic budget estimate is NT$4 billion, plus a flexible budget estimate of NT$1 billion. This is due to the special circumstances of Fiso Port.

If the construction team and most of the engineering materials can be recruited and purchased locally, then the basic budget estimate is 4 billion, including the hub project, power transmission and transformation lines, and supporting Gaoqiao Town construction.

If Dongguo needs to send a construction aid team and most of the materials and equipment need to be shipped from Dongguo, then an additional budget of one billion Dongguo dollars will be needed for labor, freight and various subsidies.

Based on the total estimated budget of RMB 4 billion, the initial engineering design cost budget is RMB 220 million. Among them, 120 million was used for geological exploration and surveying. This work has been completed, and it was entrusted to the engineering department of the aid project here in Fiso Port to do it.

Then the remaining 100 million is the pure design fee. Huanxiang Industrial has paid it, and Wangjing Design Institute has also delivered the design drawings and a complete set of materials.

Don't think it's too expensive, this is still a preferential price from Mr. Lei's liaison. Technical capabilities are valuable. If you don’t have this engineering design capability, you won’t know how to read the drawings even if you want to.

The phenomenon of overlapping drawings in engineering design is not uncommon, and it is often difficult to hold the designer responsible because the project has unified design standards, as long as the designer can explain the rationality of his plan.

But situations like Lei Qixin's are rare. The most important thing is that Huanxiang Industrial has conclusive evidence, enough to prove that Wangjing Design Institute received the money but was irresponsible and did not actually work!

Moreover, this is an overseas project, a public welfare project donated by internationally renowned philanthropists, and it may cause major scandals and international disputes. Huanxiang Industrial really gave 100 million! Hire a strong team of lawyers and there will be many angles to sue and claim compensation.

If you want to make a big deal out of things, you can do this. But Hua Zhenxing also knew in his heart that the consequences were actually not that serious. Even if he redesigned from now on, as long as he seizes the time, the construction schedule would not be delayed.

For the Lofogen Hydropower Station project, only the funds are now in place. Huazhenxing's plan mainly relies on Dongguo's construction team and the purchase of Dongguo's equipment, which are not yet ready.

But we can’t let Lei Qixin off like this, we want everyone to learn a lesson from it and take it as a warning... We also want to make Lei Yunjin feel better, don’t be too sad, and at the same time help him teach his son a lesson!

In Hua Zhenxing's mind, the value of Lei Yunjin is far more than the 100 million design fee. This chief engineer is not only an elder who cares about him, but also the person in charge of the Dongguo Aid Project Department and the senior consultant of Huanxiang Industrial. Many of Huanxiang Industrial's current and future important projects actually require cooperation with Dongguo, and Fiso Port itself is far from having that capability.

Lei Yunjin has helped Huanxiang Industrial too much. If there is a new project director in Dongguo, Huazhenxing will try to keep Lei Yunjin and concentrate on being a consultant. Having this old man is like a treasure. .

After a while, Hua Zhenxing raised his head and asked: "According to the agreement, what is the deadline for finalizing the final plan?"

Li Xiaoyang interjected: "Our internal planning progress deadline is the end of May, and the agreement signed with the design institute stipulates that the final drawing date is the end of March. The reason why we set aside two months is to review the design.

The design institute requires internal review before issuing the drawings. We will also review the drawings after receiving them. In this way, if problems are discovered, they can be modified in time without affecting the actual project. "

Li Xiaoyang's attitude is very "correct". As the vice president of the group, he has no airs when answering a question from a "little employee".

Hua Zhenxing nodded: "If the project has already started and there are problems with the design, the situation will be passive. This situation can still be remedied. Even according to our agreement with the design institute, the deadline for drawings has not yet been reached. Well, there are still two months until the end of March."

Lei Yunjin blushed and explained: "The Spring Festival will be celebrated next month in Dongguo. I was the one who urged Qi Xin and told him to come up with the design as soon as possible. It is best to give him the drawings before the Spring Festival. He is quite obedient. It was submitted within a few days, but I didn’t expect it to be such a way of cutting corners.”

Hua Zhenxing: "That's easy to handle. We can directly report that the design plan is unqualified, call it back and do it again, and put together the information we found about the Songliangtan Hydropower Station. We don't need to explain, the design institute will naturally understand the reason. .

We are all adults, and whoever poops has to wipe his own ass. I suggest making another request, asking the chief designer, Mr. Lei’s son Lei Qixin, to come to Fiso Port in person, and the entire design team to come as well.

This is not a request but a request, in the name of the design institute. If this is the case, we will not sue for compensation in Dongguo, and the problem will be solved on the spot at Fiso Port.

The design institute would not refuse this request. The members of the design team asked the design institute to decide, but Lei Qixin himself must come. I am afraid they will spend the Spring Festival here.

We will arrange food, accommodation and reception, but will not spend additional design costs.

Mr. Lei also knows that we have recently opened a convenient route. Today we will depart from Dongguo, fly to Temaguo Meili Airport and transfer to take a boat. Tomorrow we will arrive at Fiso Port, and we will arrange the itinerary.

In one month's time it will be the Spring Festival in the East. You were unable to go back last year. This year I planned to arrange for you to go back to China for a vacation, but it seems that you can't go back. So let your son come here to spend the New Year with you. Bar.

You and your son are the only two who are not humane. You haven't seen your wife for a long time, right? We will also bring her over, along with her daughter-in-law and grandson, and we will arrange food, accommodation and reception here.

As for you, don't worry about other things. Just do your ideological work, dispel their doubts, and invite them all to come here to celebrate the New Year. Thanks to Huanxiang Industrial’s new policy, we not only reimburse travel expenses but also provide convenience for the families of construction aid workers when they come to visit relatives.

Today's Fiso Port is no longer the dangerous and chaotic place in the legend. You can go out to have a skewer and drink beer at night. The climate is as warm as spring, there is no epidemic, and you can get vaccinated.

I heard that your daughter-in-law is a primary school teacher. Schools are on holiday now, so she should have time. If your grandson needs to take any online classes during the holidays, we can do that..."

In the 1990s, I worked in the planning department of the second phase of the Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant and experienced similar things.

The design institute scanned the French drawings and found a mistake. There was a major leakage in the design of a certain concrete section. Fortunately, the construction company also delayed the construction period and had not started work when it was discovered.

Delays in construction have always been a headache, but this time it turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Back then, many things were still under development and being explored at the same time... Monthly votes, please give me monthly votes!

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