Enjoy the world

Chapter 205 The scene of suffering

Going back to nine months ago, Charles was just a small leader of the Big Head Gang. His ideal was to kill Jin Big Head and replace him. Locke is the boss behind the Golden Gang. In this capacity, he evades pursuit and silently folds paper airplanes with injuries every day. And Huazhenxing is really just a grocery store boy...

In less than a year, the city they live in and the destiny of each of them have undergone earth-shaking changes. In Charles's view, this was a miracle that he could not even dream of at the beginning. However, he happened to witness all of this and even personally participated in and promoted this change.

In Charles's consciousness, the memories of the first twenty years of his life became increasingly blurry and fuzzy. Only the experiences of these nine months were becoming clearer and clearer, as if they were deeply engraved.

While he was filled with emotion, Li Jingzhi said calmly: "It took nine months to conquer a county, which is not fast at all.

Don’t forget, we directly drew on the results of the largest and most successful national salvation movement in human history, and also drew on the oldest and richest cultural wisdom in history.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, this is the base area, and no one is going to encircle and suppress it for the time being. It’s better to go slower, the foundation will be more solid..."

These words sounded very arrogant, but Hua Zhenxing knew that Da Gangzi was not pretending, he was sincerely telling a fact.

Li Jingzhi himself was a soldier of the Eastern Kingdom. The process of establishing a patrol team in Feso Port did not mention the big principles. Some small details, such as the "three major points of attention and eight disciplines", did not need to be summarized by Li Jingzhi himself. He directly Just take it and use it.

Fesuo Port, with a total population of only more than 500,000, is indeed just a county town in Li Jingzhi's eyes. It only takes nine months to complete a county. It is indeed not a short time, but various local complexities must be taken into consideration.

The new alliance liberated the entire Port of Fiso and did not let a single criminal escape. Subsequently, the Port of Fiso District Court pronounced the verdict in Oheim's case: Oheim was fined 400 million yuan and sentenced to ten years in prison.

The case was pronounced in accordance with the current laws of the Kingdom of Kiri. The legal system of the Kingdom of Kiri was directly copied from the former suzerain country, and the death penalty has been abolished. In the past, people died of crimes every day in Port Feso, not to mention the entire country of Kilili, but the punishment for criminals was not the death penalty.

The local authorities of the Port of Fiso are currently preparing for legislation and will enact a series of new local regulations. The Oheim case can be regarded as a sign of the end of the old era.

O'Haim pleaded guilty in court and expressed his willingness to pay the fine, but it would take time to raise funds and he could go to jail first. The bail amount of 18 million yuan was deducted as part of the fine, leaving a balance of 382 million yuan.

Such a "big man" was sentenced in a "small place" like Fiso Port. The Belizean government also lost face and sent a diplomatic note to the country of Kiribati to express its protest, urging the Kiribati government to safeguard the human rights of Belizean citizens and release Mr. Oheim back to the country as soon as possible.

However, the government of Kiribati cannot control the Port of Aiso, and the government of the other countries also knows that it cannot control the Port of Aiso. This diplomatic note is just a formality, and then nothing happens. Nowadays, O'Heim Pharmaceutical Group has changed its owner, and I believe that Rothchild has also made efforts to "rescue" O'Heim.

The guarding front sent a message through Colonel Konu, which meant that they could squeeze as much benefit as possible from O'Haim, but the relationship should not be too tense.

Charles asked Colonel Konu to take advantage of the situation and asked people to come directly from Banda City Prison to pick up O'Heim to serve his sentence. Oheim left Fiso Port in this way, but he did not arrive at the Banda City Prison. It is said that he bribed the escort and escaped successfully on the way.

But O'Heim did not return to Brussels, and he disappeared. It was really not the New Alliance's fault. Hua Zhenxing just told Luochaide the inside story and ignored the matter.

Rozchild waited until Oheim "disappeared" before leaving Fiso Port. Before he left, he finalized the construction plan for the first phase of the new airport with the Huanxiang Industrial Project Engineering Department.

The so-called finalization is actually just taking a look at the design drawings and budget, and not worrying about the rest. Rozchild was in a good mood, and the airport added another runway.

The airport covers a large area and the long-term plan is to build four runways of the highest specifications. However, the first phase of the project originally only required a runway and a simple terminal building, and Rothchild will provide donations.

However, according to Li Xiaoyang's suggestion, the plan was slightly changed. A temporary runway capable of taking off and landing large transport aircraft was built according to wartime standards, and another runway was built according to regular engineering standards, so a budget was added.

Rozchild was in a good mood, and he readily approved the project plan, and paid the project funds in one lump sum through overseas foundations, without installments.

This was also a thank you to Hua Zhenxing. Even excluding the cost of donating the first phase of the airport project, he still made a lot of money this time and left with satisfaction.

After the new alliance liberated the entire Port of Fiso, the process of establishing a new order was still accompanied by "cleaning" work, and this was still a key task.

The new alliance released more than 2,500 prisoners, detained more than 500 prisoners, and suppressed more than 50 criminal bosses, but not all remaining gang forces were uncovered that day. The next very important task is to mobilize the masses and launch a vigorous campaign to "eradicate evil forces and build a new homeland".

There were many large and small mass gatherings in Fiso Port. Under the organization and education of the New Alliance, everyone's emotions were passionate but not chaotic. One of the very special gatherings attracted not only Hua Zhenxing, but even three elderly people.

In the process of liberating the entire Fiso Port, the three elders did not directly intervene. Ke Mengchao served as a political advisor, while Yang Tehong and Mo Shangtong did not even show up. But today they actually came to watch a mass rally. Basically all the senior executives of Huanxiang Industrial were alarmed, and everyone who was free came to the scene to watch.

The rally took place in Tahrir Square, where the monument was just inaugurated last month, so it was named Tahrir Square, which is considered one of the new landmarks of Fiso Port.

A stage was set up in the center of Tahrir Square, and a large-screen projection was set up behind the stage. Although the projection effect was not very good during the day, it basically allowed the onlookers to see clearly what was happening on the stage. There was also amplification equipment to allow people to listen. Clear the speeches of the people on the stage.

The square was crowded with onlookers, and police officers were on duty to maintain order. The three elderly people did not push in, but stood at an intersection outside the crowd and watched. Hua Zhenxing stood behind Old Man Yang, observing the surroundings carefully, and suddenly turned his head and asked, "Mr. Yue, why are you here too?"

Yue Gaole came out from the corner and replied with a smile: "So many people are coming to watch the fun, why can't I come?"

Hua Zhenxing: "Oeheim's case has been settled, Dr. Luo has left, the agency agreement has been signed, the payment has been received, and the first batch of Chunrong Pills this year has been delivered. Why are you still here?"

Yogao Le: "Let me tell you good news. Gambistine attaches great importance to this cooperation and specially assigned me to be stationed at Fiso Port to take charge of this matter."

Hua Zhenxing: "Aren't you very busy?"

About Gao Le: "I'm very busy, but it doesn't stop me from doing other things. Those who can do more work! In fact, I can leave already, but I am very interested in what is happening here, so I stayed for a few more days and thought about it. Open your eyes, won’t Boss Hua welcome you?”

Hua Zhenxing: "I have nothing to do with your affairs. As long as you don't cause trouble, you can watch it if you want."

Yang Tehong in front curled his lips, but did not look back.

The play "Put Down Your Knife" was first performed on the stage, telling the story of a former gangster who received education from the New Alliance, changed his past and became a builder of a new era. This script seems familiar, but the character prototypes are almost everywhere in Fiso Port, and the adaptation is very clever.

From the perspective of artistic expression, the climax of the story is a long monologue by the protagonist, who reflects on the darkness he has been in, his struggle in despair, and analyzes his inner desire for light, as well as his final awakening and self-salvation. It is very Test your lines and acting skills. These lines are all spoken in the local dialect, and are projected on a large screen with subtitles in Eastern Mandarin.

Many locals have watched this play for a long time, but never tire of it. They resonate deeply with it every time, and can even recite the monologue along with the performers. Many people who watched this play for the first time were deeply moved, and many of them burst into tears.

After the performance, the applause lasted for a long time.

Then a documentary short film was projected on the big screen. Hua Zhenxing really admired the staff of the publicity department. In just fifteen minutes, he introduced the nature and purpose of the new alliance, concisely and brilliantly describing the changes it has brought to the Port of Fiso, with a large number of words. Pictures and video material, accompanied by music and commentary.

In just fifteen minutes, it not only told the yesterday and today of Fiso Port, but also showed everyone the tomorrow they will build together.

For this kind of documentary, the cultural and publicity department has produced several versions, and various materials can be played for hundreds of hours. What is played here is only a simplified version. Together with the drama just now, it is the opening warm-up process of every recent gathering.

After the documentary was played, the host walked to the stage and started the official content of this opportunity. The host told the audience that not long ago, the New Alliance Liberation Army rescued a group of slave workers who were imprisoned and forced to work in a plantation on the south bank of the Feso River, and also found many slave workers who had been tortured to death. corpse.

Today's rally is held for this purpose. As the host narrated, another live video was played on the big screen. Nearly a hundred slave workers came out of each shack. The men and women were naked and bruised. Some cried excitedly, while others looked numb as if they didn't know what was happening.

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