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Chapter 204 The Miracle of Nine Months

The sound of artillery only lasted for about three minutes, and it was basically small-caliber mortars and recoilless rifles. The People's Liberation Army of the New Alliance has not yet been equipped with heavy artillery, and heavy artillery is not needed to fight this small-scale street battle similar to a security war.

However, Li Jingzhi obviously did not fight it as a public security war. He prepared for a regular war, fully mobilizing the masses and preaching the policy in advance. The object of the battle, the purpose of the war, and the post-war arrangements were all well publicized.

The intensive gunfire lasted for less than ten minutes. The New Alliance Army used a large-scale vertical penetration to cut off important enemy strongholds that had been destroyed by artillery fire. This was a tactic that many armies did not dare to adopt in ordinary security street battles.

Including the reserves, the New Alliance People's Liberation Army currently has only 600 people, and only more than 300 people are on the battlefield. The Grand Alliance on the opposite side had more than 3,000 armed personnel, but the large-scale resistance ended within ten minutes.

Where did the Grand Alliance come from with so many militants? It has brought together the criminal elite of most of the gangs in Port Fiso over the years. Under constant pressure from the new alliance, these people have gathered together and recruited a large number of subordinates. Some people may be unwilling to leave their original neighborhoods, but they evacuate with the gang under the coercion of the gang leader.

The current territory of the Grand Alliance only consists of a small part of the Golden Sands District and the Wool District, with a total population of more than 100,000 residents. With so many gangster militants crowded in at once, internal fighting alone is enough to turn this place into a bloody hell. Many ordinary local residents really hope that they all die soon.

Gu Wentong did a "good thing" some time ago, which was to put an end to the infighting in the major alliance through liaison, and at the same time integrate these people together. This gave the new alliance a clear target when carrying out the attack, and detailed maps of the locations of each force were obtained before launching the operation.

When the command system of the Grand Alliance was paralyzed and the leaders were unable to contact or coerce their subordinates, a large number of gang members chose to surrender at the first opportunity. Many of them may not like the new alliance, but they know better that they are no match. They have been frightened by the artillery fire and do not want to die again.

"Those who show off their ferocity and fight cruelly have no courage."

This is a sentence that Old Man Yang taught Hua Zhenxing a long time ago. It is full of Dongguo Taoist dialectical thinking. It seems mysterious and difficult to understand, but it is actually simple and straightforward. Old Man Yang's purpose is not only to let Hua Zhenxing understand the truth, but more importantly, to tell him how to view the things in front of him, such as today's battle.

Old man Yang liked to tell the truth. After saying this, he didn't explain much and let Hua Zhenxing observe by himself. Uncle Mo and Mr. Ke were also present at that time, and Uncle Mo gave Hua Zhenxing some logic.

Gangsters in Port Africa, such as Charles, have been instilled with the idea since childhood that you have to be ruthless and ferocious enough to be respected by others and let others know how powerful you are! The more ferocious a person is, the more he will be feared, so he can be the boss. This is the true meaning of licking blood with the tip of the knife.

But the philosophy they adhere to is a paradox. Their so-called bravery and cruelty are only used to bully the weak, and they tacitly agree that people should succumb to bullying. The core of their thinking is precisely that they are courageless, and there is no real belief system to support them.

After hearing this, Master Ke added a few more words. He said that cruelty itself stems from fear and anxiety, which amplifies the evil in human nature. The real brave man is not to fight harshly with others, but to have the courage to face the unknown and failure. There is both the courage to do something and the courage not to do it. Sometimes it is harder not to do something than to do it...

"The only danger of bloody bravery is that it lacks spirit." This is the conclusion of Ke Fuzi.

Old Man Yang was still a little unhappy at the time and thought the other two old men were too talkative, but he didn't say much.

Tonight, those criminal elites who were known as the most vicious criminal elites in Port Africa collapsed too quickly, but it was already expected by Li Jingzhi and others.

More than two thousand people raised their weapons in the air and shouted to surrender, and emerged from every corner of the cut battlefield. In the darkness, they didn't know where their leader and accomplices were, so they could only surrender their weapons to the nearby New Alliance Army, and then line up and be escorted to the designated location.

All this was carried out at night, and the new alliance showed extremely high organizational skills, with almost no confusion in formation and command. Li Jingzhi occupied all the blocks by means of vertical penetration, partial cutting and driving, leaving a hole in the southeast. In the end, more than 300 gang members escaped.

These people are the last die-hards of the Grand Alliance. They cannot voluntarily surrender to the new alliance and continue to flee with their belongings and weapons. Perhaps it was because of the experience that although the New Alliance was pressing harder and harder some time ago, they always had a place to retreat to, which gave them the illusion that they could go to other places to continue to dominate.

Where to go from Fiso Port? To the south is the Feso River. They plan to go upstream along the Feso River, and then try to cross the river through the national park to Banda City in the south. That place is not under the control of the New Alliance, right?

They drove dozens of cars of various models, most of them looking shabby. They forcibly collected all the cars in the territory that could be driven into the wilderness, and fled to the southwest.

It is now January, and the drought season has arrived. They are familiar with the local conditions and know that there are no embankments in the upper reaches of the Beisuo River and that there are many wide areas of water that can be crossed.

The convoy moved along the river beach and came to an open area. Suddenly, the sound of machine gunfire came from the front, and a hail of bullets hit the ground, forcing the convoy to stop. The New Alliance sent a company of reserves to guard here, and even the trenches were dug. Facing the bunkers and machine guns built by the New Alliance in such an open area, there was no other choice but to surrender.

The new alliance does not want to engage in street fighting with this group, not because they cannot defeat them, but because they want to avoid hurting innocent people and at the same time try not to cause too much damage to the local neighborhoods.

After dawn, the once calm Jinsha District became lively again. The New Alliance has occupied all neighborhoods and is conducting house searches in separate areas. Patrol cars on the streets roamed the streets with loudspeakers, preaching the policies of the new alliance.

Many local people were uneasy when faced with home searches. According to their experience, this must be a search for the winner, but the actual situation challenged their perceptions.

The New Alliance Army has strict discipline: they do not take advantage of the masses; all actions are subject to command; all seizures must be returned to the public. These are repeatedly clarified in daily study, and there are also dedicated personnel at the operation site to supervise the implementation. The residents of Fisoport may not have needlework in their homes, but everyone understands this principle.

The New Alliance Army did not arrest people indiscriminately, nor did they even beat or scold the residents of the neighborhood, nor did they touch any valuables. They only searched for firearms and drugs, and at the same time searched for the remnants of the Grand Alliance to prevent any potential security risks.

Among these remnants, they mainly arrest those gang leaders who neither surrendered nor had time to escape, put down their guns and sneaked into the streets. Most of them had blood debts and committed heinous crimes. The new alliance mobilized the local people and also brought in prisoners who had surrendered previously for testimony and identification, and they were able to capture them cleanly.

A total of nearly 3,000 prisoners were captured, which also greatly tested the new alliance's logistics organization and management capabilities. After a week of critical education, these prisoners voluntarily confessed and were cross-identified and registered, most of them were released and returned to their respective neighborhoods.

In the end, more than 500 people were imprisoned. The New Alliance organized them and established a temporary camp on the outskirts of the southwest of Fiso Port for labor reform. The first task of reform through labor is to let these prisoners build a modern reform-through-labor farm for themselves. The drawings have been designed long ago, with unified construction command and skills training.

More than fifty people, basically the leaders of various gangs, were suppressed by the Fiso Port authorities, and a public trial was held to try their crimes.

Why didn't Fiso Port have enough time to deal with O'Haim's case? It's because everyone has been busy with this matter recently. Before the military operation even started, preparations were underway for the public trial and the plan to deal with these criminals.

The more than 500 people imprisoned must also be tried separately to determine their sentences. At the same time, reform and evaluation policies must be formulated. The current work is still very heavy.

In the process of building the Klin District and expanding its territory, the new alliance adopted a policy of expulsion and almost never suppressed anyone by force. In the end, about a hundred people from the Major Alliance were killed in this battle, mainly in that shelling. After the battle, more than fifty leaders were suppressed.

On the New Alliance side, five were wounded and two were killed, both of whom were killed by stray bullets.

While trying and punishing the criminals, the Port of Feso authorities commended the heroes in this battle in a more grand manner. To be honest, in such a crushing battle, it is difficult to say who has performed heroically, but motivation is essential to let everyone know why they are fighting.

The new alliance also provided compensation and condolences to the casualties. It not only promulgated a pension guarantee policy, but also awarded the two fallen soldiers the title of martyr.

Their names are Tuzhinan and Xixiaxin, which are new Dongguan names given by the staff with the help of the staff after the implementation of the resident registration management system in Fiso Port.

The Fiso Port government also passed a resolution to build a monument at the junction of the Central District and Jinsha District, standing next to the local community entertainment and cultural square. Their names and portraits are on the top of the monument, and the text on the monument records this. A battle.

In the opinion of most residents of Fiso Port, this is a shocking move. In the most chaotic days of Fiso Port, people died in various accidents every day. They often lie dead on the roadside, their belongings plundered, and people don't know why they died or even their names.

But today there is such a monument, telling everyone that death can be meaningful and letting people understand the value of sacrifice.

On the night when the city government passed the resolution, four men, Charles, Hua Zhenxing, Li Jingzhi, and Locke, stood on the roof of the building, looking in the direction of the monument that was to be built. The three-story building under their feet was once the "headquarters" of the Big Head Gang, and is now the Fesuo Port Supply and Marketing Cooperative.

Charles seemed to be talking to himself: "Have we liberated the entire Port of Fiso? Why do I feel like I'm in a dream? How long did it take us?"

Hua Zhenxing: "It has been exactly nine months since the day you invited me to the bar for a drink. You told me that Jin Datou asked you to kill someone you didn't want to kill. Then I escorted Dr. Luo away."

Charles: "Only nine months? I can't believe it! It feels longer than the twenty years I've lived."

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