Enjoy the world

Chapter 2 Stealing the Pill Recipe

Hua Zhenxing walked along the path a few meters away and nodded politely to Old Man Yang. But Old Man Yang didn't even pay attention to him. He was practicing morning exercises and probably didn't even see him.

When the weather is nice, there are many people practicing morning exercises outdoors. When designing and planning Fiso Port, enough space was reserved in the residential area. There are many flat areas scattered among the flowers, plants and trees, which feels a bit like the "fields" in the old saying. Hua Zhenxing did not practice morning exercises downstairs. He planned to go to the park further away.

The future world in many science fiction movies five hundred years ago was full of towers, tangled traffic tracks, and densely populated by various aircraft.

But Fiso Port is not like that. It even has the meaning of returning to nature. Most of the buildings in the city are not very high. For example, the dormitory building where Hua Zhenxing lives has only five floors, and he lives on the third floor. Although there is an elevator, he is more accustomed to taking the stairs.

The public transportation in Fiso Port is very convenient, but Huazhenxing generally doesn't need it. Walk out of the door of the living area, pass through an underground passage, and across the road is the Chunrong Dan Center. The planning of most cities in Huanxiang Country follows the principle of living nearby, and does not deliberately separate the work area and the living area too far.

Hua Zhenxing had just walked out of the door of the living area when he saw his colleague Zhu Meng walking through the underground passage and walking towards him. He was holding a portable smart terminal and seemed to be reading some information. Hua Zhenxing stopped and said hello. The other person seemed to be in a trance and ignored him.

Portable smart terminals have become a standard feature in daily life. The standard model is very light, can be folded and unfolded, and can be interconnected with the smart master system open to all citizens. It can store, consult, and analyze various information materials at any time, and can also It can have intelligent human-machine dialogue and automatically complete various instructions...

Nowadays, this kind of equipment has very powerful functions, but it looks very ordinary, a bit like a smartphone from five hundred years ago. Some models can also be deformed and worn on the wrist.

Zhu Meng didn't know what he was looking at. He didn't seem to realize that Hua Zhenxing was greeting him. He accidentally tripped and stumbled into Hua Zhenxing's arms. Hua Zhenxing stepped out of the way, and at the same time reached out and grabbed Zhu Meng's left upper arm.

According to the identity in the dream, Hua Zhenxing should not be so vigilant, but after all, this is just a dream, and the behavior in the dream still contains subconscious habits.

Hua Zhenxing: "What's wrong with you?" While asking, he let go of his hand and took a step back.

Zhu Meng took a deep breath: "It turns out to be Xiaohua. I didn't pay attention to my steps just now. Fortunately, you helped me."

Hua Zhenxing: "You look very uncomfortable, are you okay?"

Zhu Meng's eyes flickered: "I'm just a little tired from work recently, so I have nothing to do. You should go and practice morning exercises. I'll just go back to the dormitory and rest for a while." After saying that, he turned around and wanted to leave, but he heard Hua Zhenxing behind him again. He said, "Senior brother, did you deliberately not stand still just now and quietly stuffed something into my pocket?"

Zhu Meng's expression changed when he heard this. When he turned around, he saw that Hua Zhenxing had taken out a very thin sheet from his left pocket, about one centimeter wide and two centimeters long. It should be an information memory. It is very similar to the USB flash drive five hundred years ago. Technically, it can be made extremely small, but after all, it is for people to use, so this size is the most suitable.

Nowadays, this kind of equipment is not used in many occasions. If you need any information, you can directly connect to the main brain system, or you can download it through a personal smart terminal. But there is always some private information that needs to be stored in a physically isolated manner, or used in terminals without a network environment.

Not all information is disclosed to the whole society. For example, at the Fesoport Center where Huazhenxing works, many internal information cannot be queried using the public mastermind system.

"Oops, my hand slipped accidentally just now, why did it fall into your pocket?" Zhu Meng reacted quickly, and immediately took a step forward to take the thing away.

Hua Zhenxing's reaction was faster. He had already put away the things with his left hand. He grabbed Zhu Meng's wrist with his right hand and said in a deep voice: "Brother, please speak clearly. What do you want to do?"

The reason why Hua Zhenxing calls each other senior is because they graduated from the same university, and Zhu Meng is four years ahead of him. Zhu Meng was very good in school. After graduation, he entered the Fisoport Center. He received a master's degree on the job and is studying for a doctorate.

Zhu Meng's mentor is Zheng Zhengzhi, who has a sixth-level certificate in Yangyuan Skills. He is the deputy director in charge of research and development of the center, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and a visiting academician of the Eastern Academy of Sciences.

Zhu Meng was walking on flat ground just now, with nothing to trip him over. It was really abnormal for him to fall forward like that. When Hua Zhenxing leaned sideways to support him, he felt his left pocket was lightly hung, and when he touched it there was something extra inside. Then Zhu Meng obviously did it on purpose, just to put this thing in his pocket.

In reality outside of dreams, thieves on the streets of Fesoport often play this trick, sometimes to steal things, sometimes to transfer stolen goods. Hua Zhenxing is very familiar with this. Although he was in a dream at the moment, he was still him in the dream.

Zhu Meng didn't hold anything, and his wrist was still held by Hua Zhenxing. He struggled a few times but couldn't get free. His expression became very flustered. He raised his head and said timidly: "Junior brother, can you say a few words in private? Come to you."

Hua Zhenxing did not go to practice morning exercises, but returned to the apartment with Zhu Meng. After sitting down, he poured a glass of water for Zhu Meng before asking: "Brother, what's the matter with you?"

Zhu Meng took the water and held it in his hands but did not drink it. He lowered his head for a while and then suddenly raised his eyes and said, "Junior Brother Hua, do you believe in fate?"

Hua Zhenxing smiled: "Maybe everyone has this stage. When I was in the second grade of middle school, I asked this question through a smart terminal. The main brain system did not give an answer, but only provided the discussions of many thinkers from ancient times to the present. Let me understand it myself.

My answer is to believe in fate, but it is only the starting point, not the end. Destiny determines the range of choices you can make at each time, and every choice you make determines the range of your next choices. I don't know why senior brother is asking this. You should think about the specific things you encountered. "

Zhu Meng asked again: "Do you understand my experience?"

Hua Zhenxing spread his hands and said, "If you want to tell me, just say it yourself."

Zhu Meng recounted a tortuous experience. He is the first generation immigrant from Huanxiang Country. His original nationality is Dongguo and he is Chinese. He grew up in Dongguo. When he was fifteen years old, his family encountered an accident while outing. His parents died in the accident, and he was saved by a kind person. Zhu Meng didn't want to name this kind man, so he just gave him a code name, Mr. A.

Zhu Meng became an orphan, but Mr. A continued to provide selfless care and help. Later, Mr. A was not only Zhu Meng's savior, but he was even more important in his heart than his father. After graduating from middle school, Zhu Meng was admitted to Fiso University in Huanxiang Country with excellent results, and became an international student. While in school, he obtained a third-level certificate in Yangyuan Skills and applied for naturalization.

Huanxiang Country has always welcomed such talents, and Zhu Meng successfully became a citizen of Huanxiang Country. In his fourth year of college, Zhu Meng went to Chunhua University in Dongguo for another year as an exchange student. There he met Mr. A's daughter, let's call him girl B.

The beautiful and gentle girl Yi immediately became Zhu Meng's goddess. After Zhu Meng confessed his love, she had the most intimate relationship with him. Afterwards, Miss Yi asked Zhu Meng not to disclose their relationship, and said that it was difficult for the two of them to truly be together. She also told him that her father actually worked overseas in biopharmaceutical research, and her lifelong wish was to obtain the complete recipe of Chunrong Dan.

Zhu Meng immediately found Mr. A for verification. Mr. A admitted, but he said that he did not place his hopes on Zhu Meng. This was an almost impossible task. Although Mr. A had no hope for Zhu Meng, this incident was equivalent to planting a seed in Zhu Meng's heart and taking root.

Zhu Meng, who was still in his fourth year of college at the time, did not realize how serious the problem might be. Mr. A is not from Huanxiang, nor is he even from East Asia, and there are simply too many people in the world who want to get Danfang! Zhu Meng never even thought that he would have the opportunity to come into contact with the complete Chunrong Dan recipe.

But the idea had already been planted, and he couldn't help but want to give it a try. After entering the Chunrongdan Center, Zhu Meng was fortunate enough to become a student of Academician Zheng Zhengzhi. After receiving his master's degree, he continued to study for a doctoral degree under his guidance and became a his research assistant. Zheng Zhengzhi is an important leader and authoritative expert of the center, and he has the opportunity to come into contact with Danfang during his research work.

Zhu Meng went on overseas business trips several times during his work and also met with Girl B in private. Not long ago, Zhu Meng suddenly learned that girl B actually gave birth to a child for him. But Miss Yi also told him that unless he got the complete recipe of Chunrong Dan, he would never see her again.

Zhu Meng recalled carefully that the last time he met Girl B was more than half a year ago, and the two had intimate behavior again. It was true that no safety measures were taken. It should have been at that time...

Hearing this, Hua Zhenxing roughly understood the reason. He didn't expect to be asked about such a big case, so he could only say with a straight face: "Then why did you put that thing quietly in my pocket?"

Zhu Meng lowered his head and said: "There is a program I implanted in that memory. As long as you read it on a device that can connect to the Internet, encrypted data will be sent to the designated node, and it will go through multiple transmission nodes..."

It was Girl Yi who taught Zhu Meng to do this. Girl Yi hoped that he could get the prescription, but she was also "concerned" about his safety and told him several ways to spread the information, and this was just one of them.

Hua Zhenxing frowned and said, "With such a simple method? How do you know that I will definitely do what you want?"

Zhu Meng: "There is an extra memory in the pocket for no reason, and most people can't help but take a look at what's inside. In addition, I have two other plans, but I didn't have time to do anything. I was killed the first time I did it. You saw through it."

Hua Zhenxing sighed. It was obvious that Zhu Meng was an excellent professional, but not a qualified spy. Zhu Meng chose the wrong target, and appeared panicked after his method was revealed. When Hua Zhenxing asked, he actually explained everything!

Hua Zhenxing asked: "You admitted it so readily?"

Zhu Meng said in a trembling voice: "Have you been monitoring me for a long time, so you noticed me whenever I made a move?... I have also struggled... Am I going to jail? I am willing to give everything, just to repay you. Kindness…”

It seems that this is a misunderstanding, and Zhu Meng also knows what he is doing. As the saying goes, suspicion breeds secret ghosts, and he always suspects that someone around him is watching him. When Hua Zhenxing grabbed his wrist in an unexpected way, he thought he had been exposed.

Hua Zhenxing narrowed his eyes: "Repay favor? Until now, you haven't reacted yet..." At this point, he stopped talking and changed the question, "Let's just think that person has been very kind to you. You I owe him something and want to repay him, but I don’t owe him anything or you, so why did you frame me?”

If Zhu Meng's trick succeeded and he was found out later, then it would not be him but Hua Zhenxing who would be found out first. Hua Zhenxing is also a staff member of Chunrongdan Center. I am afraid that he will be unable to defend himself. Even if Zhu Meng can be finally found out, Hua Zhenxing will not be able to escape the suspicion of his accomplice.

Zhu Meng lowered his head again and murmured: "I didn't want to frame you... and I may not be able to find you. Even if I find you, I will eventually find out that you are innocent."

Hua Zhenxing sneered: "Do you have the confidence to say this? Forget it, I won't talk to you anymore! Even if I didn't see through your little trick just now, do you really think you can steal the recipe?"

Zhu Meng raised his head slightly: "What do you mean?"

Hua Zhenxing said with some emotion: "I often hear people say that it is difficult to prevent a house thief from stealing the beams of the house! Are you twenty-five this year? I started planning it when you were fifteen years old, and step by step, I finally expected you to become a house thief. , those people are really patient.

But how many people and forces in the world want to get Danfang? I'm afraid someone has tried your method a long time ago. If the prescription could be stolen like this, someone would have succeeded long ago! "

Zhu Meng was a little surprised and said: "You mean I didn't steal the real recipe at all?"

Hua Zhenxing stood up and walked to the door: "I don't know what you stole, but now it's time for us to say goodbye. I really feel sorry for my senior brother!"

The soundproofing effect of the apartment is very good. Even the most intense and indescribable sports between men and women will not disturb the neighbors next door. But Hua Zhenxing's perception was extremely sharp, and he had long noticed subtle vibrations in the corridor outside the door. There were quite a few people coming, and this floor should have been sealed off.

This was a case reported by Hua Zhenxing himself. After Zhu Meng proposed to talk privately, and on the way to the dormitory building, he quietly sent a message to the security department of Fesoport City through the quick operation of the watch-type smart terminal. signal, always maintaining a real-time link. Although he didn't know what Zhu Meng wanted to do at the time, he definitely had evil intentions, and Hua Zhenxing was decisive in reporting the crime.

He had just undergone the first confidentiality training after joining the company. The confidentiality code stated what situations he should be vigilant about and how to deal with them. Huazhenxing followed the requirements of the code. The conversation between Hua Zhenxing and Zhu Meng was monitored by the security department. After figuring out the cause of the incident, Hua Zhenxing also felt secretly lucky.

If he had not done this, it would not be easy to get rid of the suspicion of being an "accomplice" in the future. In fact, in the middle of the conversation in the room, someone came from outside and blocked the entire floor, but Zhu Meng, who was unconscious, did not notice it.

At this point, Hua Zhenxing no longer wanted to continue, so he opened the door directly, but his expression was slightly startled. He never expected that the person standing at the door was the arrogant old man Yang.

"Uncle Yang, why is it you?"

Yang Tehong raised her chin and said, "Who is your uncle?"

Hua Zhenxing remembered what the old man usually liked to call him, and could only laugh and said: "Mr. Yang, how could it be you?"

Yang Tehong nodded with satisfaction, stepped into the room and said, "I'm here to direct the operation!" At the same time, he waved, and two uniformed secret service officers followed him in sideways.

Zhu Meng was a little confused. He obviously didn't expect his captors to arrive so soon, and he didn't expect that the leader who arrived was actually Old Man Yang. Old Man Yang looked at him with a cold and pity expression, and said with emotion: "It's hard to guard against domestic thieves if you guard against them day and night! Take them away!"

Zhu Meng was handcuffed and taken away. Old Yang was still standing in the room, reaching out to Hua Zhenxing and saying, "Give me the stuff!"

Hua Zhenxing put the memory in Old Man Yang's hand and said with a smile: "I didn't expect Mr. Yang to have such a hidden identity."

Old Man Yang looked even more proud: "To tell you the truth, my authority level ranks among the top three in the entire center!" Then he patted Hua Zhenxing on the shoulder and said, "Boy, you performed very well today!"

Hua Zhenxing’s answer was standard: “This is what I should do.”

Old Man Yang sighed inexplicably and said: "Alas! I have been on duty for twenty years, and there have only been three cases here. In the first two cases, I couldn't get the chance to come forward. Only this time, you, the old man, really exposed me." What a shame!"

Hua Zhenxing has more or less understood that this old man Yang is a special agent of the security department, and his level is not low. I heard that in ancient times there were hidden professions such as librarians, pavilion chiefs, and postmen. There might be some master lurking among them. Is it possible to add a canteen owner to the hidden professions today?

Although Hua Zhenxing complained in his heart, he did not say anything. He had just undergone confidentiality training, and one of the confidentiality rules included "all confidential information, do not ask questions that should not be asked."

Old Man Yang seemed to have remembered something at this time, turned around and warned: "Xiaohua, my identity is confidential, don't tell anyone. If it is leaked, you will be held accountable!"

Hua Zhenxing: "Of course, I know what not to say!" Then he muttered in a low voice, "You don't have to reveal your identity at all."

Yang Tehong could indeed avoid revealing his identity. The situation was already under control and he could just notify the operatives to take Zhu Meng away. However, he really couldn't hold it back. He got the things but was in no hurry to leave, and he didn't take Hua Zhenxing with him anymore. He went to ask questions elsewhere, but reached out and closed the door. He sat down in a comfortable position and said, "Boy, sit down too. I will chat with you."

Seeing that Old Yang was clearly not satisfied and wanted to play hard again, Hua Zhenxing walked over and sat down in a considerate manner and asked, "Mr. Yang, do you have any other instructions?"

Old Yang crossed his legs and said, "I heard everything you just talked about. I feel like there are some things you wanted to say but didn't say. Why?"

Hua Zhenxing: "To be honest, I sympathize with him a little bit. Some things are just my speculations without evidence."

What did Hua Zhenxing not say? From the perspective of an onlooker, Zhu Meng's experience is problematic at first glance. It was a deliberate plan that lasted for ten years. Zhu Meng believed that Mr. A was very kind to him and regarded him as his reborn parent. He was helped by him in life and studies, and his behavior could not be unaffected by him intentionally or unintentionally.

After graduating from high school, he did not go to university in Dongguo, but traveled across the ocean to study in Fisoport. This must have been Mr. A's suggestion. My experiences during college and after graduation seemed to be my own decisions, but they were all influenced by Mr. A, and I finally entered Chun Rong Dan Center.

From this point of view, Miss Otoye is not necessarily Mr. A's daughter, and the so-called child probably does not exist. In this case, there may be something wrong with the death of Zhu Meng's parents... It's terrifying to think about it!

Hua Zhenxing finally said in a asking tone: "I still have some doubts. Zhu Meng was only a teenager back then. How can we ensure that he will enter the Chunrong Dan Center today and become Zheng Zheng if we invest in such a child?" Academician’s assistant?”

Old Man Yang showed approval in his eyes and said unhurriedly: "Of course the person who planned it couldn't guarantee it at that time. In fact, no one can guarantee that the child will become Zhu Meng today."

Hua Zhenxing frowned and said, "You mean that Mr. A just laid a trap at the beginning and didn't expect Zhu Meng to be able to do what he did today, but he spent ten years thinking about it. The price of doing so is Isn’t it too big?”

Old Man Yang smiled: "Mr. A is not a person, he represents a huge intelligence organization. What does this investment mean? If you think about it carefully, the most important time point actually occurred when Zhu Meng was in his fourth year at University and went to Dong Guochun. When I was an exchange student at Hua University.

At that time, he had already obtained the third-level Yuan Yuan Skill Certificate, successfully immigrated and naturalized, and grew into a big fish, so Miss Yi appeared..."

Hua Zhenxing already understood after hearing this. According to Old Man Yang's judgment, Mr. A was just responsible for casting a wide net, and Zhu Meng unfortunately became one of his chosen targets. As for girl B, she only selects the fish that have been raised in the net and is responsible for the final harvest. If this is the case, Zhu Meng's experience is indeed unfortunate.

Seeing that Hua Zhenxing was silent, Old Man Yang leaned his head over again and asked: "Boy, let's not talk about this for now. Let's talk about Zhu Meng himself. Let's assume that his only purpose is to repay his kindness. What do you think?"

Hua Zhenxing replied almost without thinking: "Of course not, he is completely wrong! Even if Mr. A is really very kind to him, he has violated the principle of repaying kindness."

Old Man Yang asked with great interest: "Oh, what principle?"

Hua Zhenxing: "Someone once told me that repaying kindness is a virtue and a good deed. Everyone should remember the kindness of others. But there is a principle of repaying kindness, that is, no matter how you repay the other person, you can only use your own kindness. Things. For example, Zhang San is kind to you, but you can't use Li Si's things to repay Zhang San.

I saw a movie when I was a child. There was a handsome boy who died trying to save a little girl. The girl paid any price to save the soul of the handsome boy and bring her back to life. If she gave everything she had, of course it would be very touching.

However, in order to achieve her own goals, she did not repent when she tore her hometown apart. Not only did the villagers lose their homes, they also suffered heavy casualties. It was because I watched such a movie that I went to ask someone for advice, and someone told me the truth.

Let’s talk about Zhu Meng, even if Mr. A is kind to him, why does he want to frame me? There was also the elixir he stole, which was the top secret of Huanxiang Kingdom and was of inestimable value. It was not a private property that he could use to repay his kindness. "

Old Yang's head came closer: "What movie were you watching back then, and who told you those words?"

Hua Zhenxing's expression became a little confused: "I forgot!" He should clearly remember it, but he just couldn't remember it.

"Yang Tehong, you are very excited today!" A soft and pleasant female voice came from outside the door, but it felt inexplicably domineering. The door of the apartment is also very soundproof, but this sound seems to have magical penetrating power.

Old Yang's butt bounced up from the chair, he quickly walked over and opened the door, bent down and nodded: "Director Yun, why did I alert you?"

Hua Zhenxing also stood up, but his expression was a little dazed. The person standing outside the door was a woman, more accurately described as a girl, who looked to be in her early twenties. At first glance, she looks like a beauty with exquisite makeup, but if you look closely, she has no makeup at all. Can she look so good without makeup?

The new book has finally begun serialization, so I bow my head three times! Thank you for your support and companionship over the years. I am a storyteller for you!

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