Enjoy the world

Chapter 1 The Land of Joy

Hua Zhenxing woke up from his dream and saw only darkness when he opened his eyes. A gust of wind blew by, and he shivered, with a confused expression as if he was asking - who am I and where am I?

It took him a while to come back to his senses, and he looked up at the starry sky between the low eaves. Only then did he confirm that he was still in the streets of Fiso Port, and the time was still 2020. Last night, he was taken to a bar frequented by local aborigines by the big man Heishiel and drank too much. When he came back, he was drunk in an alley not far from home and fell asleep leaning against the wall.

Hua Zhenxing couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat. Port Feso was not a safe place. It was known as the city of chaos. At night when everyone seemed to be closed, danger was always everywhere.

In this alley, Hua Zhenxing once saw a dead body with his own eyes. The nameless deceased should have struggled to escape far away after being shot elsewhere, and finally died in a deserted narrow alley, only to be discovered at dawn. Before the police arrived, the deceased's belongings had been picked up by passers-by.

In a dangerous environment, the most important thing is to keep a clear head and make correct and timely responses. This is the warning of Old Man Yang who has raised him since childhood. Although Old Man Yang is just a grocery store owner, he is the most knowledgeable and capable person Hua Zhenxing knows.

Hua Zhenxing began to examine himself carefully. He didn't have any injuries on the surface, and there seemed to be no dull pain in his body. The paratrooper's dagger hidden under his left rib cage, the steel thumbtack on his lower back, and the lighter in his jacket pocket were all still there. Even the wallet in his right trouser pocket had not been touched.

Fesuo Port is a coastal city located in the Kingdom of Kilili in the eastern part of the Black Wasteland. Kilili Country is almost the poorest and most backward place in the world. The average life expectancy here is only in early 30s, and nearly 90% of the local indigenous people are illiterate or semi-literate.

It is easy to be stolen or robbed if you are not careful in Fiso Port. Hua Zhenxing is accustomed to carrying a wallet when going out. If you encounter some vicious guy who is not easy to deal with or inconvenient to do it directly, just pay it obediently. In short, you can't let others do it. So disappointed.

Everything that should be there is still there. It seems that he did not encounter any accident. He just drank too much and fell asleep sitting under the wall. No passers-by at night discovered him and took away his belongings. Hua Zhenxing finally took out a Dongguo-made Huawei smartphone from his shirt. It was his favorite thing. Through the small screen, he seemed to be able to connect to the whole world.

Hua Zhenxing did not light up the screen of his mobile phone, but put it back again. After checking his body and things, he was supposed to go home quickly, but at this moment he was still sitting under the wall and seemed to be distracted again. He even closed his eyes, as if he was reminiscing about something.

He was trying his best to recall the content of the dream just now, fearing that the impression would be blurred if there was a slight delay, because the dream was so attractive to him. When people first wake up from a dream, they often feel that the dream is very clear, but as time passes, the memories become very blurry, and they can only remember a few fragments. When they are relayed to others, most of them become brain-processed content. .

Hua Zhenxing just had a very special dream, but he didn't realize it in the dream. When he woke up and recalled it, he found that the year in the dream turned out to be 2520. But now it is only 2020, which means that he has dreamed of the world five hundred years from now. At that time, there was a country of Huanxiang that does not exist today——

In 2520 AD, Fesuo Port was already the capital and largest city of the Zhenxing State of the Huanxiang Kingdom. It not only had Fesuo University, one of the most important universities in the Huanxiang Kingdom, but also the production base of Chunrong Dan. Zhenxing State is one of the twenty-eight major administrative regions of the Huanxiang Kingdom on the planet, and it is also the earliest territory of the Huanxiang Kingdom.

It is said that the complete recipe of Chunrong Dan, which is regarded as one of the top secrets of Huanxiang Kingdom, is kept in the Chunrong Dan Production and R\u0026D Center in Fesoport. Countless forces in the world want to get it, but so far no one seems to have succeeded.

Chunrong Dan appeared more than 400 years ago. The specific time is unknown. The name sounds very ordinary, but its magical effect is like the Zhuyan Dan in Xianxia novels. It is said that it can make people's appearance ageless, which is worthy of human beings. The pinnacle of biopharmaceuticals in history.

It is not a simple pill, but a large box of prescription medicines, with a total of 360 doses, each with different ingredients, each with a specific date for taking the medicine, and one dose should be taken every day. As long as it is taken in the correct way according to the instructions, based on nearly four hundred years of clinical observation, no toxic or side effects have been found.

Of course, the so-called youthful appearance is only a relative concept. According to clinical summary, taking a box of Youthful Beauty Pills can roughly "keep your appearance" for thirty years. The specific effect can be described as follows: If you are seventy years old, you still look like you are in your forties.

As a prescription drug that must be taken under the guidance of a doctor and under the guidance of professionals, the instruction manual is very strict about its efficacy. It only says, "This product can improve endocrine and microcirculation, regulate metabolism, and delay aging." ".

As for the statement that a box of Spring Beauty Pills can "last your beauty for thirty years", it is the result of hundreds of years of clinical observation and statistics, and it is also a fact seen by the public. It has now been recognized all over the world.

Since “one box lasts for 30 years,” wouldn’t taking a few more boxes help keep your skin looking longer and stay youthful forever? Unfortunately, the effectiveness of Chunrong Dan is diminishing. The instruction manual clearly states that each person cannot take more than three servings at the same time, and the cumulative dosage cannot exceed nine boxes.

Even if the theoretical maximum dosage is reached, the cumulative effect of nine Chunrong Pills is roughly equivalent to twice that of one serving. According to popular folk saying, it is "sixty years in beauty".

This is already an incredible miracle. Think about it carefully, if someone in his nineties still has the appearance of a thirty-year-old, what kind of miracle is this? What’s even more amazing is that Chunrong Dan is a commodity that can be produced industrially on a large scale!

There may have been so-called "elixirs" in history, and various legendary panaceas may really exist, but can they be industrially produced on a large scale like vitamin pills and become daily consumer goods for ordinary people?

Unfortunately, this pill is only effective for women, and the instructions specifically emphasize that it is not allowed to be taken by men! In professional medical institutions, many users are required to undergo a chromosome test first.

This has aroused strong dissatisfaction among the majority of male compatriots in the world. Although the finished products are strictly controlled, many men have secretly taken it through various means for hundreds of years, including many powerful people. However, it turns out that men taking Chunrong Dan has no obvious beauty effect and even has many side effects.

Although only women can take the Spring Beauty Pill produced in Huanxiang Country, men are also crazy about it. The reason is obvious. One box of Youthful Beauty Pills can preserve youth for thirty years, and nine boxes can preserve youthfulness for sixty years! What kind of temptation is this? A lot of people are willing to pay crazy prices for it! Women are crazy, and men are not immune either.

But Chunrong Dan is just Chunrong Dan. It cannot rejuvenate people, it can only make people look more beautiful, and it may also have some effects on improving physical fitness. The good news for men finally appeared decades after the advent of Chun Rong Dan. It is an exercise method called Yangyuan Technique.

Since the birth of mankind, whether in mythology or reality, there have been various physical and mental exercise methods and even so-called secret cultivation methods. Most of them are absurd and unproven and difficult to verify. Some even have some effects, but they are far less than what they are boasted about. So exaggerated, and always shrouded in a veil of mystery.

Yangyuan Shu is an epoch-making exercise method in human history, which was launched four hundred years ago. It should have come out before the founding of Huan Xiang Guo, but its real large-scale promotion occurred decades after Chun Rong Dan came out. By the 26th century, it had become popular all over the world.

The results of this exercise system are verifiable, independent of any specific religious beliefs, and demystified to the greatest extent possible.

The promotion of Yang Yuan Shu has also gone through twists and turns for a hundred years. At first, it was monopolized by a certain class and prohibited from being made public. Later, someone finally broke through the barriers and promoted Yang Yuan Shu to all the people. In today's Huanxiang Country, Yangyuan Shu has been included in the compulsory education curriculum in middle schools, and every child has five years of free learning opportunities.

Yangyuan Shu exercises a physical and mental state. Based on this, through various special methods of training, it can also enhance and master various abilities of a person. Five hundred years ago, it might have been regarded as a superpower.

Huanxiang State has a special official organization responsible for issuing grade certificates of Yangyuan Skills. It is said that there are nine levels of Yangyuan Technique. Levels one to three are elementary, and those who have obtained them are usually called Yangyuan Masters; levels four to six are intermediate, and those who have obtained them are usually called Yangyuan Technique instructors. Level six and above is considered an advanced level. Those who have achieved this level are called masters of Yang Yuan Shu. This is no longer something that can be assessed by an official organization.

High-level Yang Yuan Shu masters are even just legends among ordinary people. Even Yang Yuan Shu instructors with intermediate certificates are rare talents in the world. They are very popular wherever they go, and many places are unable to invite them.

The "Teaching Outline of Yangyuan Technique" promulgated by Huan Xiangguo stipulates that only those who have obtained the intermediate Yangyuan Technique certificate are qualified to guide others to practice primary Yangyuan Technique. Huan Xiangguo has incorporated Yang Yuan Shu into compulsory education, and the Yang Yuan Shu instructors in every middle school are government-sponsored. However, it is difficult for other countries or regions in the world to have this condition.

After so many years of promotion, the tutorial of Yangyuan Technique is no longer a secret. In Huanxiang Country, everyone has the opportunity to practice under the guidance of professional instructors. Even if you do not reach the standard for obtaining a first-level certificate in the end, there is no harm in practicing it. It also has the effect of cultivating the spirit, strengthening the body, and prolonging life. Persistence You can practice for a lifetime.

The effect of Yangyuan Technique was also questioned at first, but now the questioning voices have almost disappeared. There is a data that can prove everything. In 2520, the average life expectancy of citizens of the Kingdom of Fantasia has reached 108 years, of which men are 106.5 years old and women are 109.5 years old.

The average life expectancy of women is three years higher than that of men. Some people say this is a physiological difference, while others say this may be the effect of taking Chunrong Dan. By the way, the official also claims that practicing the art of nourishing energy can promote the effect of Chunrong Dan. According to popular saying in society, it can "increase its beauty-preserving effect for another ten years."

Life expectancy is only one aspect. What is more important is the quality of life. After people reach the age of 100, they are generally as healthy physically and mentally as those young people five hundred years ago. This is the world that Hua Zhenxing dreamed of five hundred years later.

In the dream, he did not realize that he was in a dream, and seemed to have completely forgotten that he was actually a fifteen-year-old child in 2020. His name is also Hua Zhenxing. He is a fresh undergraduate student who has just graduated from Fiso University. He is lucky enough to work at the Chunrongdan Production and R\u0026D Center in Fiso Port.

As for age, if you think about it based on dreams, you should be twenty or twenty-one years old. Because Huanxiangguo stipulates that children can apply for admission when they are five years old, and they must attend elementary school after they are six years old.

Unlike most countries and regions five hundred years ago, Huanxiang Country implements a ten-year compulsory education system. Primary school is not six years but five years, and middle school is also five years without distinction between junior high school and high school.

The undergraduate program lasts five years. Young people in Huanxiang Country usually work for a period of time after graduating from university, and then go to graduate school. This has become a habit. One reason may be that everyone's life expectancy is long enough and the years available for study and work are also long enough.

Hua Zhenxing experienced a complete fifteen-year education in primary school, middle school, and university. After graduation, he entered the Chunrongdan Production and Research Center to work. He was able to get such an enviable job not only because he was excellent in character and academics, but also because he already had a third-level certificate in Yangyuan Skills and was a young talent with great potential.

Although higher education in Huanxiang Country is not compulsory education, it is basically a publicly funded education. The state provides subsidies to its citizens and only charges a nominal tuition fee. Students only need to bear the cost of their own living and purchasing textbooks.

The Huanxiang government promises to provide jobs to all fresh graduates who pass the evaluation and will publish these positions on a special information platform during the graduation season each year, allowing graduates to choose on their own, a bit like college entrance examination applications. Job positions for other social workers will also be recruited all year round, and a special information platform will be announced.

The jobs provided by Huanxiangguo to fresh graduates are located in 28 countries around the world, with different requirements and properties, so this is a two-way selection and matching process. This process would be too arduous to complete if carried out in traditional manual ways, but in an era when artificial intelligence has been developed for hundreds of years, it has become very simple.

If someone cannot find a job that satisfies them and is unwilling to engage in other jobs, they can choose to be "unemployed." This term originated more than 500 years ago. However, many of Huanxiangguo’s benefits can only be enjoyed in specific jobs.

Among the many social benefits of Huanxiang Country, there is one item that is the envy of other countries in the world: all female citizens of Huanxiang Country, as long as they meet the following conditions at the same time, can apply to receive a box of Spring Beauty Pills presented free of charge by the state.

1. Aged twenty-five or above.

2. Married with two or more children, both husband and wife are citizens of the Republic of China.

3. There is no crime or the criminal conduct has exceeded the prescribed period of corresponding punishment.

As long as you meet the above conditions, you can apply and then participate in the lottery once a year. Lucky people may win the lottery in the first year, and some people may not win the lottery for several years in a row. However, the probability of winning the lottery increases with the number of applications, and they will definitely win the lottery within ten years, because the probability of winning the lottery for the tenth application has reached 100%. .

What about female citizens who do not meet the above conditions? As long as you are over twenty-five years old, you can also participate in the lottery. The probability of winning is different. You can only guarantee that you will win within twenty years, but you need to purchase it at your own expense.

If you draw lots no more than twenty times at most, you will definitely buy a box of Chunrong Pills. This is already a generous benefit that is envied by other countries in the world. This welfare policy has triggered protests in China. Some women think it is unfair to be treated differently based on conditions; some men ask, if the country provides such generous benefits to women, should it also provide corresponding compensation to men?

In response to the protests from some women, the official spokesperson explained that in fact, these Chunrong Pills were not provided by the Huanxiangguo government, but were privately donated by Mr. Feng Zibin, the founder of Huanxiangguo. The conditions for gifting are such that someone can choose not to accept it, but the donor cannot be forced to give as he wishes.

In response to the protests from some male citizens, the spokesperson just smiled and asked: "Isn't this also a benefit for men?" Everyone present laughed. This is a quote from Feng Zibin. About four hundred years ago, Feng Zibin also asked this question in response to someone questioning that he only invented Chunrong Dan, which was only for women.

Don't ask Hua Zhenxing in the dream how he knew this. He naturally had this information in his mind, as if it was some kind of imagination about the future.

The Fesuogang Chunrongdan Production and R\u0026D Center is referred to as the Fesuo Center. In the dream, Hua Zhenxing had just joined the center for half a month. The first confidential training ended yesterday, and it was a day off.

Fiso Center provided Huazhenxing with a single dormitory with a usable area of ​​99 square meters, including a kitchen, bathroom, living room, two rooms and a small utility room.

Originally, fresh college graduates like him, who had just started working, could apply to the government for a single apartment near their workplace. The standard area was 49 square meters, with a kitchen and bathroom, a small living room and a bedroom. The so-called standard refers to the subsidy standard of the work unit, which is 80% of the listed rent of the apartment.

If someone wants more comfortable living conditions, they can also apply for public rental housing with higher standards, but they will have to pay the full price themselves for the excess.

Why does the workplace provide this kind of subsidy? Based on the simplest principle: the remuneration paid by the unit to employees can be in currency or other forms. Under the corresponding social welfare system, it should meet the most basic needs in terms of housing, life, health, starting a family, raising children, etc. individual expenditures, otherwise society as a whole cannot function properly in the long run.

The apartments in Huazhenxing are provided internally by the workplace and don’t cost a penny. It can be seen that the treatment in the center is very good, and the requirements for entry are of course very high. Having a third-level Yangyuan Skill certificate is only a basic requirement, and quality is also required. Excellent in both studies and passed various examinations.

It was already bright when Hua Zhen walked out of the apartment building. The fresh air carried the fragrance of grass and trees, and a crimson glow was reflected in the east. In the public green belt between the residential buildings, there are already many people standing there with their arms set up, in a posture of concentrating and holding their energy. They are all practicing the morning skill of nourishing their energy.

The first thing Hua Zhenxing saw was the energetic old man Yang. He was standing there with his legs slightly bent and his arms spread out as if he was rubbing something in his arms. Old Man Yang opened a canteen at the entrance to the living area... Wait, the style of painting seems a little wrong. It's the 26th century, is there still a canteen like that of five hundred years ago?

But this is just Hua Zhenxing's dream, nothing is unusual... Old man Yang is 120 years old this year and is a retired employee of the central logistics support department. In the Kingdom of Huanxiang, where the average life expectancy reaches 108 years, it is not surprising that some people are still alive and kicking at the age of 120.

The new book has finally begun serialization, so I bow my head three times! Thank you for your support and companionship over the years. I am a storyteller for you!

After the release of this book, the opening chapter has been revised and adjusted, and the original first nine chapters were deleted into the first five chapters. Therefore, the "this chapter says" you see in the first five chapters may not match the content of the chapter. Please forgive me!

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