Enjoy the world

Chapter 177 Drafting on the spot

"What is the church?" Hua Zhenxing asked Yue Gao Le.

Jorgole explained: "The Cambys Court is also called the Holy Court, and its branches in various places are called holy churches."

Hua Zhenxing: "Preaching place?"

Jogaulle: "You can understand it this way, but it is not just a missionary place, nor is it simply a church in the secular sense. In addition to promoting the glory of God, the church also has many other functions, such as comforting and relieving believers.

In addition to preaching, it will also create various conditions to bring people together so that they can care for each other and express their feelings to each other, allowing them to feel warmth in this cold world, thus awakening the feeling of need and being needed deep in their hearts.

It makes people realize that they are no longer alone, have not been abandoned by this world, and are with God! In my heart, this is the most ideal relationship between a religious organization and believers. "

Hua Zhenxing: "Oh, I understand!"

Yue Gaole frowned and said, "What do you understand?"

Hua Zhenxing: "I understand a lot of things happening in this world."

Jogaulle: "If you can't do what I just said, then you might as well let the church do it, and you can't prevent people from entering the church."

Hua Zhenxing: "Love each other, benefit from each other, have the same aspirations, understand ghosts and gods. Isn't it clearer to say this?"

Yo Gao Le: "Who did you listen to?"

Hua Zhenxing: "I, Uncle Mo, said so."

About Gao Le: "Head of the Straw Sandals Gang?"

Hua Zhenxing: "Yes, he is the old man. It seems that you have also investigated the situation here. Like Director Yang and Mr. Ke, he is now a director of Huanxiang Industrial."

Yue Gaole let out a long breath and said, "What kind of company is this!"

Huazhenxing emphasized again: "Huan Xiang Industrial."

Yue Gao Le: "Today is different from ancient times. Can you memorize such a few sentences?"

Hua Zhenxing: "Want to listen to modern vernacular? Care about the spiritual and cultural needs of the people, establish organizations at the grassroots level, organize various forms of cultural entertainment and mutual aid exchange activities, cultivate people's sense of collective responsibility, and feel the warmth of the collective...

I forgot which document this was taken from, but it should be in many documents. I don't know if people who say this can do it, but this is what the New Alliance does. If you don't believe me, go and take a walk on the streets of Klin District.

There are many things that the Straw Shoes Gang in the past could not solve, even if it was really carrying out its purpose. Who made this world become cold and who made people realize that they have been abandoned by this world? This is the most important question.

If the world itself is divided into opposing classes, their inherent interest relationships are antagonistic, and it has nothing to do with whether people love or dislike each other. Unless you can change the structure, love and tolerance don't solve the problem, they just whitewash it.

Do you know how I feel? When I was a child, I pushed open the door of the grocery store and saw hell. But I did not question where God was. I was only confused as to why they were like this and how could they stop being like this?

I will not preach love and tolerance to the gangs, nor will I listen to the gangs preaching love and tolerance to me. I will only eradicate the gangs so that there will no longer be gangs in this place. Whoever can do this is the savior of Port Fiso.

That's why the Straw Shoes Gang has become the new alliance today. As for what you said, the new alliance will do it, and it has already done it, and it will continue to do it and strive to do better.

If absolute individualism is promoted, then the loneliness of being abandoned is the price. When the government cannot be responsible for the grassroots, or does not want to assume this obligation, it will promote the freedom of indifference in the world.

So I understand what a sanctuary can do and why people go into a sanctuary, and that's just a comfort.

In a society that is actually divided horizontally but cut vertically into countless parts, people need a spiritual connection to identify with each other, just like isolated islands.

I have seen these since I was a child, in the neighborhoods of Fiso Port. The people in the neighborhoods are their own people. The only difference is that there are no churches in the neighborhoods, only gangs... It is the New Alliance that has changed everything. "

Yue Gaole waved his hand and said: "I just said a few words, but Boss Hua made such a long speech! Are these your own words? It doesn't sound like it. It was also taught by adults, right?"

Hua Zhenxing: "It was taught by others, and I said it myself. No one deliberately taught me to say this, but I often listen to old people quarreling and heard this."

Yue Gaole stopped talking to him and returned to the previous topic: "In fact, the church has many other functions. It is also a base for recruiting and training clergy, and it also discovers and trains magicians internally.

The proposal of the two envoys was actually a good intention and was beneficial to both Locke and the Fulgan Monks. It is not easy to build a temple, and it requires a lot of resources from Gambistine to support it.

The library, magic database, magic laboratory, and magic practice facilities inside the church are all standard. In theory, every church should have a great magician in charge, but in practice it is difficult to meet this condition.

The reason why Breshi made this proposal actually meant that he was willing to fight for Locke's interests from Cambysteen. In his opinion, Locke has strong financial resources and can handle local forces. The funds and conditions for establishing a temple are not a problem.

But there are many other things that cannot be bought with money alone..."

Hua Zhenxing nodded and said: "This envoy does have good intentions. He is trying to gain resources, expand influence, and cultivate power for Locke within a system.

If this church can really be built, and Braxi can take the lead in the affairs of Gambistine, Braxi himself will also get a lot of benefits, and there will be benefits for both parties! "

Jogao Le added: "Braxi is quite capable of doing things, and he is quite good at getting things done. As long as Locke is bathed in divine grace and his heart is dedicated to Gambistine, he will know that such an envoy has his best interests at heart."

Hua Zhenxing: "Locke will thank him, otherwise why would he give him such a big solid gold badge? But he is in the new alliance, and of course his heart is towards Port Feso."

Yogao Le: "It seems so."

While the two were discussing the problem, Brexi's proposal to build a temple was blocked. This time it was Ke Mengchao who spoke, but Locke and Lian Na did not express any objection.

According to Ke Mengchao's opinion, the local authorities in Fisoport do not object to the establishment of a church. But in this clean and shabby place, there hasn't been anything like this in at least the past fifteen years, and the gangs in each neighborhood have no interest in doing this kind of thing.

Nowadays, to rebuild this kind of city, there must be clear regulations for all matters.

We just talked about how to establish a national education system, so now we want to talk about the management of religious affairs. I thought this topic was a bit early, but now that something like this has happened, it must be put on the agenda.

Can a temple be built? How to build a temple? It must be done in accordance with the religious management policies of Afroport, instead of making regulations first and then remedying the situation after the fact is established.

There are no relevant regulations from the Port of Amisop authorities, what should I do? As the chief consultant of the Advisory Committee, Ke Mengchao drafted one on the spot and then submitted it for discussion. If the discussion passed, it could be promulgated soon.

Cambystine wanted to establish a church in the port of Fiso, so he followed this provision. This was considered a special matter, and Ke Mengchao was very considerate and helpful. He took a pen and paper and wrote the "Draft on the Management of Religious Affairs in the Port of Africa" ​​on the spot, explaining as he was writing.

The management of religious affairs and religious beliefs in Fiso Port first follows the "principle of freedom."

The most important principle of freedom is to ensure that everyone has the "freedom not to believe in a certain god" and "the freedom to no longer believe in a certain god."

In the principle of freedom, the right not to believe is the key point. The draft also stipulates that if the god himself files a complaint, the local authorities of Fiso Port will also uphold the citizen's right to choose.

This rule is very local, because most of the local people are not atheists, and the tribes believe in a variety of things, sometimes even beyond imagination.

The draft does not get entangled in the debate about whether there is a god or not, but assumes a situation. If a god appears in the world, he will be regarded as an independent legal individual and enjoy the same rights as other citizens.

Citizens have the freedom to believe in certain gods, and they also have the freedom not to believe in certain gods, and even gods cannot deprive them of it. If a spirit comes here, the local authorities in Fisoport also guarantee its right.

While drafting, Ke Mengchao asked a question, not to the two envoys from Cambystine, but to Locke: "Do you think the people of the Poseidon clan have the freedom not to believe in the Poseidon, or the freedom to no longer believe in the Poseidon?" ?"

Locke replied: "Yes, of course there is!" So Ke Mengchao wrote this.

Based on this principle, another more important rule is derived: Any person or organization that establishes a religious institution in Fiso Port must not preach doctrines that violate the principle of freedom. The prohibited contents of the doctrines are as follows -

1. Threaten, intimidate, slander, belittle or vilify those who do not believe in the gods of this religion.

2. Obstruct and prohibit believers from no longer believing in the gods of their religion, and threaten, intimidate, slander, belittle or vilify them.

3. Xuan Yang citizens must believe in the gods of their religion, otherwise they will be retaliated and punished.

4. Call on and encourage believers, attack or discriminate against non-believers.

5. Other situations that violate the principle of freedom.

Any organization that establishes a religious institution in Fisoport must submit the teachings it preaches to the management department for review, and can only be approved for preaching if they do not violate the above regulations. This provision only applies to the situation of publicly established religious institutions, which must review their scriptures and the doctrines they preach, and does not interfere with personal belief choices.

Ke Mengchao wrote very quickly and completed the work. While he was writing, Locke was translating. After the "principle of liberty", he also stipulated the "principle of equality", "the principle of anti-discrimination" and the "principle of anti-superstition", which can be regarded as an extension and supplement to the principle of liberty.

The so-called principle of equality refers not only to the equality between sects whose doctrines comply with the provisions, but also to the equality between believers and non-believers.

The anti-discrimination principle further refines various prohibited sexual behaviors. For example, as long as an institution is established to preach, its public teachings must allow the public, including believers and non-believers, to interpret and judge.

As for the principle of anti-superstition, it does not mean that a certain belief is superstitious, but a series of specific regulations. For example, no one may claim to be a god, no one may claim that only he or she represents the will of the gods, and no one may use deception or deception. Coercion is used to make others believe in a certain god.

At the end of the draft, it is once again emphasized that if a god comes to the world, no matter which god he is, he will also enjoy the same rights as the citizens of Fisoport and abide by the same regulations.

At this time, Pidan whispered: "Ridiculous mortals."

Ke Mengchao heard this and was not angry. He said calmly: "We are all ridiculous mortals. These are the rules made by mortals."

Pidan: "Does the doctrine preached by Gambistine also need to be reviewed by the local management of Port Fiso?"

Ke Mengchao shook his head and said: "Whatever doctrines are preached in Gambistine, of course, are not under the jurisdiction of Fisoport. However, if an institution is openly established here to preach, it must abide by the religious management regulations of Fisoport."

Pidan: "How do you know these regulations are reasonable?"

Ke Mengchao smiled: "We can argue that logically speaking, it must be reasonable. For example, if it is unreasonable, how can you preach among the Poseidon Clan?"

Pidan wanted to say something else, but Braxi shook his head gently at him, indicating that he should not dwell on this topic anymore.

Lian Na interjected: "If the gods come here... But don't forget, the gods have divine power!"

Ke Mengchao asked back: "You also have the power of magic! This is the same as everyone's knowledge, ability, and skills. It is your advantage, your enjoyment, your capital, your detachment and freedom.

If the god you believe in comes to the world, doesn't it have the freedom to believe in whom or not, and does it have to follow your will to believe in itself? "

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