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Chapter 176 A Millennium Plan

Today, it was Ke Mengchao who found Locke and Lian Na first and told them that there would be two special visitors later. When Brexi and Pidan came to the door, Kofuzi was here, but Locke and Lina were mentally prepared.

When Locke introduced Ke Mengchao to the two envoys from Gambistine, he said that he was a respectable elder, a teacher he met in Port Feso, the executive director of Huanxiang Industrial, and the chief consultant of the Municipal Council of Feso Port. .

By the way, Charles has just become the mayor of Fesoport City, and Locke and Wang Fengshou are both standing members of the reorganized Municipal People's Committee. Many locals in Fesoport still habitually call them city councilors.

Ke Mengchao did not hold any position in the Feso Port Municipal Government, but Feso Port established an advisory committee, inviting professionals from various industries to serve as consultants to provide decision-making suggestions for local development and the formulation of various policies. He was specially invited to The old man is the chief advisor.

The members of the Advisory Committee also include Li Xiaoyang, Lei Dajin, Li Jingzhi, Tang Senzhi, Fan Dake, Shen Sishu, Cui Wanhe, Lei Yunjin, Zha Xin, etc. Even Hua Zhenxing is one of the consultants. It seems that it is because of nepotism. relation.

It can be seen that almost all the top executives of Huanxiang Industrial have joined this advisory committee. But why are people like Wang Fengshou, Dong Zegang, and Locke not consultants to the decision-making committee, because they are about to take official positions in the Fiso Port Municipal Government.

After listening to Locke's introduction, Brexi and Pidan knew that Ke Mengchao had a noble status and important influence in the local area, and they also respected him.

Locke asked Ke Mengchao to sit on the main seat and told the two visitors from Gambiste that there was no need to avoid Mr. Ke when speaking anything. The two magicians were a little surprised, but said nothing.

The magician group has its own circle. Gambistine is an organization that is both open and secretive. There are some internal situations that are unknown to outsiders, but it is obvious that Mr. Ke is an insider. If Locke doesn't avoid him, then the guests can't even tell him to avoid him.

The two guests took it for granted that Ke Mengchao was not only the representative of Huanxiang Industrial, but also the representative of the local forces in Fesoport. Locke asked him to sit here today just to be a witness and to discuss things at the same time.

Their idea is correct and basically consistent with the facts, but it is slightly biased. Ke Fuzi is here to calm the situation for Locke today, otherwise he would really be afraid that Locke and Lian Na would be unable to hold on.

Recently, Locke has become a student of Ke Mengchao. Whenever he encounters something, he always looks for opportunities to ask him for advice, and Mr. Ke seems to be happy to give him advice.

Hua Zhenxing was very happy for Locke. With so many people in the new alliance and Fesoport, it was really not easy to win over Ke Fuzi.

Pi Dan just proposed the intention to cooperate in opening a school, and Locke said that he should ask Mr. Ke for his opinion. This is also true. The local government of Fiso Port has just been reorganized and is full of waste. The first task is to establish a national education system, starting with brand-new primary and secondary schools.

The Fiso Port Municipal Government entrusted the decision-making committee to formulate the plan for the proposed national education system, and the project leader was Ke Mengchao.

The so-called person in charge does not just let him do all the work, but he will summarize various opinions and then make the final decision, forming a plan and submitting it to the municipal authority.

It was the team led by Shen Sishu who actually did the work, but in private they mainly relied on Hua Zhenxing's opinions.

Hua Zhenxing thought what should be done, and Shen Sishu tried to write his opinions into the plan and formulated an implementation plan. If there was anything wrong with Hua Zhenxing's opinions or he couldn't do it, then let Ke Fuzi tell him to modify it.

From the very beginning, Hua Zhenxing has been building a real-life education system based on the world he dreamed of. He will first implement it in Fiso Port, and in the future he will implement it in the Zhenxing Kingdom and Huanxiang Kingdom he established.

Seeing that Locke had finally carried himself out, Ke Mengchao said calmly: "Recently, the Aiso Port authorities are formulating a national education plan, which is the focus of the next government work.

According to the current outline, national education is only allowed to be run by the government and is not allowed to be run by overseas or private institutions. The local education committee formulates the teaching content, syllabus, teaching progress, teacher evaluation, and academic evaluation system. "

This sentence was equivalent to blocking the way for Gambistine and Locke to cooperate in opening a missionary school. Pidan frowned and said: "Don't private schools be allowed in Fiso Port? This is allowed anywhere in the world!"

Ke Mengchao smiled and said: "What I just talked about is national education, which is the main body of education. It involves who sets the content and standards, and also determines what kind of talents should be cultivated for whom.

This issue is non-negotiable, no matter which country it is in, unless the country is no longer a country. "

The so-called national education is sometimes called civic education. It is not simply a concept of "public" or "private", but refers to the core of a country's education system.

It is also very simple to understand. It is an education chain such as primary school, middle school, university, master's degree, and doctorate, or the backbone of such an education tree.

It determines the content and standards of national education and the way to cultivate talents. It is also an educational level evaluation system recognized by society and the government. Even if some schools are private, their teaching content and assessment methods must follow the standards uniformly formulated by the national education department.

In modern society, it has important social welfare and citizen rights properties, and determines the future of a country, so it must be based on public education, and its quality also determines whether the upward path of society is smooth.

The current education situation in Fisoport is, to be honest, terrible. There is no university, but there are ten public schools and one private school, all of which are primary and secondary schools.

The private school is the Grace School where Dong Zegang once attended, or literally translated as Chengdong Mandarin Ranch School. The teaching quality should be okay, but it is obviously not cultivating the talents that are in short supply in Fiso Port.

As for those ten public schools, which claim to have universalized compulsory education in primary and secondary schools, in fact most of the time they train gang preparers. Many people have experienced violations and being violated, stealing, extortion, drug abuse, promiscuity, and gang fights. It all starts in school.

A person like Charles is already considered a rare top student, at least he has no problem communicating in English.

But this does not mean that the school teaches well. Charles can now communicate in Dongguan without any problem, and he can even recognize hundreds of Dongguan characters. He usually learned spoken English from Hua Zhenxing, and recently learned reading from the tutor hired by Shen Sishu.

When Hua Zhenxing was a child, he only thought of Charles as a stupid guy, just the smarter one among a group of local fools. After the incident with Dr. Rothchild, he got to know Charles again, and he had to admit that this childhood playmate was actually talented. He is quite smart, but he has been delayed in cultural education, but it is still too late to make up for it.

What Huazhenxing means is to completely rebuild those schools that have become dilapidated. Reconstruction refers to not only the school buildings, but the entire education management and execution system.

As for the ranch school, it was recently acquired by Huanxiang Industrial through indirect means, and then "donated free of charge" to the local government of Fisoport and turned it into a public school again.

When Afriso Port re-establishes its national education system, why does it reject the participation of private and overseas institutions? Because it is still blank! Whoever determines the content and standards first will control the main body of education and determine the method and direction of cultivating talents.

Therefore, this entity must be established by itself first, and it can only be done in a public manner. On this basis, even if there are private supplements in the future, the content and standards of this entity must be adhered to.

Just to mention one point, the local dialect of Kilili Country has no written characters and cannot cover modern plain information. So which language and written characters are based on the national education will determine which cultural circle the entire society will be included in. Behind this is a more A large circle of ideological and ethical logic.

This is not only a plan for a hundred years, but also a plan for a thousand years.

Ke Mengchao had already made his words clear, and Brexi couldn't help but ask again: "Given the current situation of the local government in Port Feso, does it have the ability?"

Ke Mengchao sighed: "Whether you have the ability or not, you must do it. Even if it starts from the first grade of primary school, it will be advanced year by year, and it will take ten years to basically build the compulsory education system.

Fortunately, this place is small, with a total population of only over 500,000, so implementation is not as difficult as imagined. "

Pi Dan opened his mouth and had something to ask, but Locke, the "admirer", had already helped him ask the question in advance: "Mr. Ke, what you just said was national education, what about social schools?"

What he calls social education refers to various training schools, cram schools, vocational skills schools, etc. Some are run in parallel with public education, and some are conducted after graduation and entering the society.

Ke Mengchao said with a smile: "Society-run schools are of course open to the public and allow private institutions to participate. However, according to regulations, their teaching content and teaching plans must be submitted to the education management department for approval and subject to the supervision of the education management department. The approval standards are currently being formulated. ."

Pidan: "Then the school we just talked about can be opened in this way?"

Ke Mengchao asked: "What kind of school? Do you want to open a school for magicians through the Fulgen Monks to open enrollment to the public?

Submit the teaching content and teaching plan. If it meets the regulations, it can be done! I can also organize employees of Huanxiang Industrial and members of the new alliance to sign up, so that everyone can learn and progress together. "

Pi Dan quickly shook his head and said, "That's not what I meant. How is this possible!"

Pidan's proposal just now was of course to open a private church school like the Ranch School. In addition to teaching basic knowledge, it also taught other courses formulated by Gambistine.

On this basis, good seedlings are secretly selected and trained as preparatory magicians. If trained properly, they may become trainee magicians in the future, or even go one step further to become official magicians. This should be something that Brother Fulgen would be interested in, otherwise there would be no way to discuss cooperation.

The training of magicians has always been a closed master-disciple inheritance system, or a tutor system. Even if there is an institution similar to an academy, it is still within Gambiste.

How could it open schools to the public and run training classes and cram schools in the usual sense? It would look like a charlatan, which is ridiculous when you think about it!

In order to ease the atmosphere, Lian Naxu said with a smile: "When there is a university in Fesoport in the future, for postgraduate education after undergraduate graduation, we can consider setting up a research direction in magical arts, and invite the two of you to serve as tutors."

This sentence is quite flattering, but it will support you until you graduate from college, but here we haven't even finished elementary school yet.

Brexi smiled bitterly and said: "Thank you for your invitation! We will discuss the matter of opening a school later. Since the current conditions are not met, can we build a church here first?

The church is managed by the Forgan Foundation. If there is insufficient manpower, Gambistine can also send people to assist. "

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