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Chapter 172 Circular Light Mirror

Hua Zhenxing finally raised his eyes and met Yue Gaole's eyes. This was the first time he had done so since Yue Gaole came in.

There was no sense of oppression in Yue Gaole's gaze, nor could he feel the slightest hostility in it. He seemed to be calm and calm, but it was not easy to keep looking at him and it required sufficient concentration.

Many people have misunderstandings about concentration, thinking that it is a kind of willpower or endurance. In fact, that is another concept. The professional term is neurotolerance. True concentration refers to clear cognition, firm belief, and lasting concentration. Otherwise, what is the use of having strong tolerance?

Of course Hua Zhenxing had an answer to Gao Le's question. Even if it wasn't clear before, it was already clear after hearing what he said.

Hua Zhenxing finally smiled: "I don't want to say it."

Yugao Le: "Oh, why?"

Hua Zhenxing: "Because I'm not familiar with you, I don't know your origins, let alone your purpose, so why should I tell you?" At this time, he finally regained the look and tone of a child.

Yue Gaole said that he would not force Hua Zhenxing to answer anything, so he naturally stopped asking and said in a different tone: "What about Locke, how do you think he will view this issue?"

"Lock already knows the answer." At this point, Hua Zhenxing lowered his head again, "He knows that the answer actually doesn't mean anything, because there are too many things like him in the world."

Yue Gaole took the initiative to pour a cup of tea for Hua Zhenxing: "Then let me change the question. What do you think of Frick?"

Hua Zhenxing glanced at him and said, "Have you ever studied logic?"

Yue Gaole: "Of course I have! As a magician, when you can't see God, many questions can only be answered through thought experiments, relying on logic."

Hua Zhenxing: "I don't think what the Fulgen family has is reasonable, nor do I think it's fair to the guardian family represented by Frick... I won't say more about this, because you have also seen it, we just Said Frick himself.

What was Frick's purpose and what were his methods? If he thinks it is unreasonable for the Fulgrim family to have all this, and his purpose is to become another Fulgrim, or even an even worse Fulgrim, then I have nothing to say. "

Yue Gaole held the teacup and said, "The story of a boy who slays a dragon and turns into an evil dragon... This metaphor seems inappropriate."

Hua Zhenxing: "To be more precise, he is a villain who kills the dragon. His purpose is to take the evil dragon and replace him. And he is more evil than the evil dragon. At least the evil dragon never thought of killing him, and even made him famous."

Yogao Le then said: "And he has obtained the Forgan Foundation, but he still wants to kill Locke who doesn't know the truth. If Frick didn't take the initiative to come to Locke, he wouldn't die here."

Hua Zhenxing took it seriously and said, "Well, he is here to die."

Yue Gaole: "Actually, when I came to see you just now, Braxi and Pidan also went to see Locke. Do you want to know what they were talking about?"

Hua Zhenxing stood up and said, "Have they already gone to find Locke?"

Yue Gaole raised his hand and pressed down gently: "Boss Hua, sit down and don't worry. It seems that I caused some misunderstandings for you. You actually thought they were here to make trouble. In fact, they were just here to communicate with each other and wanted to please. It’s not too late for Locke!”

Hua Zhenxing: "Contact feelings?"

Yue Gaole said with a smile: "Thinking stereotypes are always misleading. For example, Boss Hua just accidentally revealed that there is another hidden reason for the incident at the Fulgen Foundation.

I asked Boss Hua a few questions here, and you think the two magicians in Gambistine will find fault with Locke. You were talking about logic with me just now, why can’t you be logical now?

Who is Locke? He is Lord Avaj Fulgrim, a widely acclaimed philanthropist, the owner of a tens of billions of dollars foundation, and the direct successor of the Fulgrim family.

Brexi and Pidan are just two magicians sent by Gambistine to be responsible for communication. Will they come here to offend someone like Locke when they are full?

Gambistine didn’t know what happened ten years ago, so does he know what happened this year? You, the client, didn’t tell them, even I just found out!

And even if they knew the inside story, so what? Who could tell Locke's fault? Locke is not only innocent and blameless, but more importantly, he is actually in charge of the Fulgrim Foundation.

Such a rich man and philanthropist is a direct descendant of the Templars, and he has become a magician. This is a rare resource for Gambistine.

Locke's current identity is almost that of a wild magician. This description may not sound good, but I can't find a more suitable name, because he has indeed never established any contact with Gambistine.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't contact Gambistine. Gambistine can send someone to contact him. From the perspective of responsibility, he can tell him the code of conduct for magicians and incorporate it into Gambistine's registration management system.

From a personal perspective, who wouldn’t want to be on good terms with such a person? "

Hua Zhenxing opened his mouth, and after a few seconds he said: "What you said makes so much sense, I was led astray by you just now... Thinking about it carefully, this is indeed the case.

But this makes me even more confused. Since he came to Locke to connect with him, why did the Oude magician hide in the detention center? "

Yogao Le: "Gambistine is a group organization. It cannot have only one consciousness, nor is it monolithic. There are also various factions within it. If you look at the Fulgen Foundation back then, wasn't it also very complicated?

In fact, I don’t know what Mr. Gu was thinking. There is only one thing I can tell you. Although these three magicians are headed by Brexi, the one with the highest level of cultivation is Gu Wentong.

The person in charge of leading the team this time is Brexi. If there is any benefit or credit, it should all belong to him. But after all, they came with a mission, and they might offend people here in some ways, such as you.

I am afraid that Gu Wentong will be the one to take the blame, so I guess that Gu Wentong simply stayed out of the matter. "

Hua Zhenxing: "How high is Gu Wentong's cultivation level?"

Yue Gaole: "Boss Hua is also an expert. He should know that it is difficult to answer such questions. But as far as I know, he thinks he will become a great magician soon."

Hua Zhenxing: "As long as he doesn't cause trouble in the detention center, I'll leave him alone for the time being. Based on what you just said, is it possible that Braxi and Pidan might offend people here?"

Yogao Le: "They are here on behalf of Gambistine. From a personal point of view, of course they are willing to have a good relationship with Locke, but as I said just now, there are different factions within Gambistine, and they may be given different tasks.

Do you want to know what they are talking about? If allowed, can I perform some magic here? "

Hua Zhenxing: "Didn't you just say that you won't take the initiative to perform magical arts?"

Yue Gao Le: "It's okay to be passive, right? I'm using it in Boss Hua's yard at Boss Hua's request. It's not used to deal with anyone, it's just for demonstration. And strictly speaking, what I want to use is not God's. It’s a magic technique learned in Dongguo.”

Hua Zhenxing's appetite was indeed whetted, and he nodded and said, "Then give it a try!"

Yue Gaole turned sideways, raised his hand and drew a circle in the air to the side, and a "screen" appeared a few meters away in front of the two of them.

The screen is just a reluctant metaphor. An area shows the image of Locke, and it is like a hole has been dug in the space. The other side of the hole is connected to the reception room of Jindianxing, and a bunch of people are sitting there talking. .

Someone in the reception room immediately raised their eyes and looked over, as if they had seen through this "screen", and their eyes fell on Hua Zhenxing and Yue Gaole. It was Ke Mengchao.

There were five people in the reception room of Jindianxing. Braixi, Pidan, Locke, and Lina were seated as guest and host respectively. Ke Mengchao was actually present and sat in the main seat.

Ke Mengchao should have been present as the executive director of Huanxiang Industrial. After all, he was in charge of the daily work of Huanxiang Industrial when Feng Zibin was away.

Seeing Master Ke appearing there, Hua Zhenxing felt a little uncomfortable for no reason. The two magicians ran to find Locke, and Master Ke went to support him. On the other hand, Yue Gao Le ran to find him, but Old Man Yang didn't know where he was hiding.

If old man Yang hadn't said something with his spiritual thoughts, Hua Zhenxing would have felt that he was really unable to resist today.

When Ke Fuzi looked over, Hua Zhenxing couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Yue, is your detection spell one-way or two-way? Could it really open up the space?"

Yue Gaole: "It's just a live broadcast, it's not that exaggerated! It's one-way, we can observe them, but they can't see us."

Hua Zhenxing: "Someone over there seems to have noticed it and just took a look."

Yue Gao Le: "Boss Hua is talking about Director Ke? A master like him will naturally feel something when he is observed by your and my consciousness."

Hua Zhenxing: "This technique is called circular light mirror?"

About Gao Le: "Yes, I studied in Dongguo."

Hua Zhenxing: "Who did you learn it from?"

Yue Gao Le: "I didn't learn it from anyone. I saw someone perform it. I went back and thought about it and figured it out."

Hua Zhenxing: "Have you also been to Dongguo?"

About Gaule: "Where I spent a lot of time."

Hua Zhenxing: "Why is it not written in your resume?"

Yue Gaole turned to look at him and said, "Today is the first time we meet. How come Boss Hua has seen my resume?"

Hua Zhenxing let it slip and simply changed the subject: "Have you seen anyone use it before?"

Yue Gaole withdrew his gaze: "Let's not mention these things... Are you interested in circular light mirrors? I can teach you how to do it!"

Following the words, a spiritual thought was transmitted to Hua Zhenxing's soul, and the content was the inheritance of the "round light mirror" spell. In his haste, Hua Zhenxing didn't have time to enter into meditation, but he already understood its general mystery.

With his current level of cultivation in the Four Realms, he is still unable to perform it as magically as Yue Gaole... It is roughly within the reach of his spiritual consciousness and appears in the void, but it consumes a lot of mana.

Hua Zhenxing also has a feeling that this spell is particularly suitable for Manman to practice, but he has not yet mastered the spiritual method, so it is a bit difficult to teach it to Manman.

Hua Zhenxing: "Thank you!"

About Gao Le: "Reciprocity is reciprocity! You don't actually have to tell me about the Fulgen Foundation. Since I've tricked you into talking, how can I ask in vain? I didn't bring a wallet when I went out today, so I'm going to teach you this trick."

In fact, you should also be able to detect magic, especially the Puppet Eye Technique. It is not difficult to see these if you practice to a high level. But after all these years of using it, I still feel that this circular light technique is the most convenient for others to observe. "

Hua Zhenxing praised sincerely: "Yes, it's really convenient, it's like watching a live broadcast!"

Both of them turned sideways and looked side by side at the conversation in the reception room of Jin Dian Guang.

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