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Chapter 171 Very important to you

Hua Zhenxing was angry. It was a nameless anger of annoyance, but he didn't know who to attack. He could only glare and said: "Kill people and silence them. Am I this kind of person?"

Yue Gaole patted his chest and said, "Then I'll be relieved. I can still chat happily with Boss Hua."

Hua Zhenxing: "Those three magicians are from Cambystine. Mr. Yue, what do you do? Are you also from Cambystine?"

Yogaole shook his head and said: "My current identity is just a lawyer and Mr. O'Heim's legal advisor. I was born in a small family. I have been exposed to the inheritance of magical arts since I was a child. I am registered and managed in Gambis Court.

So I was able to introduce the magicians to Mr. O'Haim, and the three magicians came here as bodyguards to investigate the affairs of the Fulgan Order, and I was just a curious bystander. "

Hua Zhenxing: "Are you just watching the excitement or are you minding other people's business?"

Yue Gaole's face was stern: "Boss Hua, it's wrong for you to ask that! From what I know about you, you have very clear ideas and firm principles.

Everyone has their own ideas and principles, and anyone can watch the fun and meddle in other people's business. As a magician, it's natural for me to be interested in this kind of thing.

What's more, you have just arrested my client. It is very necessary for me to know who I am dealing with and to seek the truth before I can stand. "

At this time, Hua Zhenxing's soul suddenly received Yang Tehong's spiritual thought: "Whatever you can tell him, you might as well tell him. You can't hide this kind of person, learn how to deal with him."

Finally hearing Old Man Yang's voice, Hua Zhenxing let out a long breath, feeling confident for some reason. He picked up the tea cup and drank it all in one gulp: "About the lawyer, this kind of thing is not your business, right?"

Yue Gaole laughed again: "This kind of thing is indeed not my business, but strictly speaking, it is not the business of a grocery store boy. Didn't you also participate in it? We are just having a candid exchange today.

I answered all the questions you asked me. I thought you could satisfy my curiosity too. As you just said, Locke is innocent and not responsible. I believe you will not say anything detrimental to him.

Of course, Boss Hua doesn't have to tell me. In order to satisfy my curiosity, I will investigate on my own. That will only add unnecessary trouble to the process of getting the truth, and some misunderstandings may also occur. "

Hua Zhenxing has already judged that the lawyer Yue Gaole in front of him is probably more difficult to deal with than the other three magicians combined, at least he is definitely not his opponent.

As for whether you can use the Shenyin Gun to sneak attack and kill the opponent? This is not a question of uncertainty, but that he has no reason to do that. He really doesn't do anything out of the ordinary.

Now that Old Man Yang had spoken secretly, Hua Zhenxing thought for a while, put down his cup and said, "I can tell you the truth, so that if you conduct random investigations here, others will think you are up to no good."

Yue Gaole took the initiative to pick up the pot and poured him a cup of tea: "I'm all ears."

Hua Zhenxing: "Looking back now, this is actually a very bloody story..."

He introduced what he knew. He was personally involved in most of the events, so he could tell them in great detail. He just omitted some unnecessary details, which involved some personal privacy.

For example, he didn't know how the Anji Falium Platinum Chain was opened. That artifact has now become Feiyun Boots, so he simply omitted the discussion.

How he killed Frick, the 100 million rice gold treasury bonds, the book of inheritance, the allusions to the forest meadow, etc. were all ignored.

Yue Gaole listened carefully, and after Hua Zhenxing finished speaking, he nodded and said, "That's it! There was such an accident ten years ago. Fortunately, Locke met you."

Hua Zhenxing: "You just mentioned Cambysting. I also want to ask, does Cambysting not care about this kind of thing?"

Yogao Le actually showed a wry smile: "Gambistine doesn't know what will happen to Brother Fulgen. I only found out today. And then again, if Gambiting really intervened, you I'm afraid it will be another attitude.

This kind of thing is also very common in the secular world. There is a conflict between the manager and the owner, trying to seek wealth and death. This is a struggle for wealth and power. It cannot be defined as the behavior of a magician, or it is related to magic. .

If Gambistine intervenes in the family fight without authorization, it is actually an act of overstepping his authority. They are not the police in the secular world, nor should they be. This has been taught a lesson. "

Hua Zhenxing curled his lips and said, "If you don't stand up for justice, you will have a lot of reasons."

Yogao Le asked back: "How can you guarantee that what is presided over by power must be justice? You are Locke's friend. You stand in Locke's position and know the general truth of the matter, so you will speak for him.

But if the time goes back to ten years ago, can you guarantee that when Gumbisteen intervenes in this matter, he will not favor the great magician Frick? Dawson was dead at that time, and no one knew Locke's identity, not even himself. Who could find out the truth? "

Hua Zhenxing: "Then what does Gambistin care about?"

Gaule: "Actually, another question may be more important. What shouldn't Gumbistin care about? Just take today's example. You and I both know that O'Heim is not a good person, but without evidence, you can directly accuse this person Killed?

The police came with evidence to arrest him. If the three magicians stop it, can the local authorities of Port Feso agree? To put it another way, if Gambistine came here to arrest O'Haim, would the local authorities of Fiso Port agree? "

Hua Zhenxing blinked and said: "In both cases, I should not be able to agree. But under what circumstances would Gambistine interfere with the affairs of the Fulgen Foundation?"

Yogao Le was also thinking, looking at the teacup and said: "Mr. Dawson took Locke to Gambistine, explained his identity, submitted evidence to prove that he was threatened by magic, and asked Gambistine for protection.

Or Locke himself goes to Gambistine, submits evidence that he has been persecuted and slandered by magic, and asks Gambistine to investigate if a magician has violated the code of conduct. "

Hua Zhenxing: "These are all passive, so what on earth will Gambistine take the initiative to take care of?"

Yue Gao Le: "There are many things that I want to manage, at least in theory, but there is a difference between wanting to manage and being able to manage and should manage.

One of the incidents that Gambistine will actively intervene in is when someone uses and studies magic in an unreasonable way, causing serious harmful consequences. This usually refers to matters between magicians and ordinary people. "

Hua Zhenxing: "I kind of understand, it's like an industry self-regulatory organization?"

Yogao Le: "This is just one aspect... I have answered so many of your questions. Can I ask one thing, how did Frick die? You just said that you saw his body in the barren mountains, and then found A relic proving Locke’s identity.”

Hua Zhenxing: "I said I killed him, do you believe it?"

Yue Gaole stared at him for a long time, then suddenly smiled and said: "There is nothing unbelievable. Frick is not immortal, and everyone is careless sometimes. It seems that there are some details that Boss Hua doesn't want to say, so I won't asked.

After hearing your story, I feel embarrassed not to tell you what I know. The ancestor of the Forgan family, the great magician, was once a Templar Knight of Cambystine. The magic he learned was obtained from Cambystine, and he later developed his own creations.

Boss Hua may have forgotten to mention it just now. He left a book of inheritance, which should be in Locke's hands now... These are not important, and there is no need to say more.

But aren't you curious why Locke, as the heir to the Fulgan family, concealed his identity since childhood and was secretly trained by his mentor Mr. Dawson without even knowing it? "

Hua Zhenxing spread his hands: "Yes, I have never been able to figure this out! Dawson and Frick are both dead. Even Locke himself doesn't know what happened and can only guess."

Yue Gao Le: "Then don't guess anymore, I can tell you the general context. Dawson, Lu Sen, and Mo Sen were all servants of the great magician Fulgrim. Later, they had their own families, known as Fulgrim. The three guardian families.

Today, the Forgan Foundation is very wealthy, with a large amount of investments, properties, antiques and cash, and its total assets are at least tens of billions of dollars.

Most of this wealth was accumulated in recent times, and all that our ancestors left behind were some real estate and jewelry. In hundreds of years, without the protection of these three families, the Fulgan family would have been destroyed long ago.

They have served the Fulgen family for hundreds of years, protected the family head and even saved the family head's life many times, and helped manage and operate assets in various places. However, the Fulgan family has always had everything, and its successive family heads have been very powerful.

The problem lies with Fulgen's father. His father has been weak and sick since he was a child, and there is no other clan member in his generation whose bloodline has been passed down, so he can only leave all kinds of affairs to the guardian family to take care of.

Let's call him Old Fulgrim. This old Mr. Fulgrim is not a magician. He has never even entered the threshold of a trainee magician in his life. His talents are mediocre and he has accomplished almost nothing.

The period when Old Forgan was alive was also the period when the Forgan Foundation accumulated wealth most rapidly, growing from a few hundred million to several billions of Romanian dollars.

Frick Lucen was the most outstanding monk of his generation, the de facto operator and manager of the Fulgen Foundation, and the leader of the Fulgan Order.

Old Fulgan should be afraid of something, and he is also wondering what will happen next. He left behind his own descendants and didn't even dare to let Frick know about it, but Frick still found out..."

At this point, Hua Zhenxing interjected: "Old Fulgen secretly entrusted his son to the trustworthy Mr. Dawson, and raised him on the farm under a pseudonym. He asked Mr. Dawson to find an opportunity to accept him as a disciple and train him to become a magician... But in the end, Frick found out.”

Yue Gaole nodded and said: "Yes, that's almost the truth.

Such a huge amount of wealth from the Forgan Foundation was created by so many people and so many years. It can even be said that most of it was earned by Frick. Do you think Locke really should have it as a matter of course?

I won't ask Locke this question, because he himself has not done anything wrong, but it is very important to you. "

Hua Zhenxing: "Why are you looking at me like that? Why is it important to me?"

Yogao Le: "Because how you answer determines what kind of person you are and what is happening here."

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