Enjoy the world

Chapter 13 My family has three treasures

It was a sudden encounter. The poacher's car turned around a small dirt bag, and there was an endless open space in front of it. He saw Hua Zhenxing and Yang Tehong head-on. There was no one around but the two of them. Hua Zhenxing carried a semi-automatic rifle on his back, while Yang Tehong held a long wooden stick in his hand.

Without any communication, the poachers just opened fire. Yang Tehong fell backwards in response, obviously being shot. Hua Zhenxing fell forward. The opponent's bullets had already made a trail of smoke on the grass not far away. There was no telling which bullet would hit him. Hua Zhenxing aimed to shoot while lying down, but forgot to load the gun when he pulled the trigger for the first time.

He has practiced shooting and can use almost all kinds of firearms. His marksmanship is very good. Old Man Yang has also taught him many practical skills, but he has never encountered such a scene before... Fortunately, he quickly regained some composure and loaded the magazine one after another. All ten bullets in it were fired.

By the time he stopped shooting, all three people in the opposite car had been knocked down and the car had overturned. He put down the gun and hurriedly checked on Old Man Yang, but Old Man Yang sat up and scolded him——

"Do you know how many mistakes you have made? You forgot to load the gun before shooting. That means that the shooting skills of that group were too bad, otherwise you would have been dead! But you can't expect others to be bad at shooting, in case you are hit by a stray bullet. What's up?

You just fired ten shots, only three were used to hit people, and the other seven bullets were all used to hit cars. It's not that you can't hit a car, the key is that hitting some parts is useless...and you have used up all the bullets. If those people are not dead, what will happen if you shoot them without paying attention?

Before you could determine the situation of those people, you fired all the bullets, put down the gun and came over to chat with me. If someone got up at this time and shot again, wouldn't you have to confess to me? "

When he first fired the gun, Hua Zhenxing had no time to think about it. After putting down the gun, he was actually very nervous and scared. He felt difficulty breathing, his heart was beating fast, and his hands were shaking uncontrollably. Unexpectedly, Old Man Yang suddenly sat up and cursed him so hard that his breathing returned to normal. He no longer panicked but felt aggrieved.

He said with a cry: "I thought you were shot."

Yang Tehong: "That's because my old man reacted quickly and fell down immediately."

Hua Zhenxing: "Has anyone fallen backwards while lying down?"

Old Man Yang: "There is a small slope in front of you, but there is no slope in front of me. But there is a hole in the grass nest behind me. It is safe to fall backward!"

Hua Zhenxing: "Then tell me without even shouting."

Yang Tehong's eyes widened: "When I fell down like that, they all thought I was hit. If I shouted and told you, it would not only reveal my location but also the fact that I was not hit... Well, you are today His performance was pretty good, barely passing.”

This was Hua Zhenxing's first murder, and he briefly recounted the experience. After hearing this, Rozchild's expression was either one of surprise or admiration. He couldn't see clearly in the night anyway. After a while, he asked: "No wonder your actions were so crisp today, but have you thought about another question?"

Hua Zhenxing: "What's the problem?"

Rozchild: "You killed those people to save me, and I'm very grateful to you. But have you ever thought that if I wasn't a good person, I would have deserved all this, and would you have killed the wrong person? Don't. You misunderstood me, I don’t think you killed the wrong person, I’m just asking if you thought about this before shooting?”

Hua Zhenxing replied seriously: "The choice must be made on the spot. It is meaningless to make assumptions that are divorced from the situation and cannot solve any problems. - This is what Old Man Yang told me.

I don't know what you did before, but I know what you did in Fiso Port. I don’t know you completely yet, but I know I didn’t kill the wrong person. Because I know who they are and why they want to kill you, so no matter who you are, I will shoot. "

Rozchild was surprised: "Do you know why they wanted to kill me?"

Hua Zhenxing said while thinking: "They are all Jin Datou's subordinates. Someone gave Jin Datou 30,000 meters of gold and asked Jin Datou to kill you. I don't know the reason, and those who came to kill you don't know either. They only know Jin Datou took the money and ordered them to take action, but you have no grudge against them, and you even came here just to save them.

When we got in the car, the man rushed out with a gun. He might have hit you or me. Even if I wasn't trying to save you, I would still shoot. This was especially true for the jeep. Did they shout and ask about the situation? Just shoot with a machine gun, and it's impossible to even see your license plate number clearly... So what you just asked is nonsense. "

Rothchild: "You think very clearly. Who taught you this? Is it also Boss Yang of the grocery store?"

Hua Zhenxing muttered: "When someone wants to kill you without even saying a word, what are you talking about?"

Rozchild said meaningfully: "Other people would shoot, but they may be different from you."

Hua Zhenxing just told his first murder experience, but there are still many things that he has not said. The matter is far more than that simple. After returning that time, he was still greatly affected. He was taciturn for a time and was afraid of hearing gunshots. Even when he heard the sound of a car, he would be inexplicably nervous and sweat uncontrollably.

Three old men, Old Man Yang, Uncle Mo, and Master Ke, all came to provide him with psychological counseling in the form of lectures and quarrels. They did not discuss whether Hua Zhenxing should kill someone, because according to the situation at the time, it was self-defense no matter which country's law, and shooting in self-defense was the only correct choice. There was nothing wrong with it.

Old Man Yang told Hua Zhen that "I don't like killing people." He also emphasized that "those who punish disabled living beings are also called great mercy, for the purpose of preserving health, maintaining integrity, and preserving truth."

Old Man Yang is not concerned about whether Hua Zhenxing killed anyone at all. He only cares about whether Hua Zhenxing is "easy to kill". Those who are good at killing are those who can't survive. For example, the group of poachers they met on the grassland are those who can't survive.

Killing the living is not unkind, but a kind of "great compassion", which is a better protection for the innocent and the preservation of oneself. This behavior and attitude reflect the true body and mind. If this is not the case, people will become very hypocritical, which will cause harm to the body, loss of appearance, and distortion.

After Hua Zhenxing came back, he felt unwell. Old Man Yang thought it was normal, which showed that he was not a murderer, but after understanding the truth, he should know how to maintain health in all aspects. Hua Zhenxing felt very relieved after hearing this. As expected, Old Man Yang, who had raised him since childhood, understood his feelings very well.

Uncle Mo held a different view. He told Hua Zhen that what he was doing was "killing thieves, not killing people."

Uncle Mo didn't talk about "not killing people" like Old Man Yang, and directly believed that Hua Zhenxing's behavior was "not killing people." Hua Zhenxing was not a murderer, because his purpose was not to kill people at all, but to kill thieves.

The so-called thieves are robbers who kill people and steal goods, which is what Old Man Yang calls the survivors. The reason why Hua Zhenxing killed them was because they were thieves, not because they were human beings, otherwise he would not have done anything. Therefore, Hua Zhenxing was targeting thieves, not people.

When Master Ke heard this, he stopped and criticized Uncle Mo for being sophistical and changing the concept. Because thieves are also human beings, and they would not do such things even if they were not human beings. Killing thieves is killing people. The behavior of thieves is dependent on specific talents.

Uncle Mo got angry, straightened his neck and scolded: "Am I talking to you about philosophy? We are talking about law! Bah, law is not entirely correct. We are talking about what Xiaohua did. Why do you think Xiaohua did it? If you don’t kill us, you will kill those people?”

Master Ke: "It is unjust to steal, but it is righteous to kill and steal. But killing a thief is also killing. My point is here. I am refuting your fallacy, not saying that Xiaohua's righteous deeds are wrong."

Uncle Mo: "Then let me argue with you! In ancient times, there were three chapters of the law. The first one is that the murderer must die. The murderer is guilty and deserves to be punished for his crime. So who will carry out the execution? Does the executioner also count as murder? If it counts, then does he also have to die? Isn't this absurd? Of course it cannot be counted. Isn't this killing a thief rather than a murderer? "

Old Man Yang noticed the amusement and also interjected: "The thief is not only killed by the executioner, who is just the last one to do it, but by the boss. The legislators, pursuers, and law enforcers all have their share. In emergencies Even if the subordinates are not in charge, including the legitimate defenders, they cannot be said to be murderers. This has been the case in judicial practice since ancient times."

Master Ke: "Then you agree with the surname Mo?"

Old Man Yang: "No, no, no, I just want to help him add some points. What do you want to say?"

Master Ke: "I have already said it - it is unjust to steal, but it is righteous to kill the thief, it is just to obtain righteousness."

What Ke Fuzi told Hua Zhenxing was very simple, it was just "just taking righteousness". But as soon as the Master opened his mouth, he started to talk a lot. What is righteousness? It’s just benevolence. What about benevolence? It’s just loyalty and forgiveness. Then he went on to talk about the principles of “doing harm to yourself if you don’t want it, and don’t do it to others” and “do what you want from the son, and serve the father.” .

Hua Zhenxing has heard these words spoken by him many times since he was a child, and he has long been able to memorize them. Everyone here can memorize them. Uncle Mo found another opportunity to interject: "Don't do it to others if you don't want to do it to yourself. According to your statement, Xiaohua definitely doesn't want to be shot, so he shouldn't shoot others either! If Xiaohua really didn't shoot at that time, wouldn't he be seeking death?"

Master Ke slapped the table and said, "You are misinterpreting my meaning! Do not do it to yourself and do not do it to others. It means that you cannot do something, so you cannot shoot someone for no reason. What you ask for is to do it to others. Shifu refers to what should be done and what should be stopped when encountering that kind of thing.

Those people have opened fire. They have done something they shouldn't have done. That is cruelty and cruelty. Killing the benevolent is an act of benevolence! "

Uncle Mo: "Just keep talking. Why are you banging the table? Do you want to fight?"

Old Man Yang said with a mocking look on his face: "You have the nerve to talk about a fight, I'll pick you two!"

The other two old men sarcastically said in unison: "You are the only one who has the nerve to brag, but you can knock someone down with just one shot."

Old Man Yang blushed and said, "Who said I was knocked down? I lay down on my own initiative, and my movements were faster than bullets!"

While talking, the three old men started to quarrel again, and Hua Zhenxing was used to this. In the name of enlightening Xiaohua, the three old men quarreled in the grocery store for a week. Every time they wanted to drink, they asked Xiaohua to cook a table for them. In the end, the quarrel made Hua Zhenxing happy, and the stagnation in his heart cleared.

The three old men are all elders, and what they say makes sense. Hua Zhenxing just cooks for them and listens carefully, and he understands everything. As the saying goes, a family with an elder is like a treasure. A Huazhen connoisseur can be said to have three treasures.

That happened three years ago, when Hua Zhenxing was only twelve years old. Later, he encountered several similar conflicts. Now he is no longer entangled, and Dr. Luo's questions seem a bit redundant to him.

Old Man Yang claimed that he could beat Uncle Mo and Master Ke alone. It was not clear whether he was bragging about Hua Zhenxing, but he knew that Old Man Yang was indeed very powerful.

Just before watching the lightning, he saw with his own eyes that Old Man Yang used a long stick to overturn a group of lions. What was even more exaggerated was that he drove the lions away for a long time like a flock of sheep. On the road, no lion dared to run wild anymore.

Many people think that Old Yang can safely open a grocery store in Feso Port because he is good friends with Mo Shangtong, the leader of the Straw Shoe Gang. This is not the case. Mo Shangtong only came to Fiso Port fifteen years ago. There were no straw shoe tops at that time, and Old Man Yang had been running a local grocery store for at least thirty years. Who was protecting whom in the beginning? Not sure yet.

It is impossible for Huazhenxing to tell Dr. Luo about all these situations. The most important thing at the moment is to send Dr. Luo away safely and find out the inside story, so as to successfully complete the "system task".

Rozchild sighed again at this time: "You are not very old, but your experience is legendary, but my experience is not so exciting. Hua, do you want to hear my story?"

Hua Zhenxing: "Yes, of course I do."

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