Enjoy the world

Chapter 12 Being able to endure hardship since childhood

The sun had set and the wind was gradually picking up on the grassland. Hua Zhenxing stopped and looked at the surrounding environment: "It's time to rest. We will camp here tonight."

The camp he chose was a relatively sheltered place, and the grass nearby was not high. Hua Zhenxing also specially cleaned up the area. Rozchild also took off his backpack to help, and while working, he asked: "Would you like to get more branches and light a few bonfires?"

Hua Zhenxing shook his head and said, "If you want to die, just give it a try."

Rothchild: "How can we protect ourselves from wild beasts if we don't light a bonfire?"

Hua Zhenxing turned to look at him and said: "If you live in a cave, lighting a fire at the entrance of the cave can keep you warm and strengthen your courage, but lighting a fire on this grassland can ward off wild beasts? Not to mention the wind at night, the sparks blowing If you accidentally go out, you will burn the surrounding area, and we are on the run, so lighting a fire at night is not too conspicuous!"

Rothchild: "Oh, then don't light the fire."

Hua Zhenxing: "When the light shines, all kinds of flying insects will come over. Do you know how many kinds of insects there are here that can suck human blood?"

Rozchild nodded and said, "I understand. There are too many diseases here that are spread by mosquitoes. Have you brought insect repellent spray?"

Hua Zhenxing: "I have ointment. You can apply some ointment later. Let's set up the tent first."

Hua Zhenxing's tent was inserted into the side of the large long backpack, rolled up into a two-foot-long barrel shape, and was also prepared for him by Mo Shangtong. I don’t know what kind of material the tent bones are made of. It is very light, strong, and elastic. Even with Hua Zhenxing’s hand strength, it can be broken continuously. The tent cloth is also camouflaged and looks very thin, but most people can’t cut it with a knife.

It looks like this is a portable travel tent. Once set up, it can barely accommodate two adults lying side by side. It is quite suitable for a couple. Otherwise, sleeping will be a bit crowded, but it is not insurmountable. Hua Zhenxing picked up the water cup inserted on the other side of the backpack, unscrewed the lid and used it as a cup for Rozchild.

The two of them had to walk in the wilderness for three days, and this glass of water was certainly not enough. Fortunately, they took a large five-liter bucket of mineral water when they abandoned the car. Rothchild left in a hurry. His backpack was filled with information and important personal belongings. Except for a temporary pistol, he did not bring anything else he needed to travel through the wilderness. He had not expected to take this road in advance. .

Hua Zhenxing took out the dry food and handed it over: "Doctor Luo, it's not convenient to light a fire, so it's best not to heat things, otherwise the smell of food will waft out and attract some wild animals, so just eat some dry food."

Rozchild tore open the soapy dry food package and took a sip of water. He looked a little surprised and said, "Is this marching rations? It's not as bad as I thought. It tastes pretty good."

Hua Zhenxing: "This is indeed Dongguo's military emergency ration. The first one was not very tasty. It has been improved many times. The one you eat is tomato beef and pea flavor."

"What is this round thing? Is it the powerful pill from the Eastern Kingdom?"

"Well, this is not Dali Pill, it is a Bigu Pill that an elder prepared for me... There is no such word in Yinyin, Lanxi, or Banya, so just think of it as a kind of military ration. Dr. Luo knows Dongfang very well. My country, have you even heard of Dali Pill?"

"I've only heard of it, never seen it, and no one from Dong Guo I know has seen it either."

"I haven't seen it either, and I don't even know if there is such a thing."

When Rothchild said the word "Dali Wan", he pronounced it directly in Chinese. After the two of them finished eating the dry food, it was already dark. The starry sky on the grassland was particularly bright, and the outline of grass, trees and hills in the distance could still be seen dimly. Hua Zhenxing stood up and said, "Hurry up and sleep for a while. I'll wake you up in two hours and we'll take turns keeping watch."

Hua Zhenxing took a piece of cloth from the bag as a cushion and sat cross-legged outside the tent. The barrel of the rifle was removed again, but the bayonet was still attached, like a short spear, stuck at his side where he could easily pull it out, and the pistol was also placed beside him. His eyes were slightly closed, his posture was upright and relaxed, and his breathing gradually became inaudible as he adjusted his breathing, as if he was quietly blending into the night.

After about an hour and a half, Rozchild came out. As soon as he moved in the tent, Hua Zhenxing opened his eyes, exhaled a long breath, turned around and asked, "It's not time yet, why don't you continue sleeping?"

Rothchild sat down and lit a cigarette: "I'm already awake, I can't sleep."

Hua Zhenxing: "Are there any more cigarettes?"

Rozchild handed over the cigarette case and lighter: "Do you smoke too? This is not a good habit."

Hua Zhenxing: "I don't smoke, it's just useful."

He took a dozen cigarettes, tore open the rolling paper, took out the tobacco, stood up and spread it in a circle about seven or eight meters away from the tent. Rocher looked at it curiously, as if this child was full of mystery and every move was so special. He suddenly sniffed and said, "What is this smell?"

Hua Zhenxing pointed to the ground next to him: "I lit the incense." There was a palm-sized copper box on the ground. There were many small holes in the lid. The firelight could not be seen from the outside, but there was a curl of aroma wafting out. If he didn't remind him, , it’s really hard to see under the starlight.

Rothchild: "Is this the incense from the East? It has the effect of repelling mosquitoes. I see that you didn't apply any repellent ointment."

Hua Zhenxing: "This is the incense made by Boss Yang. It should have the effect of repelling mosquitoes, but its main function is to calm the nerves. I don't use ointment because mosquitoes don't like to bite me. I have been like this since I was a child." He sipped as he spoke He pursed his lips and squeezed his lips together, feeling as if he had tasted something particularly bitter.

Old Man Yang has a homemade drink that is very bitter and cold. After drinking it, you have to move your whole body to make you sweat. Old man Yang has been letting him drink this kind of thing since he was a child. It is said that it can avoid mosquito bites.

Old Man Yang didn't lie to him about this. Hua Zhenxing had rarely been bitten by mosquitoes. When he was with a group of people, mosquitoes and fleas would go to others. There are often various epidemics in Fiso Port, many of which are spread through mosquito bites, but Huazhenxing is always lucky to avoid them.

He also asked Old Man Yang why drinking a drink can prevent mosquitoes from biting him? Old Man Yang joked: "That's because your sweat is sour and your blood is smelly, and mosquitoes don't like it."

Of course Hua Zhenxing knew that Old Man Yang was talking nonsense, but he never felt that he smelled sour. On the contrary, for locals like Shire, their breath is really touching when they sweat. It seems that the effect of the drink is indeed good, but it is so bitter that it makes people want to curse!

Fortunately, after he turned twelve, Hua Zhenxing rarely drank anymore. He only drank one drink every few months at most. The effect was always maintained, but every time before going to the wilderness, Old Man Yang would specially let him drink one drink. Before going out this time, without Old Man Yang reminding him, he found it and drank a large drink.

It was difficult to explain these things to Dr. Luo in just a few words, and Luo Child looked at him with even more curiosity, and suddenly asked: "Hua, have you killed anyone before?"

Hua Zhenxing: "Why do you ask this?"

Rothchild: "The four people in that jeep died in such a miserable manner that you won't want to take a second look at it at first glance. But if you look carefully, although their faces are very bad, there is nothing obvious about them." Stress reaction. I am a doctor and I know that some reactions cannot be controlled by humans."

Hua Zhenxing: "You should know something about my experience. I was picked from the dead. Growing up in Port Feso, I saw too many dead people, and there were all kinds of ways to die."

Rozchild: "It's different. You killed those people today with your own hands."

Hua Zhenxing: "Has Dr. Luo ever killed anyone?"

Rozchild quickly shook his head: "No! I am a doctor. I have never killed anyone, only saved people."

Hua Zhenxing: "You didn't have any obvious reaction."

Rozchild: "I have seen many scenes like this. It is very common when I am a doctor in Port Feso. But you are different. You moved too fast when you fired before getting in the car. That is a kind of subconscious muscle memory. , I can see that.”

Hua Zhenxing: "We have known each other for so long, when did you realize that I have killed someone before?"

Rothchild: "It's today. I couldn't see it or think of it before. You are different from many people here. You are a lovable child, so I am very surprised."

Hua Zhenxing breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words. It's all right if you can't tell. Old Yang had warned him since he was a child not to become violent because of killing people, let alone develop a ferocious mind. A person's temperament can sometimes be very revealing. question. He was silent for a while before speaking: "I encountered a very unexpected thing today. I suddenly remembered the lightning on the grassland. Have you seen lightning?"

Rothchild was confused and said: "Of course I have seen it. Does this have anything to do with what happened today?"

The accident Hua Zhenxing was talking about was the "Huanxiangguo Mission System" that suddenly appeared in his consciousness. Rozchild apparently misunderstood and thought he was being hunted. Hua Zhenxing couldn't explain too much, so he told a story about going to the grassland to see lightning——

Hua Zhenxing had many doubts after he became aware of it. For example, why was Fesuo Port so chaotic? It is clear that as long as we work hard and stop hurting each other, everyone's life and the world will become better. However, many people here are just idle, fighting and killing instead of doing their jobs.

Of course he asked Old Man Yang for advice, and the old man took him to the grassland, not to see lions or wolves, but to see lightning.

Old Man Yang pointed to the bright lightning in the distance and said: "Everything in the world, whether you are willing to accept it or not, is a fact when it appears. Don't question its existence anymore, because it already exists, you can only Try to understand how this happened.

People in the desert in the northern part of the Black Wasteland may have never seen lightning in their lives. When they came here and suddenly saw lightning, they were surprised how could such a thing exist in the world? This is impossible! But as long as it is something that has already appeared, nothing is impossible.

Ancient people didn't understand lightning and thought it was the anger of the gods, but it didn't matter. As long as they knew that lightning could kill people, they should not go to places that are prone to being struck by lightning when it rains. When looking at the world, we always start from phenomena and then to rules. After understanding the rules, we can also master the phenomena. For example, modern people can already use electricity..."

Old Man Yang's words are not an answer at all, but are a bit pretentious. At a high level, they are just a methodological education, but they are very effective for Hua Zhenxing. During Hua Zhenxing's growth experience, he witnessed countless dangerous and strange things, which seemed to be something that shouldn't happen, but happened anyway.

There is nothing in this world that cannot be explained, but you cannot explain it. If you think it is unscientific, it only proves that your scientific level is not enough! For example, Huazhenxing encountered a strange "system" today. Of course he didn't tell Rothchild about the "system", he just told the story of watching lightning.

Rozchild asked with some confusion: "What does this have to do with you killing someone?"

Hua Zhenxing changed his tone: "It was that time we went to see Lightning. On the way back, we met a group of poachers. They drove a car like yours, with a cargo compartment full of ivory, and turned behind a hill. Come over here, meet us face to face, and without saying anything, just shoot..."

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