Chapter 262 Ambush

"I'm afraid that giant bird from back then is not as good as this guy."

"Is this the Son of the Dragon? Suanni?"

Qin Tian swallowed and asked Bai Bao to return to the mall first, then jumped onto a large leafy tree and looked into the distance through the gaps between the leaves.

But a loud voice soon sounded in his ears.

"Dig deep into the ground, find all the humans in this town, and kill them!"

"Find all the living creatures in this town and kill them!"

"Find the white leopard and kill it!"

The human-like monster suddenly spoke. Although it was far away, the sound was like thunder, and Qin Tian could hear it clearly.

Then, the monsters that rushed into the town immediately dispersed and quickly shuttled through the buildings.

The wild dogs that originally roamed everywhere became the first targets to be slaughtered by the monsters.

Countless monsters shuttled through every building, and many monsters dug into the sewers.

The wild dogs were panicked, the survivors were panicked, and all the living creatures in the town, except the monsters, were panicked.

Wherever the monster passed, rivers of blood flowed.

"What the hell, if this continues, won't all the survivors in this town be implicated by us?!"

Qin Tian's whole body trembled slightly and he clenched his fists tightly. He didn't know what Ling Yun had arranged, but he really didn't want to just watch.

So, he gathered a flaming bow in his hand, aimed at the "person" in the distance, and drew the bow string to the fullest.

However, just as he was about to loosen the bowstring, he suddenly heard a burst of sound.

"Bang!" ~ In the sound, a fire broke out from underneath a tall building with monsters running around, and then endless smoke and dust rose up, and then collapsed.

Then the second building, the third building, the fourth building and the twentieth building.

Twenty buildings collapsed within a minute.

Qin Tian was stunned, and so were the monsters that were wreaking havoc everywhere.

"Hey, what's going on?"

The emperor-like "man" sitting on the monster's back frowned, with a look of surprise on his face.

The collapsed buildings were originally close to each other, but at this time, an open space was vacated, and countless monsters as huge as lions poured into the open space.

That "man" is among them.

"Bang!" After a few sounds, firelight actually lit up from the manhole covers that had been dug up by monsters. Smoke and dust billowed, and the surrounding sewers seemed to be blocked.

The monsters that entered the sewers and were searching for survivors all retreated.

Then, with a "Boom!!" sound, the entire open land began to sink.

The "man" and all the monsters were caught off guard. When they reacted, they were already in a huge circular pit.

Then, in the sound of "Boohoo!~~", countless huge missiles went straight towards those circular pits in a parabola shape.

"Who is causing trouble!?"

The "man" knew that he was being ambushed. He roared in anger and suddenly raised his hand. Qin Tian saw clearly that the "man"'s arm expanded in an instant and turned into an arm as big as a house. , a giant claw covered with jet-black hair, and swung it at the incoming missile.

A green vortex appeared in front of the giant claw, and the infinite wind swept away all the incoming missiles.

Then, the giant claw swung down quickly, and several transparent wind blades rushed out, smashing the missile-launching machine four hundred meters away from the monster into pieces with a "bang".

"Tsk, it's a human thing."

The "man's" arm returned to its original shape, and he sneered disdainfully, but he didn't notice that a pungent smell had filled the area around him.

Qin Tian, ​​who was thousands of meters away, showed a hint of joy on his face.

"Ling Yun, you."

Qin Tian grinned slightly, said "hehe" with a bad smile, then stood up and drew the flaming bow.

The terrain in the southeast of the entire town was low-lying, and those missiles were filled with gasoline. When the "person" blew those missiles to the ground, most of the surfaces of those missiles were damaged, and the gasoline in them overflowed, flowed along the terrain, and gathered in the circular pit. .

Qin Tian already understood why Ling Yun wanted him to come and take a look outside the mall.

He aimed at the crater and loosened the bowstring.

With a sound of "Boom!", a bunch of fireworks shot through the air.

"Huh? Who?!"

The "man" suddenly turned his head and looked towards the fireworks, only to see that the fireworks landed on the ground not far away and did not come towards it, he couldn't help but frowned.

Then, with a sound of "Hoo!", the fire burst into flames, and the entire circular pit turned into a sea of ​​fire in an instant.


The beasts howled incessantly, and countless monsters fled in all directions, trying to avoid each other. However, there were too many of them, and even though they were crowded together, many of them were still devoured by the fire.

The face of the "man" suddenly changed, and he jumped out of the round pit, only to see a fire in the pit. Nearly a hundred monsters were buried in the sea of ​​​​fire, and many of those monsters that were lucky enough to jump out of the fire were burning with fire. Keep rolling on the ground.

"Ah~! Bastard!"

The face of the "man" was slightly distorted, and his hands suddenly turned into giant claws. He pushed himself to the ground and jumped towards the location where the fireworks were coming.

The fireworks have exposed Qin Tian's position.

Qin Tian also knew that the battle was inevitable, so he immediately ignited fire and gathered flame armor.

Then, just when he was about to gather the flame dragons to face the monster, he heard a sound of "ta da da da!~". When he looked at it carefully, he saw countless metal balls with a diameter of half a meter coming from a They appeared at every corner, and then bombarded "people" like raindrops.

The "person" didn't notice it in advance, but was hit in the abdomen by a small metal ball, and flew out immediately.

"Damn it!"

The power carried by the small metal ball was huge. The "man" roared angrily and flipped his body several times in the air before conjuring another giant claw and blocking it with both claws.

"Bang!" ~ In the sound, the metal balls densely landed in one of the giant claws of the "man", and a piece of blue was shot out.

"Ah~, bastard!!"

The "man" roared angrily, and a cyan light suddenly lit up around his body. His figure suddenly dropped, his arms quickly returned to their original shape, and he glided past from a low altitude.

Soon, the "man" rushed into the corner where the metal balls were fired, quickly bent the three smoking barrels, and then inserted his hand into the machine that fired the metal balls.

With a sound of "Hiss!~~", the whole machine was torn in half by the "person".

Three skeletons fell out of it, and the three laser-emitting devices on their heads flashed, shooting three hot red lights at the "person".

Facing the laser light, the "man" did not dodge, but punched out, with a "bang!" sound, the laser light was scattered, and the huge fist pressure exploded, instantly crushing the three skeletons into pieces.

"Damn humans, get out!"

Although the machine was destroyed and the skeleton was destroyed, the "man" was still angry and roared at the top of his lungs.

Then, a wall ten meters away from it suddenly shattered, and a blazing tongue of fire spurted out, engulfing it in an instant.

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