Chapter 261 Attack

Lingjiao struggled hard for a while, but when she saw that she couldn't break free from the shackles of the skeleton, she was panting.

At first, she kept cursing Qin Tian, ​​and then when she saw that Qin Tian didn't respond, she gradually became tired, and before she knew it, she became silent and fell asleep.

And those Xi Yan and others who were spying here also fell asleep one after another.

For a while, snoring continued.

Qin Tian had difficulty falling asleep, but he kept his consciousness clear and tried his best to relax his body.

According to Ling Yun, the son of the dragon will appear in the town tomorrow.

Although he still didn't know what arrangements Ling Yun had made, Qin Tian could guess that a war was inevitable.

He has to adjust.

No thoughts.

Without me.

Nothing else.

Qin Tian's mind went blank, and he felt a touch of coldness on his forehead, but he resisted the coldness.

He once almost sent Ling Yun into the river because of absorbing this coldness. He would never let himself enter that state again before ensuring the complete safety of his companions.

Time passed quickly in his almost unconscious state.

Suddenly, Xiao Jin's voice exploded in his ears like thunder.

"Host, the earth is experiencing abnormal tremors, which is suspected to be caused by a powerful force erupting from the southeast."

Hearing this, Qin Tian opened his eyes suddenly and felt that the ground began to shake, and the tables and chairs around him began to tremble.

"Ah, there was an earthquake?!"

Not far away, Wang Laowu woke up first, yelled, and got under a table.

Jiang Ming rushed to Xi Yan and others and shouted: "Wake up, there's an earthquake!"

Xiyan and Zhou Yunjia were both awakened, and then Xiyan pushed Zhou Yunjia in front of Jiang Ming.

"Take Yunjia and hide!"

After Xiyan finished speaking, he ran towards Qin Tian.

Ling Jiao, who was closest to Qin Tian, ​​opened her eyes in surprise and ran towards Qin Tian.

"It's not an earthquake, it's just shaking. Don't be nervous!"

Qin Tian shouted, and as soon as he finished speaking, the tables and chairs around him stopped trembling.

The ground no longer shook.



As if realizing something, when the ground stopped shaking, the panda and white leopard suddenly arched their bodies toward the southeast and bared their teeth.

Qin Tianze stood up slowly under the gaze of everyone.

"Are you here? If we calculate it based on three days, it's still three or four hours early."

Qin Tian looked at Ling Yun who was still unconscious, then looked at Ling Jiao aside, and suddenly waved to Ling Jiao.

"come here."

Hearing this, Ling Jiao was slightly startled and seemed to hesitate. Seeing that the skeletons no longer stopped her, she immediately walked up to Qin Tian angrily.

However, before Ling Jiao had time to say reprimands, Qin Tian suddenly hugged her.


"Take care of your brother, don't touch him, and don't let other things touch him. Leave the skeletons to your command, and then wait for me to come back."

Qin Tian put his head next to Ling Jiao's ear, whispered something, then turned and walked towards the upward slide.

Ling Jiao opened her mouth slightly and stayed on the spot, staring blankly at Qin Tian's leaving figure, as if she was dumbfounded.

Qin Tian walked up the slide to the mall, lit a cigarette for himself, and walked towards the entrance of the mall.


Bai Bao followed Qin Tian, ​​and deep sounds came from his throat.

The ground suddenly began to shake again.

Just like the waves, one after another, continuous.

The shelves in the store began to shake, and countless items fell from the shelves.

Qin Tian raised his hand and waved lightly, using a few palms to sweep away all the objects that fell in front of him.

"What is this king of monsters doing? Why is there so much movement?"

Qin Tian was a little surprised and frowned. He walked toward the southeast and soon saw an exit with shelves blocked and the ground around it covered with glass slag. He immediately ordered the skeletons to clear the shelves.

Then, Qin Tian walked outside the shopping mall.

The dazzling sunlight shone down, Qin Tian opened his eyes slightly, covered his forehead with his palms, and saw a puff of smoke rising far away from the southeast.

"Bang!" ~ In the sound, fire exploded one after another from a distance, and smoke and dust billowed up.

"Fuck, is this a bomb?"

Qin Tian stared slightly, suddenly realizing that the force that shook the ground was not caused by the King of Monsters at all.

"This Ling Yun also said that he can't make bombs, so what are these?"

"I believed your evil deeds!"

Qin Tian suddenly realized that the biggest mistake he had ever made in his life was to believe in Ling Yun.

Then, he heard a beast howling from the place where the smoke and dust rose.


Qin Tian was shocked. He knew very well that these sounds were the roars of those lion-like monsters. Although he could not see clearly what happened, it was obvious that these monsters were already angered.

He jumped up and ran to the top of a billboard. Looking intently into the distance, he saw a dark wave coming quickly from the grassland.

It was a group of lion-like monsters.

Thousands of monsters.

"This, this is a big scene!"

Qin Tian stared slightly, but then saw the skeletons blocking the dark wave.

There were thirty skeletons, standing side by side, looking fragile, as if they would be swallowed by the waves at any time.

However, when those lion-like monsters approached, beams of red light shot out from the eye sockets of the skeletons. "Bang!~~" After several sounds, the laser light blew away several of the monsters at the front.

Then, all these skeletons spread out and pounced on the monsters.

"Bang!" ~ In the sound, I don't know what these skeletons did. Every skeleton that rushed towards the monster finally exploded directly. The power of the explosion was so great that it could blow up a large piece every time. monster.

However, there were too many monsters, and even though the skeletons' suicidal attacks caused some casualties, they were still moving forward.

Just when these monsters had rushed to the town, Qin Tian saw a human-like figure.

The purple ancient silk clothes, the long purple hair, the blood-red eyes, the exquisite facial features, and the handsome appearance were all just as Niu Zhuangzhuang said.

The "man" was riding on a lion-like monster, and was surrounded by monsters like stars holding the moon.

This "person" always had his chin raised, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, a slight smile on his face, and his movements seemed a bit lazy, as if he was just here for sightseeing.

When Qin Tian saw this "person", the "person" did not see him, but he still felt suffocated.

"So strong."

Qin Tian's body trembled slightly and he swallowed hard.

This suffocating feeling was something he could only feel when facing Xuan Yan or Lan Lie.

This is the kind of pressure he feels when there is too great a disparity in power.

This is an instinctive fear!

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