End of the World: My Items Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 332: Fourth-order cell advancement, sweeping across Southeast Asia

Before setting off again, Lin Feng, who returned to the temporary camp in Mingcheng in central Minzhou, had to solve another matter.

This is the subsequent fourth-stage electric drive cell propulsion plan.

When the colonial mecha was sent to the scientific research ship for a comprehensive and detailed inspection and recharging, Lin Feng found Zhiyi to discuss the arrangements for this matter.

He had plans for this early in the morning:

"The electric drive cells have 30% progress, which comes from the high-energy control cells in Zhou Di's body. Starting from him, we can find a breakthrough in fusion as quickly as possible."

"I have arranged for him to take samples today and start doing in vitro experiments first. When there are no problems, we will enter the local transformation stage."

"Also, you should inform me about this to avoid misunderstandings later. They may not believe what I say."

Lin Feng nodded:

"No problem. They have long been greedy for the incredible performance of the colonial mecha. If you tell them that with this technological transformation, they can become an omnipotent existence like the colonial mecha, which can reach the sky and escape the earth..."

"I guess they will squeeze in with all their might, and they all want you to perform reconstructive surgery on them first."

Zhiyi smiled and suddenly said:

"Not all of them in Southeast Asia are early-stage queens. There are still some mid-stage queens, so be careful."

Lin Feng nodded:

"Don't worry, I'm measured. This three-day cleaning plan is probably my last trip in Blue Star to relax and unwind."

"It's better to experience it more. There won't be many opportunities like this in the future."

Lin Feng seemed to feel something.

As his strength became stronger and stronger, he felt like he couldn't help it. Many things happened, and it seemed that there was an invisible hand behind him, pushing him to move forward as quickly as possible.

No respite.

At the same time, as his strength increased and he became more proficient in using the power of artistic conception to control particles in his body, Lin Feng could also clearly feel that the divine blood flowing in his body was gradually awakening.

And the human part left to him by his mother He Yiwen is also passing away at a speed that can be seen by the naked eye.

This trip to the southeast accompanying Chen Yanyan may be the last trip that Lin Feng can control at his own pace.

Zhiyi seemed to be aware of the inexplicable changes in Lin Feng's heart at this moment, but she knew more clearly about this matter that individual power was powerless against the general trend.

All he could do was comfort him:

"Some things have to be done. Learning to accept them is also a kind of growth."

"When you finish all this and enter the fourth stage, if you feel tired, just leave the conflicting Blue Star with the spark of human hope."

"The universe is so big, there are always other suitable habitats."

Lin Feng smiled and shook his head:

"Blue Star is the mother star of mankind, the ancestral land that gave birth to human civilization..."

"A human being who leaves here, or a human being?"

"Just like the Zerg, leaving your own Small Magellanic Cloud, you are still the founders of the once glorious Zerg civilization? Is there really a habitat suitable for your survival in this huge galaxy?"

"For me, either humanity becomes extinct or all invaders are completely defeated, otherwise this struggle to save the nation will never end!"

As he spoke, Lin Feng's expression became more solemn, and he gradually determined his choice and direction. He turned to look at Xie Yi:

"Cutting off the coordinate imprint of the wormhole and then covering up the existence of the solar system can prevent future troubles."

The cockroach nodded, then shook his head:

"Most of the territories in the Milky Way are owned by owners, and the supervision of each spiral arm is very strict. This is to worry about foreign gods coming to raid and plunder the material resources of the Milky Way."

"So the current biological mother of the insect god also includes the being behind her. Because her strength is above level six, once she passes through the wormhole, she will definitely attract the attention of high-ranking beings in the galaxy and be besieged and targeted."

"The previous battles were basically fought by fourth- and fifth-order space bugs."

"It's just that divine power can penetrate the wormhole and affect the space of our galaxy."

"Of course, on the day of the solar eclipse when the sun disappeared, that being also used powerful power to temporarily erase all information particles from the solar system to the outside world."

"This will cover the coming of the space Zerg."

"After this, the energy from the God King continues to shield the solar system from the outside world."

"Nowadays, except for the basic properties of the universe such as gravity, which are still there, other cosmic civilizations outside can no longer observe the figure of the solar system."

"Just like the Dragon Clan civilization, it is necessary to send popular-class warships for reconnaissance and exploration to Blue Star to find out what is going on and to find out the situation for the fleet landing."

"So in the end, we only need to close the entrance and exit of the wormhole to greatly weaken those space bugs."

"If it still doesn't work, then run away first."

"You can't do anything about it. Instead of staying and dying, it's better to be like the Red King of the Red Clan, run first out of respect, and wait until you have the opportunity later to come for revenge."

"Besides, you are not a pure-blood human, and you only shoulder half of the responsibility for the future destiny of mankind."

"The specific results and direction of humankind's future still depend on their own fourth-order human kings."

Lin Feng sighed lightly, looked up at the colonial mecha, skipped the topic, and asked:

"Have you checked? We're almost gone."

The cockroach nodded:

"No problem, the reserve energy is also full."

"Afterwards, the organic nutrient solution will be directly absorbed, and the cells assimilated on the back will be able to automatically convert it into electrical energy to supply the entire body."

"But this time I'm going to be away for more than three days, and I'm driving the colonization armor for a long time. What I'm worried about is not whether it can withstand it."

"But you."

Lin Feng was a little surprised:

"Me? What's wrong with me?"

Ling Yi looked at the arc-filled colonization armor:

"Long-term wearing of the complete colonization armor, the fourth-order cells in its body are one level higher than the third-order cells in your body."

"What do you think will happen if this goes on?"

"Once you encounter an unexpected situation similar to the underground mother nest in the battle of Mingcheng, the continuous use of the fourth-order state with 90% fusion will put more and more pressure on your body."

"If you fall into a rampaging unconscious state, the fourth-order electric drive cells in your body will be It's not just as simple as assimilating your body surface..."

"It will melt and devour you directly."

"Turn into their nutrients and part of them."

"Take the dominant control of the colonization mecha, and become a flesh and blood machine without self-awareness, only knowing how to kill, similar to the corpse slaves created by fourth-order cells."

"I remember mentioning it to you before."

Lin Feng nodded and comforted:

"Don't worry, I know my limits."

"Besides, with the killing and action speed of the colonization mecha, it is estimated that the group of mother queens will not have time to unite."

"It's just an ordinary divine summoning, which has no effect on me. It's just a matter of cutting one more knife."

"Okay, it's almost time."

"I'll leave this to you for the three days I'm away!"

After speaking, Lin Feng controlled the colonization mecha and flew back to the golden battleship.

Chen Yanyan had been waiting here for a long time.

Lin Feng then summoned seven third-order strongmen under his command.

Shen Jie, Liu Yueqi, Liu Yi, Zhou Di, Zhang Yong, Wang Lei, and Chen Yanyan, a total of seven people.

In the secret office, he announced to everyone that he would quickly travel throughout the southeast region of the continent and cut off the logistics supply line of the late queen of Guizhou.

In order to ensure the stability of the situation in Mingcheng, except for Chen Yanyan who followed Lin Feng, the other six people needed to rely on the fortifications built by the Zerg to resist possible tentative attacks from the Yuezhou Zerg.

At the same time, Lin Feng also informed Liu Yueqi, Liu Yi and other pure-blooded humans about the fourth-level electric drive cells.

The most excited ones are Liu Yi and Wang Lei, the most ordinary third-level awakeners who have not condensed their own artistic conception during the third-level promotion.

Now with the blessing of the fourth-level cells, they can obtain physical strength beyond the current level limit, which can be called artistic conception.

In addition, the combat performance of the colonization mecha has impressed everyone present. Even Liu Yueqi and Zhou Di, who have mastered the power of artistic conception, began to be moved after learning about the powerful strength of the fourth-level state.

"The first person to participate is Zhou Di."

"After all, the last piece of the puzzle to complete the fourth-order cell research comes from the cells in his body that have integrated artistic conception, which can release strong electric currents and directly drive cell movement with electrical energy."

"Zhou Di is the most suitable candidate for the first experiment."

"At the same time, he has the strongest tolerance for experiments."

Zhou Di was overjoyed. He couldn't wait to rely on his ability to fly and hide in the ground to kill directly in the Zerg army!

"Guarantee to complete the task!"

As Zhou Di stood up and saluted in response, Lin Feng just waved slightly, indicating that the matter was settled.

After explaining the arrangements for the temporary camp when going out, Lin Feng immediately stood up and left.

At the tail of the golden battleship, Lin Feng took Chen Yanyan and said goodbye to everyone.

Before leaving, Lin Feng took off the ion laser cannon on the left arm of the colonization armor and handed it to Liu Yi, the general commander of the second-order battle group, to ensure that the artillery in the hands of the combat soldiers and the second-order battle group in the Mingcheng camp would be effective.

For Lin Feng, the Hunter King Chainsaw Sword is more direct and easier to use than the ion laser cannon for the decapitation operation deep underground.

After arranging the final arrangement, Lin Feng entered the cockpit of the colonization armor, lifted up Chen Yanyan wearing the golden armor with his left hand, activated the 30% fourth-level state, and echoed with the magnetic field of the blue planet, generating a strong repulsion of the same polarity, offsetting the natural gravity of the blue planet.

With the six-winged membrane wings behind him, a light tap.

The colonization armor weighing hundreds of tons flew into the air at a lightning speed.

The speed reached seven times Mach.

2.5 kilometers per second, and some third-level strongmen did not even see the flashing figure of the colonization armor, but disappeared in a blink of an eye in 0.1 seconds.

However, the colonization armor in the air did not move south, but thought all the way to the northeast.

Chen Yanyan was sitting in the palm of the colonization armor, and asked Lin Feng loudly with some doubt:

"This direction is to return to Jincheng? Why do you have to go there again? Is there anything you didn't bring?"

The colonization armor gradually slowed down, and Lin Feng answered with his mental strength and body:

"That's right, let's go back to Jincheng first, pick up something and then set off. Otherwise, it will be difficult to speed up the killing speed just by the two of us rushing around like this."

As he said, it only took seven minutes for the colonization armor to cross the three states and thousands of miles and successfully arrived at the Wucheng base.

The once dilapidated and desolate Jincheng base has regained its vitality under the governance of Han Yuxin and Princess Betty.

The permanent residents inside have rapidly soared from 200,000 to a huge million, and more food and jobs are needed to meet their lives.

This is also a difficult challenge for Han Yuxin and the others.

Soon, the lv34 colonization armor stopped at the rooftop helicopter platform of the City Lord's Mansion.

This was originally a five-star hotel built along the river. When the Jincheng base was first established, it was a temporary office. Later, it was officially used as the City Lord's Mansion to report daily work to Lin Feng.

At this moment, Jiang Yuner, who sensed Lin Feng's arrival, put down the experiment in her hand and quickly rushed from the biological warehouse at the dock.

She drove the Queen Mother and stopped beside the colonization armor. After walking out of the cockpit, she waved to Lin Feng.

Chen Yanyan removed the full body armor form and contacted Han Yuxin and Betty here.

Soon, the City Lord's Mansion office on the top floor was occupied, and the four women gathered together.

Lin Feng introduced the reason for his return this time.

It was mainly to take Jiang Yuner away.

After all, if you want to sneak into the underground mother nest of the Zerg quietly, you must have auxiliary personnel who can master the relevant artistic conception and hide the breath of everyone.

Lingyi is temporarily unable to get away.

Lin Feng thought of Jiang Yuner at the first time.

In addition to her previous identity, as a federal superstar, she is well-known internationally and has toured in many countries!

She knows more about the foreign world than Lin Feng and the others, and can just solve the difficulties of communicating with local survivors along the way.

After the announcement, Lin Feng asked the two not to relax, so as not to be attacked by the queen in Taihu Lake, the original body of Lingyi, and steal the house.

The two nodded and watched Lin Feng and the other two leave.

Before going to the first destination, Jiang Yuner took out a map of the southeast corner of the continent and began to plan today's process.

Strive to solve all the Zerg queens at the fastest speed without missing a single one.

"In this case, it's the only one?!"

At this time, the colonization mecha was floating in the air, drifting with the flow at a very slow speed.

Hearing Jiang Yuner's plan, Lin Feng opened the hatch and took a closer look.

The direction and location she pointed to was the narrow island country next to the Federation...

Neon Country, a country that still maintains the imperial system.

Lin Feng vaguely remembered that after the outbreak of the apocalypse, Neon Country seemed to lose any news after a month.

It only lasted less than a month.

Today, Neon Country has completely become a paradise for the growth of Zerg.

"Okay, let's go and take a look. Put away the things and stand firm!"

As she said that, Jiang Yuner entered the cockpit of the Queen Mother, which was lifted by Lin Feng, and Chen Yanyan also put on the golden armor and hugged Lin Feng's big hand.

The colonization mecha carried the level 33 Queen Mother in one hand, and protected Chen Yanyan with the other hand. Then, with a fusion degree of 60%, it had a terrifying speed of five kilometers per second.

Across the entire sea, more than a thousand kilometers away...

In less than three minutes,

it has appeared above Neon Country!

Looking at the swarms of Zerg on the surface...

Lin Feng's mouth corners slightly raised, and the hunt began!

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