End of the World: My Items Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 331 Gancheng Temporary Base, War Preparation and Clearance Plan

Nowadays, it is no longer practical to rely on the Jincheng base to provide support over a thousand miles.

The loss on the road is greater than the materials transported.

Although going by land and sea to reach Minzhou along the coast can solve the urgent problem, the fine steel that the Salvation Army urgently needs needs to be transported from Wucheng in the heart of the Federation to Jincheng, and then from the port of Haicheng, it needs to be transported by sea for more than 2,000 kilometers to the Minzhou coastline.

Finally, it will be transported to Mingcheng.

After all the trouble, it is even slower than land transportation.

The only way is to send the fine steel from Wucheng and other medical and food resources directly to the vicinity of Mingcheng.

Unfortunately, in terms of water transportation, the Xiangjiang River that goes through Xiangzhou is still 600 to 700 kilometers away from Mingcheng, and it is above Yuecheng. Now it may have become the expansion direction and target of the late third-order mother queen.

If I go there rashly, I may be ambushed by it in advance. After all, the Salvation Army is in a very bad state at the moment, and it can't continue to fight against the millions of insect tides.

So Lin Feng turned his attention to the middle reaches of the big river. Below the big lake in Ganzhou, there is a long river flowing through Gancheng at the bottom of Ganzhou.

It is also a hundred kilometers away from Mingcheng.

It is entirely possible to transfer part of the team there, take the cargo ship that comes to transport supplies, and go to Wucheng or Jincheng base for rest.

At the same time, Lin Feng can also use materials on the spot to copy and synthesize a dreadnought battleship or flying wing chariot, and send the rest of the medicines, rations and other supplies back to Mingcheng.

Now that Lin Feng has successfully advanced to the third stage, the farthest sensing contact distance with the bound equipment has exceeded 200 kilometers. Even if the golden battleship continues to stay in Mingcheng, it can ensure the smooth use of all equipment replicas.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng announced the plan to everyone:

Establish a temporary base relying on river transportation in Gancheng, the southernmost part of Ganzhou, above Minzhou.

This ensures that the Salvation Army can achieve the recovery of combat effectiveness and move to a higher level in the shortest time.

As the order plan was issued, each department began to be responsible for the specific implementation steps.

Soon they made preliminary arrangements.

After listening to the plan, Lin Feng announced that the whole army would be reorganized for five days, and five days later, the army would march into Yuezhou.

During these five days, the seven third-level masters, except Chen Yanyan, needed to lead their own team soldiers to Yuecheng to investigate the situation and conduct actual combat exercises.

In addition, the remaining four cities near Minzhou were to be carefully investigated and the remaining supplies looted.

Lin Feng was responsible for the repair of the Golden Fleet and the addition of a batch of new ships to match the extra 10,000 soldiers and 2,000 second-level combat team members.

To ensure that the Salvation Army would not suffer as serious losses as this time when facing a million insect tides next time.

After the plan was announced, the first high-level meeting was immediately declared over.

Lin Feng asked Chen Yanyan to contact and arrange as soon as possible, and Wucheng and Jincheng bases should make corresponding cooperation.

The volume of river transportation is very large. Even if it is just a small boat of 100 tons, as long as it can reach the destination within one day, it can be delivered continuously in the future.

One trip per hour, an average of 300 tons per ship, and 7,000 tons of cargo can be transported per day.

If it is replaced with fine steel, it can be copied and synthesized into more than 700 lv19 flying wing tanks, or 70 lv29 dreadnought battleships.

This transport volume, even with food and medicine, can meet the needs of the entire Salvation Army for the next week within four days.

So Lin Feng gave five days to reorganize.

It is best to be fully prepared for the last battle in Yuecheng.

After completing his duties and work as the leader of the Salvation Army, Lin Feng returned to the captain's bedroom of the golden battleship after a long absence, and lay down on the bed to rest.

Now he needs a good sleep to fully recover, and it consumes a lot of mental and artistic energy.

Before helping Ling Yi to defeat and control the fourth-level insect king cell, a part of it has been consumed, and now there is less than 60% of the surplus.

After a good sleep, it will be almost full tomorrow.

At ten in the morning, Chen Yanyan finished the layout and arrangements, signed a bunch of documents, stretched her body, and came to the only living area inside the golden battleship.

Crossing the familiar living room and walking into the bedroom.

At this time, Lin Feng was already sleeping soundly.

Since being promoted to the third stage, this is the first time Chen Yanyan has seen Lin Feng sleeping so deeply.

She took off her captain's uniform, went into the bathroom to take a shower, and walked to the bed wearing only a translucent gauze pajamas.

Lying quietly beside Lin Feng.

Looking at her man's sleeping cheek, she smiled.

Lin Feng seemed to instinctively sense that someone was around, so he turned around and hugged the woman in his arms.

Chen Yanyan leaned on his chest, closed her eyes, and fell asleep together.

In Lin Feng's spiritual world, his consciousness can already actively enter and exit it.

At this moment, Lin Feng slowly woke up from the big bed in the bedroom of the golden battleship, looking at the phantom condensed by the woman next to him, covered her with a quilt, and got up and came to the deck of the ship.

The golden warship, which was four or five hundred meters long, was now docked in an endless oasis.

It was the law power left by the insect god Mother of Life last time that spread out the vast oasis, which almost covered one-fifth of the planet's area.

At this moment, Lin Feng flew to the middle of the air to check the situation of the oasis.

Sure enough, after using the Source of Life skill once, the area of ​​the oasis was reduced by one-tenth.

Then he lowered the suspension altitude and found the core of the oasis, where the Mother of Life appeared.

When Lin Feng arrived at the core garden, to his surprise, it had become full of birdsong and flowers.

Not only plants grow, but also many small animals, such as birds and squirrels, and some insects.

However, it is generally based on the content of Lin Feng's memory, and the evolution is reproduced.

The divine power of the law from the gods can allow Lin Feng to remove the shackles that cannot upgrade and control flesh and blood life, but it is a pity that there are only ten chances.

Otherwise, with the blessing of the source of life, Lin Feng can easily resist the pseudo-fourth-order Zerg late queen under the blessing of the divine domain.

Even relying on the shield of the same source of divine power, the fourth-order electric drive cells are stimulated to easily kill.

But there are only nine times left, and each time only lasts for three minutes.

Considering that there will be a series of human-insect wars in the future, as well as the task of going deep into the end of the world to rescue his father.

This gift from the insect god cannot be wasted easily.

While thinking, Lin Feng came to the center of the garden and saw the man who lost his crown and the woman transformed by the mother of life on the throne in the pavilion, holding hands tightly.

The body woven by vines and the empty eyes silently watched everything in front of him.

Recalling the unusual behavior of the Mother of Life, Lin Feng couldn't help gossiping in his heart.

But he couldn't complain to Ling Yi about this. After all, for her, even if she just knew about it, it was a great disrespect.

However, Lin Feng himself had some speculations.

For example, the male protagonist of this dark fairy tale...

It is very likely that the Black God King who is above the true god who cannot be mentioned in words.

However, when he met the Mother of Life, he must not have ascended to the throne of God King.

And when he took the initiative to approach the Mother of Life, who had become a god at that time, he must have had a plan.

The crown on the man's head that was taken off by the Mother of Life and crushed into powder was the key.

Perhaps the Black God King used the power of the Mother of Life to seize the opportunity to be promoted to God King that should have belonged to the first generation of insect gods, and then killed it instantly.

Pass the throne to the Mother of Life, let her become the new insect god, assist him, complete the control and enslavement of the entire insect civilization, and transform it into a war machine.

Relying on the wormhole, crossing the 190,000 light years, reaching the edge of the Milky Way.

Then he started the journey of the Milky Way expedition.

For the Mother of Life, what the Black God King did afterwards could be regarded as a ruthless betrayal.

So it was reasonable for him to find himself in the hope of bringing a glimmer of hope to the enslaved Zerg.

After all, Lin Feng also had the background of the Protoss.

He was also the direct bloodline of the gods, guiding himself to save his father Lin Yu, and then the two of them went out together to get reinforcements, or report the invasion of the Milky Way by the Black God King, there was always a way to curb its expansion.

At the very least, he could take the remaining surviving humans and some Zergs to escape from the solar system and wander for a long time in other galaxies.

It was always easier and freer than staying and fighting numbly until death.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng felt more and more reasonable.

It was a pity that there was no way to find anyone else to verify this matter except the Insect God.

The only person who might know about this was probably not mentioned before he was promoted to the fourth-level Insect King.

After revisiting the old place and confirming the source of life of the law power, Lin Feng returned to the golden battleship and thought about the future arrangements after the consumption was normal.

In addition to the obvious personnel deployment and battleship replication, there are more important things, such as clearing the Zerg Queen forces of the small countries in the subcontinent below Guizhou and cutting off the logistical support of the late Queen.

At the same time, it can also help Chen Yanyan to continue to upgrade and evolve.

There are also lv32 golden battleships, which also need to be upgraded to a higher level, preferably not as good as the third-stage mid-stage.

Because after this explosion, the number of dreadnought battleships is likely to exceed 100, and the number of flying wing tanks will reach hundreds.

Chen Yanyan must have stronger mental strength to easily control them and control the situation on the entire battlefield.

The power of the million insect tide also forces the golden fleet to need stronger firepower.

Only by stabilizing the tug-of-war confrontation on the surface can we create opportunities for the confrontation and decapitation of the strong deep underground.

Now, the upgrade priority of the golden battleship is stronger than that of the colonized mecha.

After all, the latter can improve its strength by harvesting the remaining third-level Zerg, while the golden warship must have a crushing advantage before the war breaks out.

Otherwise, the tragic casualties this time will be repeated.

And it will be even more serious.

After all, the Zerg forces under the Queen Mother in the later period occupy three states, including a number of tropical small countries outside the Federation, and the richness of biomass resources is several times more than that of the southern Federation.

So accordingly, the number of Zergs it hatches and cultivates is no less than that of the Five Emperors Alliance in Minzhou.

Lin Feng plans to take Chen Yanyan around the world after all the warships and weapon replicas are completed, visit the surrounding small countries within two days, harvest the Zerg Queen Mother there, accumulate enough evolution points, and then come back for a decisive battle.

The only trouble is that if he and Chen Yanyan leave, the defense force of Mingcheng will become extremely empty, and the combat effectiveness will plummet.

At that time, only the one who drives the Queen Mother can help defend one or two.

Anyway, the Zerg Queen can't come. It can only be a few other third-level Zergs, with a swarm of Zergs, who will march straight in to test the strength and threat of the Savior Army.

With the gene regiment led by Shen Jie in charge, even if the third-level king spinal worm with the power of artistic conception comes, it has the strength to fight it.

So Zhou's cleaning plan should be feasible.

In addition, the colonization mecha has already obtained 90% of the full state of the power of the universe, which can last for half an hour. To recover, it only needs to continue to charge.

And the 90% fourth-order state reaches a speed of 24 Mach, 8 kilometers per second. Even if it leaves 5,000 kilometers, it will only take ten minutes to return.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng decided to implement it secretly.

Then he stood up and flew into the outer space on the planet, heading towards the black star that quietly absorbs all matter and energy.

When he returned to the real world, Lin Feng's consciousness was still lying in the sea of ​​​​spirituality in his mind. Looking at the gradually restored spiritual energy, a layer of golden light appeared on the sea surface.

This is the power of artistic conception representing the control of particles.

They are condensed by spiritual power and are extremely rare.

One day, after entering the life of the universe, all spiritual power will be transformed into artistic conception one by one.

Only pure artistic conception can resist the invasion and influence of the universe.

Lin Feng's consciousness floated in this sea of ​​​​spirituality until more than nine o'clock the next morning, when he woke up naturally after sleeping for fourteen hours.

The spirit and artistic conception were all restored to their peak state.

After briefly mentioning the cleaning plan around the world to Chen Yanyan, the latter nodded excitedly and agreed.

Then Lin Feng led a fleet full of wounded and ship pilots to Ganzhou.

And as early as the completion of the work, several second-level battle groups led by Liu Yi had already set off in advance with the biological materials collected after the war.

They established a temporary base and set up patrol posts at the destination, Gancheng.

At 10:00 noon, Lin Feng and his party arrived smoothly.

And on the ship he said he was staying, there were also three brains of the early mother queen, from the body of the mother queen of Zhejiang.

This was a spiritual power supplement prepared in advance for the large-scale replication of ships and weapons.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, I received a notice in the middle of the night yesterday that a small freighter full of fine steel from the port of Wucheng had traveled hundreds of kilometers and arrived at Gancheng Port.

Looking at the three hundred tons of fine steel being carried and unloaded by the members of the second-level battle group in a few minutes, Lin Feng stepped forward and started his own "battle".

One after another, flying wing chariots, shotguns, armor-piercing guns, and electromagnetic guns were born.

After unloading the cargo, the empty ship returned to the Wucheng base with some biological materials as cargo and some wounded and sick soldiers.

Together with the second-level battle group of Na Er, they will assist Zhang Yurou, the president of Ganglian Group, to complete the seizure of power and control of the entire group.

In order to provide full support for the upcoming battle of Yuecheng and the final battle with the third-stage late queen mother.

With one cargo ship after another, coming and going...

At noon on the third day, Lin Feng had already produced fifty dreadnought battleships, two hundred flying wing chariots, as well as ten thousand shotguns, two thousand armor-piercing guns, and electromagnetic guns.

Enough to arm the Salvation Army to the teeth!

And then, it is the southeast side of the continent...

The Queen Mother Elimination Plan!

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