End of the World: My Items Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

$ Chapter 327 Red Star, Red Clan, Red King, Source of Life

"The home star of the Red Clan is located in the outermost spiral arm of the Milky Way. It is called the giant spiral arm of Perseus."

"The origin of their ancestral stars is similar to the location of Mercury in the solar system. The temperature during the day is as high as two to three hundred degrees. Even at night with backlight, there is still a residual temperature of hundreds of degrees."

"So in their cell perception, resistance to 70 or 80 degrees is a very low temperature. They may have been exposed to ultra-low temperatures of more than ten degrees in their lives..."

Zhiyi explained why those with red cell fusion would feel the comfortable low temperature in the basement to be abnormally cold.

Then he continued:

"Regarding the process of the Zerg's war against the Red Tribe, these guys were born in high temperatures and were all red. After awakening as adults, both the superpowers they mastered and the artistic conceptions born after evolution are all related to high temperatures and flames."

"The red god they worship is a fire god."

"The appearance of the group is just like the devil described in human legends, Yaksha."

"The entire Red Star has been hollowed out by them, digging out a complex underground network that is extremely difficult to capture."

"So the Red Tribe is also the hardest bone that the Zerg Tribe has encountered since they landed in the galaxy."

"In order to destroy the entire Red Clan and plunder the biomass resources on their planet, as well as the energy and materials in the entire star system, the Zerg launched a general attack on them."

"But the cosmic life of the Red Clan, the fourth-order Red King, is extremely difficult to kill. When the Insect God could not take action directly, in order to solve this troublesome problem, the Zerg finally chose to hatch the fourth-order Spine King..."

"The Red King's most powerful method is unlimited heating, which can raise its own temperature to tens of thousands of degrees. Not to mention third-level life forms, even the Insect King cannot withstand such a scorching heat."

"The Red King, who has transformed into the Soul of Flame, can take away countless high-level Zerg species by simply using its impact at dozens of times the speed of sound on the battlefield."

"Until the fourth-order Spine King was born, the Zerg had nothing to do with it."

"As an earth-core life that lives in magma all year round, the Ridge King's ability to adapt and absorb heat energy is no less than that of the Red Tribe who were born from the Fierce Mars planet."

"But in the last battle, the three kings of the Zerg surrounded the Spine King, and finally let it escape. Both the Spine King and him were injured. Then the Zerg defeated miserably, and relied on the resources of Red Star to start the second interstellar expedition."

"These are the memory inheritance of the Zerg race. Last time I warned you not to study red beetle genes without permission. It was because of this that the fourth-order Red King was not dead..."

"The Spine King is not dead yet. No matter where in the galaxy, it can sense the inspiration of the Red Clan's artistic conception."

"Then you only need to follow the clues to find the current location of Blue Star."

Ling Shuyan was a little confused:

"Then it couldn't be done at first, why then..."

The cockroach pointed, and most of the forest wind in the egg cabin beside it had recovered:

"With his strength before, he couldn't participate in the battle in the outer space. Calling the fourth-order Red King will only increase the burden of human survival..."

"But it's different now. After the expedition south is over, we kill the late-level third-level Zerg mother queen in Guizhou, and advance to the late third-level, we have to start making final preparations for ascending to the fourth-level throne."

"And this includes how to deal with the attack of the fourth-order king of the Zerg."

"In this way, summoning the fourth-level Red King to interfere can distract the attention of the top Zerg clan, thereby buying time for Lin Feng's promotion."

At this time, the spiritual power in Lin Feng's mind has been restored to 70%. It only takes one more day to grow back to its prime.

In order to reduce the consumption of the two mid-term brain marrows, after discussing with Zhiyi, the mental power replenishment treatment was ended.

Lin Feng's mental attribute value has increased from less than 100 to more than 4,000, reaching the mid-term level of the third level. Although there is still a gap of more than 2,000 from the original mid-term perfection of 6,900, the thicker the base reserves, the faster the recovery. The faster it is, the less extra absorption is needed.

As the nutrient solution in the egg cabin was transferred, Lin Feng slowly walked out of it.

While he was talking, Xie Yi did not forget to control the biological flesh nest in front of him, stretching out his soft-skinned tentacles, covering Lin Feng's whole body, to absorb and clean up the remaining mucus on the surface.

When Ling Shuyan saw this scene, she looked envious. She also wanted such a smart and convenient flesh and blood biological experimenter.

For this reason, she even participated in the maternal fusion project of the Federal Research Institute and became a fusion of maternal and royal genes like Jiang Yuner, able to control the advanced biological meat nest of the Zerg.

This can help her greatly improve her understanding of the mysteries of human evolution, as well as absorb and transform the bloodline genes of other ethnic groups.

It's a pity that research funds are currently tight, and there is no way to allocate more manpower and material resources to restart the mother-emperor assimilation project.

After Lin Feng walked out, he looked at the people present:

"So the spontaneous combustion of the human ball is a ritual for the Red Clan to activate the power of artistic conception?"

The cockroach nodded:

"That's right, the Red Clan's artistic conception is flame, and when their clan is in desperate situation, they will hold a fire worship ceremony."

"Using the method of igniting oneself to burn flesh, flesh and soul to activate the power of artistic conception is the instinct of the Red Clan, a bit like primitive belief."

"In short, after being summoned, these flames even have the ability to burn the soul, and they will never be extinguished unless they burn all the living creatures they are contaminated with."

"So you know how terrifying that interstellar war was. The self-detonation of a third-level red ghost king can instantly cover the battlefield within a radius of five kilometers with the eternal fire in his body. Even the third-level Zerg will be burned to a near-death state."

"And the demonic ghost face that appears in the flames is the flaming soul of the fourth-level red king, which is also one of its artistic conceptions."

"As it burns, the fourth-level red king hiding in the cosmic channel can clearly sense the location of the blue planet and come back for revenge, or destroy the tribe here. Survivors, take them back to the current habitat of the Red Tribe. "

"In short, it won't take long, at least half a month, at most half a year, the Red King will definitely arrive in the solar system. "

"When it smells the breath of the Zerg, it will be furious and vent its hatred for the extermination of the clan that year. It will be a disaster for Blue Star and the entire solar system. "

"But it will take some time to spread to Blue Star, so let the top Zerg leaders above worry about it first."

"Ling Yi spoke lightly, as if he really didn't regard himself as the incarnation of the Queen Mother or a member of the Zerg.

Perhaps in her eyes, except for the mother of the Zerg God, the rest of the Zerg leaders, including the fourth-level Zerg King in the future, except for her, are just enslaved puppets.

Lin Feng nodded, and then asked Ling Shuyan:

"Two candidates for the third-level promotion have arrived? Is she one of them?"

"What's your name, Eleven?"

Lin Feng vaguely remembered that this little girl was sent to Ling Shuyan as an experiment subject of the Superman Project with superpower fusion for further research.

Ling Shuyan nodded, took Eleven's hand, and walked in front of the two.

She knew very well that whether this girl could change her fate depended on this meeting, so she specifically told the other party to be more enthusiastic and kind when she came.

Under the dim light, Lin Feng could see the girl's appearance clearly.

She was bald at first, but now she has grown more than ten centimeters of hair, but the hair is yellowish and white, and many places are already silver.

It is exactly the same as her pale skin.

It seems that carrying multiple superpowers has put a lot of pressure on her body, at least overdrawing more than half of her life.

In the identification data in Lin Feng's eyes, the attributes of the No. 11 experimental subject also improved rapidly:

"No. 11, lv29/29, weak state"

"HP 650, physique 750, spirit 990"

"Superpower awakening: telekinesis"

"Additional abilities: instant movement, mental thorn"

"Telekinesis: the materialization of mental energy, which can affect real matter. The current maximum force is ten tons, and it consumes fifty points of mental attributes per minute. It can reduce the weight of the controlled object to reduce consumption."

"Instant movement: It bursts out extremely fast three times the speed in a very short time. The current fastest speed is 900m/s, lasting for five seconds, consuming physical and mental attribute values Fifty points each, five minutes of cooling time. "

"Spiritual Cone Thorn: The materialization of spiritual energy, can condense an invisible spiritual cone thorn, which can break the mental interference of the virgin, or attack the target's brain, causing death or dizziness. Each use will consume 200 points of spiritual attribute value."

"Evaluation: Unnatural experimental synthesis, extremely powerful, but multiple superpowers have deepened her burden, resulting in a sharp decrease in life value and physical attributes. She is in a weak state all year round. Overdraft will accelerate physical exhaustion."

"Note: The current state has seriously overdrawn vitality, and the remaining life span is less than 20 years."

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and listened to Ling Shuyan pulling the girl to introduce.

In fact, this is not the first time he has seen the researcher's superhuman experimental subject.

Back in Lancheng, the rear, he encountered more than a dozen experimental subjects from the research headquarters, including the first generation codenamed Zero, who was the strongest and most unstable.

He even wanted to provoke himself and try.

Compared with him, the girl No. 11 in front of him was much more stable in emotion and state.

Except for being a little dull, shy and fearful, she was no different from an ordinary teenage girl.

"She doesn't have many years left to live. Her vitality is too exhausted..."

Before Lin Feng could speak, Long Yi, who also saw through everything, told him the truth.

Eleven, who heard that he was dying, suddenly became excited, and his breath became more and more unstable with the increase of breathing.

Liu Yueqi, who was standing next to him, looked at the experimental subject who was only a few years younger than herself, and showed a trace of pity.

If she hadn't met Lin Feng, with the special nature of her awakened superpowers, she would probably have been treated the same way.

Lin Feng nodded, and then comforted:

"Don't worry, the life span of a human second-level awakener is probably less than a thousand years, and the increase in life span is based on the level of evolution."

"When you become a third-level awakener, your life span can be increased to an upper limit of 10,000."

"And the biggest advantage of a third-level awakener is the adaptability to multiple superpowers. You don't have to use superpowers like before, which will cause a continuous overdraft of vitality."

"When the third-level promotion is completed this time, the upper limit of life span will probably double once, reaching about 2,000. Even if you subtract the current consumption, there will still be more than 1,000..."

"At least in your lifetime, you should not be able to wait for your body to age."

After speaking, Lin Feng looked at Ling Shuyan again:

"Does the research institute want to verify the relationship between multiple superpowers and awakening the power of artistic conception? Perhaps the fusion of multiple superpowers is the key to artistic conception..."

Ling Shuyan nodded and admitted directly:

"That's right. And because Eleven has the most stable mood and state among all the experimental subjects, the price is also high. Her aging rate cannot be remedied even if she absorbs more second-order insect eggs."

"So I wanted to take this opportunity to see if I could save him."

Lin Feng hummed:

"No problem. The next battle in Guangdong City is likely to be a close encounter with the third-order Zerg under the command of the late third-order mother emperor. You don't have to worry about not having a chance to kill them."

"Let's go rest now. We're tired from the long journey here. As for the Red Clan, let's put it aside for now. Even if it does come, the Zerg will be the first to have a headache."

After arranging for Ling Shuyan and the others to leave, Lin Feng, who had recovered, also asked Liu Yueqi, who had been waiting for him for two days and one night, to rest.

Taking the two brains of the Mother Emperor with most of their spiritual energy left, as well as the cut pieces of bones, he followed the dragonfly to another battleship where the colonial mechas were stored.

At this moment, the colonial mecha was in pieces.

If it wasn't for the tenacity of the fourth-order electric-driven cells, it would probably have fallen to pieces as early as the moment it cut open its white bone fingers and claws and rushed out of the divine realm.

Under the command of Zhi Yi, Lin Feng threw all the materials in his hands into the biological meat nest and started the formal repair of the colony mecha.

As soon as the cockroach looked at the costume with its spine broken into three pieces, he couldn't help but sigh:

"Thanks to your previous investment, coupled with the enhancement of the fourth-level electric drive cells, this biological reproductive equipment has been built into the strongest existence under the late third-level."

"Otherwise, it remains to be seen whether we can escape from this dangerous divine descending experience."

Lin Feng nodded, and a golden light appeared in his eyes, showing the identification result of the colonial mecha. The durability was less than 15%, and it was difficult to wake up.

Especially in the last attention reminder, it was said that the intelligent central control system of the colonial mecha had suffered serious damage and a lot of combat data had been lost.

The preliminary intelligent consciousness that was originally generated may have disappeared.

"It's injured too badly. Let's repair the skeleton first."

Lin Feng spoke in a deep voice, squatted down, stretched out his hand to touch the heavy bone fragments at his feet, and a layer of golden light appeared in his palms.

Although the power of artistic conception replenished in the body is not much, it only consumes very little to change the shape of objects.

It is only one-tenth of the fusion upgrade and one-hundredth of the energy collapse.

Soon, the built-in golden-quality bones that make up the biological mecha were forged, replacing the original broken parts.

Under the control of Zhi Yi, Lin Feng also used his own third-order cells to replace the flesh and blood organs attached to the golden bones of the biological reproductive equipment.

After everything is completed, only the refusion of the fourth-order electric drive cells is left...

Lin Feng looked at the new abilities displayed on the personal attribute panel and decided to use the power of the Insect God to perfect this brand new colonial mecha.

Only thirty seconds of 90% fusion state...

In actual combat, it is still too dangerous!

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