End of the World: My Items Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 326: Recovery, Source of Life, Recovering Minzhou

As the two amethyst brains of the mid-term queen arrived at the scientific research ship, Chrysalis also left Lin Feng's brain.

In the conversation they just had during the link, Lin Feng finally told her what she had seen and heard, which made it difficult for Zhiyi to calm down for a long time.

After all, that is the great Insect God, the mother of all who controls and guides the entire Insect civilization.

And the fact that He appeared in Lin Feng's spiritual world and left behind the divine power of law all confirmed that the mother of life wanted to get rid of the fate of being manipulated and enslaved.

In this way, Chi Yi was more sure that he was the retreat arranged by the Insect God.

The promotion to the fourth-level insect king has been confirmed.

Even if he fails to break away and becomes the fourth-level insect king, Chi Yi will be able to follow Lin Feng to escape from Blue Star, take root in the galaxy, and re-establish the hope of the insect race.

Thinking of this, Chrysalis took a deep breath and began to process the two huge golden bone balls.

Because it is too large, with a diameter of more than ten meters, it is difficult to move when stuffed into a scientific research ship, and it cannot be integrated into the biological flesh nest.

Now Lin Feng is unconscious, only his consciousness is still alive, and he is unable to mobilize the power of his artistic conception. The infinite reproduction of his artistic conception has no response to the golden bones.

After thinking about it, he turned his attention to the girl next to him:

"Miss Liu, do you still have any remaining power of artistic conception?"

Liu Yueqi was stunned for a moment, still thinking about why the cockroach had to stick to the egg cabin before. When she heard what the other party said, she nodded:

"Part of it has been restored. What? Do you want to cut open the core of this golden ball?"

"Didn't Lin Feng say that this thing is so precious that it can't be touched at all..."

The cockroach hummed and walked towards the golden bone ball:

"That's right, because what is reproduced here is the core of the Zerg Queen, the source of spiritual and artistic power, and the deepest part is a purple geometric crystal. A slight collision will cause structural damage and accelerate the escape of spiritual energy."

“So you need to be careful and careful.”

"But it is also a great tonic. It is very helpful in recovering the overdraft of spirit and artistic conception. It can be absorbed directly and help Lin Feng fully wake up."

"But now there is an outer layer of golden plates blocking it. The absorption efficiency is very low and a lot of waste will be wasted, so I need your help to cut it."

Liu Yueqi nodded, then pulled out the two-meter-long knife from his waist and walked towards the golden ball. Although the two materials were the same, they were blessed by the shattering artistic conception. The long knife cut through the neck bone, just like cutting tofu.

“How much should I cut and where should I cut it?”

Zhiyi showed a smile, and after a while of induction, he quickly gave the answer:

"The amethyst brain in the center is only four meters wide, and there are three-meter-thick plates on the left and right. In this way, you can cut off two and a half meters and leave half a meter."

Liu Yueqi nodded, waved the long knife, and began to cut off piece by piece.

I didn't dare to use a knife to cut it off. After all, the force was hard to control. If I used too much force, it would cut the entire dreadnought battleship in half.

So Liu Yueqi used the cutting method and carefully cut the golden ball in front of her into several pieces.

In the end, it took more than half an hour to exhaust the fragmented artistic conception in his body. Liu Yueqi put away the long knife with a golden blade. The golden ball in front of him turned into a polyhedron with a diameter of five meters.

After Xie Yi stuffed them into the meat nest, he started to restore Lin Feng's spirit for the second time.

It seems like just yesterday since he last recovered.

Like ocean waves, the pure spiritual power flowed into Lin Feng's brain, and like tidal waves, it surged up and receded over and over again.

It was not until two hours later that Lin Feng, who had returned to 5%, barely regained consciousness and control of his head.

I can open my mouth to speak, and can see and hear what is happening outside.

At this time, Chen Yanyan, who was busy finishing the battle outside, rushed over without stopping, entered the cabin of the scientific research ship, came to the outside of the meat nest, and looked at Lin Feng floating quietly in the egg cabin in front of her.


Chen Yanyan asked.

On the side, Chiyi was concentrating on controlling the two Queen Mother's amethyst brains, helping Lin Feng regain his mental strength.

So Liu Yueqi, who was guarding here, quickly replied:

"It's much better. Although he regained consciousness before, he couldn't even open his eyelids. He was able to open his eyes and speak just now. He should recover quickly."

After listening to Liu Yueqi's report, Chen Yanyan breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the man in the egg cabin in front of her with a smile.

Although Lin Feng inside could not detect the situation outside, he could hear subtle voices, so he opened his eyes slightly and smiled at Chen Yanyan in front of him.

Reassuring the other person.

After confirming Lin Feng's status, Chen Yanyan turned to look at Zhi Yi, who was transforming to control mental repair:

"If you need anything else, I can have the people below prepare it as soon as possible."

Zhiyi did not open his eyes, but spoke softly:

"A large amount of organic nutrient solution and some second-level insect eggs are also needed to repair the breeding mecha and to transform Lin Feng's physical constitution to the fourth level."

Chen Yanyan nodded and immediately prepared to arrange people to deal with the matter.

Before leaving, he stretched out his hand to touch the egg bulkhead membrane and comforted softly:

"Leave the outside matters to me. You can have a good rest here and don't worry."

Lin Feng nodded.


After leaving the scientific research ship, Chen Yanyan quickly returned to work and began to deal with trivial matters one by one.

Listen to the notifications from the leaders of the various regiments below, and the reports from more than 30,000 soldiers and dozens of commanders of the regiments. At the same time, in terms of logistics, after cleaning up the battlefield, it is also necessary to provide various material guarantees, wounded planning, and contact the transportation troops in the rear, arrange personnel, and open up the connection with the Jincheng base and Wucheng base.

Deliver the spoils of this battle.

In addition to these, it is also necessary to organize the personnel who are still capable of fighting, divide them into four armies, and march towards the four Zerg nests in Minzhou.

Although according to the spies on the front line, the four mid-stage queens of Minzhou, with their Zerg armies, gathered in Mingcheng, but there are still a large number of low-level Zerg swarms living in their original habitats.

Including tens of thousands of red beetle swarms, and a considerable number of black-spine beetles.

Although these swarms have become ownerless insects, they are still valuable and can be sold to the base forces in the rear.

At the same time, there is a part of the meat nest under the insect nest, which allows the 蛍一 to extract life energy from it and convert it into organic nutrient solution, etc.

Although the battle of Mingcheng lasted only one hour, Lin Feng and his four men completed the decapitation mission, but the casualties on the front line are still not optimistic.

After all, the Five Emperors Alliance, formed by five mid-stage mother queens, is too powerful for the Zerg army under its command.

It can even be comparable to the late-stage third-stage mother queen.

Under a wave of impact, the loss rate of the Golden Fleet exceeded 20%, and even the fifty dreadnoughts of the backbone force suffered serious casualties.

Four of them were completely scrapped in the siege and concentrated fire of hundreds of second-stage Zergs. Fortunately, the internal driving members escaped in time under the cover of the second-stage battle group.

The flying wing tanks with weaker defense have a combat loss rate of more than 30%, and more than half of them have suffered varying degrees of damage.

Now the combat effectiveness of the Golden Fleet is less than half of the original.

Half of them are provided by the golden battleships.

The fleet's real strength is only 30% left.

So in the next few days, Chen Yanyan had to deal with various things. Not only was she overwhelmed, but she also had to organize people to go to Yuezhou to investigate the situation there.

In case the late queen mother in Guizhou has already set her sights on Yuezhou, she also sent out the third-level Zerg to Minzhou to collect intelligence.

After this battle, the only two most powerful forces in the southern part of the entire continent were the Salvation Army of mankind and the late queen mother in the south.

The expansion space between the two sides became smaller and smaller.

There was even less buffer zone left.

It was only a matter of time before they came into direct contact.

So even though the Salvation Army suffered heavy losses after the Battle of Mingcheng, Chen Yanyan had to be extremely alert and organize and build a defensive line as soon as possible to avoid being caught by the late queen mother.

The post-war arrangements, which were more torturous than the short war, were busy until the next night, when the logistical support from the Jincheng Base and the Wucheng Base finally arrived outside Mingcheng.

In addition to sending away the seriously injured and the dead, they also need to send a batch of new members to the Salvation Army.

Including tens of thousands of new soldiers and the second-level combat group that is rotating.

At the same time, in order to cooperate with the final decisive battle, Wucheng Base also needs to seize power and control, so as to provide logistical support for the decisive battle in the near future.

While everyone was busy, a special member who came from Jincheng Base with the ship came to the research ship.

It was Ling Shuyan, the director of Jincheng Biological Research Institute.

And she came to the front line with the team this time, in addition to bringing the third-level promoted personnel agreed with the leader of the Salvation Army, there is another very important thing.

After arranging the personnel in the temporary camp, Ling Shuyan rushed to the research ship where Lin Feng and Longyi were.

When she saw Longyi, Ling Shuyan's heart tightened, adjusted her mentality and walked into the ship's cabin with a teenage girl behind her.

Seeing Lin Feng himself wrapped in the egg capsule on the biological meat nest, and Long Yi who was developing electric drive cells.

There was also a girl who had not met a few times.

I heard that she had grown into a third-level strongman.

So Ling Shuyan asked Liu Yueqi to accompany the girl she brought with her, and walked towards Long Yi:

"Miss Lin..."

Ling Yi had noticed the other party's arrival early, and probably guessed her intention of rushing here, so he spoke directly:

"Is there a problem with the project under the research institute?"

Ling Shuyan's words were suddenly stuck at her lips, and after nodding, she continued:

"I followed Miss Lin's advice and injected the red beetle gene into different life forms, but the most acceptable ones are still us humans."

"Perhaps it is due to physical defects, coupled with the talent of mental power, humans have a very high tolerance for foreign genes, and rarely have rejection reactions. Even if it is just a late-stage enhanced person, they can withstand the red clan. fusion of genes."

"In order to ensure the safety of the experiment, our test samples are divided into death row prisoners and volunteers."

"The former is used for large-dose tolerance experiments, while the latter is for small-dose, batch-by-batch fusion experiments, so the volunteers have been safe and sound, at most their skin turns red, and they awaken special abilities such as strange fire."

"But those prisoners who are locked up in the deepest part of the underground laboratory have big problems."

"They feel very cold for no reason, especially in the dark environment deep inside, the temperature is obviously 27 or 28 degrees, and the humidity is also fine, why does this happen?"

"There are still many awakened people in there, and their strength is not low."

"But the stronger they are, the colder they feel. They even curl up in their blankets all day, shivering. They don't seem to be pretending..."

"But according to the test, their body temperature is not low. Some of them even have a fever of more than 45 degrees. If it were an ordinary person, their brain would be burned out, but for them, it's like being in an ice cave."

Speaking of this, Ling Shuyan took a deep breath.

Because what happened next was a bit beyond her understanding of the world:

"Later, we also noticed similar situations in the volunteers, so we speculated that the Chi people were born intolerant to low temperatures and were very adaptable to high temperature environments."

"After all, if some planets are too close to the stars or there is no atmosphere to block them, the surface temperature will definitely exceed 70 or 80 degrees, or even higher."

"To survive in such hot and harsh conditions, their genes and physical health have been alienated and unable to adapt to the blue planet environment..."

"After getting the inference, we took corresponding measures. The prisoners in the underground laboratory cannot be released. After they are integrated into the genes of the Chi people, although They are in a state of confusion and fuzziness, but their physique is growing rapidly, just like the genetic warriors who have integrated the cells of the spinosad, with an increase of more than 50%. "

"In addition, their physical properties will be further improved in an environment with rising temperatures."

"So in order to avoid giving them the opportunity to escape, we finally chose to throw the experimental subjects directly into the deepest part of the previously accumulated flesh and blood tissue."

"Let them fend for themselves in there, and see if we can select the samples with the highest adaptability and stability. Anyway, the laboratory does not have a heating system, so there is no need to worry about them escaping."

"In this way, it will also free up beds and space for the next batch of new experimental subjects. room."

"Everything was going well..."

"But two days ago, our researchers went to check the situation as usual. Although they were moved to the big bunk bed, there was no shortage of food inside, so not many people died."

"On that day, our researchers were directly burned to ashes by the raging fire that was inexplicably ignited..."

"According to the images taken by the surveillance cameras inside before the short circuit shutdown."

"This group of damn experimental subjects, I don't know when, they gathered together to keep warm..."

"It's fine, after all, it doesn't have much impact."

"But that day, the researchers opened the doors and windows, When delivering food to them, they saw a face covered in blood, and then a raging fire suddenly ignited from the meat balls they were wrapped in! "

"The flame was so large and intense that it directly ignited the researcher outside the door."

"It was just a little bit of sparks that could not be extinguished. The members who rushed to rescue could only watch him burn to ashes..."

"And in the giant flames of the laboratory, a devil's face actually emerged..."

Speaking of this, Ling Shuyan had exhausted all her strength and leaned on the table beside her with some physical exhaustion. She took out her mobile phone from her pocket and played the entire process and pictures captured by the camera to Longyi.

After watching it, Longyi showed a strange smile and slowly said:

"I reminded you at the beginning that you must be careful and cautious when studying this kind of alien civilization race."

"Because you don't know how strange and unpredictable their inherited artistic conception power is..."

"The Red Clan..."

"But the Zerg is one of the strongest enemies they have ever encountered."

"Their home planet..."

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