End of the World: My Items Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 310 Proof of an ordinary awakener, Zhou Di awakens

The morning after the outbreak and end of the Battle of Hangzhou City...

Lin Feng received a report from the second-level battle group heading south to the coastal Taizhou.

Under the leadership of Liu Yi, the second-level battle group, through the continuous consumption of three lv29 dreadnought battleships, finally annihilated all the swarms of the Taicheng Zerg after bombarding for an afternoon and a whole night, a full fifteen hours.

Including low-level black-spine worms, they were directly wiped out by the branch fleet under his command.

After clearing all the swarms on the surface, Liu Yi led his ten second-level battle groups through the surface wormhole into the underground and headed for the underground worm nest.

He knew very well that he could not kill a high-level queen alone, even an ordinary early queen.

So before the final assault, all factors that affect the outcome must be eliminated.

The reason why the queen is difficult to kill is that the Zerg under her command can provide continuous help under the control of the queen.

Whether it is harassing the enemy, sacrificing themselves, providing life energy to the Queen Mother, or the cost of summoning the God's Domain to descend, tens of thousands of insect swarms are a great help to the Queen Mother.

So if they, a group of ordinary human awakeners, want to kill the Queen Mother, they must do it step by step.

They can't intercept the harassment against the tide of insects like the leader Lin Feng, go deep into the underground Queen Mother and behead her.

They have to fight a war of attrition step by step.

And Liu Yi and his party, who have a full set of replica weapons, are least afraid of a war of attrition.

The second-level orange quality, level 29 armor-piercing cannons and electromagnetic cannon replicas in their hands, as long as they kill a large number of Zergs, they can draw energy from their corpses, charge and convert them into shells, and continue to fire.

Achieve an infinite cycle.

And the three dreadnoughts and twenty chariots, as replicas of the golden battleships, are even more so.

Especially the former, at the beginning, the lv29 dreadnought battleship, with the strength of just one battleship, could crush the tens of thousands of insect tides of the entire Queen of Haicheng...

Now three ships have come at once. Although the effect of the additional attributes is not as good as the original body, the firepower has been increased several times with the additional addition of Lin Feng's copying process.

Forty dreadnought battleships, each with a firepower configuration that can suppress 40,000 to 50,000 insect tides alone, can be called a mobile artillery fortress.

The firepower of the giant ship's cannons is more fierce than the artillery salvos of all battleships in human history.

The three dreadnought battleships bombarded for fifteen hours in a row. After the entire Taicheng was razed to the ground and the ruins were filled with insect corpses, Liu Yi led 550 fully armed second-level battle group members into the insect nest.

They are all equipped with armor-piercing guns, ten-man captains, group leaders, and upgraded electromagnetic guns.

The firepower is not inferior to the dreadnought battleships.

As they went deeper, relying on their absolute advantage in numbers and firepower, they quickly killed the remaining tens of thousands of low-level black-spine insects and the remaining more than a hundred second-level tiger-spine insects.

Finally, in the mother nest deep underground, more than a hundred second-level late-stage perfect awakeners, including the leaders and deputy leaders of all second-level battle groups, blocked the entrance of the mother nest and waited for them.

Inside the mother nest, there was their target, the Taicheng Queen Mother, and the last remaining Queen Mother guards.

Including a second-level peak level 29 tiger-spine insect, and ten second-level late-stage tiger-spine insects.

The Queen Mother's strength is also at level 33, and her physical and mental attributes are three times that of Liu Yi, who has just entered the third stage, and her health attribute is more than ten times.

Even if Liu Yi has the blessing of physical enhancement ability, the physical attribute value can only be raised to the threshold of level 33 at most, close to more than 3,000.

In front of the Taicheng Queen Mother who has reached the initial perfection, it is not worth mentioning at all.

Fortunately, this queen mother, who landed and occupied Taicheng more than three months ago, did not encounter any decent blockade or resistance, and settled here directly.

So she was completely unprepared for the counterattack of humans.

In other words, in her eyes, and according to reports from queen mothers in various places, the indigenous races on the blue planet are not worth mentioning at all. Why bother to defend? It is better to put the extra energy and resources into expanding the territory and improving her own strength.

So the queen mother of Taicheng stayed in the underground nest, without preparing a retreat for herself.

The only way out was the entrance and exit of the nest occupied by Liu Yi and others.

In this way, Liu Yi and his men only needed to set up the muzzle of the gun at the entrance of the nest, and they could continuously output firepower to the queen mother of Taicheng in the nest, and bombarded her in turns.

On the spot, they used the magnetic storm bombs of the electromagnetic gun to bombard and kill the last dozen tiger spine insects, including the second-level peak tiger spine insects.

Without the protection of the guards, the Taicheng Queen Mother was completely exposed to the guns of the human second-level war group.

In addition, the diameter of the mother nest it dug was less than two kilometers, and its body occupied one-sixth of the space.

While having nowhere to hide, the large number of red beetles carrying it were also killed and injured in the bombardment of armor-piercing cannons and electromagnetic cannons. It was impossible to control them and temporarily dig a way to escape.

Without the red beetles, the Taicheng Queen Mother's own movements became very slow. In addition, the 100 electromagnetic cannons in the hands of the war group members continued to attack...

Even if it wanted to rush to the entrance and exit of the mother nest, release mental attacks in front of the enemy, or summon the arrival of the divine domain, it was also out of reach.

Even if it released the arrival of the divine domain on the spot, it would be bombarded by dense electromagnetic cannons and interrupted its rhythm.

As the magnetic burst bombs hit the Taicheng Empress, each shot caused up to a thousand current bombardment damage. After passing through the high-level Empress's defense layer of one or two meters thick, it could also cause hundreds of damage. damage and kill body surface cells within a diameter of four to five meters.

Even though these hundreds of points of damage could not cause fatal or serious injuries to the Taicheng Empress, they could accumulate horrific injuries like drops of water through stone.

Because the Empress of Taicheng had to consume the life energy in her body to repair these injuries, otherwise as the damage continued to deepen, it would cause more serious damage to the internal organs in the trunk.

In order to avoid the vulnerable head and neck from being hit by the electromagnetic gun, the Queen Mother turned around and used her torso and back to carry the biological nest to resist the damage.

At the same time, dig as many tunnels as possible to escape from this place.

But the speed was really impressive. The progress of the self-excavation was interrupted by the shelling. After more than ten minutes, only a few dozen meters were dug out.

It’s not enough for Taicheng Empress to stick her neck in.

The electromagnetic gun bombardment behind him had already caused thousands of damage.

Forcibly reducing the life value of Taicheng Empress from more than 13,000 to less than 8,000, and at the same time, more than half of the life energy in her body was consumed.

At this moment, the Empress of Taicheng has lost the ability to summon the gods to come.

It was not until another ten minutes passed that Liu Yi ordered the bombardment to stop, and at the same time, he led more than 20 battle group leaders into the nest.

At this time, the Empress of Taicheng was already dying.

Under the bombardment of thousands of electromagnetic cannons, he lost his ability to resist and his health was suppressed to less than 3,000.

Except for the core brain and some internal organs, other parts of the insect's body had been bombarded by electric current and turned brown and black.

The biological nest on the back turned into a black mass of charcoal, lifeless at all.

Then Liu Yi swung his tiger-tooth chain sword, cut the neck of Taicheng Empress, and continued to bleed her.

More than a dozen people came together and finally got into the flesh and blood of the Queen Mother's neck. They destroyed several chain swords and spent more than half an hour before cutting off the insect's head.

Completely cut off the vitality of Taicheng Mother Queen.

Then, under Liu Yi's suggestion and witness, all the group leaders involved in the operation drew lots.

It is ultimately decided who will get the final kill.

It is also the only opportunity for advancement.

Then one of the group leaders won the draw, stood on top of the Queen Mother's head with a chain sword in his hand, and stabbed into it fiercely.

After completing the kill, you will feel a steady stream of life energy flowing into your body, directly changing the level of your life.

On Liu Yi's side, while reporting on the successful victory, Lin Feng and others who were cleaning up the battlefield in Hangzhou, two hundred kilometers away, also welcomed the triumphant Liu Yueqi and his entourage from the east.

They spent a whole day to kill Empress Ningcheng and stayed up almost twenty-four hours a day until they finally cleaned up the battlefield and cleared out all the available supplies.

Then return to Hangzhou early in the morning and round with the Salvation Army headquarters.

And among their team, only one person slept and hibernated for more than ten hours.

It was Zhou Di who completed the final kill, the deputy leader of the second-level battle group who had awakened to control high-level energy. After killing Queen Ningcheng, he drank several second-level insect eggs in one breath. The organic nutrient solution immediately lay in the cabin dormitory of the dreadnought battleship and started to upgrade.

At this moment, after Lin Feng received the good news from Liu Yi's department, he also received Liu Yueqi himself coming to present a list of the results of the Ningcheng battle.

"In this battle at Ningcheng, in addition to the insect head of the Queen Mother and the useful biological materials in the body, there are also two hundred second-order insect eggs, more than one hundred second-order live insects, and more than four thousand A black-spine live insect.”

"As for the promotion status of the team members, more than 20 of the second-level battle group have been successfully promoted to the late second-level. One hundred new early-level second-level soldiers have been promoted. The strength of the remaining first-level soldiers has also risen by one level on average."

"And the most important thing is that the number of third-level awakened people will soon be increased by another general."

Liuyue Qihui reported that now she has learned a little about how to behave in the world from the reminders of her subordinates, and is no longer as unruly as before.

Although Lin Feng, Chen Yanyan and others will tolerate her because of her age, others will also have opinions and criticisms over time.

Compared with the improvement in strength, Liu Yueqi's character has grown and become more stable.

After Lin Feng read the report and handed it to Chen Yanyan, he nodded and said:

"I know that the person who awakened the special power is very smart and can deeply develop his own power into such a powerful person. He will not be an unknown person."

"Sooner or later it's going to be a hit."

"This time I am promoted to the third stage, there must be a high chance that I will be able to create my own artistic conception."

"Have you introduced this matter to him?"

Liu Yueqi was stunned for a moment and shook her head:

"I was worried that he would be mentally stressed and burdened, so I didn't introduce the artistic conception. But when I woke up, it wasn't too difficult."

"In the spiritual world, you have to find a way to develop your own abilities to the extreme to break the dilemma that limits you and leave the spiritual world."

"This is how the fragmented artistic conception is condensed and formed!"

Lin Feng glanced at Chi Yi who was sitting next to him. After the other party indicated with his eyes, he nodded immediately:

"Okay. For insurance reasons, we'd better go over there. Is the leader of this battle group named Zhou Di still in that dreadnought battleship?"

Liu Yueqi hummed:

"You're still here. If you're awake, the captain will also notify you."

Lin Feng immediately stood up and took Ling Yi, led by Liu Yueqi, to the Dreadnought where Zhou Di was.

Although the area of ​​the two-person cabin dormitory was only more than ten square meters, it was several times better than the dormitory with multiple people in the navy ship.

On the one hand, there were only a hundred permanent crew members on the Dreadnought, and on the other hand, there was no ammunition depot inside the warship except for the power system occupying one-third of the space. This large space can provide a comfortable living area.

At this moment, Zhou Di's cross-level upgrade was also carried out on one of the two beds in the dormitory.

At the same time, there was a first-level combat soldier doctor and two second-level late-stage combat group members in the dormitory, who were responsible for the whole process of accompanying.

When Lin Feng and his friends arrived, they reported the situation, walked out of the dormitory, and waited outside the door.

Looking at Zhou Di, who was sweating all over and energy fluctuations were constantly surging all over his body, Lin Feng frowned slightly.

Ling Yi on the side also felt something was wrong.

On Zhou Di, there are too many kinds of energy forms, from the most basic light fluctuations to the light and heat release of burning explosions, and even a bunch of static electricity flashing, burning the sweat hairs on the epidermis.

At this moment, Zhou Di is like a gathering of energy.

The ability in his body that can control high-level energy is being released to the extreme.

And this energy fluctuation, at the peak of the intense peak, even Lin Feng, who was standing by, felt his flesh throbbing and his heart frightened.

The power density of its fluctuation is as powerful as the charged mental attack of the middle-stage mother queen.

It can cause a severe mental injury to Lin Feng, who is not driving a colonized mecha now.

But the duration of this fluctuation is only a moment at the peak.

If it weren't for Lin Feng's keen mental perception and his familiarity with the artistic conception of particle control, ordinary third-level strongmen would find it difficult to detect it.

For example, Liu Yueqi, who is a bit nervous.

And Ling Yi, who is beside Lin Feng, naturally also felt this energy fluctuation.

So he spoke directly:

"His current state is very dangerous. I guess in his spiritual world, he is trying to compress different forms of energy into one point."

"It requires extreme balance, and at the same time, he must be very familiar with the transformation between various energies."

"But this requires long-term accumulation, and it is not something he can accomplish in his spiritual world at the last minute."

"It can't be delayed any longer. The physical stability must be reduced as soon as possible, otherwise before the artistic conception is condensed, his body will directly self-ignite in the strong energy fluctuations!"

After speaking, Long Yi directly asked his subordinates to send a batch of industrial quick-freezing agents from the materials they brought.

Then he asked the doctor to apply low-concentration alcohol on Zhou Di to cool him down.

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