End of the World: My Items Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 309 Five Emperors Alliance, Controlling High Energy

"According to reports from Minzhou's advance army, the five queen queens of Minzhou have begun to migrate the entire Zerg race and are gathering in Mingcheng, the center of Minzhou's terrain."

Chen Yanyan looked at the intelligence coming from the front line and reported to Lin Fenghui in front of her.

In fact, this information was first passed to Zhezhou, and then passed back to the Jincheng base in Jiangnan Prefecture through the reconnaissance post stationed here.

Although there is no satellite communication now, the mobile network signal on the ground has also lost its function due to the power outage.

But radio signals from fifty or sixty years ago can still transmit information simply and quickly over a distance of hundreds of kilometers.

Such as brief information.

At this moment, the changes in the local situation discovered by the reconnaissance outpost from Minzhou were transmitted to Zhezhou and directly sent to the golden battleship of the southward expeditionary force.

Because the entire golden fleet is equipped with radio signal reception capabilities.

Lin Feng frowned slightly as he looked at the key information handed over by his subordinates. As subsequent information came in, it was sent to Captain Chen Yanyan one after another...

Regarding the changes in the mother and emperor of Minzhou, it gradually became clear:

"Because Minzhou does not have a developed water system that runs through the entire state, and most of the land is hilly and mountainous, it is impossible to cultivate large-scale fertile farmland. Therefore, it is a coastal state with a vast territory and a relatively sparse population."

"People living in Minzhou, before the apocalypse broke out, went to all over the world to do business, and few stayed in Minzhou to survive and develop..."

"This also led to the mother emperors who landed in Minzhou. Due to many factors such as the vast territory, rich natural resources, and sparse population, there was not so much friction between them, as well as competition around key resources and population cities."

"So the five Queen Mothers have always been able to grow up peacefully in ample living space."

"The original locations were Pingcheng, Fucheng, Mingcheng, Quancheng, and Yanzhou. Fucheng and Quancheng are both by the sea."

"The remaining three cities are where the Queen Mother developed all the way inland and took root and settled down after plundering the coastal cities."

While Chen Yanyan introduced the situation in Minzhou, she adjusted the picture on the digital display screen in the command room, removed the map of Zhezhou that she had viewed before, and zoomed in on the topographic map of Minzhou.

By marking the locations of the five queen queens in Minzhou, it can be clearly seen that the divisions of these five queen queens are very far apart from each other, almost dividing the entire Minzhou into five.

No one takes more, and no one takes less.

Almost every female queen can occupy a territory of a hundred miles in radius, collect and plunder the biomass resources within it, and achieve peaceful and stable development.

And a layout like this is also the most difficult to solve.

After all, there is no hierarchical suppression between the Mother Queens, and it is impossible to quickly disintegrate the Queen Mother's rule and the power of the Zerg by killing the top people in the state.

For example, in Zhezhou, in fact, after Lin Feng and the two men killed the Queen of Hangcheng, the mid-term existence was completed, the entire human-insect war in Zhezhou had already decided the winner.

All subsequent battles, including the deaths of other Empresses, the Empresses of Huacheng, Ningcheng, and Taicheng and Wencheng, are just the continuation of the influence of the Battle of Hangcheng.

When the Salvation Army occupied Hangzhou, the Queen Mothers in other places in Zhezhou, as well as the Zerg under her command, had entered a countdown to death.

This is the trouble with detached rule at the top.

Once the strongest ruler dies, the entire organization will lose its ability to resist, and in a short period of time, it will quickly fall apart and die.

Including the establishment of the Salvation Army and Jincheng Base, as well as its formation system, all revolved around Lin Feng.

After entering the third stage, Lin Feng also consciously tried his best to avoid this situation from happening.

That's why he led Shen Jie to kill the Queen Mother and became the second level three powerhouse in the team. Later, in the battle at Yunxia Ridge in the north, he assisted Liu Yueqi, Jiang Yun'er and other subordinates to advance to the third level.

Ensure that the team’s strength class is stable and healthy.

Avoid creating too big a gap between yourself and them, which will eventually bring the Salvation Army and Jincheng Base to a level that does not belong to them.

Otherwise, if something unexpected happens to you or you are trapped in a certain place for too long, the Salvation Army and Jincheng Base will instantly become vulnerable.

This resulted in a situation where people died and government ceased.

The best way to solve this problem is the strategy adopted by Lin Feng to decentralize the initial beheading of the Queen Mother.

Let the Salvation Army under you gradually grow into a being that can take the lead alone.

Prepare early for your future self to leave the surface and go to the inner earth world. At the same time, when everything is over, you can safely leave the Blue Star and go to the solar system and even the Milky Way to carry out space exploration and interstellar travel.

Now, the problem that Lin Feng has to face is that the Empress of Minzhou, who also adopted the same approach, has chosen a strategy of working together on how to develop and expand.

The balanced development also keeps their strength basically at the same level.

This is what Lin Feng is most worried about in his heart.

As Chen Yanyan continued to speak, Lin Feng also confirmed his inner speculation.

"According to the data seen and photographed by the investigation team, the Zerg in these five cities in Minzhou all have traces of the new second-order Zerg..."

"Such as pulse war scorpion, samurai insect hunting, etc..."

"This also shows from the side that the five Zerg tribes in Minzhou and the Queen Mother who rules them have all been promoted to the middle stage of the third level. As for the specific strength level, we have to wait until the golden fleet arrives in Minzhou. Based on the size of the Zerg tribe, we can infer The approximate strength of the five Queen Mothers..."

Speaking of this, even the always optimistic Chen Yanyan couldn't help but feel the pressure.

The atmosphere in the entire command tower became solemn and depressing after the intelligence was read out.

The battle of Hangzhou City, which had just won a great victory, and Shen Jie's "bloodless" victory in Huacheng, instantly became dull in front of the news from Minzhou at this moment.

There is also a more severe battle waiting for the Salvation Army on the expedition to the south.

Lin Feng shook his head:

"The five queens developed peacefully and divided up the resources and territory of Minzhou equally. Even if they all advanced to the third-stage mid-term, they were not that strong."

"At most, they were in the lower middle level of the mid-term, one or two levels weaker than the queen of Hangzhou..."

"Even the queen of Hangzhou was beheaded by my two swords and died with hatred."

"The queen of Hangzhou gathered the power of an entire state to develop to its current strength. The five queens of Minzhou are not as strong as the queen of Hangzhou. Even if there are five of them, what can they do!"

"One is killed, and five are also killed!"

"What's more, they are five equally weak beings, If we can win by numbers, then the defeat in the battle of Yunxialing in the north should be our Salvation Army..."

"But the result is that the two mid-term perfect mother queens died tragically under my sword one after another, and more than 200 Salvation Army pacified the Northern Mother Queen Alliance and returned with a great victory!"

"Now it is just a small Five Emperors Alliance, what is there to be afraid of!"

"Three days later, I will lead the Salvation Army, tens of thousands of soldiers, to prove to the Five Emperors Alliance that even five of them are not enough!"

"They can't stop the steel torrent of the golden warships, let alone the revenge determination of mankind!"

As soon as Lin Feng finished speaking, all the personnel in the command tower burst into enthusiastic high-fives.

After a while, Lin Feng raised his hands to suppress the thunderous applause.

After boosting the momentum, the focus will be put back on the future battle of Minzhou.

Strategically, we should despise our opponents, but tactically, Lin Feng dare not underestimate the Five Emperors Alliance.

Although they do have some strength.

But it's just a little.

Later, Chen Yanyan introduced that the five queen mothers were currently leading their Zerg tribes, as well as all the resources and hatching nests in the Zerg nest, to the center of Minzhou, where Mingcheng was located.

There, the Five Emperors Alliance will unite together.

Together they will resist the attack and crusade of the Human Salvation Army.

If they want to separate Hangzhou City like this, it is easy to do, they just need to defeat them one by one.

Lin Feng and Ling Yi drove the biological colonization suit, and with mutual cooperation, they could take away any ordinary third-level mid-stage queen mother without any effort.

Especially those who had just been promoted.

They could even take Liu Yueqi, Shen Jie, Liu Yi and others to conduct a large-scale training of third-level subordinates.

They could train them to cooperate with each other when facing higher-level enemies, resist the enemy's attack, and achieve the final counterattack.

And these five mid-stage queen mothers can also provide Lin Feng with some upgrade points for third-level equipment, as well as five new third-level initial-stage subordinates.

The significance of the latter is more important than the former.

After all, when the expedition to the south reaches Yuezhou below Minzhou, it will face the only third-level late queen mother in the east of the main continent.

When the two sides come into direct contact, the late queen mothers from Dianzhou and Guizhou will definitely send a large number of third-level Zergs to cooperate with the third-level king spinal worms to annihilate the last resistance of humans in the east of the continent.

By then, there is no need to care about the number of times the third-level equipment is upgraded. There will be countless ordinary third-level Zergs who have not mastered the power of artistic conception, allowing Lin Feng to harvest.

So now while clearing the obstacles to the south, what Lin Feng needs is more third-level subordinates to help him form the defense line of the Salvation Army.

Instead of waiting for dozens of third-level Zergs to attack under the leadership of the king spinal worm, Lin Feng has to stop the attack of all the third-level swarms alone.

Having other third-level subordinates to share the pressure is the best solution to defeat the third-level swarm charge under the late-level queen mother.

At this time, the five queen mothers in Minzhou are one of the sources of Lin Feng's third-level subordinates.

But how to make them die in the hands of subordinates who are only at the late stage of the second order or at the peak has become the problem that Lin Feng has to worry about now.

The best way is to transport a small hydrogen bomb with a TNT equivalent of 300,000 tons from the Jincheng base in the rear.

In the final battle of Yunxialing in the north, Lin Feng, who was only at the early stage of the third order, had to use a hydrogen bomb to kill the arrogant southern queen mother. Later, he used a second hydrogen bomb to seriously injure the eastern queen mother, and finally completed the mid-term promotion and double kill.

One battle to fame.

Now facing the five mid-term queen mothers, it may be a good choice to use hydrogen bombs again.

Originally, Lin Feng planned to save this hydrogen bomb for the peak duel with the late queen mother. Judging from the current situation, it should be used in advance.

So Lin Feng immediately asked Chen Yanyan to arrange for people to return to Jincheng to take out the only remaining hydrogen bomb and transport it to the storage space of the golden battleship.

The other two small-yield atomic warheads have extremely limited lethality to the five mid-stage queens, and cannot cause serious injuries to a large area.

At most, they can seriously injure two.

So it is useless to bring them.

In addition, Lin Feng also asked Chen Yanyan to inform Han Yuxin at the Jincheng Base to prepare to negotiate and contact with the northern senior officials of the Federation and the Biological Research Institute.

Regarding their previous cooperation with Lin Feng, they can now proceed. Candidates for the third-level promotion will be arranged as soon as possible to follow the team of the great expedition south.

On the way here, I also brought a few more high-yield hydrogen bombs as backup.

Without a big killer like a hydrogen bomb at hand, Lin Feng felt uneasy.

Not only the effect of nuclear deterrence, in the hands of Lin Feng and the Salvation Army, the role of hydrogen bombs is one of the trump cards for killing high-level Zerg.

It is a powerful weapon that can be put into actual combat.

The effect is not weaker than that of the Queen Mother's Divine Realm.

After arranging countermeasures, Liu Yueqi, who headed to the east of Hangcheng soon, also received news from Ningcheng.

Successfully kill the Zerg Mother Queen entrenched there.

A perfect mother queen at the early stage of the third level was finally destroyed by Liu Yueqi's fragmented artistic conception. She cut off the mother queen's head directly and lost the ability to struggle and fight back.

In the end, a member of the Salvation Army's second-level battle group with special abilities completed the kill.

As for whether the artistic conception can be born, it depends on God's will.

Lin Feng also learned from the group's personnel information that this pure-blooded human awakener possesses rare special powers and can control high-energy energy.

In other words, the opponent can distort the sun's rays, or compress the explosive energy group into a ball and release it again elsewhere.

And this guy named Zhou Di is still a college student addicted to the second dimension and various superhero movies.

So he suddenly came up with the idea of ​​absorbing the spherical magnetic blast bomb in the electromagnetic gun as the driving force for flash, and transformed into the Flash.

Sparks and lightning run through the insect swarm all the way,

Electrocute countless insect swarms.

Incarnate into the God of Thunder and the God of Death who control the electric energy of magnetic storms.

Even the mental attack of the Mother Queen at the early stage of the third level was unable to break through the electromagnetic restraint energy shield he formed around his body.

As long as you run around the mother queen, you can inflict continuous electric damage to the Zerg mother queen.

Don't underestimate the thousands of electric shock damage. Although it is not fatal and cannot kill high-level Queen Mothers, it can disrupt the neural electrical signal transmission of Queen Mothers, thereby interrupting their mental attacks and decapitating other teammates.

Create the perfect timing!

The only pity is that the current that an electromagnetic gun can provide to him is only enough to last for two minutes.

If you carry more than two electromagnetic guns, it will be difficult to maintain supersonic speed due to the overload.

Therefore, this guy's superpower development can only be used as a final killer weapon.

But this time, Liu Yueqi was able to successfully kill the Empress Ningcheng in a duel...

It depends on this legendary guy named Zhou Di, the deputy leader of the second-level battle group, who has developed his own super power to an extremely strong state.

After Liu Yueqi completed the beheading, he naturally gave this precious third-level promotion opportunity to Zhou Di.

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and looked at the young man on the profile.

I don’t know if he can give birth to the power of artistic conception after being promoted.

Control high energy energy...

Maybe it will be helpful for the electric drive cell plan to kill the later mother queen and advance to the fourth level!

After all, the ordinary cells with superpowers in the second stage,

There is no comparison in ability effect with the high-level cells after being promoted to the third level.

The key to the birth of electro-driven cells...

Maybe it’s in this young man’s body!

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