End of the World: My Items Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 299: Plan, Level 4 Body, Fate

Ling Yi's vague words made Lin Feng's expression slightly change, because this voice did not come from the outside world, but emerged from Lin Feng's heart.

At this time, after returning from Huaicheng in the north, Ling Yi has been staying at the edge of the city several kilometers away from the Jincheng base railway station.

She is inseparable from the corpse of the middle-stage mother queen, absorbing the residual life energy from it.

Although she could do it before, using mental power to transmit some information, it is the first time to transmit ultra-long-distance across visual range like now.

This also shows that after being promoted to the middle stage, Ling Yi has a very wide mental influence range, which can even cover a distance of several kilometers.

This is different from controlling the Zerg under his command. The Zerg is inherited from the mother queen in terms of genes, and the brain structure has also been modified to be more suitable for receiving the mother queen's mental energy interface, which can naturally spread for dozens of kilometers.

But Lin Feng does not have Zerg genes at the moment, and he is still a strong man at the same level as Ling Yi.

The influence range of an ordinary third-stage early Queen Mother on a human awakener is no more than one kilometer. Even for a mid-stage Queen Mother, the maximum distance of her mental attack is only about one or two kilometers.

The fact that Long Yi could sense and connect with herself without anyone noticing clearly showed that the improvement brought to her by the promotion to the mid-stage was far beyond her expectations.

The mental power not only covered several kilometers away, but also could sense the overflowing artistic conception power from Chen Yanyan.

Obviously, she also noticed the unusual artistic conception of the Mechanical Overlord.

However, Lin Feng ignored her and continued to look at the appraisal results in front of him:

"The original super firepower has been updated to: ten level 29 battleship heavy guns, basic damage 900, maximum range 20km, and firing rate 1/second. It can fire magnetic storm bombs, which are activated after charging for 10 seconds, with an effective range of 10km, an average damage of 500, and a killing coverage area: the diameter of the explosion center is 1km, and the center damage is 1,000, which decreases in sequence."

"The original dry land boat attribute has been updated to: it can obtain energy from the Zerg corpses to achieve unlimited endurance, the maximum speed +100%, and it can adapt to any complex water terrain, and the internal space is 6,000 cubic meters. The current living combat area is 1,000 cubic meters, and the storage space is 5,000 cubic meters."

"The original life radar attribute has been updated to: every 1 upgrade point consumed can detect all existences with a health value greater than 50 within a radius of 40 kilometers."

Including the basic attributes and the four additional attributes, there have been significant improvements.

The basic defense and attack, as well as the maximum speed, have all increased a bit, but the maximum range has not changed much, which is within Lin Feng's expectations. After all, the size and weight of the golden warship are almost twice as large as before.

And the indestructible attribute has increased rapidly, almost doubling. The 800 defense power plus the basic defense is 1600 defense value. It can ignore any attack of the second-level Zerg and directly drive into the Zerg army, rushing around, using 1400 impact damage to crush all the behemoths in front of it.

At the same time, the energy shield has also increased from the previous 1000 defense average to 2000. Although the consumption has increased, for the golden warship, it can be completely immune to the attack of the second-level pulse war scorpion, and can also withstand the long-range mental cone attack of the third-level early queen mother.

The improvement of super firepower is also quite rapid.

The damage of ten battleship heavy guns was directly increased from the original limit of 200 to 300 points to 900 points, which is equivalent to the power of ten armor-piercing guns. At the same time, after switching to pulse guns, the shooting distance was increased to 10 kilometers, which can bombard insect swarms farther away.

In addition, after completing the leap-level promotion, the level 30 golden warship can directly integrate the orange quality second-level electromagnetic gun replica in the future.

The next upgrade will be directly armed to the teeth!

As for the land boat and life radar, as additional attributes of auxiliary types, the gain effect has also been generally doubled.

The storage space was originally 3,000 square meters, which was increased to 6,000, and the detection range of the life radar was also expanded from 20 kilometers to 40 kilometers.

The only pity is that no new additional attributes have appeared, which is probably related to Lin Feng’s lack of integration of materials.

When the next upgrade is completed, the best and most complete materials and weapons must be integrated and upgraded.

After seeing the upgrade changes of the lv30 golden battleship, another reminder popped up in front of Lin Feng:

"Equipment upgrade completed, synchronous upgrade energy, loaded! Do you want to absorb and upgrade!"

Seeing this, Lin Feng's mouth corners slightly raised. He was tired all night yesterday and killed two mid-stage queens in succession, not just to upgrade the battleship level.

Otherwise, he could directly use the reserved equipment upgrade energy to upgrade the lv29 orange quality fearless battleship.

And the ultimate goal of such hard work is naturally to quickly improve his own level and strength!

After choosing to absorb, Lin Feng only felt a strong energy fluctuation released from the golden battleship and flowed into his whole body.

Soon, an upgrade was completed:

"Lin Feng, lv35/39"

"HP 5k, PH 5k, SP 5.9k"

"Equipment: Ion Laser Cannon lv31/39, Hunter King Chainsaw Sword lv31/39, Bio-Colonization Suit lv34/39, Land Cruiser Battleship lv30/39"

"Skills: Identification, Upgrade, Copy, Telepathy, Genetic Radiation, Devouring Mad Battle, Unyielding Source, Fearless Call (Level 3 Upgrade Energy Reserve Times: 4)"

"Note: This upgrade energy can help orange equipment upgrade to gold quality!"

All basic attributes have increased by one thousand.

The current number of third-level upgrade reserves has been accumulated four times, and it is only one short of being able to upgrade the golden battleship to level 33.

At the same time, it gives Lin Feng the energy to upgrade simultaneously twice.

It only takes one time for Lin Feng to successfully advance to level 36 and reach the perfect state of mid-level three.

The remaining time is just used to increase the consumption of the fusion upgrade.

This choice of allocation can maximize the combat effectiveness of Lin Feng himself and the Salvation Army at the same time!

All of this is naturally within Lin Feng’s plan!

The next step is to collect all the materials and replica weapons needed for the next upgrade of the golden battleship.

After Lin Feng said goodbye to Chen Yanyan, he informed Zhiyi to come.

The two arrived together at the port on the bank of the Jincheng base river.

In a large storage warehouse on the dock, there is a large biological hatching nest.

Now it has been fed by Han Yuxin and others into a large biological factory.

The biological materials that Shen Jie escorted back from his trip, including a large number of second-order insect eggs and the precious brains of the Zerg mother queen, were all placed here.

The biofactory is currently under the care and control of Kang Yoona.

When Lin Feng and Xieyi arrived, she was processing three large boxes of human superpower gene banks that Xieyi had brought back.

After taking over, Zhiyi calmly introduced:

"According to the classification of the Federal Institute of Biological Research, there are three major categories of human superpower awakening. The first category is physical alienation of the material system, such as the most basic physical enhancement. This type of superpower is the most common, accounting for 100%. More than seventy, another rare type is the spiritual alienation of the consciousness system, such as the most direct telekinesis, or the release of spiritual power..."

"This type accounts for about 20%..."

"The most special type is a mixture of matter and consciousness, which has both physical and mental changes and can act on two levels."

"It also includes some auxiliary abilities, such as predicting the future, sensing existence, changing cognition, etc..."

"This category is collectively called miscellaneous and there is no specific division."

"That's what your powers are, and Liu Yueqi's are also miscellaneous."

"If you want to bring them all together and integrate them into one body, you need at least the foundation of the mother queen's huge vitality."

"The solution is to study the limits of physical evolution without changing body size."

"That is, the electric cell project."

"Currently relying on the ability to absorb mental and miscellaneous items, it is expected to increase the progress of the electric drive cells to 30%. After being activated by connecting to the power supply, it can explode several times the power and maintain it for more than three minutes."

"In the future, as the sample size expands and research methods are improved, its endurance and adaptability will increase exponentially."

Speaking of this, Zhiyi said with pride and certainty:

"Give me another half month, and I will be able to cultivate electro-driven cells with 90% suitability, enough to elevate your body to the threshold level of the fourth stage!"

Lin Feng nodded.

By that time, it is estimated that the Salvation Army has swept through the five southern coastal states and is about to start a peak showdown with the late mother queen of Dianzhou.

And the power of the fourth-level body can also allow Lin Feng to win this life-and-death duel.

At the same time, he laid a solid foundation for starting a journey to the center of the earth and going to the end of the land to rescue his father Lin Yu.

Otherwise, a flesh and blood body driven by chemical energy alone...

Even if Lin Feng reaches the late third level and reaches perfection, he still cannot withstand the high temperature of four to five thousand degrees deep in the earth's core.

After understanding the progress of the electro-driven cells, Lin Feng asked about the main purpose of his visit:

"Do you have any good suggestions about the integration and transformation of the golden battleship?"

Zhiyi narrowed his eyes and glanced at Jiang Yuner beside him. The latter then wisely left the biofactory, leaving enough private space for the two untouchable bosses.

When summoned by Lin Feng, Xie walked across the square and saw the upgraded golden battleship.

Today, it has doubled in size.

Now it has reached a terrifying size of 500 meters long and 80 meters wide!

It is twice the size of the 100,000-ton aircraft carrier, the largest warship ever built by mankind!

And when it drives on land, it can be called a real steel behemoth!

Just relying on the inertial impact of driving at extremely high speeds, it can directly crush the severely injured, early-stage third-level Zerg Queen!

Thinking of this, after Jiang Yuner left, the door of the biofactory slowly closed. After thinking for a moment, Zhiyi said:

"There were originally five amethyst brains of the Queen Mother, plus the two killed yesterday, a total of seven were collected."

"Two of them are of perfect mid-term grade, two are of ordinary mid-term grade, and the remaining three are of low-grade early grade."

"The two mid-term perfection brains from the southern and eastern queens can be integrated into the golden battleship to enhance its performance in both aspects."

"The golden battleship is now five hundred meters long, comparable to the Queen Mother in the mid-term, and the supporting control center is only Miss Chen. She has just been promoted to the early stage of the third level, and she cannot control the battleship and command the entire fleet at the same time! "

"So we must separate in advance now and separate the battleship's control system from the fleet's command system."

"Two amethyst brains are equivalent to two of the most sophisticated top biological control centers, and can perfectly assist Captain Chen in controlling the fleet."

"One controls the battleship, and the other commands the fleet."

"The remaining two mid-level brains can be used to hatch biological reproductive equipment and assemble one for Liu Yueqi, Liu Yi and others to increase their combat effectiveness."

"The later advancement of electric-driven cells can also be carried out on these colonial mechas for preliminary actual combat testing."

After saying this, Zhi changed the topic and his expression became solemn:

"Compared with these, don't forget what I told you before. Chen Yanyan's power of artistic conception, after being highly bound to the golden battleship, will bring unpredictable consequences!"

Chi Yi took a deep breath and continued:

"The potential of the golden battleship is not low. Compared with other weapons in your hand, if you think about it carefully, it is equivalent to a collection of all weapons and equipment!"

"Now that I have just completed the promotion, I can rival the third-level mid-level Queen Mother. With subsequent upgrades in the future, sooner or later, one day, it will expand to a kilometer long!"

"Equivalent to the pinnacle of the evolution of third-order life forms!"

"At that time, how can Chen Yanyan control this star-level battleship by herself?"

"And using the power of her artistic conception, there is only one way to give life to the soul of a fourth-tier battleship..."

"That is to integrate all the spiritual power into the golden battleship at the expense of self-awareness."

"Not only will it solve the difficult control problem, it will also be able to keep up with your progress. Ten thousand years later, even if you cannot advance to the fourth level, I will still be by your side..."

"Become the most powerful weapon in your hand."

"This is almost Chen Yanyan's inevitable fate. Ever since she awakened the power of artistic conception, she has been on the tightrope of a cliff all the time. If she is not careful, she will fall into the abyss."

"And you know the final result of mechanical ascension!"

Lin Feng frowned and said in a low tone:

"I won't let this happen!"

"Isn't the purpose of integrating into the Queen Mother's brain just to share her mental pressure?"

"Since the Queen Mother is not enough in the middle stage, then continue to integrate into the late stage of the third stage, and even complete it in the later stage!"

With a cold look in his eyes, he asked:

"But what if it's not enough!"

Lin Feng was stunned for a moment and murmured:

"It's not enough, then..."

It was only at this moment that Lin Feng belatedly realized that if that wasn't enough, the only target was the fourth-order insect king's super brain!

And that also means that Chi Yi's life must be used to extend Chen Yanyan's life!

"No, this is impossible. There must be other solutions. Otherwise, how can so many cosmic races in the galaxy conduct interstellar navigation?"

"Take the reptiles and dinosaurs that came out of Blue Star. If their fleet can return to Blue Star, there must be a solution!"

The cockroach nodded and smiled intriguingly:

"Yes, so where do you think those spiritual powers, the pseudo-fourth-level existences that broke through the upper limit of the third-level, ended up going?"

"If you want to survive in the cold and barren universe, you cannot waste any resources. And for the continuation of the entire ethnic group..."

"The existence of the third level peak is not the most precious biological resource below the fourth level!"

After saying that, Lin Feng realized something.

I feel chills all over my body...

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