End of the World: My Items Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 298 Mechanical Overlord, lv30 Golden Battleship

To the left of the Huaihe River is Honghu Lake, the second largest lake in the south of the Yangtze River.

If the Empress of Huaicheng is allowed to enter, it will be like a fish in the ocean. She can use the buoyancy of the water to move several times faster.

At the same time, it can also mobilize a large number of insect swarms under its command to cover its evacuation and delay time.

"The problem below has been solved, we'll be here soon!"

"Hold it, don't let it run into the lake!"

Lin Feng replied quickly, then stopped everyone around him who decided to enter the puddle, and informed everyone about the news on the surface:

"Let's go! This Huaicheng Empress is just right for the Dreadnaught Battleship and Chen Yanyan to complete the upgrade!"

After saying that, Lin Feng immediately arranged for some members of the second-order battle group to guard beside the body of the dead Queen Mother to protect Chi Yi who was absorbing life energy and starting to advance.

Then he led everyone around him and immediately returned to the surface.

When the group of people rushed to the surface, they saw outside the ecological park that the dreadnought battleship, together with thirty tanks behind it, was continuously firing hundreds of cannonballs, bombarding the black shadow emerging on the river not far away.

On the river surface at night, a huge object shaped like a floating island was floating upstream to Honghu Lake upstream.

With the help of the firelight from the ammunition explosion, Lin Feng saw that only more than ten meters of the back of the insect body was exposed on the river. It was obvious that the lower reaches of the Huaihe River had been transformed and re-drained by the Empress of Huaicheng...

It went from five or six meters deep to fifty or sixty meters deep.

Only in this way can it accommodate its hundred-meter body.

If this is the case, it must have also transformed Honghu Lake, at least digging a tunnel under the lake that can submerge itself and completely sink into the water.

In this way, most human artillery fire damage can be avoided. Even if it is bombarded by nuclear bombs, the blazing high temperature will be absorbed and broken down by a pool of lake water.

The 100-degree high temperature of water vapor will do no harm to the Queen Mother in the middle of the third level.

As water has the largest specific heat capacity among common stable substances, it can absorb a large amount of heat sources to avoid high temperature damage.

In addition, the density of the body of the Queen Mother is similar to that of water. Just by adjusting the size of the hydrogen storage bag in the abdomen, it can obtain enough buoyancy in the water to support the body and move quickly.

Lin Feng took a deep breath, knowing very well that once the Empress of Huaicheng escaped into Hong Lake, he would want to find its traces and kill it from the Hong Lake that is half the size of a county town...

But it's far from as simple as on land.

At this time, under the harassment of the super fleet, although the escape speed of the Huaicheng Empress had slowed down, there was only more than one kilometer away from the entrance of the Huai River to the lake.

With its drifting swimming speed of thirty to forty meters per second, it would escape into the Honghu Lake in less than half a minute.

So Lin Feng directly unfolded the colonial mecha, and the six-winged membrane wings on the back activated the flight mode, turning into a golden stream of light under the bright moonlight.

At the maximum explosive speed of Mach 2, he raised the ion laser cannon on his left arm and fired the charged ion blaster. At the same time, he held the Hunter King Chainsword in his right hand tightly, preparing for another thunderous slash.

Just aim at the back of the Huaicheng Empress's head and neck and charge up a blow to cut her in two!

The exit of the deep pit of the ecological park is four or five kilometers away from the position of the Empress of Huaicheng at this time. The speed of Mach 2 of the colonial mecha can reach behind her within twelve seconds.

During these twelve seconds, the Empress of Huaicheng, who noticed the dangerous aura coming from behind her, immediately used all her strength to increase her speed to fifty meters per second, and resisted the full force of the lv31 ion laser cannon. hit.

The damage of up to 7,000 points directly caused its exposed ten-meter back on the river to be burned into a scorch.

It's a pity that with the protection of the river, the damage caused by the ion laser cannon to the mother queen hiding under the water was instantly reduced by the high temperature. Through the refraction and relief of the water, the final burning effect was even less than one-fifth of the original.

Fortunately, there are still second-level battle group members with replicas of armor-piercing cannons and electromagnetic guns in their hands, which can make up for some of the damage.

But at this moment, the Empress of Huaicheng is less than 500 meters away from the entrance of Honghu Lake. Seeing that there are still a few steps to go, she is about to swim into the sea and escape smoothly...

Lin Feng had quick eyes and quick hands, and at the last moment, he waved the Hunter King's chain sword and arrived behind the Queen Mother.

And a swift and strong spiritual cone attack followed Lin Feng's approach, hitting the colonial mecha directly!

Directly shred the outer mental shield, give the inner mass-energy shield, and strike with all your strength.

The colonial mecha only hesitated for a moment, and then under the control of Lin Feng, it flew to the back of the Huaicheng Empress's head and neck, and then ignored the rushing water of the river and waved the chain sword in his hand.

At this moment, when the Empress of Huaicheng struck with all her strength and failed to achieve effective delay, she realized that she could not effectively prevent the enemy from getting closer...

The Empress of Huaicheng made a prompt decision and directly summoned the Divine Realm to descend at the cost of consuming the first level of her own evolution!

Encircled by the power of spirit, majestic energy was released from the Queen Mother's body, instantly forming a dark area around her.

But how could Lin Feng give it a chance to be completely formed!

It took less than ten seconds for the Divine Realm to be completely condensed and formed from summoning, and it was impossible to wait for the statue of the Mother of Life to emerge.

So there is still a lot of time left for Lin Feng!

With the third mass-energy shield, it condensed on the surface of the colonial mecha again, helping Lin Feng resist the influence of the laws of the Hive Mind.

At the same time, he also released the power of his own artistic conception, relying on particle control to continuously disintegrate the billowing spiritual energy that came from outside the mass-energy shield.

At this moment, the hunting king chain saw sword in Lin Feng's hand was buzzing. It was obvious that he had been waiting for a long time and couldn't wait to give the second Zerg queen a fatal blow.

As Lin Feng used all his strength, he raised the chain saw sword and swung it hard towards the neck of the Huaicheng queen mother. The golden saw blade instantly tore the neck bone and continued to chop deep into the heel under the infinite cutting attribute!

Until Lin Feng held the hilt tightly with both hands and drew a semicircle on the neck of the Huaicheng queen mother, he cut off all the insect heads!

The huge head fell into the water, and the huge insect body without the brain command stopped abruptly in the upstream of the river and piled up at the wide lake entrance.

At this moment, the Huaicheng queen mother was only one hundred meters away from the final destination. I believe that the insect head that fell into the water must have regretted it and died with eyes wide open.

And the queen mother's body, like an indestructible and immovable dam, blocked the downstream of the river.

The river water at the outlet overflowed to both sides, quickly submerging the dams on both sides and forming a large barrier lake.

At this time, the third-level subordinates following Lin Feng and the super battleships also arrived at the two sides of the lake entrance.

Facing the vast lake shore, several people all hovered in the air, thinking about how to kill the Queen Mother in the water.

Fortunately, the dreadnought battleship has amphibious driving properties and can move freely on the lake and river.

On the other hand, the Queen Mother of Huaicheng was dying, otherwise Lin Feng would not dare to let the dreadnought battleship enter the lake mouth.

After all, it is easy to launch an attack on the surface warship underwater, especially the Queen Mother's spiritual ability, which can hide and cover up her own breath, approach the surface warship without anyone noticing, and launch a surprise attack.

At the beginning of the doomsday, the naval fleets of various countries, including large aircraft carriers, were all wiped out by the Zerg in an instant.

Now Lin Feng stood on the corpse of the Queen Mother. When the Dreadnought warship arrived, he would salvage the insect head of the Queen Mother of Huaicheng and place it on top of the corpse.

"Just use the shotgun on the side. Too much power will destroy the brain crystal core inside."

Lin Feng flew to the bow of the ship and spoke lightly.

The damage of the shotgun was only more than 100 points, which was perfect for completing the final harvest.

Although the Dreadnought warship was a level 29 orange quality equipment, in addition to ten second-level main guns that rivaled armor-piercing guns, a large number of shotguns were installed on the other platforms to supplement the insufficient firepower.

Chen Yanyan nodded after hearing Lin Feng's reminder and controlled the Dreadnought warship. The two rows of anti-aircraft guns on the top of the command room, combined with several shotguns, were aimed at the Queen Mother's head.

After several shots, the brain tissue in the insect head was immediately blasted and the dying Queen Mother of Huaicheng was harvested and taken away.

And with the death of the Queen Mother, the majestic life energy began to be injected into the Dreadnought warship.

Together with Chen Yanyan, who was bound to it, it also shared enough energy to enable the leapfrog promotion.

After completing the killing of two mid-term queen mothers, Lin Feng's colonial mecha's reserve energy has also been consumed by more than half.

However, the good news is that, including the final battle before leaving the north, and the last killed queen mother in the east, Lin Feng now has a total of four third-level upgrade energies.

Every time he assists in killing the queen mother, Lin Feng can get an additional upgrade energy, so in addition to the two energies provided by the queen mother in the east, a total of four times.

It can make the lv31 ion laser cannon or lv32 hunting king chain saw sword in hand upgrade one level.

But the lv29 dreadnought battleship is about to upgrade to a higher level, and the future expedition to the south also needs to form a highly mobile fleet with the battleship as the core to lead the entire salvation army to expand the territory.

Therefore, upgrading the future lv30 gold quality battleship to level 31 and integrating more replica weapons is the best strategy.

Moreover, if one more queen is killed, the energy for five upgrades can be collected, which is enough for the golden warship to upgrade two levels in a row.

So Lin Feng temporarily suppressed the desire to continue upgrading the other two pieces of equipment, and concentrated on cultivating the dreadnought warship as the main force of the expedition.

With the death of the two mid-stage queens, a crisis was not only successfully resolved, but also brought a new third-stage mid-stage existence, lv30 golden warship, and its third-stage captain to the Salvation Army.

As for the other second-stage awakeners, Zerg materials, second-stage insect eggs and other harvests and spoils, they were countless, and were handed over to the tens of thousands of first-stage combat soldiers and tens of thousands of auxiliary troops brought by Li Ran to clean up the battlefield and collect statistics.

During this period, those first-stage black-spine insects that were left alone and survived were also captured and packaged alive, and sold to the rear as live insects in exchange for weapons, ammunition, food, medicine and other supplies.

When the third-stage high-level officials of the Salvation Army returned to the Jincheng base on the afternoon of the second day, more than 20 hours later, Chen Yanyan was the first to complete the third-stage promotion.

Along with it, there is also a lv30 golden battleship that has completed its upgrade!

Inside the golden battleship, under Lin Feng's careful care, Chen Yanyan's cross-level upgrade was completed smoothly and successfully. After waking up, she was radiant:

"Chen Yanyan, lv30/39"

"HP 1.5k, physique 1.4k, spirit 1.9k"

"Superpower awakening: Mechanical pioneer (remote control of mechanical devices within a certain range)"

"Artistic concept: Mechanical master"

"Mechanical master: can establish a spiritual connection with any mechanical body, giving the mechanical body life and soul. In a sense, she is the creator of all machines, the god of all mechanical life forms!"

"Note: The target awakens the power of artistic conception, and the spiritual attribute is greatly improved!"

After reading the attribute data displayed by Chen Yanyan after the appraisal, Lin Feng was not surprised by the appearance of artistic conception.

After all, although the superpowers she awakened were not as rare as Liu Yueqi's, they were definitely unique in terms of mechanics.

And it was also a very rare spiritual ability.

It was just the specific name and effect of artistic conception that surprised Lin Feng.

From the description, the mechanical master is a god-level domain comparable to the will of the hive, with the potential to be promoted to the fourth level or even condense the law and ascend to the seventh level of godhood.

But when Lin Feng discussed mechanical ascension with Long Yi, he was awakened by Long Yi. He was still a mechanical body, so he either entered the virtual world of computer chips with his whole family and was completely isolated from the outside world.

Or he finally abandoned his flesh and blood body and gradually transformed into a pure mechanical body.

But in this way, the entropy reduction and stable environment of the flesh and blood will be lost, and the spiritual consciousness will not be nurtured, and the artistic conception and domain laws will not be condensed...

In addition, in the cold universe, there are high-energy particles and energy radiation left by ancient strongmen. For mechanical bodies without physical protection, the spiritual consciousness will be washed and eroded into a sieve by these evil thoughts from the universe.

In the end, in the repeated restart and refresh of the system, the data that once stored past memories will be distorted one after another, and gradually lose themselves.

Become a low-level robot that repeats command behaviors.

So mechanical ascension is indeed perfect in the early stage, but as time goes by, it is actually a dead end without a future, a cup of sweet but poisonous wine.

It is not even as good as the psychic ascension of pure spiritual power!

At least the latter can still peek into the ultimate mystery of the universe in the extreme sublimation, and know everything in the past and the future. Even if the consciousness will eventually merge into the sea of ​​​​cosmic energy, it is worth having seen all the truth.

And at that moment, the omniscient psychic ascender was omnipotent before he completely disappeared!

Now that Chen Yanyan has awakened the mechanical master, it means that from now on, she will control more and more mechanical bodies, and even give life to machines and create a mechanical dynasty...

If she cannot be promoted to the fourth stage, she will definitely embark on the road of complete mechanization in the next ten thousand years.

Looking at the extremely excited Chen Yanyan, she happily mobilized her supernatural powers and artistic conception to communicate with the new battleship that was upgraded with her...

Lin Feng smiled and buried his worries in his heart silently.

Turn around and sense the brand new golden battleship beside him with Chen Yanyan:

"This is a golden battleship that rivals the third stage. At present, it is only the basic attributes that are improved. For more specific changes, it is necessary to integrate more weapons and armor materials into it in the subsequent upgrades and modifications."

"Golden battleship lv30/39, gold quality"

"Basic defense 800, damage 600, average speed 250km, endurance limit 2000km"

"Additional attributes: dry land boat, life radar, indestructible, super firepower "

"The original indestructible has been updated to: defense +800, damage +800. A new energy shield has been added, covering the entire body of the ship, effectively resisting energy attacks below 2000 damage. Each use will consume 200 kilometers of endurance energy, and the shield lasts for five minutes.

"The original super firepower has been updated to:..."

Before Lin Feng finished reading the long attribute change introduction...

The ethereal voice of Long Yi suddenly emerged in his heart:

"I have also successfully completed the promotion~"

"But your side seems to be more interesting!"

New book, please read it!

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