
Everyone gasped.

He killed again... again...

Oh my god! He killed the old man too!

In Meng Fan's eyes, is a human life not as valuable as his bottle of mineral water?

But think about it carefully, maybe it is true!

The original thoughts in everyone's heart collapsed immediately, and they all came up to line up honestly.

Regardless of men, women, old and young.

Meng Fan was very satisfied with the performance of these people, and stood up and called Lu Jiaqi: "You come to divide it."

Lu Jiaqi stepped on the box with one foot: "I heard it all. Whoever wants to go down can come up to get two breads and a bottle of mineral water. Those who don't want to go down to work, get out of the way!"

After saying that, he immediately turned around and smiled at Meng Fan with a lick on his face: "Brother Meng, my distribution is okay."

"It's a bit too much, just give one, and I'll give the second one if you come back alive."

"I heard it all, one per person, let it go back to me!"

You are the living devil.

How can a small bread be full!

Everyone had a bitter face, but there was no other choice now.

Meng Fan was very satisfied with the current situation. The residents downstairs had all been dealt with, and the next step was upstairs.

But as long as they didn't mess around, Meng Fan didn't plan to touch them.

It was just a little regretful.

Just now, he looked around and found that the woman had disappeared.

Throwing down a pile of weapons: "These are yours, take the things to work after you have eaten and drunk enough! I will let Lu Jiaqi keep an eye on you."

One by one, they came forward to receive weapons and followed Lu Jiaqi downstairs.

After everyone left, Meng Fan walked to Anthony's body and squatted down. He started to sense and found nothing.

"Chen Yao, come here."

Now Chen Yao has the bonus of sensing cashews and her perception has reached 10 stars. It will be even stronger after opening the spiritual field.

Chen Yao stretched out her hand and gently stroked the body and closed her eyes to sense.

"There is a faint mental power remaining."

"Sure enough."

A sneer flashed across Meng Fan's mouth.

This woman's ability is probably hypnosis.

After turning on the surveillance camera, I found that the woman turned around and went downstairs at the moment when Anthony was kicked to death by me, and finally disappeared in the blood mist on the 5th floor.

Somewhat unexpected.

She actually left directly?

"Could it be that she is not a resident of my building?"



"This awakener is so difficult to deal with. He knocked the big guy away in one go."

"It seems that he is a guy with a strong attribute. Great!"

In the underground parking lot, the woman walked quickly in the blood mist, with a little excitement on her slightly pale face.

A gust of bloody wind blew through, and the cap was lifted to reveal the girl's exquisite beauty.

She was so beautiful that she seemed to not belong to this world.

"Where did the evil wind come from?"

Asakura Yu quickly picked up the hat and put it on.

She is indeed an awakener, and the awakened ability is extremely special, which is the transformation ability: [Succubus].

Unlike other transformation abilities, the basic abilities of [Succubus] are as many as four: [Charm], [Disguise], [Succubus Form], and [Slavery].

[Charm] can seduce the target and completely control it, and even share some senses.

It can also affect the minds of multiple people on a large scale, but the effect will be greatly weakened, and their behavior can only be guided by suggestion, and cannot be directly controlled.

[Disguise] can make people around you let down their guard against you, and even actively ignore your existence.

[Succubus Form] can allow Asakura Yu to show the true succubus form.

In this state, [Disguise] is invalid, but [Charm], self-healing ability and three major attributes will be greatly improved, and the demon wings that grow can give her the ability to fly short distances.

It is her absolute trump card!

It just gets hungry very quickly and cannot be used easily.

The last [Slavery] is the most potential ability of [Succubus].

The essence absorbed from the slaves who are [charmed] by you improves your own attributes in all aspects. The stronger the slave, the more bonus it will have on the succubus, and the attributes of succubus can be stacked when succubusing multiple people!

When he first discovered his ability, Asakura Yu was so happy.

Others have only one ability, but he actually has four!

Each effect is amazing!

This is the rhythm of making himself the queen of the end times!

But soon he found out that it was not the case.

At her current level, she can only charm one target, and the target must have lower perception than her.

But her perception is only 4 stars!

The first person she tried to charm was the uncle upstairs, who didn't feel any physical bonus after returning the favor. He was sent downstairs to kill the spider, but he was dismembered on the spot.

The sharing of senses made Asakura Yu curl up in bed and almost wet his pants in pain.

From this, Asakura Yu learned that it was useless to charm ordinary people, and it was impossible to find an awakened person. What's more, any awakened person with perception can have higher perception attributes than her.

She has been looking for a suitable target, and finally, by chance, she aimed at Meng Fan who lived in the next building.

No other reason, looking at the photo, Meng Fan has such big muscles, he must be a power type.

The perception should not be very high.

The process of this test also proved that Asakura Yu's judgment was so.

Generally, who among the awakened ones can kick a person's entire sternum and make it concave.

"If I can charm him, I think I can also increase my strength a lot. And with this super strong thug, it will be safer to go out and search for supplies."

The more I think about it, the better it is.

But Meng Fan killed someone without saying a word, which scared her.

"I must be more careful next time."

"Or I can charm others first, lurk around him and observe the situation."

"Good idea! I can also find out how much supplies he has."

The more she thought about it, the better it became. She took out a Snickers bar and stuffed it into her mouth, and hopped towards the entrance of her building's underground garage.

But the next second she suddenly felt a strange force like a tide rushing towards her.

The strong sense of oppression made her tremble all over, just like a mouse being stared at by a terrifying wild cat.

"What is this thing..."

She didn't dare to delay, and quickly hid behind a pillar and tremblingly stuck her head out.

Dead silence!

Even the air seemed to freeze.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

Suddenly, a second wave of strong oppression came.

In the direction of the parking lot exit, a huge black shadow almost blocked the entire parking lot entrance, and at the same time a pair of green pupils emerged.

Like a ghost fire, erratic.

Asakura Yu covered her mouth tightly.

"Does this thing... want to come in..."



At the same time

In an apartment in the west area of ​​Fenghua Community.

Li Yandong stared at the increasingly sparse rain outside the window, his pupils bursting with bloodthirstiness and excitement.

"The rain finally stopped!"

The brothers behind him also had ferocious faces.

"Brothers, we have a chance to avenge Brother Hong!"

Everyone put on raincoats, pickaxes, crowbars, axes, electric drills... and even electric saws.

Everything is fine!

Liu Linlin, Wang Fang and Liu Dezhu also followed the team with excitement.

Although they were still a little scared of killing, they still had the courage to stab Meng Fan twice after Li Yandong and his men stopped him.

They had to see Meng Fan, the dog coin, being killed by Li Yandong with their own eyes, to relieve their hatred!

"Let's go."

Li Yandong raised his arm and called the team to set off.

There were still some mutants, but they were scattered, and a group of awakened people easily solved them.

Smoothly entered the west area of ​​Fenghua Community.

Liu Linlin held Li Yandong back and said, "The greening here has always been very good. There will probably be a lot of mutant plants. We can go to the underground garage in the west district."

Everyone was very excited.

"This is a great idea!"

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