"Open the door or we'll break down your door."

"The corridor is a public area. You have no right to close it into a private space. Each of us has the right to take refuge upstairs."

Anthony walked in the front, swinging the fire extinguisher with his strong body and slamming it on the door, making a loud bang.

Meng Fan went out to the corridor.

"Brother Meng?"

Lu Jiaqi stood up from the ground.

Meng Fan gave him a lot of food yesterday, and also gave him a quilt to make the floor in the corridor.

I was sleeping comfortably, but this group of people came up to make trouble.

Out of anger, he rolled up his sleeves.

"Did these people disturb Brother Meng and Xiaoting while they were sleeping? I'm going to drive them away right now."

Meng Fan smiled and patted Lu Jiaqi on the shoulder.

Your performance is as stable as ever.

"It's okay, I'll do it myself."

After entering the password, the alloy door slowly opened a crack.

"The door is open!"

Anthony laughed wildly, with some spit flying out of the corner of his mouth.

Just as he was about to charge, a foot suddenly kicked him in the chest from inside the door.

Anthony, who weighed more than 200 pounds, flew out and rolled downstairs, knocking down a large crowd behind him.

The crowd was stunned for a moment.

Look back at Anthony.

His neck was tilted to one side, he was vomiting blood and froth, and his chest was sinking heavily.

It's obviously broken inside.


Everyone was frightened.

Not a word.

Kill on sight!

At this time, Meng Fan slowly walked into the corridor from the door and said, "Sorry, I'm quite angry when I get up."

You call it bigger! ?

Everyone woke up one after another, huddled together like frightened quails.

Meng Fan was very satisfied with the attitude of these people.

Just as he was about to find a chair to sit down, Lu Jiaqi immediately lay down behind Meng Fan and huddled up on the human-shaped leather sofa: "Brother Meng, it's more comfortable to sit on me."

Okay, okay, I am becoming more and more aware.

Sit down calmly: "If you have anything to say, just say it."

No one spoke to me.

Who dares to speak! The one who took the lead died lifelike behind him!

"If you don't speak, I will."

"I know that your demands are nothing more than food, drink, and a safe place to live. I am not a cold-blooded person, and I will not force you to death."

"I'll just tell you what time it is."

"First, the 11th floor is my private residence. This is a mandatory requirement. No one is allowed to go beyond this floor in the future."

"Second, I will distribute weapons to you. Every day, everyone must bring my mobile phone downstairs to help me explore the path and clean up the mutants and plants. After cleaning up every day, I will give you some food and water."

"Don't think this is forcing you to take risks. You all know how fast mutated plants spread. Protecting this building is to protect yourselves."

The door to the residential building is closed, but the entrance to the parking lot cannot be blocked. There will always be mutants and mutant plants getting in.

Especially mutated plants. After the second mutation, their spread speed will suddenly accelerate. If they are not cleaned up, the entire building will be surrounded in less than two days.

Meng Fan was too lazy to do this kind of time-consuming and laborious work by himself.

The other thing is that guy with green eyes, which Meng Fan cares about a lot. I want to see if I can use my old tricks to lure it out.

It doesn't matter if someone dies, anyway, Meng Fan can see the information of taking things through the mobile phone video.

The last point is that if some strange mutant comes out while Meng Fan is sleeping in the middle of the night, these people living in the corridor on the 10th floor can be considered as having an extra layer of insurance for themselves.

Kill multiple birds with one stone.

"We have to think about it."

Everyone gathered together to discuss.

"It's very dangerous outside right now. I suggest you wait."

"But if we don't go out, we will starve to death sooner or later. Have you noticed that these mutants seem to be stronger than before. If we don't wake up now, we will have no chance in the future."

"Yes, now at least as long as we work for Meng Fan, he will feed us and give us weapons. What's the difference between doing nothing here and waiting to die."

Everyone gradually tended to help Meng Fan work.

In the crowd, Mrs. Xu suddenly said: "You idiots, the country will definitely launch a rescue operation in two days. If you go down now, you will die. Don't listen to his nonsense here."

"Besides, we are both in our fifties or sixties, and our health is not good. It is not certain whether we can come up alive. I will not do this loss-making business!"

This statement was immediately recognized by many elderly people.

Yes, they are all in poor health and have underlying diseases.

With high blood pressure, high blood lipids, and high blood sugar, it was difficult to climb ten floors, and they were asked to go up and down, and they had to go down to deal with monsters.

Don't you want to take their lives?

"Nowadays, we respect the old and care for the young. You young people are strong and healthy. How about you patrol two more areas and help us work together."

"That's right. This kind of work should be done by young people. We old people can't do it."

"We will remember your kindness. When the country returns to normal, I will ask my son to pay you for running errands."

"And my grandson, my grandson can't participate either. He is the only child of our old Deng family."

The old man spoke so righteously that the ladies began to have their thoughts.

Why do only the elderly get preferential treatment? Why can’t I, as a woman, get preferential treatment?

"Then we won't go either."

"That's right, taking risks is a man's responsibility. You men go downstairs, and we women will help you watch things and wash clothes upstairs."

"I think this arrangement is good."

The men were speechless. They didn't expect that someone would still be entangled in these things at this time.

I can't survive myself, why should I help you take risks.

They have the same idea as the previous group of people.

Although it is dangerous, it is at least a way to survive. What if I wake up?

Besides, they all noticed Lu Jiaqi.

At first, he went up to find trouble with Meng Fan, but now he has successfully followed Meng Fan.

After eating for a few days, he is still greasy and energetic, and there are oil stains on his mouth. Obviously, the food treatment is quite good.

This is their role model!

As for the elderly and women.

Love to death, who cares about you!

"We agree, but we are all starving. We... want to eat first and then go down. Is it okay?"

A young man stepped forward cautiously to discuss.

"Of course, what I want is to clean up the building, not to let you really die."

Two boxes of food and mineral water fell to the ground between his hands.

The crowd immediately rushed up to grab the food. When Old Lady Xu pushed the young man away, she almost pulled off his pants.

"I'll go first. I'm starving."

Although Meng Fan had just killed someone, in her eyes, she was an old lady, different from others.

Born with a golden medal of immunity from death.

Who dares to touch them!

If you dare to touch them, you'll be in trouble.

But suddenly, everything went black.

With a click, Meng Fan twisted her neck 180 degrees with one hand, and before she died, she was still wide-eyed with ecstasy.

Meng Fan threw Old Lady Xu downstairs like throwing away garbage.

"If you don't plan to work, don't come up and waste my water and food."

"After killing someone, I have to go back to wash my hands. What a waste of water."

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