End of ten days

Chapter 434: The Fear of the Rat

The four people discussed their tactics again and waited for the door to open in the second round.

During this period, Qi Xia and Luo Shiyi each dropped a fruit into their own holes. Their satiety values ​​reached two levels again, while the rest of them had one level.

With a soft "click", the door lock was released, and four people left the house one after another.

"On Saturday, after you enter the room, no matter whether you step on the "mousetrap" or not, remember to send a message to Qiu Shiliu immediately." Qi Xia said, "Luo Shiyi and I will start the "rescue" after you send the message. "

"Tsk, I get it."

Saturday and Wang Ba walked to the first room and the second room respectively. Just as they were about to enter, Qi Xia suddenly felt something was not right.

"Wait a moment..." He stretched out his hand to stop their movements, "Switch to another bastard."


Qi Xia nodded, then pointed towards Room 5 with the brown wooden door.

The bastard sighed after hearing this and walked over slowly.

Qi Xia only felt that Room No. 1 and Room No. 2 were too close. If the gopher predicted his prediction, he would focus on other rooms except Room No. 3.

Once the "cat" uses "patrol" instead of "mousetrap" this round, two people so close to each other are very likely to be caught together, which will be the worst situation in the entire game.

But think carefully about the "cat" making the right choice not to use the "mousetrap" in the last round, because this round is the best time for him to catch people.

In other words, there is a high probability that there will be a "mousetrap" in any two rooms among 1, 2, 4, and 5. The probability that two people will step on a "mousetrap" is 1/2.

"Be careful." Qi Xia whispered, "Warm up in advance to avoid cramping later."

"Huh?" The bastard obviously didn't understand, but when he saw Qi Xia no longer paying attention to him, he could only open the door and walk into the room hesitantly.

Luo Shiyi saw Qi Xia's expression becoming more and more complicated at this time. He had a strange feeling.



The man in front of him seems to be really extraordinary. Like Qian Wu, he has a very unique temperament. It would not be wrong to say that he is the leader of a party.

"Come with me." Qi Xia said expressionlessly, "Let's go to the "Cat House" to have a look."

Luo Shiyi nodded quietly and followed Qi Xia forward.

"Hey, do you know? I like capable people very much." Luo Shiyi said in a low voice.

"What's the meaning?"

"Only powerful people in this world can convince me." Luo Shiyi sneered, "I thought only Fifth Brother could control me in this city, but I didn't expect you to be capable."

As if she hadn't heard Luo Shiyi's words at all, Qi Xia came to the "Cat House" where there was a button outside the wall.

Above the button it says "Press to start rescue".

"I'm really afraid of failure." Luo Shiyi continued, "You may not be my age yet. Once a man is over thirty, there is no time for us to fail, so we must be with the right person..."

"There's no message transmission yet?" Qi Xia frowned.

"Hey...did you listen to me?"

"There is no sound transmission indicating that there is something going on in her house, which means that she was delayed by something. This thing can only be a "mousetrap"..." Qi Xia touched her chin and deduced, "It's just as I thought. According to the information, the "mousetrap" is in House No. 1, next..."

"Hey...I said..." Luo Shiyi was about to say something when a bell suddenly sounded in the distance.

"clang"! !

The bell sounded quietly, and the "Red Flame" came.

Qi Xia's eyes widened and he quickly pressed the "rescue" button on the wall.

Button, at the same moment, a heartbreaking scream came from the "Cat House".

"Qi Xia!! You are looking for death!!"

Before he finished speaking, Qi Xia kicked the door open.

Qiu Shiliu, who was looking up to the sky and roaring with red eyes, was stunned when he saw this scene.

The gopher on the side seemed to be frightened by Qiu Shiliu's anger, and was hiding in the corner motionless.

"Huh?" Qiu Shiliu was stunned, "Isn't it... you... this?"

Qi Xia breathed a sigh of relief when he saw her look: "The intelligence is wrong, I'm here to save you."

"You..." Qiu Shiliu blinked, and most of the anger in his eyes had disappeared.

"Save me...? What's going on?"

"Stop talking about it now, you come with me first." Qi Xia said, "Let's go back first."

Luo Shiyi felt something was wrong after listening: "Wait a minute... why do you two go back first? What about me?"

Qi Xia didn't answer after hearing this. He just looked around at the walls of the room. After a while, he nodded to himself: "Luo Shiyi, you stay here."


Seeing that Luo Shiyi didn't understand what he meant, Qi Xia could only lean into his ear and whisper a few words.

These few words also made Luo Shiyi's expression become wonderful.

"You...are you not crazy?" Luo Shiyi asked, "Is this mentioned in the rules?"

"I didn't mention it, but it wasn't banned either." Qi Xia said, "Since he set it up in advance, it means this method is feasible."

Luo Shiyi was still doubtful after looking at it, but he took a closer look at the gopher's collar and suddenly found a pomegranate also placed on the table in the room, which finally made his brain tense up.

"Have you thought of this step a long time ago...or should you go ahead?


Did you think of it after you got out of the house? Luo Shiyi asked.

"Why do you think I arranged for myself to rescue people?" Qi Xia looked at him expressionlessly and replied, "I said, I have something to confirm at the Cat House, and now everything is pretty much what I thought. ”

After he finished speaking, he looked at the gopher again: "Are you really not thinking about what I said before? The three of us are now standing in the "Cat House" together, which should mean that what I said before is true. Do you want to join the "flood"?

The gopher looked at the ground with a pair of extremely dark eyes, and it was impossible to tell what he was thinking about, but Qi Xia knew that his "shake" had probably succeeded.

"This leader... you... are really joking." Gopher said with a bitter smile, "I just want you to die. You really praise me too much. How could I do such a treason? What about the matter?”

"So that's it?" Qi Xia frowned and said, "Are the people above you... really that powerful?"

The gopher walked towards Qi Xia step by step, looked at him, and then opened his mouth and said: "So leader...you really should stop meddling in other people's business, and can you die obediently? I just want to watch with humility. I don’t deserve it when your collar explodes and your brain ruptures, instead of being swept up in your “torrent” like climbing a high tree.”

The complexity of this look was almost beyond Qi Xia's imagination.

The gopher wants to die, escape, win, lose and live.

He wore the protective mask for so long that even he himself didn't know which words he said were true.

However, Qi Xia has seen many prefecture-level "zodiac signs", but he has never seen a person so afraid of the "Celestial Dragon". Isn't it possible that the gopher is not the "Celestial Dragon" above it, but is there a person behind it?

"If the "Human Dragon" is the manager of all "Human Zodiac Signs"..." Qi Xia said to himself, "then is it the 'Earth Dragon' that you are afraid of?"

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