End of ten days

Chapter 433 Food Control

"Hmm...?" Saturday didn't understand Qi Xia's words, "Are you ready to...?"

"I want to trigger a 'rage.'" Qi Xia said, "When the 'daytime period' is about to end, you tell her my exact words, because Qiu Shiliu is emotionally unstable and 'echo' is useless. So I gave up the first one, which was the meaning of the team leader.”

"Tsk, are you sure...?" Saturday paused, "Based on my understanding of Shiliu, things like 'betrayal' will definitely piss her off..."

"It's better to be angry." Qi Xia agreed and turned to the bastard and said, "I'm sorry for saying some unpleasant words just now, but I should know what kind of person you are. From now on, my real plan will be I will show you one by one, please listen to my arrangement.”


"This "game" is not just about training troops." Qi Xia said, "First, I want to win, second, I want all of you to "response", third, I want you to know what I am capable of, and fourth, I want to win." Gophers"."

After listening to Qi Xia's words, the three people could only look at each other. The man in front of them looked normal, but turned out to be a madman?

Normal people don't even have to say "want to win" when entering a prefecture-level game, they can only say "want to live", but he proposed four goals in a row and expected to achieve them all in this foggy game.

"Don't, don't mention anything else..." Luo Shiyi frowned and looked at Qi Xia, "You just said you wanted to take down the "Gopher"...?"

"Yes." Qi Xia nodded, "I already know roughly how to survive and win in this game, but at the last moment... I want to push the "Gopher" into a desperate situation, and this requires your help. help."

Luo Shiyi felt that his brain had stopped. From the time everyone listened to the rules to now, it took less than twenty minutes.

Since everyone has twenty minutes, why can this man named Qi Xia think so much?

"Luo Shiyi." Qi Xia called out and looked towards


The pomegranate in his hand, "Are you sure there is only one fruit in your room?"

"I'm sure." Luo Shi nodded, "When I went in, there was only one pomegranate on the plate."

After hearing this, Qi Xia turned to look at the remaining two people: "What about you? How many fruits are there in the room?"

"Four small oranges." Liu said, "These small oranges really make me anxious. I can obviously grab them with one hand, but I can only take three."

The bastard was silent for a while and then said: "You all saw my room. I also took three of the four dragon fruits."

After hearing this, Qi Xia looked at the three peaches in his hand and felt that this was bad news - the total amount of fruit was probably not enough for five people to survive.

As Qi Xia expected from the beginning, if the five people wanted to avoid being "starved to death" in six rounds, they would need at least twenty fruits.

But now there is only one fruit in one room.

Even if there are four in all other rooms, the total number is only seventeen, and at least two "rats" will starve to death.

But...could there be another situation?

"Tsk, that means the number of fruits in the room is not fixed..." Saturday thought for a while and then asked, "But there is another room we haven't gone to...could there be a possibility in that room..."

"Most likely not." Qi Xia shook his head, "According to your thinking, there must be at least seven fruits in the remaining rooms to barely reach the number we need for survival, but that is not reasonable."

Seeing Saturday's puzzled face, Qi Xia pointed to the small orange in her hand: "There are only four of these small fruits, which means that the size of the fruit will not affect the number of placed. "Four" should be fixed. ”

"Then why is there only one pomegranate in my room?" Luo Shiyi asked doubtfully, "Isn't it because the pomegranate is too big?"

"This answer can only be known after meeting Qiu Shiliu." Qi Xia said, "We need to seize the room in the next round."

"Tsk, what should we do?" Saturday said, "Shall we find a way to enter the third room that we haven't entered before, and then take away the four fruits inside?"

"No...that room will be the room that the "cat" will focus on guarding next." Qi Xia said, "Whether it is a 'mousetrap' or a 'search', there is always a countermeasure that will target the third room. After all, from " From the perspective of "rat", only that room has the most harvest, so we can only avoid it and cannot act rashly for the time being."


"The next two people went to "rescue", and the other two people continued to search in the rooms that had been searched." Qi Xia said.

"Two people to rescue?" Bastard was stunned for a moment, "We have now confirmed that Qiu Shiliu is in the "Cat House", why do we need two people to rescue?"

After hearing this, Qi Xia pondered for a few seconds: "I just have a guess, so I have to go to the "Cat House" to have a look in person. If this guess is successful, I can't do it by myself. There must be someone to cooperate with me."

After hearing this, everyone fell silent again.

"Then I'll go with you." Luo Shiyi said.

"Okay." Qi Xia nodded, turned to look at Saturday and Wang Ba, "The two of us are responsible for bringing Qiu Shiliu back, and you are responsible for continuing the "search." Remember, you can go to other rooms except room three. "

"Tsk, but we can only get two fruits at most this time." Saturday said, "Besides, once someone between me and the tortoise is caught, we can only bring back one and lose a teammate. What should we do then?”



r\u003e "You can't say that." Qi Xia said, "According to the rules... Unless both of you are caught this time, we can bring back at least two fruits."


"The rules say that people who "carry fruits" can not only carry their own fruits, but also carry the fruits "searched" by everyone else." Qi Xia paused and then said, "In other words, even if you are If you are caught or chased by a cat, you should be able to give the fruit in your hand to your teammates...other than that, I can't think of any situation where you can carry other people's fruit. "

Saturday and Luo Shishi nodded, and then looked at the fruits in their hands. Everyone got ten fruits in this round, which was enough to keep all the "rats" full in two rounds, but what about the next few rounds? manage?

There will be less and less food, and the situation of "rats" will become more and more dangerous.

"Should we consume the fruit now?" Luo Shiyi asked Qi Xia tentatively.

"No..." Qi Xia shook his head, "You and I only need to consume it, not others."

"What?" Luo Shiyi and Saturday were stunned, "Logically speaking, the satiety levels of the five of us have dropped. Do you only consume two fruits?"

"You have to understand one thing." Qi Xia said, "Even if it is a real mouse, the food it finds cannot be divided equally among its companions. If you want everyone to be full, you don't have to win this game. You can really The only ones who get a lot of food are the rats on the front line.”

"What about the others?" Luo Shiyi asked.

"Try to maintain a satiety level." Qi Xia said, "The gopher said that even if the satiety level drops to 0, he will not die. As long as it does not drop below 0, the collars around our necks will not explode. This The optimal solution to the game should be that everyone’s satiety level happens to be 0 at the moment we win.”

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